Edit History For User adelikat

Edits by adelikat

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2373 r7 11/19/2021 8:42:19 PM True remove junk
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1764 r8 11/19/2021 8:13:05 PM True remove dead suggested screenshot links
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2564 r15 11/19/2021 8:03:07 PM True remove old streaming links
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S763 r14 11/19/2021 7:52:47 PM True remove junk
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2954 r9 11/19/2021 7:50:08 PM True
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/BaldBull2Strats r6 11/19/2021 7:48:21 PM True remove useless videos of outdated strats
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/GreatTigerStrats r7 11/19/2021 7:44:51 PM False replace dailymotion links with youtube links
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/BaldBull1Strats r5 11/19/2021 7:36:31 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/DonFlamenco1Strats r7 11/19/2021 7:33:43 PM False update link, remove strat that isn't important for speedrunning or TASing
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/SodaStrats r12 11/19/2021 7:29:01 PM False update videos and remove some outdated TAS strats, they do not differ much
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/KingHippoStrats r7 11/19/2021 7:24:50 PM True replace dailymotion link with youtube link
GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout r42 11/19/2021 7:20:40 PM False replace dailymotion links with youtube links
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1896 r16 11/19/2021 6:50:43 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S964 r13 11/19/2021 6:49:43 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1791 r11 11/19/2021 6:48:30 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S360 r6 11/19/2021 6:47:11 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1104 r5 11/19/2021 6:46:23 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S353 r5 11/19/2021 6:45:41 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S401 r4 11/19/2021 6:44:48 PM True remove dailymotion link
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S80 r5 11/19/2021 6:43:30 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2839 r25 11/19/2021 6:41:55 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2438 r14 11/19/2021 6:40:59 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2922 r19 11/19/2021 6:40:06 PM True replace dailymotion link with published youtube video
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2832 r9 11/19/2021 6:38:13 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2864 r10 11/19/2021 6:35:14 PM True cleanup and remove dailymotion link
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