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Last Updated by alden on 7/24/2009 1:00 AM
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!!!In which are listed movies of yester-yore, each seeking to entertain in its own fashion.

This started out as a personal opinion piece, but I'm not the final word and I'd like to hear what you say.  Feel free to add to the list.

__This movie introduced a lot of people to TASing.  It was made before the days of Frame Advance, Memory Watch and other things we take for granted.  Despite that, it is only about ''30 seconds'' out of 11 minutes slower than the current publication.  For a full history of this game, see [SMB3TASHistory].__
__The movie that obsoletes this is half as long, but shows far fewer parts of the game:__
__The last published 16-star run.  There is a newer faster 16-star run, but it will not likely be published as 0-star is now the any%:__
__The main feature of this "ancient" Sonic the Hedgehog movie is someone ''actually playing Sonic the Hedgehog'':__
__Someone playing MegaRockMan well and exploiting a couple of cool glitches, as opposed to someone breaking it's physics entirely:__
__For Air "purists":__