Published on 5/2/2015
You control Varik, who fell down into the ruins when Alexis chased him down and accidentally blew a hole in the ground. Now it's up to you to get Varik back out, with no shortage of monsters along the way. You're not alone - There are many others who have also fallen, and are willing to sell items that may help you.
The game is in a top-down view, monsters move about in real time, and the game certainly has RPG elements in that you level up from defeating these monsters. You have three stats that increase separately from level, gaining strength by physically attacking, knowledge by hitting with attack spells, and magic endurance by being hit with magic. The controls are difficult to figure out, with one aspect being the same button that brings up your shield will also attack if you're standing in front of a monster, but once you figure it out, it's not that bad. To reach the end, you travel through over 40 zones, each bearing their various challenges with monsters or traps, and the occasional puzzle.

The movie file and downloadable encodes have subtitles with author's commentary.

Emulator Replay:
lsnes rr1-Δ18ε2

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