- Aims for fastest time of two players
- Genre:Shooter
- Emulator FBA-rr 005a
- Manipulate luck
- 2 players
- No death for most of people looking forward
- Hardest difficulty
Pressing down can cancel attack.This is widely used in Mission 6.
This is only able to use in X.
For encoders:
At first,sorry for hard works for encoders,because desync problem cannot avoid in FBA easyly.
There are some desyncs,many important savestates needed.
These are the savestates.
[dead Link removed]
Loading this can replay it syched,but recording AVI may take a lot of problems.
The serious desync is in Mission 4&5
So,Save Slot 7 and 4 are most important,if there are some problems in recording AVI,you may find a good savestate to get sync for recording avi.
Loading these savestates after changing the fbm file to "mslugx.fbm",fyi.
Good luck,hoping succeed in 1 time.
Summary:Compared with my Level-4 submission.
Setting the hardest mode 280 frames slower.
Getting fat cannot add power,only F has square attack that may get power up.
Mission 1
32 frames faster
Mission 2
200 more slower
Mission 3
200 more slower,Manipulate luck to get H and S,and change the tactics in the boss battle.
Mission 4
100 more faster,looking at the memory address,Hitting the boss faster.
Mission 5
No death,30 seconds slower.
Mission 6
22 seconds faster.In the last boss get bombs
The power
- Handgun:10
- Knife:30
- H:10
- L:20
- R:40
- C:40
- D:30
- G:120
- I:5-60 square attack
- S:200
- F:0-400 Getting fat can make power up.
- Bomb:100 The smoke can take damage too,but not suitable for all Metal Slug games.
- Stone:100 This can hit things together,but it has low range
- Fire:80 It can do double damage for the plain of MISSION 3,because it can hit airframe and wing together.
- Cannon:200
- Missile:100
- Armor's Shot:100
Boss Hp:
3.2500 5500 8000
4.8000 in total,all of the hit is effective.
6.1100 9500 9500
Special Thanks
MTVF1's lua script,that help me find the random memory address.
End this movie.Continue my work on mslug3.See you
Nach: Judging.
feos: YouTubed x2poet's encode. Someone make HD one.
Nach: This is the best Metal Slug X TAS I've seen yet. In fact, it's the best arcade TAS I've ever seen. The action and coordination with both players is unmatched by anything we've had till now. Accepting as improvement to existing run.