Published on 8/13/2024
Tonic Trouble is an adventure platformer that was developed and published by Ubisoft for the Nintendo 64 and Microsoft Windows. It was also ported for the Game Boy Color where it became a straight platformer. The premise of the game revolves around an alien called Ed, where he inadvertently causes the plot of the game by accidentally dropping a can of tonic on Earth. A viking finds it, takes a swig, and becomes a mad tyrant bent on taking over the world. Then a drop of the tonic falls into the river and turns the entire world into one of insanity. Ed must now go to Earth and fix an entire problem that he himself is responsible for.
Induviel here beats the crazy Grögh and cleans up the polluted entirety of the world in record time, forcing Ed to sacrifice himself a few times as penance and to save time.

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