Published on 1/24/2025
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight is an action role-playing game that was released for the Amiga and DOS computers. Set in fantasy medieval England, you are tasked by druids to find the Moonstone and bring it to Stonehenge. This may sound simple, but it is not as easy as it sounds, as monsters roam England and the Moonstone is said to be locked away in the Valley of the Gods, which can only be accessed with four special keys.
The gameplay is mainly focused on real-time action, which is initiated by visiting various locations. These locations are often filled with monsters that grant experience points and items when defeated. These experience points then can be used to upgrade the stats of your character.
Here, eien86 chooses 4 player mode and gets lucky with an RNG seed that allows him to find the Moonstone as quick as possible and deliver it without a scratch on his characters.

The author also has a video of the run with audio commentary provided by him.

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