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I assume that, when finished recording a section and making a savestate, just either close the program, or load the savestate many times to assure the input ends on that frame, and just playback the movie and it'll end on that frame. resume recording, I assume after reviewing, is tricky because soemtimes it creates a whole new input thing starting from the savestate which messes things up. My advice: whenever switching from reviewing playonly, to recording or vive versa, always reload the movie file and select read only to view after recording, or after reviewing reload the movie file with read only toggled off and resume recording. avoids all problems. Sorry if that didn't directly answer your question.
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I admit it is a bit confusing. So I would have to play the movie back in full every time I wanted to resume recording from my savestate? Another thing - on the highest level the computer gets 3 hours to think, so I think I should limit it to 15 minutes for each player.
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no, not play the whole movie in full every time, just reload the movie file and resume from the savastate. but always reload the movie file, because a few times I did something out of order and halfway in the middle of the level the input was restarted from scratch, leading to completely different input desired from the start. My advice prevents that, by always reloading the mivie file when you switch from reviewing to recording and vice versa.
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I can probably start this next week after thanksgiving, since my controller doesn't work with the emulator on my comp, but it works on my roommate's comp.
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that's weird, when I got my new gamepad it took me like 3 seconds to install and works beyond perfectly for Mupen... in input settings, assuming you installed the controller to your comp it should be listed along with all other available input plugin's like N-rage, etc.
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My comp didn't recognize the hardware from the adapter at all. Which is weird since my comp is pretty modern.
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yeah strange, USB controllers are supposed to be compatible with practically everything...
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laughing_gas wrote:
I can probably start this next week after thanksgiving, since my controller doesn't work with the emulator on my comp, but it works on my roommate's comp.
You'll probably want to switch to using a keyboard to do it or at least the tas input plugin anyway. The analog stick is not really that accurate and you'll find frame advance plus holding down keys is more precise or even easier.
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I tested it out a little and it turns out the keyboard is way too sensitive. Basically when I push "right" and use the frame advance button, when my cursor gets to the piece I want I hit "A" to select it, but on the next frame my cursor keeps moving to the right. Also, (this is assuming I'm already in frame advance mode) when I want to stop recording do I use the command for stop recording and then make a savestate, or do I make the savestate first and then use the command for stop recording? I made a savestate but forgot to stop recording, I think that's why it glitched up when I reloaded the savestate.
Borg Collective wrote:
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There's an interrupt delay on n64 so you must actually 'predict the future' with inputs.. takes a lot of rerecording just to figure out where you'll be after 2 frames. I usually let the movie file go a bit then make a savestate in a not so complicated spot like where the input is just ^99. The reason i let it go ahead so far is to avoid losing a input right at the end that seems to cause desyncs because the savestate does not archive it.
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Does making the savestate automatically stop the recording? When I make a savestate, do I use "save state" or "save as"? I'm still reading the faq at this point.
Borg Collective wrote:
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Just choose stop movie recording or close the program. Use shift+F1-9 to save a state, F1-9 to load.
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F9 also works? huh didn't know that.
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Evangelion. The game itself probably wouldn't be accepted, but I'd vote yes, if only because it's incredibly hard to begin with... but I don't think the community at large would like it.
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My wishlist (probably full of games that have already been mentioned) Mario Kart 64 Pokemon Stadium Diddy Kong Racing Banjo-Kazooie Donkey Kong 64 Pokemon Puzzle League (3D mode should be interesting) Snowboard Kids Mario Golf (Speed Golf mode) San Francisco Rush
Signature under contruction, still.
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I just did some testing of a few games: Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. and Star soldier are both very good. Armorines is very similar to Goldeneye playstyle (same strafing shooter type) and Star soldier is very Gradius esque, when I got some power ups it got quite explosive and fast paced. My aim is to systematically test some if not most N64 ROMs and see which would make good candidates for TASing. While I did that before, I'm trying to keep a more open mind now to really see if I can find good candidates. I might consider Sin and Punishment or Jet Force Gemini. Those two are appealing to me.
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Someone should take a look at Resident Evil 2; I imagine it would desync like hell, but it could be a great run. And on that note, what would the site's policy be on publishing movies of games with mature ratings?
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Mukki wrote:
Someone should take a look at Resident Evil 2; I imagine it would desync like hell, but it could be a great run. And on that note, what would the site's policy be on publishing movies of games with mature ratings?
A Resident Evll TAS would be awesome
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Mukki wrote:
And on that note, what would the site's policy be on publishing movies of games with mature ratings?
Shadow Man! hehe. I'm not sure, since no Mature games have been consdiered yet.
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Mukki wrote:
Someone should take a look at Resident Evil 2; I imagine it would desync like hell, but it could be a great run. And on that note, what would the site's policy be on publishing movies of games with mature ratings?
They accept Mortal Kombat runs so I'm guessing they don't care. =) I would like to do Resident Evil 2 run.. but the more I think about it, the more I think it would be a bad game to TAS.
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Is it fast? does the game have good reflexes/action? is it a long game? is it entertaining/ would people watch it? if so, go for it. what do you think of me doing Jetforce Gemini?
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I'd say go for it. Just make a WIP of any N64 game you can.
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The strafe running style is going to be new to me, and it is going to be a long run... but if my ideas work out, it's gonna be awesome. I just need a few questions answered and a master at the game to offer input.
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Resident Evil 2 runs at 120FPS on my comp X___X
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is that bad? I noticed that JFG runs at very weird speeds for me.... during gameplay it varies between 40 FPS and 60 FPS, and during some intro screens it goes past 100FPS, and fast fowarding can bring it up to 200+ FPS. It still runs really well though.
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