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When I first did this two days ago I did double sidejump but I redid from there yesterday using a spin instead becuase spins are faster. What annoys me is that there is a small pause between the sidejump and the spin and i can't tell if it's my fault or not. If i remember rightly it takes three sidejumps to reach the text anyway so the diference in time shouldn't be huge. As for the withered deku tree I dropped down to the ground with frame perfection on the very frame that would enable me to spin when I hit the ground without using 'check' on the tree.
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Could you provide the .m64 please, I'll be able to do comaprisons as to what is faster in the pre-clock town section.
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Location: United Kingdom It finishes on the same frame as yours for comparison. Is it worth progressing further now? Or will I wait for AKA to look for more improvements?
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AKA wrote:
I just re-checked my movie and the last Tatl check box disappears on frame 33347, so Mukki's either been very generous to me or both of us.
I didn't quite get what he means here. From the sounds of it he still has 2 frames over me...but then where does the genorosity come into it... I thought I was faster but now i'm confused. Can someone clarify so I can either move on or redo as necessary? I've got time but i can't use it until I know where i'm going. Reply quick please cause i've been unable to do anything today...
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I think you're still faster than him. Not optimal, maybe, but still faster. I would say go ahead, but not too far in case I'm wrong. I mean, the first cycle is really short and simple either way, so it's not like you'll lose that much time if you have to redo it.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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AKA: 33347 Mukki: 33260 Improvement: 87 frames, or 1.45 seconds. By all means continue. I don't have any syncing problems with this either :D
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Excellent. Thanks bkDJ. I'll try and get to the stockpot inn tomorrow (try and hit the desyncs) and see how it goes from there. I'll investigate comicalflop's strategy of using read-only save states for the desyncing areas and see how well that works here.
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1.45 isn't corerct because the game runs at 20 fps so you'll have to treble the difference. EDIT: Providing yours syncs fine on my emulator, I'll compare certain key area to see whats faster namely, the tunnel, old tree and spiral staircase at the end.
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uh, the game may only show you 20 new frames every second, but it definitely outputs 60. pretend I said V/I or whatever. it is 1.45seconds :P
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Mukki wrote:
I'll investigate comicalflop's strategy of using read-only save states for the desyncing areas and see how well that works here.
I'm actually not sure if this is correct, as I figured out my Starcraft test run desynched because I was reviweing from the beginning of the level. when I got halfway through, I ran the thing from the reset and it desynched, so this might be incorrect, I'll have to investigate more. But definetly review it often, especially since you've reached the "desynch" area. Desynch area makes me think... maybe it is certain areas that desynch, my rayman 2 run desynched at one laggy part frequently and Guanobowl had his run desycnh a lot when doing the ganon tower glitch. I think you might have something karma-ish going on with your computer/emulator since you've played Gex with very little desynchs and so far MM with little trouble.. but we'll see, report what happens.
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I've watched it and it ran smoothly all the way, I did some comparisions (note: I'm refering to input frames, so times them by three to figure out the number of frames) Spining after the tunnel is one frame faster. In the old tree section is doesn't make a difference if you drop early and backwalk as opposed to fly a little longer and spiining, The stairs were climbed 10 frames quicker. This does not refer to reaching the door only to getting a colision boost off the railing.
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I've gone a bit further. I've started the long story with Grandma. I've watched my progress from a read-only save state at first entry to East Clock Town and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. I really expected a desync in getting from the second floor to Grandma's room but I avoided one which is good. Still waiting... In other news I found a way to skip text quicker, I don't know if it is old news though. In fact I've been using this trick for years but just forgot about it. If you press A when the text first appears on the screen all text for the box suddenly appears. With frame advance this can be done on the earliest possible frame, then skip 2 frames and press A again meaning that the box will be on screen for only a split second. I'm confident that this is the fastest method, but would it be worth starting over to fully incorporate this. Also, someone should check this with OoT.
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I would also review the enitre thing, just to be absolutely sure. interesting text skip technique
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The easyist way to scroll through text is to press and hold B on the optimal frame and then hit A on the optimal frame to remove the text, thats what I did for the grandma text.
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wait.... thats a trick??
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Yes, i was going to redo anyway. What i've done so far is good, but i feel as if I can squeeze just a little bit more out of it. This run has to be the very best it can be.
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I thought it depended on the kind of text. Some text moves slowly no matter what, and other text can scroll very quickly when B or A are pressed.
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I wouldn't restart over, becuase its only certain text, which is why all speedrunner continously hit B incase of scrolling text.
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Yeah I rememebred watching the SDA run and some texts are skippable, some aren't.
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You are correct. Some dialogues can be fast-forwarded, while others cannot. The story is one that can be sped through...
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I decided to keep going. I've finished the stock pot inn and am back in east clock town on the final day. In bigger, much greater news, i've watched the entire movie back so far and have yet to experience one desync :)
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congrats. I wonder why? But meh not going to mess around with Karma, so good luck and post AVIs on Youtube when you can (I can't make Mupen to have MM to work with me). I did manage to convince my family to let me bring MM with me to college, so I can definetly do some testing there. Assuming I get good enough with the game in real time to actually get to farther parts in the game lol.
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comicalflop wrote:
post AVIs on Youtube when you can
Or post m64s and I'll make mkv's assuming they stay in sync :D
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I don't think it's a good idea to post AVIs on Youtube. Just because people don't read the descriptions and get the wrong picture about TASing. But that's just my opinion.
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I agree. However, it does keep everything very simple. Keep in mind that a 10 minute AVI WIP of MM has a massive file size. With youtube all that needs to be done is click on a link, otherwise it's a lengthy download...