Well I'd like to use the PS version becuase that's what I've played on most, and I think it's the best, but there's no good emulators for PS as far as I know, so N64 will have to do. Speaking of which, what N64 emu and plugins would be best for this?
I don't think the strength of this game lies in its potential for speedruns but in the entertainment, creativeness, and showmanship of its combos. Check this site out to see what's already been done on a real PS.
All the videos done by Blake are mine.
Going beyond the human limit like for many games would allow totally new things to be done which were once impossible and only theory. There's lots of a theoritical, humanly impossible combos which I would love see if they actually are possible or not. For many combos things I'm pretty sure it would possible with frame by frame control such as the balance being the only problem. I want to see if there's a point where you simply cannot balance anymore and you bail between frames. I suspect there is a point where frame by frame precession isn't enough, but the more intresting question is what can be done before reaching that point.