Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance TAS by JXQ

This run satisfies the following criteria:
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Manipulates luck
  • Uses a restart sequence
  • Takes no damage
  • Best Ending
  • Emulator Used: VBA 1.7.2 rerecording 19.3
  • Suggested Screenshot
About the game:
In this installment of Castlevania, Juste Belmont, Simon's grandson, has to do the usual vampire hunting. Despite looking nothing like his grandfather (or, a man at all), he still wields a whip <strike>with the best of them</strike>. At least he's got his "androgynous good looks and silvery long hair". (Quoted from Kaz)
Come follow on the adventure through a castle that contains no less than eighty clashing colors in each room! Be amazed as Juste shakes his fist as the Grim Reaper escapes! Question his motives when he takes time out of his rescue mission to decorate the basement he will soon destroy! Enjoy the comic relief of Maxim, the hobbling amnesia victim with a hearty laugh! Feel the pain as Juste struggles to understand that there actually are two castles!! (Ouch my brain!)
About the run:
I first saw a partly finished run of this game by Hornqvist, and realized that this game had a lot of potential for a TAS. The way the main character moves is just asking to be ridiculously optimized. Kaz then took on the project, doing extensive route and weapons research, and he made good progress, notably improving on the previous run in technique and extensive luck manipulation to get lots of critical hits. His effort unfortunately stalled once he discovered the "whip launch" glitch by accident, which could be used at many places beforehand.
This run achieves the best ending, which collects all of dracula's remains and Maxim's bracelet.
This run takes advantage of a warping glitch that is seen sometimes when entering a new section of the map (through a swinging door). By dashing backwards after entering a new area, you can enter the doorway in the same way that you enter a normal passageway, instead of via the door animation. What's interesting is that this can sometimes take you to a different place than the door intends. The route used skips three bosses that are normally required, and three more become faster to skip than to fight.
When entering the new area for the first time (so the text appears with the name of the area), the warping glitch will not work. Due to this property, some areas are left as soon as they are entered, only to reenter and then perform a warp glitch.
Near the beginning of the run, I spent about 8 seconds taking a detour to grab the Soul Orb. This relic will display the amount of damage that is done to an enemy each time they are hit. It is technically unneeded because enemy HP can be monitored in the memory viewer. However, attacks can be manipulated to a degree to achieve critical hits, which cause twice the damage. The degree that they are manipulated is entertaining during fights against stronger enemies and bosses, and it gives a greater sense of control over the game when you can actually see the word "Critcal!!" at such a rapid rate.
Several times in this run, the game will pause and seem to start over briefly. This is actually a quicksave, followed by a soft reset, done usually after getting an item that is a bit out of the way in order to warp back to the last save point. This avoids unnecessary backtracking.
A large enemy near the middle of the run (holding a big stick with a skeleton on it) is not killed immediately because he needs to be manipulated into dropping the floating boots, which allow for several shortcuts shortly afterwards.
There are improvements to be found here and there - more toward the beginning than the end. Examples include a few spots I didn't use the downward kick where I could have, and a couple places that a whip launch would be faster than the existing method. Plus, with all the variables involved in critical hits, I'm sure that better "boss routes" could be found if enough time was spent searching for them.
Final game time is 25:42 with 78.3% exploration.
Forms of Travel:
With so many forms of travel, it can be confusing why I use what when I use it, so here are some general properties of Juste's various methods of transport.
  • Dashing
The most basic technique, this can be done from the very start in either direction (meaning, you don't have to be facing the direction you want to dash). Moves 3 pixels/frame for 12 frames, then gets slower. Dashing keeps the same horizontal speed on inclines, and it can be canceled at any time by ducking for a frame, which allows for precise timing of whips and jumps without having to sacrifice dash speed.
  • Sliding
This can be done after getting the Lizard Tail, which is in the fourth room of this run. Sliding moves at 4 pixels/frame, but has pauses between slides, bringing the average to about 3.25 pixels/frame. Sliding (usually) goes slower on inclines, and it can't be canceled either.
  • Jumping
Castlevania has long been known for it's uncontrollable, or "realistic", jumps - especially in the NES days. At the beginning of the game, Juste has the jumping skills of an elephant filled with helium. Platforms are often overjumped because after jumping for 11 frames, you can't stop the ascent. This makes the beginning of the run look sloppy, something that can't be helped.
  • Double jumping
After the first boss, Juste grabs Sylph's feather, and things go from lame to pwnsnake. Each jump still follows the 11-frame rule, but starting a new jump in mid-air can be given just the height needed without over-shooting. Climbing goes from watching a retarded kid play hopscotch to riding in a nice smooth elevator.
  • Diving kick
Juste also can do a diving kick once Sylph's Feather is obtained, making downward travel about twice as fast and approximately one hundred and seven times cooler. This dive can also go diagonally, which is faster than dashing down a slope, and can bounce off of enemies, causing damage. Often this is used as a method to pass through enemies while they are taking damage.
  • Whip Launch
The diving kick opens up a whole new bag of worms. When dive-kicking an enemy or object, whipping (or using a sub-weapon) immediately afterwards will send Juste flying backwards with rapidly increasing velocity. This is the fastest form of travel as long as the environment allows it. A form of Whip Launching can also be done without the double jump, by sliding backwards off of a ledge and using the whip or sub-weapon.
  • Super Jump
A very fast and high reaching vault which is the fastest way to move upward if the space is large enough. If the jump hits a ceiling, Juste will pause on the ceiling for a moment, and this is usually enough of a delay to make regular jumping a faster alternative for short climbs.
Thanks to...
I owe many many thanks to Kaz, who not only did all the hard stuff, including finding the optimal route, weapon combinations, and glitch discovering, but also for watching my progress closely and making sure I was doing stuff right, and offering lots of encouragement.
Also thanks go to OgreSlayeR for his important discoveries - most notably, skipping the ice fist, and whip launching off a corner - and similarly watching my progress and looking for improvements. Thanks to pirate_sephiroth and Zurreco as well for checking my progress for improvements.
Friend 1: I just castlevania-jumped into the (bleep)ing water SON OF A (bitch)
Friend 2: What a horrible night to have a curse.

JXQ: Apparently I submitted this two years ago? What the hell?
JXQ: Editing seven thousand times because some formatting looks good on the original page and some looks good on the forum, but not much seems to work for both.

Truncated: Accepted for "kickassness".

Emulator Coder
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JXQ wrote:
Nach wrote:
And lets face it, there were no 2400" televisions anywhere to be found, and you didn't kill Ridley in this game.
There are cooler bosses out there than Ridley :P
Be that as it may, you didn't kill Bowser either, you didn't juggle that body armor with the high jump boots and block<->coin reversal device. You didn't play with a female either. Heck, your character didn't even look human. All in all, you lose a lot of points in my book.
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Nach wrote:
And lets face it, there were no 2400" televisions anywhere to be found
For the record, JXQ saved time by not picking up the mounted deer head, or the fancy golden candelabra. Not picking up the 2400" TV sets was for the same reason; time. Though I will admit that I expected Juste to spindash or something.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Where's the moon?! Rrrrraaaawwwwrrrr!
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Though I don't normally push the idea of a star/moon/golden toenail/juggle trophy on my own movies, I do think that this game's TAS displays many things that are excellent for someone new to TASing see - a variety of fast movements, massive critical hit manipulation, and major sequence breaking. I'd encourage Bisqwit to take a look at it sometime and see what he thinks of it. The question probably comes down to if it's better for a newcomer to watch than Circle of the Moon, and that's tough to say, it's very close. Could always star both of them ;)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Emulator Coder
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As good as this run may be in terms of the game, I think it's too repetitive, unknown, and long compared to some other first time material.
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Experienced player (763)
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This TAS reminds me a lot of Super Metroid's. They seem very similar to me: fast movement, continually improving as more abilities are acquired, through a vast world as quickly as possible, killing only those things which impede progress. Given these similarities, I'm actually surprised you dislike it so much, Nach. However, game familiarity does play a role in entertainment factor. Hopefully it's familiar to others :)
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Emulator Coder
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I simply loved Super Metroid that 100% is easily in my top 5 on the site. I've played this game a bit, and it doesn't give me any of the fun feeling of Super Metroid. No map to know where I'm going, no idea where I've been, I really just find myself walking over the same boring areas over and over again. The music doesn't feel up to par as the NES or SNES games, as you said the colors aren't that great. The whole level up thing just doesn't seem to fit the game at all. In Super Metroid, if I knew Ridley well, I can beat him without having all sorts of upgrades, in these games, I have to sit whacking at a boss for 20 minutes because I didn't level up enough. Hey it works for true turn based RPGs, but in an action/platform game it just clutters up the play control and is annoying. I also felt that some of the new incarnations of the bosses just aren't as fun as previous versions. Personally I think the whole series went right down the drain starting with Dracula X (although Dracula X itself has many redeemable features).
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Nach wrote:
No map to know where I'm going, no idea where I've been, I really just find myself walking over the same boring areas over and over again.
Press select.
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Abaddon: There is only one person who has the whole movie (the person who encoded it), and his upload speed is not big. Once he has uploaded a full copy to anyone, download speed will increase dramatically. So be patient and it will solve itself. EDIT: If you want smaller files / faster download, try the VBM-movie with the emulator and ROM, together they should be a few megabytes at most.
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Man, I hate to do this, I really really HATE to be on topic, but I liked the run.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Emulator Coder
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I liked the beginning of the run, but towards the end, the same areas over and over again bored me.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: What Castlevania has become
Joined: 3/28/2005
Posts: 216
Before I veer onto a tangent, I'm really looking forward to viewing this run. I've played this game in and out and after reading the submission and some of the comments it sounds like the game has been thoroughly abused, but in an amusing way. As for the backtracking and repetitive elements, that's what Castlevania has become. I really think where Castlevania breaks the balance and beauty of the Metroid system is all the drops and the leveling. When you actually play the game you can level like mad and overpower almost anything, not to mention the optimal (read overpowered) weapon choices. I have all 3 GBA Castlevanias and, while I love them, I really wish Konami had taken some hints about balance. A few more cues from Metroid wouldn't have hurt the series. They should restrict the drops a little so that none of the weapons are as overpowered and remove character levels in favor of generic enhancers, so as you go through the game the power levels can be balanced a little more. I suppose that requires better level design, then, eh?
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Really, regardless of what you think of CotM it came closest. Yes, it isn't that hard, but I actually died some in that game. That game proved you could have a leveling system in a action game, and still have it at least semi difficult. This arguement is moot if you blatantly abuse the level system though. You'd have to really try hard to though. I do think you don't need a leveling system to make a great game. Look at Metroid. I'd prefer they go back to making stage by stage games with multiple routes like Rondo though. They also should have one spirit helper you can take with you like CV3. Edit: I should also mention this only applies to CotM if you don't use glitches or play on easier a mode.
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Kaz wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Overall, the run was good but there's a couple things I need to question on later. I just can't remember them off the top of my head.
What are your questions, young grasshopper?
Now that the video is out, I looked again. The spot I was wondering about was about 12 minutes in. However somehow he SWITCHED CASTLES WHEN I WASN'T LOOKING. You suck JXQ! Quit deceiving my poor old eyes.
I do think you don't need a leveling system to make a great game...They also should have one spirit helper you can take with you like CV3.
The above = Castlevania: Portait of Ruin on Hard Lv 1. Good luck with that one kiddies.
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Lacking a way to get GBA ROMs I finally watched the AVI, I didn't know what to expect. wow was it fast, all of the actions are way faster paced than CotM. That was a great watch.
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Hmmm, was looking at the movie description for this run, and something struck me as weird:
Movie Description wrote:
Be amazed as Juste Belmont, Simon's grandson, has to do the usual vampire hunting; despite looking nothing like his grandfather (or, a man at all).
Sounds broken, and the semi-colon is used inappropriately. Maybe some editor can take note of this and make the necessary changes
Truncated wrote:
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You're right. Not only the semicolon shouldn't be there, there should be no puncuation at all. But then again, we shouldn't be the grammar police here.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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I already fixed it, and I removed the comma after the parenthetical "or" as well.
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I dunno, Symphony of the Night had great balance. I think Konami just wanted to target a younger generation by making the character more overpowered. Besides, to some gamers (myself included), the potential for overpowered is fun.