World Record: Super Demo World 15 Exit by Martin Zaforullah
Emulator Settings:
- Emulator Used: SNES9x 1.43 +v9
- Use WIP1 Timing – on
- Allow Left+Right/Up+Down – on
- Volume Envelope Height Reading – on
- Fake Mute desync Workaround – off
- Sync samples with sound CPU – off
Suggested Screenshots:
New Improvements / Tricks Discovered:
In Misty Isle 1, there was an improvement called the sliding trick. This was originally discovered by jimsfriend. To do this you must first do a bit of 6/5 and trial / error to try to find the right speed to land on the slope on. To see if you did it correctly or not, if the highest speed is 46, then you have to try again, if it is 47 then its the highest speed possible while sliding. Another improvement is the fly through doors trick. This was used in Castle 1 where i dived into door and started flight while getting key. You can also see me using this in Sky Star World when I released flight and regained it, and in Bowser Star World. Another trick that was used in Backdoor Star World that hopefully saved 1 frame, is that pressing <-- and B every other frame slows you down much faster then just pressing X.
Level Details:
Misty Isle 1
The sliding trick was a large improvement in this level.
Gained 22 frames for using the sliding trick.
Misty Isle 2
Getting running speed, using 6/5 and bouncing off the shell saved many frames in this level.
- Getting running speed faster
- 6/5
- Different way of bouncing off shell
Saved 4 frames from bouncing off the shell differently.
Gained 6 frames for running faster.
Gained 13 frames for using the method of 6/5.
Misty Isle 3
There was no improvements in this level.
Misty Isle 4
For using 6/5 a bit of the time in the beginning, I managed to save 2 frames.
- Getting koopa quicker with 37 speed
- Using 6/5 a little in beginning
Gained 2 frames.
#1 Misty Castle
6/5 and keeping flight through doors trick helped me alot of in level.
- Using 6/5
- Using the flying through doors trick
6 frames gained for using method of 6/5.
4 frames gained for using flying through doors trick.
Misty Star World
There was only one little improvement where I hit the goal post with 51 speed, and got to save a frame.
Gained 1 frame.
Desert Star World
There was only one improvement where that I can keep 49 speed while flying up, then press --> at the very last frames of getting flight.
Gained 5 frames for flying with 49 then switching to 51 quick.
Water Star World
Nothing here except the same boringness like most water levels.
Crystal Star World
I actually got to save couple of frames of lag here. And since keeping 51 speed isn't possible while jumping on the rocks, I had to sacrifice a frame.
- Saved frames from lag during level
Gained 7 frames.
Sky Star World
A trick used here was the keeping flight glitch, I used it to go up higher without losing any speed. Overall, there was no improvements in this level.
Ice Star World
Another place where large improvements were made. I managed to save 22 frames from the massive lag in this level.
Gained 22 frames for controlling lag.
Pipe Star World
Nothing new except keeping 37 speed when I'm not running, and key jumping to save frames.
- Keeping 37 speed
- Key jumping to save frames while jumping through invisible blocks
Gained 16 frames total from keeping 37 speed.
Gained 2 frames for keyjumping above the invisible coin blocks.
This level was difficult because there is randomness lag everywhere during playing. I didn't improve anything in this level.
Backdoor Star World
No improvements here
Bowser Doors
This level has a huge improvement. I got to save 51 frames for not turning around in the beginning because the fireball did not come.
- Didn't turn around for flight
Gained 51 frames for not turning around for flight.
Thanks to everyone who helped finish this run
- jimsfriend for helping me, giving me ideas for improvements, and never let me down. Thank you very much!
- Fabian for checking my work and spotting the huge improvement in Back Door Star World.
- JXQ for giving me idea's, checking my work and helping me hex edit for some levels.
- And everyone in the Super Mario World Thread! Thanks everyone for making this run possible.
adelikat: Accepting as improvement to the published run.
Bisqwit: Submission replaced with a file the author provided (apparently shorter).
Also, edited the submission text: Replaced the inconsistent, complex, extravagant markup with simpler and more consistent one.