Star Fox for the SNES is the first game of the series. It introduces the four expert pilots and their Arwings, incredibly built ships which are far superior to just about all enemies and can perform maneuvers such as the infamous "barrel roll". On a console, it can be rather difficult to control the Arwing and very easy to run into obstacles. Obviously a TAS is called for in order to truly show off the skill of Fox McCloud. However, there is a problem with the emulation of this game, namely that it runs too fast compared to the audio. This can be seen especially in the beginning "Emergency!" scene, in the boss fights, and in the ending credits. The good thing is that this discrepancy doesn't affect gameplay and can be mostly ignored.
  • Snes9X v1.43+ v9
  • Use WIP1 Timing
  • 100% kills, maximum score, hardest level
  • I had to take a hit in order to get twin blasters. It is unfortunate, but I couldn't find a way to make the door close at a different time while still boosting continuously.
  • This level has an unbelievably high number of nova bombs compared to the others. I wish they would have spread them out, because in the later stages I often have none.
Asteroid Belt
  • Noticeably less obstacles to dodge than Corneria, so less entertaining maneuvers. I still barely avoid asteroids a lot, though.
  • HOLY CRAP, IT'S A HUGE BIRD!! Yes, shooting that particular large asteroid results in it laying an egg, which hatches into a bird, which, if I had touched it, would have taken me Out Of This Dimension.
  • The Blade Barrier can't be defeated in 2 rounds on a console without nova bombs. Even though I was shooting as fast as inhumanly possible, I was still barely able to destroy all three appendages each round before the blade started spinning.
  • The water part with the dragons was annoying to say the least. Where each head will pop up is highly dependent on Arwing movement, so if I moved towards one to shoot it, it might decide to appear somewhere else. I also ran into a large number of desyncs while recording; fortunately it plays back fine now.
  • This is, IMO, the best boss fight in the game. The Monarch Dodora didn't know what hit it. Literally, it didn't get a chance to turn around before dying.
Sector Z
  • Another space stage. But in a surprising twist, this one has an enormous amount of transparent blocks to dodge, resulting in entertainment and lag to the extreme.
  • I started off this stage with no nova bombs, and the one I get I decided to save for the Great Commander.
  • Okay, Andross somehow thought it would be a good idea to transform the planet right next to Venom into a giant bomb. WTF? Isn't this guy supposed to be a genius? Oh well, at least it doesn't explode on me. ;)
  • Fox is dizzy...
Venom (Atmosphere)
  • NO obstacles. I repeat, absolutely none. Wow. So what entertaining things can I do, hmm... I know, sped-up-twist-to-the-music!
  • The Great Commander fight is usually quite difficult, but 2 nova bombs as well as 2 other shots puts him in his place quickly. As he retreats, Fox watches in confusion.
Venom (Ground)
  • Oh, the lag, the lag! Seriously, there were 10 or so desyncs on this stage just from the lag at the beginning. It plays back fine now, but wow that was a pain in the proverbial enormous divine ass. (A "holy crap", if you will.)
  • There are a couple of flying enemies that are out of reach of my blasters, so I can't kill them. It might look a little sloppy, but unfortunately it's unavoidable.
  • The Great Commander returns, and this time he tries to molest me! But I turn the tables on him with my sexual harassment training! First, I shoot him in the crotch until his lower body explodes. Then, as he frantically waves his arms around in pain, I blow his head to smithereens. That's right kids, Star Fox knows what to do when someone threatens you!
  • As the head is forming, I shoot the locations where the blocks go in order. This serves no purpose other than pure awesomeness.
  • I couldn't defeat both eyes before the sucking began. It might be possible if the blocks weren't flying towards the Arwing and interfering with shooting, but even then probably not. Those eyes take a whole lot of hits.
  • No demon form! Hooray!

Truncated: This is popular enough to warrant a publication.
If what nitsuja is saying is true, there should be some mention that the speed of the game is emulated incorrectly in the AVI or description, or both.
DeHackEd: Claim for encoding.

Joined: 2/25/2006
Posts: 193
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Nope, I called commentary the author's notes. Sorry.
Joined: 12/29/2006
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19:47.37 is "19 hun 47 byo 37"(19分47秒37)?
DiffCalc .NET Frameworks 3.5 required.
Joined: 6/10/2006
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Regarding any future runs on this game, could a run using another route be released alongside the current published one?
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I don't think there should be all 7. Doing something like Contra Hard Corps wouldn't exactly work either, since Star Fox's secret ending doesn't have an "end". I think for TASing there should be 3 runs at of each level in full. No warpless and no OOTD.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Not that it matters now, but I think the MoviePic for this run should be Frame 12650: (Larger Image) He blows up a rock, and there's a face inside!
That's what she said!
Active player (334)
Joined: 11/25/2004
Posts: 75
captainobvious wrote:
He blows up a rock, and there's a face inside!
Haha, that's pretty cool. I didn't notice that while making the run. :) I like the current movie picture, but I also enjoy this one (frame 27819): Also, in case anyone is wondering, I am working on a level 2 run; hopefully I'll make good progress during spring break without other crap to worry about. I agree that there shouldn't be 7 runs of this game, that's just way too many. However, a run for each level to show off the entire game is a good idea. Or replacing the level 1 run with a level-1-with-warps to get the lowest possible time might be nice too (<10min anyone?). But anyway, I'll post a wip in the snes forum thread once I complete Corneria. Just to let you guys know I'm not dead.
Currently working on: SNES Star Fox, Level 3 (100%, published) SNES Star Fox, Level 2 (33%, after Sector X) SNES Star Fox 2, Expert mode (100%, published)
Joined: 7/1/2005
Posts: 56
Location: Central Pennsylvania, USA
I can definitely see a Level 2 run, but I'm not so sure about Level 1. Level 2 would be more of this same thing; I expect it will be just as good as the Level 3 run but still different enough. Level 1 I just don't think will be interesting enough. A lot of the levels are basically the same--Corneria(1) is basically the same as on Level 2, Asteroid(1)=Asteroid(3), SpaceArmada is like a toned-down SectorZ, VenomAtmosphere(1)=VA(3), VenomGround(1)=VG(3), Andross... besides the fact that Level 1=EasyMode. If you really want to complete the set, I guess you can do it--obliterating the bosses would be fun. A BlackHole run would not work well because it either cuts into the Level 2 or 3 runs, or it cuts out part of the Level 1 run. (Though maybe a short Level 1 would be less boring? Nah, I'd like to see every stage instead.) I don't like the idea of doing a "Secret Ending" run either. The level itself is long, empty, and the only enemies are paper airplanes. And really, the ending is there to entertain the player--it's more fun for ME to shoot the staff credits than to watch YOU shoot the staff credits. That, and it never ends.
That's what she said!
Joined: 5/1/2007
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Wow! You must be a die hard Star Fox fan aren't you? I mean, I call this Perfectly 100%, man!
I like Doraemon
Joined: 12/13/2006
Posts: 3
I love how you defeated the third boss. Kinda surprised me too, as I was expecting a battle few seconds longer than that... :P