It made sense, yes.
Is this 0-9 going variable, by any chance, $6D ? (i.e. $7E016D)
I thought it iterates through every object at every frame instead of one object per frame.
I have analyzed the event code quite a bit, when I wrote a compiler+decompiler for it in
Chronotools, but I never knew this.
EDIT: This is the code of this event. Doubt it's useful for anyone, but it's here.
[OBJECT:E][FUNCTION:0] ;"hold your horses" event object
[ObjectAnimation:00 [mode:1]]
[IfB:7E0055 & 08] ; probably some bitmask of events?
[IfB:7F0218 < 04] ; probably Y coordinate for Crono?
[IfB:7F0216 > 17] ; probably X coordinate for Crono?
[IfB:7F0216 < 1A]
[ObjectLetB:{ObjectDrawingMode}:01 [for:09]]
[Execute:6 [priority:3] [for:03] [wait:return]] ; invokes function 6 for Marle
[Execute:7 [priority:3] [for:01] [wait:return]] ; invokes function 7 for Crono
[Execute:8 [priority:4] [for:01] [wait:return]] ; etc
[Execute:7 [priority:4] [for:03] [wait:return]]
[Execute:8 [priority:5] [for:03] [wait:return]]
[IfB:7F023C > 00]
[IfB:7F0218 > 06] ;tests whether Crono moves down
[Execute:4 [priority:3] [for:0D] [wait:return]] ;activates function 4 for the monitor object
[IncB:7F023E] ;increase counter
[IfB:7F023E > 60] ; if counted sufficiently long enough
[AndB:7E0055:F7] ;disable this event, prevent it from occurring again
[DialogDisplay:$GhM4 [pos:bottom]] ;"Hi, I'd like these."
[Execute:A [priority:0] [for:03] [wait:return]]
[ObjectLetB:{ObjectDrawingMode}:00 [for:09]]
[DialogDisplay:$GhM6 [pos:auto]] ; "Thanks for waiting."
[Yield [forever]]
[OBJECT:3][FUNCTION:6] ;Marle's functions related to this event
[DialogDisplay:$GhLy [pos:auto]] ;"Hold your horses"
[ObjectMoveTowards:19:07 [facing:change]]
[ObjectMoveTowards:1B:06 [facing:change]]
[ObjectAnimation:01 [mode:1]]
[ObjectAnimation:1A:08 [mode:2]]
[OBJECT:1][FUNCTION:7] ;Crono's functions related to this event
[ObjectMoveTowards:1A:07 [facing:change]]
[ObjectMoveTowards:1C:06 [facing:change]]
[OBJECT:D][FUNCTION:4:5:6:7:8:9:A:B:C:D:E:F] ;some kind of monitor object for the event
[Execute:9 [priority:3] [for:01] [wait:call]] ;execute functions for Marle and Crono
[Execute:9 [priority:3] [for:03] [wait:return]] ; changes their poses
[IfObjectB:{Result} == 01]
[DialogDisplay:$GhM0 [pos:auto]] ;"wait some more"
[LetB:7F023C:02] ;increase counter
[ElseIfObjectB:{Result} == 02]
[DialogDisplay:$GhM2 [pos:auto]] ;"don't drag me like some kidnapper"
[OrB:7E0055:10] ;remember the action for the jury's opinions later
[Execute:8 [priority:4] [for:01] [wait:return]] ;restore Crono and Marle
[Execute:8 [priority:4] [for:03] [wait:return]] ;to the previous state