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the 'infi boost' where a mini turbo does not die down is caused by releasing an MT into a speed strip, and then not pressing R/L. as soon as you jump, charge up another MT, or bump into a wall/another kart it'll be lost.
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There's MTs in super mario kart? Do you just have to go out of a power slide, or is there more?
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The MT's in this game are undocumented, but existent. you could say it works similar to MK64, if you hold left/right, and either L/R, and hold two of both of those at all times for 65 frames, you'll get a turbo. and they're called mini boosts, not mini-turbos. my bad. Super Mario Kart Physics
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Wow that's a lot of stuff they never tell you about. Now someone needs to make a video of everything done in the run so far, this should be on youtube. please for the good of all man kind
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youtube won't fit them all in one avi. individual levels I can see (10 courses so far). youtube screws up the quality, so no need to make a DeHackEd encode go to waste... Huffers, if you PM me the entire .smv I can confirm it works and encode each seperate course, and possible create a site that documents each separate course for both SMK and MK64 as one large compilation with youtube embeds. (might be very helpful for those following along... SMK is halfway done but MK64 is still a long ways to go.)
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Is it possible to link a long boost into a infi-boost? If not, why not?
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I unfortunately deleted all of my SMK vids when I switched to MK64. A google search also did not bring up anything, but I can try noodling around a little more to see if I can find an infi-boost vid. I also created a page that I'll use for a compilation of all TASes of the courses in SMK, MK64, and SC (if someone will do that... I'm surprised no one has, GBA is rerecording.) Edit: my encode of MC1 came out much better than I expected, so I'll be encoding all courses..
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There are SMV's a few pages back of the progress of Huffers' run. Probably faster than waiting for someone to encode a WIP.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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No one answered my question.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
Is it possible to link a long boost into a infi-boost? If not, why not?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Hey, Spider-Waffle: If the answer isn't on the Super Mario Kart Physics page that comicalflop linked you to after answering about ten of your other questions, maybe you should try it yourself instead of yet again demanding an answer after only 24 hours. Here's my question to you: Why do you demand so much of others? Why don't you just figure out some of this stuff for yourself? Why do you insist that people need to spend time doing everything for you?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Spider-Waffle, you haven't answered my question.
JXQ wrote:
Here's my question to you: Why do you demand so much of others? Why don't you just figure out some of this stuff for yourself? Why do you insist that people need to spend time doing everything for you?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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Lol, funny guy, sounds to me like you've got some issues to resolve but that's a whole new topic. In answer to your question, I saw that my post was the last one on the page and that there were two posts after it on the new page by people who would usually address the question. So I thought maybe they missed it. I thought I was just politely asking a simple question to a room full of experts on the matter. I didn't think anyone would think I was too demanding (until I met you of course) I’ve read of the page on Mario kart Mario kart physics which I thought was great. But I don’t know exactly about this long boost into a infi-boost. I was thinking you could release a mini-boost by jumping, hit the wall on the way up in the same jump and do the long boost, then if you didn’t jump after that you would still have the infi-boost. Or maybe you could jump right after the mini-boost, do the zipper or shroom boost, and get infi-boost after. But maybe there’s some flaw in my thinking. Having never performed either of these tricks I thought it’d be much easier to ask a room full of people who could probably give me really quick answer given their expertise. Or if for some reason they never thought about that and it can be done then I should put the idea out as early as possible, before opportunities to do it in the TAS are missed.
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This is in response to Comicalflop's post. This might be common knowledge by now, but for those who haven't heard, I'll mention that Mario Kart player Michael Fried has collected the vast majority of MK series Time Trial vids in circulation, as well as some other tidbits. http://www.wrvids.com Found within is a "TAS" folder where Japanese MK:SC player Shota Hirano has made "demonstration videos" of shortcuts, glitches and other various techniques that work towards a fast race time. The Japanese seem to think the lap times are irrelevant to improve unless they aid in achieving a better race time. No fast lap emulator videos are to be found, but most of his laps are plenty fast anyway. Andreas
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I was more intending my site to be for the members here to view, since most don't know about the wrvids.com page. (I did, it's how I got access to faster vids than at SDA for MK64 to study.) It will also not have as many folders to have to sort through, and most importantly will contain entire laps of individual courses for the runs that are in progress, specifically to address those people that may have a hard time watching the progress. On a related note, I have all 10 of Huffer's completed courses encoded, and working to get them uploaded to youtube so that I can module them onto my site. To answer waffle's question, an infi-boost cannot be done right after an extended boost, unfortunately. you need to release a normal mini boost into a speed strip of some sort, and then not jump or bump into anything. as long as you do this, you'll have the mini boost's top speed, and not drop down to normal top speed.
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comicalflop wrote:
To answer waffle's question, an infi-boost cannot be done right after an extended boost, unfortunately. you need to release a normal mini boost into a speed strip of some sort, and then not jump or bump into anything. as long as you do this, you'll have the mini boost's top speed, and not drop down to normal top speed.
I'm not so sure, I think Spiderwaffle might be onto something - I'll have a try at it this coming weekend.
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hmm, can't bump into anything during the infi-boost, but what about before it. Also I've seen an infi-boost video on youtube, MC3, match race, he does a lap with infi-boost, then hits the second player who is stoped on the finish line, this stops him too pretty much, but then he slowly builds speed and is back into the infi-boost not before too long. Another question I guess would be is why can't you use a shroom to go into infi-boost? Maybe pressing fire button stops the infi-boost? Or maybe those two boosts, zipper and shroom, were programed differently. So if you can't use a shroom to infi-boost you'd have to do the infi-boost setup into a zipper, then jump and hit a wall, or something like that I guess.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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I've seen, from what it looks like, that you can do a long boost by jumping into a wall, then coasting into a zipper. So what if you could manage to jump into a wall, coast and powerslide, release MB and hit zipper; or powerslide, jump into a wall (or player?) thus releasing a MB upon landing, then hit a zipper.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
I've seen, from what it looks like, that you can do a long boost by jumping into a wall, then coasting into a zipper.
Nope, that doesn't work. You can start a new long boost by already being in a long boost and hitting a zipper. Note, being "in a long boost" has little to do with speed - it also affects your manouverability, and so long as you don't press accelerate you can stay in the long boost state even as your speed goes down below normal speed. edit: just watched the "half hour of half-life".. wow, that was a work of art - and some of the gauss gun boosts were incomprehensible :) I never thought RandomEngy's run was beatable.
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Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Here's the video I'm referring to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=UwhlMHM1i5M Watch what toad does on the zipper his second and third laps. If that's not some kind long boost it looks just as good to me. Also, would it be possible to long boost off the start boost? TAS required, you would let go of gas the first frame of the boost, maybe that is soon enough, or maybe you can let go a frame before the boost and still get the boost.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
Yeah, I know both guys, and have actually played against xotic on zbattle a couple of matches some time ago (needless to say I got PWNED badly by him :-P). I think they are both among the best Mario Kart players around here today, and I'm pretty sure what you see in that video is all realtime stuff. Also hope to see the next WIP soon, Huffers. :-)
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Holy crappers that win by Toad was spectacular.
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erokky wrote:
Holy crappers that win by Toad was spectacular.
Toad? Are you sure? Take a closer look. :-) Koopa managed to outstrip Toad in the last 0,05 sec of the race with a spectacular long boost, which makes this video so cool. Lucky bastard! :-)
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Haha. Typical Duff to pull something like that off.
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Ahh yeah, sorry. I got the two mixed up. I'm aware that 2P beat 1P at the very last moment, hence my reaction. After I closed the window, I forgot who was 2P so I just guessed. So uhh... Holy crappers that win by Koopa was spectacular.
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So you see the move toad did on his second and third laps? What was that? Looks just like a long boost to me.
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