TAS of Dragon Warrior 3 === Movie Length: 2:14:08 === Played by: Dave Brown (dave_dfwm)

Emulator used: FCEU 0.98.15
ROM used: Dragon Warrior 3 (U)
Genre: RPG
Goals: Aims for fastest time
Uses death as a shortcut
Manipulates luck

Suggested Screenshots:
77177 -- Bomb crags appear
329506 -- Wins 50,000 gold
290675 -- Poison needle on Metal Babble
359933 -- Baramos attacks and misses
472090 -- Wizard uses Medical Herb on Zoma


After having the other 3 NES Dragon Warrior games on this site for a while, I was beginning to worry about there never being a DW3 run. Instead of worrying, I decided to do something about it and make this run. The topic had been dormant for 3 months and I revived it with great interest after posting a WIP up to the Magic Key.
Shortly after my WIP videos were being posted, new information arrived about a glitch that allows items to be transformed into other more useful items such as orbs and keys. This of course will allow huge chunks of the game to be skipped. I believe this game is popular enough to warrant two movies. Similar to “The Adventures of Link”, I believe this game can have a glitched and a non-glitched version. I believe many people would want to see a full playthrough along with the glitch version. My official stance is this: I will strongly support a glitched version if someone completes it, on the terms that it doesn’t obsolete a full playthrough (mine or anyone else’s) video.
I hope you all enjoy this run. I learned much about the game while creating this, and had a good amount of fun also. I would like to thank adelikat, ledauphinbenoit, and Catastrophe for their support and input while making this video. Also thanks to Dwedit for posting information about a future glitch run.

About the game

The Random Number Generator (RNG) in this game is very different from the other DW games in the series. In battles, critical hits and spells cannot be manipulated by the time the input is entered. Fights are “pre-scripted”. In other words, your actions will results in the same enemy actions no matter what the timing. However, different actions chosen by the character will result in different enemy actions.
Fights in the overworld can be skipped by waiting them out, or by chanting a spell or using an item that uses the RNG. The best spell to use is obviously Heal, and items include herbs, the Wizard’s Ring, and Seeds. Herbs and Heal have the same effect, but herbs take longer to use, and they have to be bought. Fights in the overworld can also be avoided or changed by moving into a different “area”. For example, two different areas are near Assaram. One causes enemies such as Poison Toads and Caterpillars, and the other area causes enemies such as Wild Apes. This can also work when traveling on water vs. land. This is why I sail a few extra spaces around Kol. It avoids two fights. Different floors of dungeons can also be considered different areas.
Fights in dungeons, however, cannot be waited out. They must be manipulated away by one of the above methods. Heal works the best, and can be used over and over again, assuming enough MP.
Special fights in town are considered overworld fights. The first round can be manipulated by Heal or by waiting some time. The two examples of this in the video are the Boss Troll at Samanao and the second Orochi.
Special fights in dungeons can be manipulated into having a good first round by chanting Heal before the fight starts. I consider a “good first round” one in which most of my status spells work successfully, or can be manipulated into working in the second round. Bosses in this game have HP regeneration, so it is useless to attack unless you can take away a lot of HP. This is why I never attack in the first round of a boss fight.
The RNG goes even further, though. If I use Heal to avoid a fight in a dungeon, the RNG determines the number of steps before the next battle.
Upon playing, I think I may have a crude idea of how fights work in the dungeons and towers. Upon entering, two “fight queues” are created. You can walk up to step before a fight and use an herb, the Wizard’s Ring, or chant Heal. This will advance you to the next fight in the first queue. Entering a fight and running, using a seed, or fighting a fight (and using different combinations within the fight) will advance you to different spots in the queue.
The second queue is reserved for entering a new room in the dungeon or tower. These fights will be pseudo-randomly chosen upon entering a new room, and can be manipulated by healing or by extra steps. I use a heal to manipulate the first Metal Babble in the Necrogond, and use seeds to manipulate the second one. In the tower west of Kol, I manipulate a fight in one room (which contains Metal Babbles) and run from it. I run from this fight because the Metal Babbles were going to both run in the first round no matter what my actions, and were unable to be killed. However, this manipulated a fight in the next room where I was able to kill two Babbles.
When you enter a fight, the actions will always be the same no matter what order you enter the fight. The things you do in the fight can only manipulate WHICH fight occurs next, not what happens in that fight. However, as stated earlier, outcomes of special fights (that is, fights that are fought no matter what) can be manipulated out of battle.
Finally, Alefgard is treated as a dungeon, and I must use heal there to avoid fights outside of dungeons, unless I can use the “different area” idea to avoid fights using land and water.
There is much more information in the discussion forum for this game.

About the video:

This game has 3 ‘phases’. The first phase is to beat Kandar II and get the ship. The second phase is getting the 6 orbs and beating Baramos. The final phase is Alefgard.

Phase 1

In order, this phase involves the following:
  • Register a merchant
  • Get a party
  • Get the Thief’s Key in the Tower of Najima
  • Go through the Cave of Enticement
  • Get the Poison Needle at Kanave
  • Get the Magic Key, Golden Claw, and Meteorite Armband
  • Go to Portoga and Get the Royal Scroll
  • Sell the claw and buy stuff
  • Get to Baharata and Dhama
  • Kill Kandar II
  • Get the Ship
In this phase, I have two periods of leveling up. The first involves a single fight with 4 Bomb Crags that heavily exploits the Poison Needle. The second period involves 3 metal slime fights that get me to a high enough level to take out Kandar.

Phase 2

  • Invisibility Herb, Vase of Drought, and Final Key
  • Blue Orb at Navel of Earth
  • Green Orb at Tedanki
  • Mirror of Ra and Boss Troll at Samanao
  • Sailor Thigh Bone and Phantom Ship
  • Sword of Gaia, Necrogond Cave, Silver Orb
  • Orochi and Purple Orb
  • Get the Merchant
  • Get the Red Orb at the Pirate House
  • Drop the Merchant off in the New Town
  • Get my Wizard back
  • Win some money and buy equipment in Samanao
  • Visit New Town for Yellow Orb
  • Ramia
  • Sphere of Light
  • Baramos
In this phase, there is an additional period of leveling. I fight some metal enemies on the shrine island before the Boss Troll so I can learn the Bikill spell. In addition, I fight 2 Metal Babbles on the way through the Necrogond Cave. Also, I complete one fight in the Navel of Earth to gain an extra level for my hero. I use the Poison Moth Powder that I picked up in Isis to confuse a Simiac which causes a Metal Slime to be killed. This is probably the best example of long-range thinking in the video. I also use the Magic Key in this fight to manipulate a better level-up for my hero.

Phase 3

  • Stones of Sunlight at Tantegel Castle
  • Fairy Flute in Kol
  • Armor of Radiance and Sacred Amulet in the tower west of Kol
  • Staff of Rain
  • Rainbow Drop
  • Zoma’s Castle
No leveling periods were use in this phase, but Metal Babbles were manipulated and fought sporadically when only a small amount of time was needed to make them appear. I needed enough experience to learn Healall for the Zoma fight. I manipulate a Thor’s Sword from the final pair of Granite Titans in the first floor of the Zoma’s Castle. This weapon is much stronger than the Thunder Sword, and takes a LOT less time to get than the Sword of Kings. In addition, this final phase contains a speed/entertainment tradeoff. By pure accident (which is how a few things happened in this video) I discovered I could very quickly get a Magic Bikini. I use a few seconds to get it, and my female pilgrim puts it on in preparation for the Zoma fight. For a 2+ hour video, I figured the 7 seconds or so wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I specifically created my second pilgrim as a female in case I got this item (or in case I thought I needed it, but the Magic Armor has the same defense), and it worked out pretty well. She winks when she walks.

Other random things about this run, or things I learned while doing this run

  • It seems that my Wizard has a huge amount of luck. I’ve never seen this happen before. There were at least 3 level ups where his luck increased by 7 points.
  • I discovered that chanting Stepguard (or not) at barriers also affects monster appearances.
  • The Kandar II boss fight is actually the longest.
  • Metal Slimes can be confused, but not Metal Babbles
  • I never use any helmets in this run.
  • My Wizard is fully equipped just before Baharata with the Cloak of Evasion drop.

Questions that may be asked:

Q: Why the exclamation point after your name?
A: This gave my default Pilgrim 9MP instead of 7MP. This let me cast Heal 3 times at level 1.
Q: Why fight the 4 Bomb Crags instead of just going for Metal Slimes?
A: Metal Slimes at level 1 are deadly with their blaze spell. If one of my characters survived the fight and managed to kill a few metals, he would gain huge experience, but revival time would be needed, and if not revival time, then possibly a trip to the inn. The additional MP gained from the Bomb Crag level-ups were also used in manipulating the fights to happen in the first place, and were used in the fight itself to manipulate the outcome. The Bomb Crags are a sure bet because they give a decent amount of experience (enough to get to level 8 in one fight), won’t kill me, and can be reached early in the game. It gives me a chance to gain stats and use and inn before the slime fights. Also, as ledauphinbenoit says, this fight “shows off” the area east of Kanave.
Q: Why this party choice?
A: As stated in the discussion forum for this game, I believe that this party choice is the best for a couple of reasons. You obviously need a Wizard because the Poison Needle is “vital” (heh) for speed leveling and the Bikill spell is a must for bosses. You need a Pilgrim for the Heal spell to manipulate dungeon battles. The fourth character was a struggle for me. I had debated between a Soldier and a Pilgrim. I chose the Pilgrim because at low levels, it’s a backup in case the first one runs of manipulating magic in the dungeons. At high levels, he has many in-battle spells that can be used to manipulate the outcome. A soldier can only do 3 things in battle. Fight, Parry, or use an Herb or Seed. A pilgrim has many more options. Also, a pilgrim is a very formidable opponent when properly equipped. See my purchases before Baramos for details.
Q: You often chant spells in battle that don’t work. Why did you do that?
A: This was to manipulate future attacks. Perhaps it kept an enemy asleep, or it made one of my other attacks work. For example, having Hiram attack will cause Elucidus to get 1 damage point on the Metal Slime. Having Hiram chant Sap (unsuccessfully) will cause Elucidus’ Poison Needle attack to kill the slime instantly. As another example, I also manipulated the Blazemore spell into working on the Boss Troll for high damage. Finally, doing this can also manipulate the enemy to drop a treasure at the end of the fight. I have some Hunter Flies drop a Cloak of Evasion and some Metal Slimes drop agility seeds (one of which was used to manipulate a Metal Babble appearance in the Necrogond). I had considered manipulating a Mysterious Hat drop from a Glacier Basher, but realized it wasn’t necessary.
Q: How did you decide your levels before boss fights?
A: For Kandar II, I wanted to be strong enough for high damage after Sap, but I needed a Wizard who could attack too, due to health regen. I level the Wizard up to Firebane – it seems that either Firebane or Icebolt would work, but never both. I alternate in the fight between which spell works. For Boss Troll, I needed the Bikill spell. I learn this in the very last Metal Slime fight before Samanao (and also get the agility seed). I had to manipulate the Wizard’s level up in this fight so he would learn two spells, Snowblast and Bikill. If he had only learned one spell this level, it would have been Snowblast, which was useless at this point in time. For Baramos, I simply just pick up a couple of extra levels on the way through the Necrogond with some manipulated metal babbles. The extra levels gave me the strength and agility needed to greatly shorten the fight. For Zoma, I needed to be certain that both of my Pilgrims knew Healall. In addition, I needed to have enough hit points to survive is his first round attack.
Q: How do you rig the monster arena to win that huge pile of gold?
A: The fight is chosen when you enter the basement. That is why I walk around for a bit before entering. The outcome of the fight is chosen when you talk to the guy taking the bets. Since towns are considered overworld, you can manipulate the outcome by time and by healing. Also, I wanted to do this after leveling because payouts (and fights) are determined by your level.
Q: You take some extra steps before entering the pyramid and the new town. You also take some extra steps in dungeons. Why?
A: These extra steps before entering a town or dungeon manipulate fights when entering the dungeon or exiting the town. The extra steps before the pyramid saved 3 fights. The extra steps before the new town saved a huge wait to avoid a fight when I exited. As for inside the dungeons, enemies can also appear when you enter a new “room” in addition to the regular enemies based on the number of steps you’ve taken. These ‘new room’ enemies can be avoided (or chosen to be fought in the case of the metal babbles) by taking an extra step, or healing before the new room is entered. Unfortunately, to people who don’t know this about the game, the TAS can look sloppy even though it isn’t.
Q: Sometimes you manipulate fights into not occurring, other times you let them happen, but run away. Why?
A: This causes two different outcomes. Running sometimes saved time by causing 3 or 4 less fights to appear in the dungeon. Also, it can be used to get a different next fight.
Q: Why did you fight those Green Dragons in the tower west of Kol?
A: The outcome of that fight made the next Metal Babble fight (and all the fights afterward that were so helpful) appear for me. It took a while to end, I know. However, it was time well spent.
Q: Did you really even need to get the Sphere of Light?
A: Yes. Without it, Heal spells give Zoma HP rather than take it away.
Q: You used a medical herb on Zoma?
A: Yes, I saved it the entire game for just that purpose.
Q: Can Ortega be manipulated into winning the King Hydra fight?
A: I didn’t mess around with this too much, so I’m not sure. I’ve heard that he can win, but still dies of injuries, but I’ve never been able to confirm this. It might just be a myth.

adelikat: Well planned movie. Accepting for publication.
Bisqwit: Marking for encoding by me.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1476: dave_dfwm's NES Dragon Warrior III in 2:14:07.67
Former player
Joined: 8/17/2004
Posts: 377
Well, allow me to be the first to vote Yes, and the first to post. Of course I had most of the movie watched already from your WIPs. I'm glad to see this game finally get done, despite it's uncooperative RNG. The fact that you got it under 2:15:00 is impressive enough, especially when a lot of others thought sub 3-hour alone would be a feat. While I'm sure a more polished run could shave a bit more time off, I believe this should be published anyway because A) the unpredictability of the game may not necessarily make a polished run go as smoothly, B) A lot of work clearly went into it and the author did a great job manipulating what he could within the game engine, and C) it's the last Dragon Warrior game on the NES to not get a movie. Anyway, kudos Dave! Or should we start calling you Erdrick now?
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 380
Location: Finland
Nice movie. With liberal use of turbo on the most boring scenes (ship, flying, levelups and shops) it wasn't even boring, even though that's what you would expect from a 2 hour+ movie. Anyway, the gameplay seemed to be in order and everything I noticed as strange were sufficiently covered in author's explanation. Another landmark in the land of luck manipulation. Yes-ing this.
"Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your home." ( Pratchett & Gaiman: Good Omens )
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Also did quite a bit of FFing here, though that's not a commentary on the quality of the movie (just the length). Seems to be extremely well planned and well executed. Good job dave! Yes vote here.
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
>Dave uses Magic Key, but nothing happens! >Simiac is confused!
...No kidding? Thou hast done well in TASing the Dragon Warrior III. Of votes, thou hast gained 1 yes.
Joined: 3/24/2006
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Location: Chicago
(cannot vote since I'm a "lurker") Great job there! Awesome trick with the bomb crags, that works well even in non-tool assisted play. I'd love to see the Glitch Run, if anyone decides to make that, because I'm not going to make that video :). Too much crazy route planning.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3599)
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Wow, you completed & submitted this run before I had a chance to look at any WIP other than the one that got to the magic key. This is a nice run and had several suprising moments: 1) Using the poison needle on the bomb crags was very nice :) At first, I forgot you had it and was like WTF, am I about to watch you kill for creatures with 400hp by hitting them for 1-3 damage?! Then I was like, "oh yeah :S" 2) In the navel of the earth: confusing the simiac and having him kill the metal slime is genious :D Later with the gold bashers it was very nice as well. 3) The route to greenlad was nice, I didn't think of that 4) You butchered the orochi! very nice :) 5) giving the merchant your unneeded items so they go to the vault was a very creative idea :) 6) You got the thor's sword from the granit titans, major cool points. And this saves you from getting the sword of kings, which is very nice. Possible Improvements: 1) At the beginning you should NOT have done the fast message speed (sorry I didn't notice this in your first wip). By putting it on slow, you can manualy scroll through messages which is quicker. 2) Perhaps you shouldn't get the get the until after you die? The pilgrams are useful for heal spells, but the wizard is just one more person to kill off and to later revive. 3) You should have the party members attack each other in pyramid in order to die quicker. You do this by selecting attack, and then selecting the arrow above the enemies's names, this will give you a list of your own party members to attack. 4) In isis - getting the 70 & 60 gold pieces were worth it? 5) The path getting the meterite armband was interesting, did you test to confirm it was faster than simply walking from the queens room? or getting it first then backtracking to that room? 6) In Kanave, you moved past the shopkeeper and then euipped & used items. It would have been faster to do this while your movement was already stopped at the shop. You move a little and then do it again, again this cost time. 7) If you have any control whatsoever on level ups, manipulating a stat to have NO gain is a nice timesaver too. Especially when you get 1 point of luck. Making that 0 will save about 1 second. 8) Again at isis, you should get to the shop and then equip your items 9) You should use memory watch for hp values. Metal slimes have a chance of having 3 hp instead of 4 which could ease your leveling up sections of this run. 10) In the kandar fight, watching his hp will also help in making decisions since his regeneration is random. You may be able to get lower regen numbers which could reduce the # of hits he needs to take 11) Perhaps you should get to the final key by returning to barahata, that way you can stop by jipang on the way. Then later, you can return right to it to fight the orochi. 12) Going to a place with metal babbles and settling for metal slimes seems silly. Even taking a long time to maniuplate the encounter or running from the slimes seems faster than going through the long slime fights. If the rng doesn't seem to let you get them, go get the red orb first and then come back with a new rng. Also, the one time you got a babble was during the day, perhaps they are more common then? At the very least, they seem no less common at night, so perhaps you don't need to use the lamp. 13) In the mirror of ra cave, I question whether opening a chest of 56 gold is worth it. The higher gold & seeds might be, but you should check to see if they actually paid off since you had to walk extra steps, open the chest, use the item, and use extra heal spells to manipulate away encounters. Perhaps getting one more dancing jewel in the silver orb cave would be faster than opening these chests. 14) was casting infernos on the boss troll even worth the time & mp it took? or was it to get the right outcome? I know it is a long shot, but I REALLY want to see a thor's sword manipulated there :) 15) I would think it is possible to manipulate the movements of the pirate ship to be moving toward you instead of away from you. 16) again, why get small amounts of gold in the ship? Perhaps a dancing jewel is a bigger payoff then taking extra steps and using heal spells. Plus you aren't down to 0 gold after you buy all the equipment for the baramos fight. You need to plan exactly how much you need and only get that. 17) I think getting metal slimes along the way is a mistake since you can get metal babbles in the cave of necrogod. 18) Once you got healmore, you could use it to manipulate the rng differently than heal, did you try both to see which one gave a better outcome? 19) Ice clouds give you a snowblast sword, which isn't as good as the thunder sword (or thor's sword :P) but sells for 48,000 gold. Not as cool as manipulating a huge casino payoff but should cure your gold problems much faster (though a pain to manipulate). It would also save you from casting snowblast in the orochi fight. 20) When you got the merchant, it would have been quicker to return to alaihan rather than walk out. If you couldn't afford the mp at the time, then simply return to eginbear and then go back to get the red orb later. 21) I think returning to portoga may be a bit faster to get to the new town. 22) You can get the yellow orb without return. Go outside, and come back in. Then, go outside and walk until nighttime. Go back to the town, and it will grow as normal. I thought I got it to work by simply running from an encounter too, but I don't know for sure. Also, using the lamp of darkness (not giving it to the merchant) may work the same way. 23) when you buy your weapons & armor, you should equip them then. Again it is better to do those things while already stopped. Or you should walk right up to baramos and do it then. 24) At the island where you get the phoenix, there are glacier bashers that leave the mysterious hat which reduces mp consumption. Perhaps manipulating one of those could save some inn usage later. 25) Why get the magic bikini if you aren't going to equip it and see that hot 8-bit pilgram booty? ;p It has the same effect as magic armor, so it wouldn't hurt you to have it equipped. So equip it sooner rather than at the zoma fight where we barely get to see it anyway. Though if you were ever to redo it, you probaby wouldn't be able to get it anyway. 26) In the sacred amulet tower, why did you use the acorns of life and only get 2hp? Is that even worth the time it takes to get & use it? Same for the 1 that gave you 4hp. You have time before you need use them, why not wait until a better opportunity when it will give you 5hp? 27) Intelligense & vitality seeds are actually useless and give you less mp & hp rather than more. Unless you are manipulating luck, don't take the time to use these. 28) Did you try using heal spells to mainpulate the ortega fight into being shorter? Even shortening it a round or two would save a lot of time. 29) The big payoff for having healers instead of fighters/soliders is that zoma fight :O Major damage from the onslaught of healall's :) I wonder though if you couldn't fight less babbles and defeat zoma at the lowest level that you get healall. You have plenty of hp/mp to spare in that fight. He should be possible a few levels lower. I think this run is more of a test run than a polished TAS. The problem is that you don't have enough control over the rng in this game to ensure that these improvements wouldn't get negated by some bad luck. As a result, I don't think this movie should be rejected based on this. Overall, I think this run is a good contribution to the site, and the final time is much lower than I expected. For those who don't know, there is a glitch in this game that will allow you to essentially manipulate your inventory to contain just about any item you want. This would result in drastic shortcuts, by my estimates it would save at least 30 minutes. A glitched run I think would be less repetive and a whole lot shorter. Some say that there should be both version epresented on the site but I disagree. I vote yes to this run on the basis that a future glitched run obsolete it (though currently, there is no one who is actively working on it). Until then, I think this run should be published on this site :)
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Active player (254)
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Thanks for the comments, all. Adelikat, I believe I can answer some of your questions, comments.
3) You should have the party members attack each other in pyramid in order to die quicker. You do this by selecting attack, and then selecting the arrow above the enemies's names, this will give you a list of your own party members to attack.
I had no weapons on my characters at this point. Attacking wouldn't have done enough damage to kill them, resulting in needless attacks taking time.
4) In isis - getting the 70 & 60 gold pieces were worth it?
I realized at the end that I had gotten a couple of gold chests here and there that in the end, were not needed. I got the gold early in the game because I honestly thought it would get tight at the end when I made the final big purchases in Samanao. I also thought that I would have to manipulate more than one monster arena fight. Getting 3 or 4 chests of gold is faster than manipulating a monster arena fight. However, upon discovering the HUGE payoff fight of 50,000 gold, those chests were obsoleted and a few seconds was lost. There were some chests other places too.
6) In Kanave, you moved past the shopkeeper and then euipped & used items. It would have been faster to do this while your movement was already stopped at the shop. You move a little and then do it again, again this cost time.
Noted -- although there was one time where (for some reason) I lagged when coming out of a dialogue box and a huge wait was needed to re-enter it. Moving avoided this mystery lag. I don't remember what town it was in.
7) If you have any control whatsoever on level ups, manipulating a stat to have NO gain is a nice timesaver too. Especially when you get 1 point of luck. Making that 0 will save about 1 second.
Interesting idea that I had not thought of. Bare bones level ups. Level ups can be manipulated by the turn that ends the fight, but I have a feeling that ending the fight differently would take longer than the time gained by a 0 stat increase in an attribute.
14) was casting infernos on the boss troll even worth the time & mp it took? or was it to get the right outcome? I know it is a long shot, but I REALLY want to see a thor's sword manipulated there :)
Casting infernos (for 9 damage points I believe) manipulated Blazemore into working, which obviously causes much more damage. :-) As for the Thor's Sword, I really wanted to see it too. Some info site I viewed says that Boss Troll has 1/256 chance to drop it. Try as I may, it wasn't coming, and I wasn't able to test all combinations of fight endings due to health regen. As you may have read in the discussion forum, at one point, I had the Boss Troll asleep, sapped, surrounded, and all my characters bikilled just trying different attack combos to manip a drop!
19) Ice clouds give you a snowblast sword, which isn't as good as the thunder sword (or thor's sword :P) but sells for 48,000 gold. Not as cool as manipulating a huge casino payoff but should cure your gold problems much faster (though a pain to manipulate). It would also save you from casting snowblast in the orochi fight.
I think it's Thor's Sword that sells for that much. The snowblast sword only sells for the same amount as the Golden Claw, 11,250 gold.
24) At the island where you get the phoenix, there are glacier bashers that leave the mysterious hat which reduces mp consumption. Perhaps manipulating one of those could save some inn usage later.
This idea was actually tried unsuccessfully. I realized though, that the only inn I used after Ramia was in Tantegel. Using the inn (and visiting town in general... note the extra step and pause in town) manipulated favorable enemy movement. The hat would have saved MP, but due to the fact that everyone used MP (and took some damage), I'm sure that the inn (and no manip) is faster. As another aside, glacier bashers have a large amount of HP!
25) Why get the magic bikini if you aren't going to equip it and see that hot 8-bit pilgram booty? ;p It has the same effect as magic armor, so it wouldn't hurt you to have it equipped. So equip it sooner rather than at the zoma fight where we barely get to see it anyway. Though if you were ever to redo it, you probaby wouldn't be able to get it anyway.
Basically, it is equipped just before the Zoma fight because the Magic Armor protects against fire which is cast by Baramos Bomus.
26) In the sacred amulet tower, why did you use the acorns of life and only get 2hp? Is that even worth the time it takes to get & use it? Same for the 1 that gave you 4hp. You have time before you need use them, why not wait until a better opportunity when it will give you 5hp? 27) Intelligense & vitality seeds are actually useless and give you less mp & hp rather than more. Unless you are manipulating luck, don't take the time to use these.
Using all the acorns manipulated the fights (many babbles in the top floor). I wasn't concerned at this point with maxing HP out for the hero. As for point 27, I was always under the impression that using Int and Vitality seeds had their effect at the next level up. It "added" the int or vit you got from the seed onto the level stat to create a higher MP or HP. Also, an intelligence seed is used to manip the bomb crag fight.
I think this run is more of a test run than a polished TAS. The problem is that you don't have enough control over the rng in this game to ensure that these improvements wouldn't get negated by some bad luck.
I'd consider it somewhere between a test and a polished TAS. It is definitely improvable in a couple of places. I believe this is because I learned so much about the game while making the TAS. It reminds me a little bit of the original Final Fantasy I TAS and the FFMQ TAS. Both were originally accepted, but then greatly improved upon.
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vitality seeds & intellegence seeds SHOULD help your next level up but down, possibly an error in programming. What they actually do is lower it because the game decides your mp & hp increase based on how high your vitality & intelligence. If your stats are too high, you get bad level ups. So these should never actually be used in a TAS or actual game play unfortunately. and doh, you are right about the snowblast sword. Though 11,000 gold is still a very nice amount of gold :) EDIT: and yeah, calling it a test run may be a bit exaggerated since I think it is still publication worthy.
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Very interested in seeing this one. I'll vote after watching. About as interesting to watch as Dragon Warrior games get. Loaded with interesting shortcuts and abuse. Leveling up is boring, but necessary. Overall, it should be good enough to publish
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adelikat wrote:
vitality seeds & intellegence seeds SHOULD help your next level up but down, possibly an error in programming. What they actually do is lower it because the game decides your mp & hp increase based on how high your vitality & intelligence. If your stats are too high, you get bad level ups. So these should never actually be used in a TAS or actual game play unfortunately.
Interesting. I'm familiar with the GBC port of this game, and I never found this to be a problem. Did you try factoring in the following level-ups after the next one? In the GBC version, if Vit or Int don't take their proper effect at a level-up, they still will eventually. I watched this movie, and I'm voting yes because I have a soft spot for this game and thought it was neat to see it beaten so quickly, even though it's really boring to watch.
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I finally get to watch something on the workbench that I 1) Haven't already watched to completion 2) Understand and 3) Have the ROM for! I voted yes. Medical Herbs do 128 damage to Zoma? That's pretty darn cool. You should've equipped the bikini sooner, just because, but that's okay. Adelikat's #12 still bugs me but I brought it up during the WIP and I got my answer then. I can sympathize with RNGs that act like little spoiled children. (You're in big trouble $7E1F6D! Go sit in the corner until you turn 25 or 26!)
Post subject: Re: #1476: dave_dfwm's NES Dragon Warrior 3 in 2:14:07.67
Joined: 10/31/2004
Posts: 62
this was way boring
Post subject: Re: #1476: dave_dfwm's NES Dragon Warrior 3 in 2:14:07.67
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sliverjazz wrote:
this was way boring
I would highly doubt anyone would watch this completely through without hitting the fast forward key.
Post subject: Re: #1476: dave_dfwm's NES Dragon Warrior 3 in 2:14:07.67
Joined: 10/31/2004
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Dwedit wrote:
sliverjazz wrote:
this was way boring
I would highly doubt anyone would watch this completely through without hitting the fast forward key.
it is excactly me hitting the fast forward button
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Finally DQIII :D I love watching DQ games ^_^ Keep up the good work!
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [838] NES Dragon Warrior III by dave_dfwm in 2:14:07.67
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So far an enjoyable watch, well for a NES Dragon Quest Video, but why was it named Dragon Warrior 2 on the script in the opening?
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yeah he's right it does say dragon warrior 2 :-/ im a huge fan of this game even though ive never TAS'd anything in my life i do enjoy watching im kinda sad of the amount of long walking around and long battle sequences, so i did fast forward as well, but i realize this is unavoidable in the run the main issues i noticed were the text speed, and that annoying long fight with ortega (did text make that even longer or was that just me?) it did seem like you were a little reserved/careful with regard to gold pieces, leveling, equipment equipped, and health too, but its definitely hard to know what kind of resources you will need when getting to the end medical herb on zoma is too cool im not a big fan of a glitched run obsoleting the real one but i do know that adelikat is a champion for pointing out all those little details :) very good for a first run through of a game with an RNG so unforgiving at times, i definitely see the effort put into the manipulation though i was actually waiting for this run to be published :) EDIT: Kirk will try to work on capitalizations and punctuations, only because asked so nicely. I don't usually pay attention to it, heh.
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Fuzzmosis wrote:
it named Dragon Warrior 2 on the script in the opening
My mistake. And kirkq needs to learn about punctuation and capitalization :)
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Let me guess- adelikat chose the screen shot? ;)
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Wow, amazing guess ;)
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