I saw SMB3 on about 5 different video sites, like, 5 years ago (if it was really that long). I knew it couldn't be real playing, but I had no idea what it really was, and no Google search could help me. Got [back] into SM64, and suddenly Spezzafer's SM64 TAS goes all across the net. There's a link to NESVideos on the page of that vid, so I come here...Browsed around completely uninterested because I couldn't find any N64 movies (really, I was ignorant), and the movies that did interest me were in emulator file format, which I didn't understand at all, so I left without even noticing it had a forum. Months (years?) later, saw some of FODA's SM64 vids on Google Video, and tried to find more of his vids. Thinking FODA was a company who made incredible movies like that (seriously, I thought it was an acronym), I Googled "FODA Mario", which brought me back to
this , which had a link to TASVids (which I'd completely forgotten about) on it. I come back, and take a much greater interest. When I find out that FODA is making a 120 star TAS, I start browsing the forums, and follow FODA's TAS starting at about 1/6 of the way through. Eventually, a few months later, I feel like showing my support and giving some tips/suggestions, so I register.
Etc, etc.
Turns out I was right about the acronym, though (Fiber Optic Doppler Anemometry).