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This is a TAS of the n64 classic "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time". It is the first run (that I know of) that is under 2 hours and the first run that uses the "Reverse Bottle Adventure Glitch" which is what made this time possible. Using this glitch you can instantly update something in your inventory or quest item sub-screen.
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses death as shortcut
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • No predefined saves
  • Genre: Action
  • Genre: Adventure
This is my first submission if I left something out of these comments let me know.

Bisqwit: Congratulations on your first TAS movie. I believe you gained a lot of experience in the making of it. However, as many audience members have pointed out, this movie is lacking in a few aspects we keep important. Compared to the published movie, it does not do as good job following the guidelines, such as "never wait for anything unless absolutely necessary", even though it completes the game faster due to new techniques.
As you already have realized yourself, part of it is because you did not use frame advance in the making of this movie.
As such, because this movie does not really represent well the quality we uphold on this site, and because the votes cast on this submission are not significantly in favor of publishing it, I am rejecting this submission.
I wish you good luck for your next TAS work, but I recommend you gather experience from some less demanding TAS project first.

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Let me be the first one to congratulate you on breaking the sub 2hr barrier. I haven't watched it yet, obviously, but it would be nice if you could put in what plugins are required to playback the run (yes, I am aware that the m64 file should indicate those). I'll watch it, if my computer is able to handle the correct plugins. Else, I'll wait for the eventual avi.
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I'm slightly confused. Your name here is DaShiznawz, yet the nickname used for this run is P.DOT. Was this infact made by you and you're using a different nick on the forums compared to other places or is there something I'm not seeing here? I shall watch this run now.
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Yes I tried to make my name here P.DOT but it said I couldn't because it had a "." in it. I am known as P.DOT more places than I am known as DaShiznawz (it is my backup name when I can't use P.DOT)
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I'm a little disappointed that this doesn't have a 15 page long play by play description of what you're doing. Those are always fun to read. Edit: Desyncs immediately after it gains control of link. I was playing it on fast forward. I'll wait for someone to encode this video before I try to watch it.
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This is almost 40 minutes faster than GuanoBowl's movie? I really hope this syncs for me cause I'm curious as hell what's been improved (haven't followed the forums if there have been updates there). Good job regardless PdotDot. Will vote once I've watched this :)
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Why have there been No votes actually?
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I'll explain why in approximately an hour. Expect a long post incoming. Summary? Unoptimized to the max.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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There were many inoptimizations compared to GB's wip (for example, no owl skip) so unfortunately I have to give this a no.
Borg Collective wrote:
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I watched most of it so far (I will watch all of it). There are many surprising parts, especially in gerudo fortress (I won't spoil it), but a lot of parts were unoptimized. For example, the first owl skip, the questionable bombs in hyrule field (were those owl skips?). Great job for beating the record by a LARGE amount, sadly the wips we have seen in the OOT topic exceed this run in technical quality. You could almost call this a HIGHLY optimized test run, or a suboptimal submittable run. I know why you were not eager to submit this run now, but I'm glad you did.
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Voting No. Too many unoptimized parts. Less boring stuff to watch, sure, but the parts that stayed are even more boring by nature than the last iterations. Even though I knew what you were doing for most of the time, I still didn't enjoy what was happening.
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The movie was funny, never have seen an RBA Run, so it was really funny to see how you didn't killed any Dungeon Boss, and it was also funny to see how you used the bottle glitch to get 20 Arrows. On the other hand it was extremly unoptimised wich was made the movie boring. So I vote Meh
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Ahh see you've put me in quite a pickle. its an OoT run with new features of awesomeness, but it lacks optimization from the beginning. This tears me in two with how to vote for this run. Feel free to dispute ANY of this if theres a reason for what you do, or something I suggest is impossible. I'm just trying to say my opinion and what I think can/should and can't be improved. Thoughts while watching the run are as follows: Throughout run the voice of JXQ flowed throughout my mind. This could be considered a pro or a con, let that be up to you. Unoptimized dialogs. throughout cutscenes you leave AB A B turbo going. I see all your secrets! Less backwalking noticed. slightly more entertaining, but definately not faster. Damage falling down in the deku tree. Why? No roll while hitting the first deku scrub. (DK64_MASTER) Unoptimized boss stabbing. NO, BAD BOY, didn't skip the owl using a deku stick! Big time loss there. After the first super slide, you break it by moving forward, then backflipping. I'm under the impression a mere backflip would have worked fine. Constant beeping of doom ("You're gunna die. You're gunna die. You're gunna die.") followed by HEY! HEY! LISTEN! (but that is out of control of the runner) Could the backwalk to spirit temple with the rotating green things not have been lined up so the sidestepping would not be required? After child shikah event, you walk paces forward again, before moving backwards. You kill the two skullutas on the wall before walking up, when as shown in the previous movie, they can be avoided. After this you hit the switch to bring down the bombchu chest, but you're not standing right next to where it drops. Doing this instead may save time (or may not). Probably not known to you at the time, but recorded reset is in the latest mupen. Not very important though. This is where comparisons start getting hard for me so I just have to use my keen eye. The dodongo's cavern boulder explosion actually looked kind of optimized, so props for that. The rest afterwards I'm not so sure about. You do an odd slingshot thing when doing the bombchu staircase thing. not sure what thats about. Now, I'm presuming here that the bomb bag is acquired because we'll need it before the old run got its bomb bag using bombchus. (ahh I see, its to do with not getting the silver gauntlets now) You get the bombs in the box, presumably because you didn't get the silver gauntlets, which means no goron bracelet. Leaving this in incase I'm wrong. --Goron's Ruby Acquired. *insert metroid music here*-- You don't get magic. I wonder why (looking back its because you obviously don't need it). You get the chicken bottle. I can guess why. not sure why you go all the way to break the chicken box, then walk back to collect the other one, then walk BACK. perhaps this needs more planning. Umm? you drop a bomb and do the jump store trick, then waste it doing a super slide? Thats incorrectly performed at best. Aaand then you go back to the spirit temple. Oh, theives hideout. Aaaah I see. You play optimized for this bit (I think). LOL at whats in the chest. unexpected. Lake Hylia. I wonder why you didn't get the bottle from here. Or maybe you're about to. That fish catching looked slightly unoptimized. Maybe its just me seeing mistakes from nowhere for this particular one. This is all beginning to feel like some sort of detective story. Like you're finding incredibly random items from some sort of murder case. Waiting for the elevator could have been more exciting. and Waiting for the elevator AGAIN when it goes down. Thats very bad timing. major penalties there. Maybe you should do some sort of boomerang tricks while waiting at least. Hehe, boomerwang. Electric boss of dooooom. only.. you're not attacking it like the last run. Doesn't look like a time saver at all. Haha on the scary panting when the fishy girl appears though. Creepy. --- Zora's Sapphire Acquired --- Oh thats baad. you talk to him first before trying bomb staircases? I kinda hope I'm overseeing a reason for that. I would like to mention at this point in time if anyone has a way of stopping that dying sound with some sort of mupen patch, I will pay you a small amount of money to impliment it. Maybe. Nice, theres zelda, the girl you met in the castle only you didn't! the plot thickens. Obviously she hates you as she tried to chuck a shiny blue ocarina into your skull. You've learnt "Classical Gas! I mean, Song of Time!" I wonder what would happen if you were to go visit the castle at this point. Oh well. I bet you could have backflipped over the spiritual stone altar. "Thats no moon... its a Ganon!" Hes travelled 7 years into the future but he still has half a heart. This angers me. Also, when adult link sidejumps, anyone else noticed the "ha! skank skank skank hut" noises he makes? And so begins what appears to be the looong bottle adventure, despite the fact you got out the mushroom twice, the first time failing (DK64_MASTER). Still, time to watch it all unfold. Now thats what I call a nice way of getting epona. That impressed me. Meanwhile, BEEPBEEP! BEEPBEEP! BEEPBEEP! Graveyard. Backflip the fences! when on the mountain wall, you might have been able to start climbing slightly to the left, so you didn't have to move left when climbing. FINALLY HEARTS OH GLORIOUS HEARTS! NO MORE ANNOYING SOUND FOR ME! I was originally expecting you to have light arrows on B, but I guess you just have to get the bow.. shame but okay. Finally (I think) some of the fight scenes in the castle tower (ascending and descending) don't seem like they were at their fastest. This kind of disappoints me. Also, you do forwards rolls on the final bridge exiting the castle when you could have backwalked. Zelda actually waited for you at one point. Also, the deku nuts weren't thrown at optimal times (a couple seemed delayed). All in all I'm disappointed. I'm entertained by the new run strategy using reverse bottle adventure, but how unoptimized this run is ruins it for me. I'm very uneasy about the concept of this being unaccepted because of its lack of optimization. How do I vote? I don't know. Its in that murky spot between "No" and "Meh".
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Watched becuase I was more interested in the route and gaining a greater understanding of RBA, unfourtuantley telling all the mistakes and possible improvements would probally require me to double, maybe even triple post. One thing I will say is that you can superslide past the owls no need to prepare a ground jump.
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This run was a surprise. Mostly because there wasn't 150 new pages of zzzzzzzzzzz in the N64 forum.
Raiscan wrote:
Throughout run the voice of JXQ flowed throughout my mind.
Laff :D I'm never able to watch runs of this game on the emulator, but if this much time was saved and it's still got a bunch to optimize, then that can only be a good sign for the long run.
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I enjoyed watching it, but the optimization issue means I feel I can not vote yes, so I think I am going to hold my vote this time. a wonderful attempt looking at the circumstances. Superior to the existing run, so it should probably be published for that reason, but I dont think I can vote either way.
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Twelvepack wrote:
I enjoyed watching it, but the optimization issue means I feel I can not vote yes, so I think I am going to hold my vote this time. a wonderful attempt looking at the circumstances. Superior to the existing run, so it should probably be published for that reason, but I dont think I can vote either way.
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I guess my point is that it is not so unoptimized that its not entertaining, its just more unoptimized then it should be. There is a big difference there, and it is why I feel torn.
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I'd just like to add/clarify that I felt the run improved with quality as it went along, so I feel that with a bit more practise, time and perseverance, P.DOT will undoubtably make some quality TASes. I just feel this seems more of a loose test run than a fully optimized publishable run.
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Yes, I agree. Taking a behemoth of a TAS with so many glitches, and precise inputs is definintely no easy task. For the most part, you executed the main glitches very well, and just some of the movements needed optimization. This is very good for your first task, and I hope to see more of your work in other games. This movie should definitely obsolete the current published movie, because that one was highly unoptimized, and we accepted it because the community was demanding an OOT TAS. Also, 1 year ago, our standards weren't as rigid as they are today. So let me clarify: I'm voting meh on the "were you entertained part" and yes on "should this movie be published." Contrary to popular belief, despite being related, these two aspects can be very different.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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I don't see why we can't just change the question back to "Should this movie be published?"
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Yes, I agree. Taking a behemoth of a TAS with so many glitches, and precise inputs is definintely no easy task. For the most part, you executed the main glitches very well, and just some of the movements needed optimization. This is very good for your first task, and I hope to see more of your work in other games. This movie should definitely obsolete the current published movie, because that one was highly unoptimized, and we accepted it because the community was demanding an OOT TAS. Also, 1 year ago, our standards weren't as rigid as they are today. So let me clarify: I'm voting meh on the "were you entertained part" and yes on "should this movie be published." Contrary to popular belief, despite being related, these two aspects can be very different.
I agree with all of this. I voted yes btw.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I don't see why we can't just change the question back to "Should this movie be published?"
How would someone be able to determine if the movie should be published, even if they didn't like the movie. There has to be some sort of direct measurement of the "wow" factor of a movie. Changing the question back to that will obfuscate borderline cases, such as these. We could have 2 polls. But then that goes against the mentality of this site publishing "entertaining" movies (this is an exception, since a sup-par movie was published because "we needed more n64 games on this site" and "everyone demanded an OOT run.") As I said before, there are cases when a movie is not very entertaining and some feel it should be published.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Well we don't want just ENTERTAINING movies, we want WELL-DONE movies.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Well we don't want just ENTERTAINING movies, we want WELL-DONE movies.
And the current OOT movie fullfills none of those criteria. This submission doesn't either, but it does it a bit better than the current published movie. Does that warrant publication? I would think so.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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