Post subject: Re: Mother 3!
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Guybrush wrote:
Why the hell create a new topic to discuss about the same freaking thing?! Even if the old topic is one year old it's not bad in any way.
Some forums are funny when it comes to necrobumping, no matter what the reason; some forums, like this one, are cool with it. Same with people, and sometimes the etiquette from one message board carries over to the other. Slightly off-topic (game-wise anyway), but explains the point.
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I don't mind necrobumping, as long as it is about a new run and not asking for progress on the old run, since it's obvious that nobody is working on the old run.
Borg Collective wrote:
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Ah. I'll remember to necrobump in the future then.
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I'm glad to see that Tragedy hasn't given up on the EarthBound Zero TAS. But I am really here to see if there is currently a TAS in the works for this game. :3
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Just decided to bump this thread after three months, to see what all is going on. I just don't post as much as I used to. xD
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Don't you think it's ironic to post that when just up the page, it says not to necrobump and ask for progress? Incidentally, Tragedy needs to change his avatar, because it's a "moved or deleted" error message from Photobucket.
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Uh... If your using the debug mode, dosen't that mean you have to use a cheat code (AR)?
See Youtube page (GIRfanaticTAS) for all runs and stuff.
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The English translation is out, if anyone is still wanting to do a TAS...
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I've been playing it for the last two days, hehe. I think it is a great translation too, but I doubt they'd allow a translated submission though. But, someone can still do it anyway, just for the hell of it. :3 I wouldn't mind seeing a full run in English. ;3
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I agree with you, just playing the translation since a it's out and it's pretty nice. But god I don't know how the hell the combo work with the song T.T
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The Combo System can really only be useful in a TAS. I doubt anyone could perfectly pull off a full 16 hit Combo in every battle otherwise.
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you people speak as if the combo system is OMGIMPOSSIBLE when it isn't at all. I can frequently get 16 hit combos, except maybe on one or two songs. In any case, the combo system isn't very useful as it will almost always take longer to do the combo than to play without them. Using them to manipulate what happens after a normal attack is about their only use, or at least only taking a few combo hits before stopping it. Since the combos appear to gt less power after the first few hits, the end result is that combos help more for regular players than speedrunners.
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Actually there are 3 or 4 hits in the combo that hit a little harder than single digit damage. I don't know if it's constant, but I noticed that in most of my combos. It goes like: (first hit) 5, 2, 3, 22, 5, 1, 1, 3, 4, 17, etc. Edit: The stronger hits are on the 8th and 12th notes.
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I know that, but they aren't exactly worth getting to.
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Cheezwizz wrote:
I know that, but they aren't exactly worth getting to.
I wouldn't know about that. Seems to me that the extra damage would be worth it, especially since the characters are going to be under leveled and under powered. The more damage done, the faster enemies die. Although, this game also has some things where a boss can only be beaten by a certain PSI skill, IE, the Barrier Trio. I hate the Ultimate Chimera, cause I wish I could fight it in an actual boss fight and whip it's ass later in the game! >.<
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You don't need PSI to beat the Barrier Trio. This game is great. Someone should TAS it, but it'll be a while before it's done.
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It may be possible to run a demo run but I doubt the fan translation patch will be accepted. I would have to agree on the combo system, it's tougher than just hittin' them once back in Mother 2, sometimes with SMAAAASHing results. Right now I'm on Tanetane Island figuring out how to get those stupid gloves I can't seem to find out of those Orangutalruses...
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It'd be a real shame if it wasn't accepted with the site accepting Mario and Metroid hacks. Just don't see why it would be denied when the patch can be checked for integrity and it's only a translation. Never really understood the policy on translation patches and why they aren't accepted.
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I'd think that this game'd be a good exception for the translation rule. The story is touching and well, if someone has never played the game before, they'd like to have motivation to watch a 6-8 hour long movie. Being in english is a good start.
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Pasky13 wrote:
It'd be a real shame if it wasn't accepted with the site accepting Mario and Metroid hacks. Just don't see why it would be denied when the patch can be checked for integrity and it's only a translation. Never really understood the policy on translation patches and why they aren't accepted.
My thoughts exactly. I also agree with Flygon. I've played the game with the translation. If not for the Translation, I doubt I'd have gotten very far. The Story Line is good, right up there with the Mother 2 one I guess.
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Another reason is the "Mother 3 Fan Translation" screen being inserted between the "Health and Safety Precaution" screen and the "Game Boy Player" screens, respectively. There is a wait period before input is accepted to clear off of that screen. It would completely throw things off if you attempt to merge gameplay input with the unpatched MOTHER3 game.
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Pasky13 wrote:
It'd be a real shame if it wasn't accepted with the site accepting Mario and Metroid hacks. Just don't see why it would be denied when the patch can be checked for integrity and it's only a translation. Never really understood the policy on translation patches and why they aren't accepted.
My reasoning on this is that translation patches don't actually change the gameplay in any significant way; it's the same game, justs with a different language. That in mind, you could simply play the original language version and be assured of playing the game the way it was "meant" to be played. The Mario and Metroid hacks, in contrast, are effectively completely different games using the same engine.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.
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However, being a long RPG, especially one that nobody outside of Japan would have played without the translation, a Japanese TAS of Mother 3 would be completely boring. I watched the Star Ocean TAS (which was the non translated, Japanese version) and I was bored out of my mind, especially since I never played that game before. When I played Mother 3 English, I did notice that there was a lot of visibly noticeable lag sometimes with VBA (which might have been improved in VBA-M, but I dunno). I wonder if this lag exists in the Japanese version... Even if that lag did not exist in the Japanese version, the English version would probably be better for entertainment anyway. Oh, and Mato posted that there may be news about an English v1.1 patch coming out soon in a recent update at Earthbound Central. By the hints, it looks like it's just fixing spelling errors, though.
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The English translation patch has a hard mode added so I am sure it would be accepted if someone were to TAS it with that mode enabled. It has probably already been mentioned before, but Flint's Power Smash ability could easily be manipulated to kill the first few bosses quickly. I will play through the game again later using save states and such to see if there are any tricks that might formulate a route here shortly. Sadly, there has not been much contribution towards a potential run in this topic other than translation acceptance talk.
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I don't think anyone's willing to start working on a run without knowing ahead of time if it's going to be accepted. You should contact a moderator and ask.
Pyrel - an open-source rewrite of the Angband roguelike game in Python.