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Well, about the door, check about every possibility, even one hitting the other character, but are you sure that Zan's dash attack (the special one, I mean the "one star" dash attack) can't let you through the door? I haven't tested it so I couldn't tell, but still, this is very surprising to me. About the first door, I know nothing could be done, so that's no problem. For the robots, I'm afraid this would be completely random. I don't know a thing about luck manipulation either.
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atro city wrote:
Just out of curiosity, has anyone figured out what circumstances make the robots in Stage 6 explode? My guess is that it's completely random, which means I would have to look in the game's memory to be able to manipulate them. Unfortunately, I know nothing about RAM watching...
Glad to see you back to work on this, atro! I've made a watchlist for you. Right click -> save as It lists what I am fairly certain are the Hit Point values for the eight possible enemies that can exist at any point in time. I didn't test it too thoroughly, since my gimpy wrist doesn't agree with SoR type games. Damn ninjas. If you don't already know, usage is simple: in Gens 9.5b, click tools -> ram Watch. In the dialog that pops up, click "Load..." and select the .wch file I just linked you. If you need any more addresses, give the word and I'll see what I can do.
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>has anyone figured out what circumstances make the robots in Stage 6 explode? I'm also not sure I understand your question, this is what I can gather from experience: 1) Which robots explode is predetermined and the same robots explode every game. 2) The robots don't start to explode unless they are close to you. I will happily be proven wrong about these two. It might also have something to do with their health, but of that I am less certain. I think the doors cannot be hit directly, it takes some time. Which door did you choose?
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About the first door, I know nothing could be done, so that's no problem. Ok, that's good. The first door was the one I was referring to having problems with, not the second one. I've made a watchlist for you. Right click -> save as It lists what I am fairly certain are the Hit Point values for the eight possible enemies that can exist at any point in time. I didn't test it too thoroughly, since my gimpy wrist doesn't agree with SoR type games. Damn ninjas. That's pretty neat, thanks. I tested it some as well and it does seem like they're representing enemy hitpoints (although when I tested it on Shiva one of the values stayed at 28 for some reason). I'm not sure if this would help with determining when the robots explode, though. 1) Which robots explode is predetermined and the same robots explode every game. 2) The robots don't start to explode unless they are close to you. I have a feeling you're right on both accounts. I think the doors cannot be hit directly, it takes some time. Which door did you choose? The door that leads to the "normal" route. Edit: Through the second set, and here's a savestate at the beginning of Stage 5. Unfortunately, Zan breaks the second door no matter what. Even if you do his triple charge at the bottom of the screen (his triple charge has the most distance), he still breaks it. Also, for the first door, Blaze has to be at that exact spot because the game cuts Zan's input while Blaze moves to that spot, and you can't break the door before that.
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Oh fortunately I've seen that update. Now everybody knows there's been an edit to your last post. I'll take a look at your WIP. Don't forget my movie about the doors is still around, somewhere in this topic, just in case you couldn't find it. I'm surprised this doesn't work, I'll study this problem closely.
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>The door that leads to the "normal" route. May I ask why? I think if you are going to show all the strange little things in this game, why not one of the secret areas? Is it because you manage to break the door in an unorthodox way? I liked how you showed that you are unhittable for some time when the scene starts. You can roll through the door in the next set, if you start rolling up just before input is locked.
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Well, about Truncated's advice, everything is okay to me, as long as I like the fights, which happened here, so I have nothing to say about entertainment choices. Well, I'd be a little bit disappointed if I weren't seeing my "door trick" in the run, but hey, this is no Qlex run. Actually I liked the invincible part too, but the door part is nevertheless surprising... My guess was : You're not supposed to be on the ground during the trick, but it's obviously wrong since I did it with Blaze 3 star dash attack, so my guess is : Zan's attack wasn't long enough, or just because he has been driven downwards during the attack he reached an area where the door is supposed to break, but that looks simply insane. Maybe his 1 star dash attack would do (dunno if you tried it though), or else make him jump and see if those decisions are faster.
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I think if you are going to show all the strange little things in this game, why not one of the secret areas? The wall next to the door is pretty pointless since it doesn't skip the set with the 4 karate guys, and the other two have a ton of enemies compared to the normal route. The one I would like to do (the cracked red door at the top) would be entertaining because of the stupidly large number of enemies, but it would also be a good 30 seconds to a minute slower at least. Edit: Maybe his 1 star dash attack would do (dunno if you tried it though) Well, you can see that I used it in the video, and even at max distance (doing it at the bottom of the screen right when input has ceased so the door doesn't halt Zan's progress) he still breaks the door. Jumping doesn't work either, and neither does rolling. In fact, I've tried pretty much everything short of a team attack, which I have no reason to believe it would work. Believe me, I'm just as flustered over this as you are.
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Does it work with Zan alone? I can't find a video I could have made about it, and I'm too lazy to do it, so I can't be helpful anymore. Sorry.
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Does it work with Zan alone? Surprisingly, it does, but when I try the exact same thing in the 2-player run (modified at the 2nd door), it doesn't work.
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That's what I recently thought. I'm afraid it can't be done with two players at all, because of a possible need for the game to have player 2 stopped or something. Well, still, it's fun to see the two players going through the door which doesn't break, but if you manage not to break the door, I would be damn impressed.
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Stage 5 Scene 1 is complete. This last bit looks stylistically ugly and shows just how much of a pain in the ass it is to manipulate the karate guys. One of them just sat there behind Zan and tried to kick him, and when I tried using Zan's back attack to knock him out of it, the ones in front blocked, which is bad because they won't stop blocking until they lower their guard. It turned out fine in the end though, as Fabio (the purple one with over 5 full lifebars of health) was the last to go down. I didn't roll through the wall or anything like that because the transition to the next scene won't happen until both characters are at a certain x-coordinate (and above a certain y-coordinate as well). Rolling through the wall causes them to slowly walk towards the trigger point.
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I haven't had time enough to look at it, but I think the last part was fast enough for people to get impressed. Fabio's like a zombie, he never dies, whereas you killed him in, like, ten seconds. Nice! Nothing to say, except that Blaze running through walls was insane.
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This may have been asked before, and I didn't read the whole topic, but why play this instead of Bare Knuckle 3? It would be easier and a hell of a lot more interesting.
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That's why I chose SOR3, because it's much harder. BK3 has no significant gameplay differences that would be noticed in a TAS other than the inclusion of Ash in Stage 1.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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I have a feeling that I won't be working on the run for a while, so I'll just post the current progress (1/2 through Stage 5 Scene 2) and the savestate. The only comment I have is that AI manipulation is a whore, and forced me to slam the Big Ben even though it didn't kill anybody. This was so that the Donovans at the right hand edge of the screen would show themselves. 3 reasons why this will be postponed: 1. The next set of enemies is already a pain in the ass, and I haven't even started. 2. Spring break is almost over, and it looks like my coursework for the next few weeks is going to be pure hell. 3. A bunch of assholes at a forum that I won't disclose pretty much ruined the rest of my break. I know I'm a loser for taking the internet seriously, but I don't care. I'm already slipping into the delay crap that has plagued this run's existence, but I'll try not to let it get out of hand again.
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Well, at least you came back here, trying to continue the run. One can hope this run will finally be finished someday :) Didn't have time to check the progress, but I think I'll just wait until you finish more of it. Anyway, good luck for the rest.
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Well, seeing as now it's mid-May, I just thought I'd check to see if you might be working on this run again. Most schools are out by now, or at least close to it. And I don't know what happened with you and the other people at the forum you were talking about, but don't worry about them. The only thing important in life is Streets of Rage. :) But seriously, I hope things are better for you now. Here's hoping for a new update soon!
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I appreciate your concern. I was right, the weeks after that post were pure hell. I didn't even have enough hours in the day to get all my projects finished, but thankfully now that's all behind me. And I don't know what happened with you and the other people at the forum you were talking about, but don't worry about them. The only thing important in life is Streets of Rage. :) Ironically, it was a SOR forum. I hate to let you down, but I haven't touched the run since my last post. I'm not going to lie, working on this run feels more like a chore than anything, and now I'm working on Starcraft UMS maps (yeah, I know...boo, hiss hiss!) which are geniunely fun to work on to be honest. I used to feel the same way about this run, but that was a few stages ago, and now it seems like all the fun parts of the game are finished. I don't think this will be the end of the run, but it will be for probably a month or so, when I will inevitably tire of UMS mapping.
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Again, I'm in a complete loss of words, but it's great to see that at least you say you will get on this, while still having some nice (at least imo) overview of your future work. I may be repeating myself, but I'm sure this run will be ended sooner or later. You rock, good luck for the rest.
Joined: 8/31/2008
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atro city wrote:
The only comment I have is that AI manipulation is a whore,
You may know this already, but the AI will not advance in from off-screen as long as you are on the same plain with them. Moving up-down makes them move in more often.
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Any updates on the streets of rage 3 speedrun?
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The run's pretty much dead. I wish I had the motivation to continue it, but I don't. If anyone wants to continue it, be my guest. I'm sure you guys were getting sick of me fumbling through it for the past 3 1/2 years anyway.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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That's sad to hear. :/ Is the latest version the one linked in your signature?
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It wasn't before, but it is now. It goes up through halfway on Stage 5 Scene 2. You know what's funny? When I was doing my whole Starcraft UMS map thing, I started this ambitious map (even posted a YouTube video of it) and ended up not finishing it. I seem to have a knack for that apparently.
[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcuV2JdaBYY]Streets of Rage 3 (2 players)[/url]
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