I'm assuming they're referring to the glitch that lets you break out of the drained Samus state after Mother Brain's Hyperbeam and thereby allows you to pummel her throughout the otherwise scripted sequence.
Although I planned this to be a surprise for my RBO run, which I would eventually finish someday, I decided to make a exception and show you the mentioned MB trick anyway:
Mother Brain Stand Up glitch
YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol7c5WOFLIg
First time performed in one of my testruns in mid 2006, this trick obsoletes the Murder Beam in a 100% or a RBO run even when they aim for fastest in-game time. Compared to JXQ's 100% v2 run, the above demonstration saves 810 in-game frames (13,5 sec), or even 832 realtime frames, making a 0:36 100% a easy goal with it now. Go for it, guys. :-)
Added link to YouTube Video
First time performed in one of my testruns in mid 2006, this trick obsoletes the Murder Beam in a 100% or a RBO run even when they aim for fastest in-game time. Compared to JXQ's 100% v2 run, the above demonstration saves 810 in-game frames (13,5 sec), or even 832 realtime frames, making a 0:36 100% a easy goal with it now. Go for it, guys. :-)
We already saw 00:36 as a pretty easy goal once we realized the gains from the route change, with the improvements we have made now in combination with the ones we know can be made 00:36 is already reached.
Also how can it save more realtime than ingame time if you need a pause screen?
Overdos of awesome
That's fucking brilliant. 13,5 seconds is not a small timesaver, that's huge and awesome. I can't wait 'till the awesome 100% comes and uses this awesome trick.
Grrrrreat find.
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691
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Joined: 7/30/2006
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I managed to do that trick on my actual console when I was really young -- however, I got "stuck", and the metroid never came off my head. Mother Brain never died, and I had to reset.
Also how can it save more realtime than ingame time if you need a pause screen?
Check the smv. You don't need a additional pause screen. Simply de-equip both suits right when you have to remove the Screw Attack for the Zebetite glitch anyway. The additional 22 realtime frames are probably saved due to better lag management.
dave_dfwm wrote:
I managed to do that trick on my actual console when I was really young -- however, I got "stuck", and the metroid never came off my head. Mother Brain never died, and I had to reset.
I too accidentally found that trick on my console during the 90's when fooling around. Though to that time I never thought it's possible to get MB down to 0 HP before even getting the Hyper, so I didn't test it further back then. In order to get stuck, you just have to make the Metroid getting trapped in a wall (which happens when you jump around in the wrong times during the phase when the Metroid tries to grab you, I think) so that it can never reach you. That way you will never be able to trigger MB's death no matter how many times you shoot at her because the game won't continue the fight script until the Metroid is dead.
Check the smv. You don't need a additional pause screen. Simply de-equip both suits right when you have to remove the Screw Attack for the Zebetite glitch anyway. The additional 22 realtime frames are probably saved due to better lag management.
Well we had a way to bypass the screwattack de-equip without using the shinespark method... I guess we won't get to use that now as it is probably slightly slower ingame than not having it equipped :(
Well we had a way to bypass the screwattack de-equip without using the shinespark method... I guess we won't get to use that now as it is probably slightly slower ingame than not having it equipped :(
Very interesting. I didn't thought it's possible with it. But even with a additional pause screen, it's still much faster in both time categories in the end.
Very interesting. I didn't thought it's possible with it. But even with a additional pause screen, it's still much faster in both time categories in the end.
Well naturally no. Still it's kinda sad that we won't get to use one of the tricks we thought were going to raise some eyebrows. (hero's discovery BTW)
EDIT: Also by being slightly slower I was of course not comparing to the MB glitch thing but to skipping the zebites solely.
Joined: 11/14/2005
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Well that is a pretty sweet trick you got there Saturn. It looks much cleaner than the murder beam. I am kinda torn on it though, because it kinda ruins the greatest piece of cinema ever put into a video game. Using it would also eliminate the awesome new zebetite with screw attack skip. If the 36 is unreachable without this, then it clearly should be used. If the 36 is reachable without this trick, then it's use is debatable. I was really aiming to keep the entire run pause menu free :(
We could always do two smv's making the run branch at this point.
Still even though the pause menu is needed I would prefer to use this, to most people it would be very surprising to see mother brain defeated during the cinema.
I'd like to see you use it, it's much more entertaining than watch the scene all over again after I've already seen it a million times and it saves ~13 seconds. 1 pause menu won't hurt you that much.
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691
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35 is far from possible, unless aiming exclusively for in-game time. Even with some serious pause screen abuse, I still couldn't see a 35 being possible. Heck, even the 36 was going to be a stretch until Saturn showed this new trick.
I'd be willing to bet some less important limb/internal organ that 00:35 will be possible one day. Today though at least 30 seconds is lacking, probably 40.
Joined: 3/25/2006
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...I honestly thought that that was completly obvious, I have done that in almost EVERY playthrough I've ever done. That is a really, really, really old trick. 8-years old infact. Are you telling me that NONE of you thought of that?
Yup, none but you and Saturn as it looks now. I have known about the glitch for ages though.
Pfft I knew about the glitch in 1993... when I PROGRAMMED IT INTO THE GAME! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!
[Mental Note.. learn to code, create time machine, go back far enough in time to get hired by Nintendo, create odd code for Super Metroid to make glitch happen, get name added to credits, mysteriously vanish and come back to present so boast is truth.]
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
...I honestly thought that that was completly obvious, I have done that in almost EVERY playthrough I've ever done. That is a really, really, really old trick. 8-years old infact. Are you telling me that NONE of you thought of that?
The glitch itself was known by some people back then (I accidentally found it myself in around 1997 as mentioned before), but surprisingly nobody ever got the idea to abuse it in a speedrun so that it saves much more time than just doing it the usual way. What I basicly showed is a new speed trick never done before, not just the glitch itself.