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stickyman05 wrote:
Wakka/Luna - FFX. Never played X-2 because neither of those two (nor Tidus, and whom all 3 were my constant team) were playable. :'( Also, Wakka was voiced by the guy who voiced Bender in Futurama.
Dee Bradley Baker was also a voice actor for FFX (Lord Braska/Benzo/Ayde Ronso). He was also Olmec, the talking stone head, from Legends of the Hidden Temple. And I think he did Wakka's voice in Kingdom Hearts.
Wakka/Luna - FFX. Never played X-2 because neither of those two (nor Tidus, and whom all 3 were my constant team) were playable. :'( Also, Wakka was voiced by the guy who played Bender in Futurama.
Dee Bradley Baker was also a voice actor for FFX (Lord Braska/Benzo/Ayde Ronso). He was also Olmec, the talking stone head, from Legends of the Hidden Temple. And I think he did Wakka's voice in Kingdom Hearts.
HAHAHAHA! Olmec, what a crazy son-of-a-Ahu Akivi.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Joined: 2/28/2006
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Meta Knight;
George Stobbart & Nicole Collard;
Terry Bogard & Mai Shiranui;
Sakura Kasugano & Rainbow Mika;
Robo-Ky & Anji Mito & Baiken;
"Genuine self-esteem, however, consists not of causeless feelings, but of certain knowledge about yourself.
It rests on the conviction that you — by your choices, effort and actions — have made yourself into the
kind of person able to deal with reality. It is the conviction — based on the evidence of your own volitional
functioning — that you are fundamentally able to succeed in life and, therefore, are deserving of that success."
- Onkar Ghate
Bisqwit wrote:
I don't understand how this thread makes any sense. So everybody posts a list of character names. So what? Why would that be in any possible way interesting? I could just take a random list of 5-10 character names and post them here, and what would that accomplish? Would that be of interest to anyone? I completely fail to understand the purpose of this thread.
How about everyone writing a short essay on his favorite characters instead? Explain *why* you like them. What is it that makes them so cool? What made you fond of them? That might be more interesting to read than just a list of random names.
How about everyone writing a short essay on his favorite characters instead? Explain *why* you like them. What is it that makes them so cool? What made you fond of them? That might be more interesting to read than just a list of random names.
I was kinda hoping someone would say that. I'll elaborate a little on my choices (from my post on the first page.)
It struck me as interesting just now, that two of my three serious choices were 1) a mutant whose mutation alienates him from the rest of the world, and 2) a dhampir whose vampirism has the consequence of profoundly screwing up his existence.
In both cases, this alienation results in a sort of anti-resolution at the end of their respective games, where the hero rides off into the sunset, wishing he hadn't been born.
Heh. At least they didn't die at the end.
Sonic because he's fast and cool, especially when in his Hyper form. Also because he has cool spikes and is blue.
Dante because he's fast and cool and strong and half demon and has white hair and a nice haircut. I also likes the things he shouts out when he attacks.
Link because he has a sword and shield and other funny tools, cool voice and cool ears. And he has the guts to wear that kind of clothes.
Ness because he looks funny, I like his style and his psi powers. PK-Thunder is the funniest attack ever in Smash Brothers.
Commander Keen because he's a baby in space.
Yoshi because he's the only dinosaur in video games I know of who does drugs. And he eats enemies and turns them into eggs, how cool is that?
Kirby because of his many abilities and because he's cute.
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As you wish.
Donkey Kong - I felt my list needed a lovable big dumb brute.
Phoenix Wright - A somewhat rediculous concept of a lawyer that never loses. I don't know what else to say.
Gordon Freeman - A scientist saving the world. With a crowbar. What's not to like?
Captain Falcon - Show us your moves! I just find him somewhat silly and enjoyable to play as.
Midna - A dark character but can be kind or caring. The video gaming world needs more of these kinds of characters.
Midori - From GH3 and has no personality whatsoever, her out-of-place-ness makes me laugh.
Samus - There are very few characters that are female, attractive and kick ass. Samus is notable that, while being attractive was not officially added until later, shes the pioneer of this concept.
Tails - The faithful companion that you either love, or love to hate. Always there when you need fodder to launch at a boss, yet always comes back for more. In some forms he is borderline invincible (spikes? death to Sonic. Tails + spikes? BRING IT ON).
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
Etna, Flonne, Laharl, Mid-Boss, Prinnies, and the Prism Rangers - Disgaea
Adell's mom - Disgaea 2
Vyse, Aika, Fina, and Gilder - Skies of Arcadia
Viki, Yuber, Nanami, and too many others - Suikoden series
Fran and Balthier - Final Fantasy XII
Quistis, Selphie, and Edea - Final Fantasy VIII
Red XIII and Yuffie - Final Fantasy VII
Terra, Edgar, and Celes - Final Fantasy VI
Rydia - Final Fantasy IV
Orlandu - Final Fantasy Tactics
Magus - Chrono Trigger
Katt and Nina - Breath of Fire series
Dizzy and Baiken - Guilty Gear series
Jon Talbain/Gallon, BB Hood/Bulleta, and Morrigan - Darkstalkers/Vampire series
Ken, Dan, Sakura, and Ibuki - Street Fighter series
The Disgaea characters are all well-conceived and play off eachother wonderfully. They're a delightful cast so well-written that I never tire of working my way through the story. Laharl is also a rarity for me: a main character that I DON'T wish I could boot from the party - he's useful in battle, and watching him interact with the other characters is hilarious. Also, the Prism Rangers are responsible for the hardest laugh I've ever given for a game.
Adell's mom is admittedly the only character from Disgaea 2 that I truly liked apart from the original cast. Her dialogue is wonderful, and something I looked forward to in each leg of the story. If there was any character I truly wanted to be in my party, it would have been her. So of course, she remains an NPC...
Skies of Arcadia is one of my favorite RPGs of all-time, despite the ludicrous random encounter rate, and this is mostly owed to it harboring such an enjoyable cast of characters. Vyse, like Laharl, is among the rare few leads that don't annoy me. I genuinely like him, and his outlook is a welcome departure from the cliches of so many other RPG leads. There are too many nice things to say about this cast.
Viki: arguably the most unfathomably powerful character in the series, and undeniably the most adorably inept. As for the other characters, I'll stick to the final point I made about SoA - too many nice things to say.
I would have rather had Balthier as the main character in FFXII. Vaan and Penelo were boring as sin, Ashe was just a more boring Yuna with a prettier face, but Balthier and Fran were both splendid from head to toe, inside and out. The fact that they were at least kept in the party from the first hour or so of the game until its completion is of some solace, however.
Quistis is admirable, Selphie is a laugh, and Edea is more than you expect her to be. This trio (and that Squall didn't irritate me as much as, say, Cloud) make up a big part of why VIII is my favorite of the Sony-era Final Fantasies.
Is there anyone who didn't like Red XIII? Honest question. Also, Yuffie somehow managed to be an annoyance in an endearing way. I still ARGH when she screws up the order of my materia, but I can't help but keep her in my party from her inception onward.
... This is starting to get tl;dw, so I'll make this the cut off. But I will say that Jon Talbain/Gallon is the single most awesome werewolf ever designed. We can stop making werewolves now, they will never be more awesome.
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I have to sympathize with the pilot of the M-308 Gunner from Metal Storm. I'm sure that he was excited when he learned that he would be the pilot of a giant mech the can flip gravity at will. It just makes me feel so sad to think of how he felt when he learned that the mech in question was about as durable as a toothpick. :( Then again, this is just purely conjecture. The game never reveals whether or not the mech is piloted, and it doesn't have any plot in the first place.
Other favorites include Captain Falcon, Gunstar Red, Gordon Freeman, Protoman, Samus, and the infamous L-Block, all of which are obscenely manly.
Nach wrote:
I also used to wake up every morning, open my curtains, and see the twin towers. And then one day, wasn't able to anymore, I'll never forget that.
[1] If you played the game, you know what function that was. :P
[2] You know what it is.
Windwaker Link - The link with the most personalty! (Don't shoot me.) I just liked the way he interacted with his environment.
Midna - She was awesome, cynical and helpful only when necessary. (Though I do wish she told me how to kill the twilight monsters before I died trying to kill them)
Shiek/Zelda/Tetra - More fighting princesses are always better.
Phoenix Wright Characters - I like all of them in their own way, from the hero's to the "whip it good" von karma.
Wiseman (Baten Kaitos Orgins) - Not because of his character, but because that was one tough boss fight, and I enjoyed it.
Sauceror (KOL) - Quite the fun class in this game.
ROB (Brawl) - How he is introduced, he is also fun to play as.
Earthbound Heros - Go group of kids.
Edit later if I can think of the obvious ones I missed and will want to kick myself for forgetting.
Androgynous, chaotic but strangely loyal feline being who says 'manamanu' to Klonoa. "Maybe I like you... just a little bit?"
The character/monster design in the Klonoa series is so very bizarre and refreshing.
I have a fair list.
Professor E. Gadd: Luigi's Mansion (all time favourite game character)
Geno: Mario RPG the Seven Stars (second Fav)
Ivan: Golden Sun
Cranky Kong (only in the first two DKC games though)
King Dedede
Paint Roller
Chef Kawasaki
Nago (KDL3)
Rick (KDL3)
Waddle Dee
Bowyer (or however you spell that)
Happy Mask Salesman
Shy Guy
Marin (Link's awakening)
Mackenzie (touch Detective)
Daisy (Mario Series (before she started to sound like a man's voice))
Adeline/Ado (Kirby Series)
Ribbon (Kirby 64)
Anju (OoT/MM)
Maple (oracle games)
Solana (pokemon Ranger)
Pretty much all of the Pokemon Girls.
Mia (Golden Sun)
And though she had a very small role in both games, Daisy from Touch Detective. I really like that character for some reason. Check out the fan art I made of her.
There are way more, but I can't remember all of them at the moment.
I've got a couple.
Ryudo from Grandia II is probably my number one; he goes from the very definition of "anti-hero" to the savior of the world as the game progresses.
JC Denton from Deus Ex is in a similar vein. Initially part of a military police organization in a dystopic near-future world, he discovers the corruption therein, rebels against it and the system it defends, and eventually plays a key role in the destiny of the world, culminating either in his apotheosis, a new Dark Age, or a return to government essentially as it is today.
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Vectorman, Kratos, Yoshi (only when in a kart), Auron (cripple fight!! from FFX), old school sonic (post spin-dash, but pre-sega Saturn games), Crono (how can I like a character who never says anything at all?), Rodney Mullen (does he not count, since he's a real person too?), Sparkster, Elvis (the alien, not the dead fat dude), and there's probably a lot more.
EDIT: Forgot Link, Mileena, Spider-man and the retarded fluffy animals in Super Metroid.
To be fair, Auron wasn't actually crippled*. The limp arm inside the kimono (not that it was a kimono, but stay with me here) is a cultural thing that just sort of happened to not be well-known to the rest of the world.
lolspoiler *Unless being dead counts as being crippled, anyway.
Hi, I'm Daisy!
Seriously, though, I've been more partial to her than Peach in recent years. She's also the meme posterchild for repetitive voice samples, which earns her a special place in my heart.
Jill's moves are pathetic, and she only has two or three voice samples... which are repeated constantly. "I'm a member of STARS! I'm a member of STARS! Hi, I'm Daisy!"