Post subject: Ultima: Exodus
Joined: 8/24/2004
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How long will this game? 25 minutes? 35 minutes? 50 minutes? more than an hour? thanks.
I am a Mega Man fan that hates Megaman X8.
Post subject: Re: Ultima: Exodus
Joined: 5/29/2004
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julianch wrote:
How long will this game? 25 minutes? 35 minutes? 50 minutes? more than an hour? thanks.
[Cringes] Crappy fighting system, abominablely slow movements, the fact that a strategy guide was released for a bloody reason! [Cringes again] I honestly think Quest of The Avatar would be faster due to manipulation of virtues. Oh who am I kidding,.. I never beat a single Ultima game ^^;; Even if it took over an hour, I'd be interested in either. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Post subject: Re: Ultima: Exodus
Joined: 3/22/2004
Posts: 95
Exodus would be okay for a walkthrough video, but it'd be far too long to consider for a SPEED RUN.. even with luck manipulation, I can't imagine this would be very enjoyable or fast at all. 75% of the game is spent at level 1, because the monsters that appear are easy to kill with the cleric and wizard 0 MP spells. At level 3+ more difficult monsters appear, that can't be killed so easily. So you'd wander around (maybe going to the dungeons, since combat is easier to control there), acquiring gold and exp so that when you promote to level 5 (and you wouldn't want to promote before level 5), you can quickly hop in a pirate ship and visit Ambrosia to get your stat points raised.. at which point you usually want to raise Cleric WIS and Wizard INT to max (7400 for each, assuming you start with 25 points in their main stat), just so you can cast more Ascend/Descend/Rise/Sink spells to dodge traps and pick up more chests. The fastest place to pick up treasure is probably Dungeon of Gold level 4 and 7.. but getting there is still rather difficult.. with proper movement, however, you might be able to ascend/descend there without encountering any gremlins or traps or anything.. Or maybe it would be faster to go to that one town with the huge pile of chests behind the weapon store.. You'd probably want 4 silver (or was it gold?) picks so that you can get the mystic armor (just so that you can survive Exodus' castle and the handful of encounters that you'll run into there)... I always played the game with 2 clerics and 2 wizards, whose only flaw was that they couldn't equip the Silver Bow (the strongest ranged weapon in the game) so killing monsters that were strong took a long time, and was usually very painful. It shouldn't be too hard to make an optimal path for this game, but it would be rather long, and very dependent on luck manipulation.
Joined: 6/13/2004
Posts: 37
things absoultly needed to beat the game: pray (to get silver horn and for the final event) silver horn (to get by the snake level 5 (to get a pirate ship cards (lov sol moon death) mark of force snake (you can get away with not getting force but 3 of your charecters will die in the final palace) you CAN via a little known glitch sneak into the final castle without the horn or mark of snake. with luck manipulation you can do it i'm sure one of the time gates go to the final island on the side of the river. if you manipuate luck just right you can have a pirate ship spawn in just the right spot. this happened to me once in the years i've played it (I promptly died in the final area and lost the ship sadly) my suggestion would be like this: cleric wizard wizard wizard (if you want to get the force mark otherwise its really up to you but make sure you have a charecter who can use cleric and wizard spells to level up to 5 quick) level up to 5 (manipulate fights as to always fight 8 undead for 32exp per fight) go to yew, get pray(lots of fire panels, may need to use heal carefully again manipuatling the rsults as to get more hp per use) get a ship, go in whirlpool get the 4 cards in ambrosia die (fastest way to get back to lord british) manipulate luck to get on the final island (pirate ship trick) with carefull dodging you CAN avoid all the dragons in the last castle a good trick is to go to your status screen right before a dragon touches you when you return your 4 charecters will be on one tile and you can avoid many attacks) defeating the invisible tiles will be a trick since you're at such a low level with minimal spells, but thats the only really tough fight, and again you can just manipulate luck to not die here. use cards (love sun moon death) get the ankh get the hell out of there :-) your toughest challenge is beating the two pirate ships (manipulate luck to get the least amount of pirates on each ship, possibly buying a few ands of time would help drasticly) defeating the "floors" will be tough too since you can't stop time here again manipulating misses and hits will help, might want a fighter charecter or maybe a ranger just for these few fights since you won't be spending much (if any) time in dungeons so no magic is needed really edit1: I tottally forgot, you can't fight in the final palace without the silver weapon, might want to use more wizards and use thier lower level missle/flame spells to defeat the floors edit2: note all of this is from memory.. I beleive there might be two spots in the final palace where the force barriers are in your the trick of having 4 people run across them and having one survive isn't going to cut it. what i'd suggest is to get the 4 cards on ambrosia, get a flower give it to sherry, then go to the closest dungeon with the mark of force, desend/sink to it ,grab it fast and use the compass heart to get out fast, then continue with my little walk through :-) (since you won't have enough mp to rise back out or cast surface the heart is the best memory on the dungeons is a bit hazy, might want to check maps and see the easiest force mark to pick up .
Post subject: Ultima III: Exodus
Joined: 11/30/2004
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I want to do a speed run of this and I found an amazing glitch that would let me beat the game probably within minutes, but it requires turning the power off to the NES. Is there a way to record using this glitch or not? basically what you do is create a ready made party, power off, create three characters by hand, and without actually selecting your party hitting continue. you end up with a fourth character with a random sprite who has every item in the game. only draw back is that the most powerful enemies in the game spawn immediately, but as long as I could steal a ship and hit the whirlpool I could buy all the stats I need instantly (the ghost has a ninja gaiden symbol's worth of gold???) and rush exodus. I dunno, give me some feedback.
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Oh man, that would be a pretty sweet run, but unfortunately it isn't possible with any of the emulators currently in use. I wonder if this could be done anyways, I'll throw out some ideas here: Pick a party to levelup with magic, manipulate all drops to get max gold (assuming it's possible). Leveling would be pretty quick if done right. Go to Death Gulch, it has a ton of treasure chests. Open them all, manipulating luck to not call guards and to up the amounts of each chest. I believe there's a moongate leading here, but a ship is really needed to use the money anyway. With uber guys, run the dungeons, get everything and whup exodus. With lots of magic the dungeons will be simple--sink down, get needed treasure, rise back up. Some dungeons are also loaded with cash, this could be part of the money-raising effort. Wait, there's already a thread for this game. Use the search before you post next time!!!
Joined: 5/3/2004
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If anyone is seriously considering doing this run, I have quite detailed hand drawn maps of both overworlds (with all towns and moongate coordinates indicated) and every dungeon (with all doors, chests, fountains, etc. indicated). Yeah, I took my gaming seriously when I was a kid. Anyways, if anyone thinks those would be helpful, let me know and I'll scan them.
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If you've tried anything with this game, you will quickly realize that luck maniuplation.... Doesn't work In battle, it doesn't matter what frame you attack on, you always deal the same damage. No Dragon Warrior-esqe manipulation here.
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
Player (72)
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i totally suck at this game. i mean wow. i beat quest of the avatar but could never get much done in exodus, so a run of this game would be REALLY impressive. you reminded me of another trick, it's not quite as amazing, but it might be doable on the emulator, dunno. you can create a bunch of characters, 14 is the max i think, and then have them all give their stuff to the hero, sell it all, dump the characters and create new ones, repeat until you have a nice metric ton of money to spend on good equipment.
Joined: 6/13/2004
Posts: 37
what that glitch does is uses previous "erased" save game data when you do that trick. it doesn't work nearly as well on an emualtor you also can't beat the game with the glitch party the best way to do it on a real cart btw is to remove the battery from your cart for about a day to get a totally fresh save ram on it. (yes you can bring back erased saved charecters with it) its a fun glitch to play with though :-)
Joined: 6/13/2004
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oh uh yeah, thers another topic for ultima exodos thats kinda burried, I posted a pretty long winded pile of info about it down there if anyone is interested in doing a run (Its my second favorate rpg of all time) If I had the time I'd try to do a run of it myself.
Joined: 8/7/2004
Posts: 51
Any luck manipulation would have to be before/during the start of the round, I'd think. On the NES I figured out that each round, all the enemies make 1 'saving throw' (pardon my D&D speak) that they use, and the Caster makes one roll to overcome it. So, you will either kill none or most of the undead in one spell, depending on the roll you make at the beginning of the round. And one neat trick to avoid the level 5 monsters, you dump the level 5 dude soon after geting a ship and make a new character. It will make it easier to avoid enemies, and since all chests hold between 1 and 99 golds anyways, it will only hurt xp gains. I usually give this fighter/barbarian/thief/something equally disposabe the mark of pain and anything else that isn't necissary to reach the end.. Either way, I'd like to see this game beat, even if it is nearly impossible to do fast.
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Good idea about taking out the level 5 guy, but unfortunately this requires resetting, which is unrecordable. You really do only need gold, and only so that you can acquire magic. Once you are magically very powerful, it's time to kick ass! With 25 starting stats, the most you could ask for is 7400 a person, which is a lot. All the magic is acquired at stat level 75, which would mean 5K a person. According to some faq I read, you can get a ship at level 3. Here's a crazy plan, some of these items may be reordered: -The party is three wizards and a cleric. Race isn't crucial since stats won't be maxed out. Initial stats are 25 int/25 dex for wiz, 25 wis/25 dex for cleric. We won't be attacking, so dex is the only other useful stat. Actually, it may be better to have 2 clerics, 2 wiz, there are some tradeoffs. -Beat on the runt enemies with repel and undead. One person gets all the kills, preferably the cleric. Get enough xp to get to level 3, and max out gold drops. -Buy keys with the money you get. -Get Pray, though not all party members may make it past the lava. Get the silver horn too. -Acquire a ship. Hopefully pirates can be beaten with the wizard's magic, especially if a small battle is manipulated. -Go to Death Gulch and load up on money. Manipulate luck to avoid getting caught. It might be a good idea to get mark of fire before this so you don't have to worry about healing everyone. On the other hand, maybe you can afford to let everyone but the cleric die. Whatever, just get all the money you need here. -Ambrosia: -Shrine of Wisdom is easy to reach, so power up the Cleric first. You can then revive any dead party members. -Next hit shrine of intelligence and finish powering up. Suddenly the party is extremely powerful. -Pray at all the shrines to get the cards, then leave Ambrosia. -Get anything else needed from dungeons. This needs to be determined. If the mystic armor and weapon aren't strictly required, then forget about the pick. I doubt you need to talk to the time lord. Marks of snake and force will be needed I believe. Dungeons will be fast, descending and ascending with magic. -You now have everything you need to beat the game. Enemies can be avoided or easily defeated with badass magic, even the mighty floors. Use the cards, beat exodus, and go on the quest of the avatar :).
Joined: 12/5/2004
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TheAxeMan wrote:
-Beat on the runt enemies with repel and undead. One person gets all the kills, preferably the cleric. Get enough xp to get to level 3, and max out gold drops.
Probably not saying anything you don't already know here, but depending on what runt enemies you fight, you'll HAVE to give the Wizards some experience (The runts, as you call them, are vulnerable to Repel [Which falls under the Wizard set of spells {I can't remember what the set of spells is actually called}] OR Undead [Cleric set of spells {Likewise with the exact name}], but not both). Your wording was a bit confusing, but as I said, I figured you knew this already. Come for the music, stay for the blog.
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Oh, sorry if that was confusing. I was assuming that it would be possible to manipulate enemy types so that every fight would be undead types.
Joined: 12/5/2004
Posts: 60
That could very well be possible, too. Didn't think of that. Also, may it be faster to get the Mark of Fire before going to Yew (To get Pray)? If you're going to grab it (The mark), you may as well get maximum use out of it. Come for the music, stay for the blog.
Joined: 3/17/2005
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I'd also really like to see a run of this. If anyone does, you can skip that long intro thing by holding B during power up - dunno how well that works on an emulator though.
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Posts: 37
wizards have repel clerics have undead as long as you have enough magic to get by monsters in the final palace the two mystic items aren't needed, but keep in mind if you run out of mp you won't be able to attack any monsters in the final palace and could get stuck (natuarlly easily avoidable in a speed run) also stuff like sands of time don't work in the final palace either, though you can use one right before you enter to help you for a short while (stop spell works fine though) I think i mentioned it earlier, but if yyou were really patient with luck manipulation you can make a ship appear on exodus island in just the right place so you can skip getting the mark of snake and the horn (you'll still need the 4 cards from ambrosia though) I had this happen once on the real console. basicly you need a pirate ship to spawn in the little river by castle exodus (one of the moon gates appears on exodus island next to the river. that would cut alot of time from the run leaving you only having to get : level 3/5 (never saw a ship at leve 3-4 myself) keys ship mark of force mark of fire (still potentially optional) buy intel/wis points lov son moon death cards
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Posts: 37
oh and on a side note, if you need more money once you get to ambrosia murder one of the priests, then beat on the guards that show up for awile (great exp) and you should be strong enough magicly to defeat them in one round (rot or death will do it)
Player (66)
Joined: 4/21/2011
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I am working on this and it seems to be going pretty well. A few of the rng things are frame based. Trans to a variety of places on the world map. (256 frame cycle) Descend/ascend to any empty square on a dungeon floor. Force all the low level enemies to be undead. (4xp instead of 3) Whether the undead spell "misses" is based on the sprites animation. Spamming B advanced the RNG for most other things. Pirate ships with a single crew member. Pirates in Exodus Castle Moat. 8 hitting the floors with poison. Horse doesn't speed up movement. I read somewhere it reduces food consumption, but that shouldn't be a problem in this run. Does anyone else have experience with the time lord freezing the mobs in Exodus Castle? __ 1. Cave of Fire - Mark of Force, Mark of Fire, looting treasure 2. Yew - Pray 3. Fights vs. undead to get 400xp/2500gold total 4. Castle - Level up 5. Pirate 6. Ambrosia * Shrines - cards, 50int * DODGE MAN-O-WAR!?! 7. Sosaria - trans to NW corner, moongate (0->2->7) 8. Cave of Moon - Time Lord 9. Castle Exodus - moongate (7->5) when pirate is in moat * Dodge first dragon, others are frozen * Poison floor, rest, poison floor * Pray - love, sun, moon, death * Run away * WIN !
Joined: 2/26/2011
Posts: 98
nanogyth wrote:
Does anyone else have experience with the time lord freezing the mobs in Exodus Castle?
Wait, what!? I have never heard of that! And by the way, this is AWESOME news!
Skilled player (1657)
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I have no idea what happened, but I liked it. Aren't you supposed to go through dungeons to get runes?
Sage advice from a friend of Jim: So put your tinfoil hat back in the closet, open your eyes to the truth, and realize that the government is in fact causing austismal cancer with it's 9/11 fluoride vaccinations of your water supply.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Aren't you supposed to go through dungeons to get runes?
That's Quest of the Avatar. I like this plan. Sorry, I don't know about time lord stopping things. Is this different from the stop spell?
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Just wanted to say that this is the NES TAS I've been anticipating the most. I want to see this game broken apart. :)
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Haha, yeah, I bet lots of people who have played this game would like to see that.