We're all looking forward to it :)
Apologies for the following long and somewhat off-topic post! My site is pretty obscure and not visually appealing. And the youtube videos don't have everything and are missing sound. So I took the liberty of uploading some to nicovideo. (reasons include but are not limited to: I don't have a 2006 account on youtube and video time limits suck. Scrolling comments greatly add to the enjoyment of the video for some and can optionally be disabled anyway. The video quality is better than youtube's. Other english video sharing sites discourage gaming videos or have other unfriendly limits)
If you don't have an account or don't know any japanese, that's fine. "hatena diary" can embed any nicovideo link, though unfortunately the uploader comments stay at their first revision. I think the videos are shown in reduced quality too. Oh well. :/ The three parts so far are:
1 - Spiral Mountain, Mumbo's Mountain, Treasure Trove Cove
2 - Clanker's Cavern, Bubble Gloop Swamp
3 - Gobi's Valley, Mad Monster Mansion [including quick visit to Freezeezy Peak]
The button with the bird and text bubble toggles comments if they actually detract from your viewing experience.