Post subject: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 7470
Location: Arzareth
Hereby I am announcing that I will eventually quit the administration of TASVideos and all related tasks. As I have previously stated, I want to keep things operational as long as possible, and certainly I do not want my quitting to disturb the site's operation in any way. For example, I have paid the domain for five more years. As such, however, I want to progressively give out portions of this site to other people. These are the things I want to give out / assign new people for: BitTorrent tracker The tracker is the site It contains the following properties: ― A webroot wherein torrents are stored and downloaded from. In the same webroot, a SOAP API, written in PHP, exists ― the main site will use this API to query torrent download locations, and to upload new torrents. ― BitTorrent tracker software (BNBT). It uses the webroot as its allowed-dir. Maintenance requirements: ― Your Internet connection should allow incoming connections to ports 80 (http), 6969 (BitTorrent) and 6967 (the second tracker). ― Ensuring that the disk space does not run out. Currently the tracker uses some 44 MB of disk space. If tracker logs are enabled, the amount grows by some 50 MB each day, but otherwise, it grows quite slowly. ― Ensuring that the tracker software (BNBT) as well as the web software are up and running. ― Once in a while moving old torrents from the webroot into an "obsolete" directory. This is an entirely manual process, but completely optional. ― It requires a relatively small amount of bandwidth. I'd say if you have 15 kB/s upstream, it's enough for the tracker. You will, however, require a robust router, because the tracker gets connections from a lot of different IP addresses. If your router is not robust, you may find that you need to reboot it often. TAKEN by Nach. (Not migrated yet?) Thanks! Image server The image server is the site It contains the following properties: ― A webroot wherein images (screenshots) are stored and downloaded from. In the same webroot, a SOAP API, written in PHP, exists ― the main site will use this API to query image download locations, and to upload new images. (Implemented in April 2009) Maintenance requirements: ― Your Internet connection should allow incoming connections to port 80 (http). ― Ensuring that the disk space does not run out. Currently the site uses some 500 MB of disk space (though most of that consists of old AVI demonstration files). The amount grows by a megabyte or so per month. If the AVIs and old TASSnapShots are scrapped (feasible), it is only 80 MB. 40 MB, if also autoscreenshots are scrapped. ― Once in a while, optimizing all new PNG files with pngout. This is completely optional, but it will reduce your bandwidth utilization by a few percent. ― Ensuring that the web software is up and running. ― Your bandwidth should be such that your server can upload something like 20―50 kB/s. Images are requested usually in spurts, i.e. for 20 seconds there is no access, and suddenly 150 files are downloaded at once. TAKEN by Nach. Thanks! The actual site The actual site is the website and its subdirectories, including the forums. It contains the following properties: ― A webroot wherein the site engine is executed from. In the same webroot, is the forums, and all the backend functions (such as the SOAP API) of the website. ― Two MySQL databases: one for the actual site (nesvideos_site) and one for the forums (nesvideos_forum). ― A memcache cache process. Maintenance requirements: ― Your Internet connection should allow incoming connections to port 80 (http). (And likely 22 (ssh), for the developers.) ― Absolutely trustworthy and keeps confidential information confidential. ― Ensuring that all software is running and operational. ― Ensuring that the Internet connection (network) is capable enough and robust. ― Ensuring that the hardware is sufficient for the site. The current site has a Intel Core2Quad (64-bit 4-core 2400 Mhz) and 6 GB of 800 MHz RAM. It is well enough to run everything mentioned in this post. ― Ensuring that there is enough disk space. The website (including forums) requires about 8 MB of disk space and the MySQL database requires 1 or 2 gigabytes. ― At least the following software are required on the site: Apache version 2.2 or later, PHP version 5.2 or later, MySQL version 5.0 or later; the following PHP extensions: Curl, Gd, Memcache, MySQL, Tidy, XSL, SOAP. ― Give maintainers of the site source code the access to update the site, and to access the databases directly. ― Your bandwidth should be such that your server can upload something like 20―50 kB/s. More is better, of course, and especially with the large Movies-*.html pages (which vary from 200 to 600 kilobytes), users will appreciate it if the pages load quickly. TAKEN by Nach. Thanks! Site development and maintaining (multiple people wanted) This is the most important bit. In the future, I will not have time to maintain the site's source code anymore, so others will have to do it. However, I cannot grant access to the current site directly – only to the source code – for the reason that the server contains many other things besides TASVideos – and thus, the actual site has to be moved too, for the maintainership of the site to be possible for others than me. The TASVideos site source code is stored in a GIT repository, and the database is a MySQL database. A developer will implement changes in those and upload those changes to the actual site. The developer will gain access to the entire site history and to some privileged information such as the e-mail addresses of the userbase. Requirements: ― Absolutely trustworthy and keeps confidential information confidential. ― Experience in PHP programming and MySQL database design. ― Ability to read code that is although modular, very scarcely commented and documented. ― Understanding of secure web programming; proper escaping of SQL queries, proper escaping of HTML characters, etc. ― Desire to maintain and improve the site. Anything changed on the site should go through the coordinator first, though. Maintenance requirements: ― Once in a while running the makesnapshot.php script, which creates the TASSnapShot. ― Once in a while running the automatic_screenshot.php script, which adds automatic screenshots to new submissions. Examples of long-term plans to flesh out: ― Streaming video support. ― Upgrading the forums (phpBB3 for example). ― Changing the wikimarkup engine (use mediawiki's?). Site coordinator A site coordinator (policy administrator) decides the direction that TASVideos is going towards. Example tasks: ― Deciding which emulators are acceptable platforms (TAKEN by Adelikat) ― Deciding how files are named A site coordinator should also be a developer, or be in close contact to developers to exact these changes. TAKEN by Adelikat. Thanks! Public relations person Sometimes the press wants to contact us, asking questions, interviewing us. A PR person would be the one to most commonly answer such interviews. So far, it has been me. They would be identified on the About page as the spokesperson. Requirements: ― Knowledge of the site history. ― An enthusiastic view towards TASing. ― Expertise of TASing techniques. ― Responsible use of language and a positive appearance when talking via email or otherwise. ― Good relations to the contributors. TAKEN by Adelikat. Thanks! But requires some set-up… IRC channel ownership Someone else should take over the ownership of #nesvideos and the responsibility of assigning operators. TAKEN by Adelikat. Thanks! For all these tasks, it is an absolutely requirement that the new responsible person will be trustworthy, and will not e.g. suddenly disappear from the Internet without warning, at least not without first transferring the responsibility to someone else in a similar manner as I'm now going to start doing. You should also make frequent and complete backups, just in case your harddrive blows up or something else happens. I will be available for guiding, training and helping in questions until September 2009. The desired timeline for this all is that by the summer of 2009, everything has been moved. ======================================================= EDIT: By AngerFist's input, I'll clarify this a bit. I'm gradually going to spend less and less time with TASVideos, and some day -- probably not this year but maybe in three years, I may be required to move to another country; that day, it'd be convenient if I didn't have this server running here at my home. A much closer looming possibility is that my privilege of free Internet connection with static IP will be ended by the company I work for.... So in a few years, I hope it can be arranged that TASVideos does not need to be hosted particularly on a computer running at my home. If a day comes that I must move and TASVideos is still running from my home, I will archive it as a readonly copy, put it on a lightweight free hosting, give a backup of the database and code to someone who I can trust (if there's one), and then I'll shut down the site and redirect the address to the readonly copy. As for the administrative tasks, as long as I have Internet access, I can contribute somewhat, but as I'm going to spend less and less time with TASVideos, I can't keep up with everything that happens here, and I cannot respond to needs immediately, and to prevent things from falling into stale state, I want there to be other developers and other admins. It'd be nice if these responsibilities could be split among many people so they don't need to know much at once, but a person who could handle more would be better and more fluent for the development model. I'm very glad that encoding and publishing tasks as well as page editing have been taken by volunteers so far. I'm grateful to those people!
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (2177)
Joined: 5/22/2007
Posts: 1134
Location: Glitchvania
You'll have a new job? All right. Hmm, I don't think that myself can do any of these. Talking about the site history thing, the current history page isn't complete yet... I guess you'd better complete it yourself, as you know it the best.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Emulator Coder, Player (80)
Joined: 10/26/2007
Posts: 693
Go before the gate goes down When you hear the calling sound You will not be turned away Bring your weakness with your strength La la la... One of my favorite songs. :D I'm happy to see God has called you, Bisqwit. And I'm also happy to see the site will probably have some deeper changes in the future; hopefully they will be for the better. I'd love to help you with "Site development and maintaining", as PHP (+MySQL) is my favorite language, but I understand if you need a closer person for that role. Good luck with your new job. :)
You're just fucking stupid, everyone hates you, sorry to tell you the truth. no one likes you, you're someone pretentious and TASes only to be on speed game, but don't have any hope, you won't get there.
Editor, Player (91)
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klmz wrote:
Talking about the site history thing, the current history page isn't complete yet... I guess you'd better complete it yourself, as you know it the best.
For the purposes of things mentioned on this page, that page is complete enough. Though overall it is quite incomplete. However, I disagree on the notion that I'm the best person to complete it :P
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
Bisqwit wrote:
Site development and maintaining (multiple people wanted) This is the most important bit. In the future, I will not have time to maintain the site's source code anymore, so others will have to do it. However, I cannot grant access to the current site directly – only to the source code – for the reason that the server contains many other things besides TASVideos – and thus, the actual site has to be moved too, for the maintainership of the site to be possible for others than me. The TASVideos site source code is stored in a GIT repository, and the database is a MySQL database. A developer will implement changes in those and upload those changes to the actual site.
Why are you requiring developers to login and upload changed files? The process is error prone, and gives more permission out to people than they should have. For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system, we have the main site, and the developer site. The site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest). Developers play with their own setup, commit to VCS, developer site syncs with VCS, it's tested on a larger scale, and when found stable, main site can be synced, no room for forgetting to upload just one file. Setting up any site to sync itself with any VCS should be pretty straight foward. A paged locked towards admins which when submitted calls whatever program on the server, and presto. If need be, have it also run various scripts to keep things sane after an upgrade.
Bisqwit wrote:
― Understanding of secure web programming; proper escaping of SQL queries, proper escaping of HTML characters, etc.
Escaping SQL queries? What decade are you living in? Escaping data runs a lot of risk in doing it wrong. Depending where it's coming from, and having it also have to escape HTML, and how many quotes may currently be in the string at the time can make escaping get ugly at times. Escaping SQL can change from query to query, don't leave such things up to chance. People also spend too much time wondering if due to the filters the data went through, does this particular data ever need escaping, or is it all ready safe or escaped? Now that PHP 5 integrated PDO, use prepared statements for all queries that contain variables. They never need escaping, you just have to specify the variables external from the SQL string itself. It's not so error prone, doesn't waste brain time thinking about the data, and additionally also allows running the exact same query with different variables easily without building the string again.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 7470
Location: Arzareth
Nach wrote:
Why are you requiring developers to login and upload changed files? The process is error prone, and gives more permission out to people than they should have. For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system, we have the main site, and the developer site. The site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest). Developers play with their own setup, commit to VCS, developer site syncs with VCS, it's tested on a larger scale, and when found stable, main site can be synced, no room for forgetting to upload just one file.
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before.
Nach wrote:
Escaping SQL queries? What decade are you living in?
The majority of TASVideos code is built on escaping SQL queries, i.e. code such as this:
    $where = Array();
    if(...) { $where[] = 'status<>"Y" and status<>"R" and status<>"C"'; }
    if(...) { $where[] = 'gamename='.sqlfix($gamename); }
    $SQL = 'select submission.*,system.abbr'.
             ',site_text.timestamp firsttimestamp'.
             ',(select count(distinct userid)from submission_rating'.
                 ' where'.
       ' from submission,system,site_text';
    $where[] = '';
    $where[] = '>0';
    $where[] = ' and site_text.revision=1';
    if(!empty($where)) $SQL .= ' where '.join(' and ',$where);
    $SQL .= ' order by system.abbr,gamename,firsttimestamp';
In some code, the question of SQL escaping is avoided entirely, such as this:
       $fields = Array
         'playerid'    => $_POST['playerid'],
         'gamename'    => $_POST['gamename'],
         'gameversion' => $_POST['versionname'],
         'nickname'    => $_POST['nickname'],
         'romname'     => $_POST['romname'],
         'id'          => $movieid,
         'inpure'      => $_POST['inpure']=='Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'  
       $SQL = GetUpdateSQL('movie', $fields, $movieid);
Yet only recently, have I begun using a feature similar to prepared statements:
$SQL = SqlPrintf(
  'delete from movie_rating where userid=%d and movieid=%d and ratingname=%s', 
  UserGetId(), $movieID, $data['name']);
Nach wrote:
Escaping data runs a lot of risk in doing it wrong. Depending where it's coming from, and having it also have to escape HTML, and how many quotes may currently be in the string at the time can make escaping get ugly at times. Escaping SQL can change from query to query, don't leave such things up to chance.
So far I have had quite robust guidelines that are easy to implement and to follow, and I rarely if ever make mistake with it. Of course you're right that nonzero chance is not preferable to zero chance.
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
Why are you requiring developers to login and upload changed files? The process is error prone, and gives more permission out to people than they should have. For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system, we have the main site, and the developer site. The site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest). Developers play with their own setup, commit to VCS, developer site syncs with VCS, it's tested on a larger scale, and when found stable, main site can be synced, no room for forgetting to upload just one file.
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before.
When we started our new development projects, our overall lead developer decided EVERYTHING should be automated, nothing anywhere should ever be done by hand, since that only leads to possible error on occasion, consistency is key. We've written up scripts to automate practically everything that we have to do (besides write the actual code). I was actually the one responsible for figuring out how to automate the main update of the site, setting up a page to allow syncing with the VCS seemed the most obvious choice. We're automated to the extent of how we sync with other projects on the net. We have a custom browser which can be searched for text, and replay key presses and clicks. When there's a site where we download software from which we use, we develop a "movie file" to download the latest version, even when the site doesn't provide an API or non changing latest version link. Then we have the web browser movie scripts automated to run nightly.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Joined: 4/25/2004
Posts: 615
Location: The Netherlands
Bisqwit do you want to release tasvideo's completely? That's sort of what I'm reading. Or are you going to continue hosting the server but nothing else to it? There's also the possibility of making it open source somehow. Making a few lead admins. With source control and publishing rights and whatever. Well, as far as the site goes anyways. The open source community can then decide on their own what they do and do not want. If somebody fucks up, you simply revert. The distribution can be distributed and those can be dynamically added to the site as you proposed earlier with the streaming flv.
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Posts: 1850
qFox wrote:
Bisqwit do you want to release tasvideo's completely? That's sort of what I'm reading. Or are you going to continue hosting the server but nothing else to it? There's also the possibility of making it open source somehow. Making a few lead admins. With source control and publishing rights and whatever. Well, as far as the site goes anyways. The open source community can then decide on their own what they do and do not want. If somebody fucks up, you simply revert.
Open source isn't the answer to everything, and I really think making the site that way isn't a good idea. I would just recommend that one person inherits the whole thing; otherwise, you end up with a lot of split servers, making a lot of potential problems. Having A have the main server and B with the images can cause a pretty nasty problem down the line, for example. One of the big problems of TASvideos (from my guesses and peeks into parts of the source) is that it's a mess. Just as an example, to get the Wiki engine this site uses working on another server, I had to severely gut most of the code. Moving the site's actual programming to another server will be a significant challenge, especially if one opts to try to use a typical webhost over their own machine, and even then...
Emulator Coder, Active player (393)
Joined: 3/24/2006
Posts: 1802
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Banned User
Joined: 3/10/2004
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Location: Finland
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system...
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before
Knowing your usage and expertise of versioning systems, including git, that comment rather surprises me. Clearly I didn't understand something here. Or were you just being sarcastic?
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Joined: 6/15/2005
Posts: 1711
upthorn wrote:
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
I say we make a reality show of it. Invite Nach, Warp, AngerFist, JXQ, adelikat, Xkeeper and myself to a luxurious mansion on an exotic island and have us fight for it in a number of elaborate competitions, survivor style.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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I hope this is not a response to the added stress of updating the main page, I don't like it what a hobby gets ruined just because you feel pressed to spend too much time on it. At any rate, I will help out in any way I can, but I'm afraid that there is not much on the list I am qualified to do. Public relation is the only one I could even come close to doing properly, and I can think of at least 12 people who know the history more completely, and would be a better face for the community. (should probably go to one of you with the 2004 account creation date!)
Has never colored a dinosaur.
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upthorn wrote:
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
One problem with that idea: I don't want it.
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Fabian wrote:
upthorn wrote:
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
I say we make a reality show of it. Invite Nach, Warp, AngerFist, JXQ, adelikat, Xkeeper and myself to a luxurious mansion on an exotic island and have us fight for it in a number of elaborate competitions, survivor style.
Take laughing_gas too. He'll be thrilled to beat JXQ.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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Fabian wrote:
upthorn wrote:
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
I say we make a reality show of it. Invite Nach, Warp, AngerFist, JXQ, adelikat, Xkeeper and myself to a luxurious mansion on an exotic island and have us fight for it in a number of elaborate competitions, survivor style.
Uh, what if it ends in a draw?
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Editor, Experienced player (737)
Joined: 6/13/2006
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Location: Massachussetts, USA
Bisqwit wrote:
Public relations person Sometimes the press wants to contact us, asking questions, interviewing us. A PR person would be the one to most commonly answer such interviews. So far, it has been me. They would be identified on the About page as the spokesperson. Requirements: ― Knowledge of the site history. ― An enthusiastic view towards TASing. ― Expertise of TASing techniques. ― Responsible use of language and a positive appearance when talking via email or otherwise. ― Good relations to the contributors.
I am interested in participating/running this aspect of the site, since I lack the computer/programming related skills needed for the other tasks, but have the skills for this one (I'm a communication major.)
Homepage ☣ Retired
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Posts: 1802
Xkeeper wrote:
upthorn wrote:
I say give half to xkeeper and half to adelikat and see if we can get awesome creative tension going.
One problem with that idea: I don't want it.
I don't see how that's at all relevant.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
Banned User
Joined: 12/23/2004
Posts: 1850
Sure it is; if you give me half of it, I will just give it to somebody else. Hence, save the effort and just pick somebody else :P
Editor, Player (91)
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Location: Arzareth
qFox wrote:
Bisqwit do you want to release tasvideo's completely? That's sort of what I'm reading. Or are you going to continue hosting the server but nothing else to it?
As I wrote elsewhere, I will continue to have a server for some time. In the first phase, I'll just want off my back the things that take my time ― namely, development and PR. And because the testing environment for development is my server, which had lots of things I wish to keep private (all my files in fact) and safe, that should be moved too. Nach's idea is splendid, but it doesn't solve the problem of accidentally using pathnames outside the allowed webroot and rendering them to the browser, and the such. If I could get a virtual server working inside the real server, that would solve the problem ― but I have no idea how to redirect HTTP traffic to the virtual server selectively based on the Host HTTP header. (Seeing as how I have multiple hostnames, including and, which all have this same IP.) I have only one public IP address.
Raiscan wrote:
There's also the possibility of making it open source somehow. Making a few lead admins. With source control and publishing rights and whatever. Well, as far as the site goes anyways. The open source community can then decide on their own what they do and do not want. If somebody fucks up, you simply revert.
With open source there's the problem of privileged information. I don't want to disclose things like users' e-mail addresses, or the list of files in my /mnt/photos, to any random developer.
Twelvepack wrote:
I hope this is not a response to the added stress of updating the main page, I don't like it what a hobby gets ruined just because you feel pressed to spend too much time on it.
It's not a response to it. I just wanted to do it before making this announcement, so that you see I've not completely abandoned the site despite the low rate of changes recently ― and because I just got the idea and it seemed easy enough to do (which it was) and I wanted to do it.
Xkeeper wrote:
I would just recommend that one person inherits the whole thing; otherwise, you end up with a lot of split servers, making a lot of potential problems. Having A have the main server and B with the images can cause a pretty nasty problem down the line, for example.
There can indeed be nasty problems if some of the servers are down. However, when the servers are up, APIs between them make things work just nicely. The tracker and site integration has worked this way for a long time already. Though they have been on the same server, they have interfaced as though they were on different servers, through a SOAP API.
Xkeeper wrote:
One of the big problems of TASvideos (from my guesses and peeks into parts of the source) is that it's a mess. Just as an example, to get the Wiki engine this site uses working on another server, I had to severely gut most of the code. Moving the site's actual programming to another server will be a significant challenge, especially if one opts to try to use a typical webhost over their own machine, and even then...
In my opinion, it works just fine. I have juggled it between… umm, four different servers in the past history. (My server, my desktop, my laptop, and my company's server.) Your mileage varies, because you have acquired just a piece of the code that was never intended to work stand-alone. It all does depend on some particular PHP configuration settings though; such as no-magic-quotes, short-open-tag, etc., and some particular extensions, which I listed in the first post. And it requires the specifying of pathnames and database names in a configuration file, but so do most other PHP sites of this scale.
Warp wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system...
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before
Knowing your usage and expertise of versioning systems, including git, that comment rather surprises me. Clearly I didn't understand something here.
It only surprises you because you misquoted me. It was not "all our code is stored in a VCS" that was immensely interesting to me, but the notion of "the site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest)."
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
Nach wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
― Understanding of secure web programming; proper escaping of SQL queries, proper escaping of HTML characters, etc.
Escaping SQL queries? What decade are you living in?
the decade where your username is hax0r and your password is ' or '1'='1 [Edit by Bisqwit: Removed off-topic parts.]
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Editor, Player (91)
Joined: 3/8/2004
Posts: 7470
Location: Arzareth
arflech wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
The reason I'm doing this is because I feel that God is calling me for some job, and TASVideos responsibility is an obstacle for that job. No joke.
You should be the fourth Blues Brother: <image>
If you want to laugh at my statement, please do so in the Ask Bisqwit thread, but do not derail this thread regarding the future of this site.
Joined: 4/25/2004
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Location: The Netherlands
Bisqwit wrote:
Warp wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system...
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before
Knowing your usage and expertise of versioning systems, including git, that comment rather surprises me. Clearly I didn't understand something here.
It only surprises you because you misquoted me. It was not "all our code is stored in a VCS" that was immensely interesting to me, but the notion of "the site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest)."
So, a CMS with CVS? That can hardly be any news? Heck, wiki's sorta work like that...
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
qFox wrote:
So, a CMS with CVS?
Financed with a CDS, promoted by the CBS, and after introduction implemented by the CRS...
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
arflech wrote:
Nach wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
― Understanding of secure web programming; proper escaping of SQL queries, proper escaping of HTML characters, etc.
Escaping SQL queries? What decade are you living in?
the decade where your username is hax0r and your password is ' or '1'='1
If such things worry you nowadays, then you're writing your SQL bindings wrong. There's basically 3 levels of security: 1. No security 2. Escaping 3. Prepared Statements
qFox wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Warp wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system...
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before
Knowing your usage and expertise of versioning systems, including git, that comment rather surprises me. Clearly I didn't understand something here.
It only surprises you because you misquoted me. It was not "all our code is stored in a VCS" that was immensely interesting to me, but the notion of "the site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest)."
So, a CMS with CVS? That can hardly be any news? Heck, wiki's sorta work like that...
No. A site where the wiki engine code is updated via the wiki itself.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.