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thanks swordless this helps a lot ;) here's the new lullaby skip with hyper endless superslide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDDoLe866W4 now we're able to get up to the temple with one bomb :D
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Grunz, actually, I'd find it interesting if you did a Tas with Goron mask. It'd help compare time differences and would improve your tasing skills even more. It's almost definitely slower, but maybe it proves faster because who knows, it "fits" in better, like timing for Romani Ranch bottle, etc Just thought it'd be interesting (it'd also be a "long" tas for you, where you'd get a better hang of long tasing)
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Kuwaga wrote:
If it's not replicateable on console or if it requires in-game modification of the hardware on console, I guess those tricks aren't allowed. (and for a good reason imo)
Afaik crooked cartridge can actually be emulated. It's sad that we are not allowed to use it. Imo it's just another cycle and for example 100% could be cutdown by 1 cycle...
Kuwaga wrote:
I guess the reason is that they were planning to use B as a fourth C-Button or something similar at some point. More than just a sword button in any case.
They didn't only plan to use the B-button for something other than the sword, they actually did and that's probably why they fixed the bug. There is the Deku bubble, the Zora swords and boomerang and the Goron Punch.
eternaljwh wrote:
petrie911 wrote:
Here's...something http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emLAUC0Zz8k If we can find a way to gain access to this without cheating, it could really help with speedruns.
It looks like they didn't actually change how it worked...just, y'know, umptillion more things are tied to the clock.
Yep I assume that the Suns Song never actually was (planned to be) in MM. It's just that MM is so heavily based on OoT that you can find old artifacts like this song in it...
MrGrunz wrote:
thanks swordless this helps a lot ;) here's the new lullaby skip with hyper endless superslide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDDoLe866W4 now we're able to get up to the temple with one bomb :D
Really nice and fast. ^^ But I have two negative things: 1. ISS was discovered by SL. So if he says it's called ISS and not ESS we should respect that. You discovered a faster form which is now called HISS, since you called it hyper. ;) The one who finds it, names it 2. Could you give less information in your youtube explanation as to how the glitch you are showing will be used in the finished run and why? Giving away that we will skip the Goron mask ruins a good deal of surprise... @ A TAS of Snowhead. Maybe you could make it a private video and only show us until SLs run is published... If we assume that STT --> SHT is faster since MrGrunz said he would be able to speed things up with 10 more Chus in PF, can we finally make a solid route?
Experienced player (543)
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That was bloody brilliant, Grunz. :) Also, why does everyone call it "megaflip" while calling the other trick "superslide"? How inconsistent. Either make megaflip "superflip" or make superslide "megaslide". It's obvious which one of those sounds better. >_>
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I for one like the diversity. Superslide and Superflip is somewhat boring, Superslide and Megaflip are an unstopable super team. XD I looked at MrGrunzes Snowhead access again and wow it's really much much faster than the old way. (the FFWW puts you in a better position, but still the HISS does wonders...) I like especially how you just slide against the wind at one point. it rhows you a little bit back put not nearly enough. :D
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I don't recommend HISSing at parties though, people will think you're a snake.
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@SL Do you think this is doable?:
Slowking wrote:
I have a suggestion for the first cycle. It will cost a tremendous amount of luck manipulation but speed things up A LOT. - get 2r before CT and deposit it as soon as you have danced with the scarecrow (2r) - get to ECT, do a full run through termina field to WCT (101r) - get to ECT, get fairy, do a half run through termina field to NCT, get 99r, get magic, deposit the rupees (200r) Now like I said this will need an obscene amount of luck manipulation, but should be doable. Between ECT and NCT are 24 bushes. If we can manipulate 1-2 red rupees and some blue rupees out of them we should be able to get 99r. We could even make it without the red rupees, but that would take quite a lot of blue rupees... This would save a shitload of time, as we would probably be at the clock tower at 12 and skip the NCT introduction scene...
Comicalflop wrote:
I don't recommend HISSing at parties though, people will think you're a snake.
More likely everyone will be afraid of you because they think that you are the heir of Lord Voldemort. o.O
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Slowking: That should definitely be faster. It would take maybe 1 second to get two rupees at the start of the game, but by doing this, we skip 7 screen transitions. Of course, this can only be done if we definitely only need around 200 rupees. Also, I haven't ever been able to manipulate red rupees in the field, but it should be doable with blues, as tedious as it'll be.
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There are definitely red rupees in the field-bushes. A few people here including petrie have confirmed it. The only question that remains is if they are there in the first cycle... But in general it's good to hear that it's possible. ^^ Even without red rupees you could get 15 blue rupees, 8x 3 green rupees and have one bush that doesn't drop anything and still get the 99r. And yes according to our current beta- route we will only need 200r at the end of the first cycle. Mainly to get the adault wallet, otherwise we could probably do with much less...
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Swordless Link wrote:
Slowking: That should definitely be faster. It would take maybe 1 second to get two rupees at the start of the game, but by doing this, we skip 7 screen transitions. Of course, this can only be done if we definitely only need around 200 rupees. Also, I haven't ever been able to manipulate red rupees in the field, but it should be doable with blues, as tedious as it'll be.
we have a solid rupee route, so the only question left is, wheter we do SHT or ST first ;)
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I still believe that the rupee detour required if you do SHT first takes much more time than the very quick 50R after STT and the slightly slower Twinmold battle. Anyways, I've found a way to do the FFWW with 4 bombs and 9 bombchus that is about 5 seconds faster. The video can be found here.
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nice I've just figured out a better OoB, that allows use to do the FFWW with only 12 explosives I'll upload the video soon -3 explosives :) SHT with wrong warp is possible with 25 explosives now :D edit: you're such an asshole :D I've discovered the same thing I'll upload a even more optimized version soon
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ok, here's my version of the new fairy fountain warp trick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnGxVvEJ8Iw I was able to do it with one less explosive than azorae ;)
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Because MrGrunz' new FFWW and the ISG+ISS Lullaby skip mean we can finish Snowhead before STT and have 8 bombs left over, we can finally skip the extra rupees and Snowhead -> STT is now almost certainly faster. Here's a route I threw together for it: First Cycle 200 Rupees Second Cycle SoDT when you are 9 and a half in-game hours away from the Ranch houses Hit CT Owl, Withdraw 200R, Buy Bomb Bag + 20 Chus (70R) (20B) (20C) ISG-ISS to Great Bay area, Bomb Staircase over fence, slide to GB (16B) (20C) ISS to rock, Get 5 Bombs, Slide to water, Hit owl, get Zora Mask (19B) Slide to South Bay, Flying Zora to Fountain (18B) Bombchu into Fountain, Wrong Warp to Ikana with new method, Slide to and Hit owl (13B) (11C) Get Bomb drop by tree, Recoil Flip down to River, Swim to Swamp (17B) Go to Lost Woods, get 10 Rupees, ISS through Woods, get Bottle (16B) (80R) Zora ISS to BigOcto, Kill BigOcto as Zora, sidestep through water to palace (15B) Get Sonata using MrGrunz's strat with a bombchu, Get SoS, Get 4 Deku Sticks, Enter Temple (14B) (10C) Finish Woodfall Temple, Warp to CT, buy 20 chus (4B) (20C) (0R)* Exit via WCT, slide to grass near cliff, get 4 bomb drops, kill bird for 200R and slide into Milk Road (19B) (200R) Use MrGrunz's Ranch Entry Strat, slide to houses, Get Bottle (16B) (17C) Warp to Great Bay, get hookshot, get 2 Eggs (hookshot room and first recoil flip) (15B) (12C)** Warp to North Bay, Deposit Eggs, Go back for last 2 eggs (OoB and second recoil flip) (12B) (7C) Warp to North Bay, Do Pinnacle Rock twice, get NWBN Go to GBT, get bomb drop from pot near turtle (17B) Finish GBT, get bomb drop from pot again (18B) (0C) Warp to Clock Town, buy 20 Chus (18B) (20C) (120R) Warp to Woodfall, Get 2 Deku Sticks, FFWW to Snowhead, ISG+ISS into temple (13B) (12C) Finish Snowhead Temple (8B) (1C) Warp to Clock Town, Buy 10 Bombs and 20 Bombchus (18B) (20C) (10R) Warp to Ikana, ISS into Stone Tower (17B) (20C) Complete Stone Tower Temple, get 2 bomb drops inside and save 1 chu (4B) (1C) Hover into clock tower (1B 0C) Moon (0B 0C) *Try to use the 3 extra bombs before this point **MrGrunz mentioned something about a bombchu superslide to the hookshot chest. I'm still not entirely certain how this would work, so I'm marking it as requiring 1 bombchu. If it takes any bombs it throws the entire route off, but if it isn't used the route isn't changed. Just use the bombchu somewhere else, perhaps a recoil flip to cover a short distance quickly. It seems like both times we use the FFWW we have an unused bombchu that is overridden by a bomb run. Therefore, it may be faster to use it in the FFWW to save time from a quicker hover staircase setup.
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bombchu superslide requieres bomb and bombchu. it is simply a superslide from a bomb, which is hit by the bombchu, so the bomb explodes early. ZFG mentioned, that we're able to get OoB with the corner and a Superslide in the fairy fountain. it needs a very special camera angle and position. now we have to figure out, how to get OoB with ISG there ;) another thing, what we didn't thought about yet, is, that we can also go backwards in the fairy fountain. only useful thing would be GB to SH shouldn't be a really good idea to warp to SH this way, because Woodfall is much faster than GB we're going to get the 5 bombs from the woodfall spider in the first room, btw. it should be better to slide to the water in one slide, but is there a quick way to kick the ass of this spider? we have no Bow :/
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Azorae wrote:
Get Bomb drop by tree, Recoil Flip down to River, Swim to Swamp (17B)
Here the question is if the tree bombdrop or a bombdrop from the skulltullas in woodfall would be faster...
Exit via WCT, slide to grass near cliff, get 4 bomb drops, kill bird for 200R and slide into Milk Road (19B) (200R)
Well I still stand by my new Takkuri strat where we megaflip over the cliff, slide to the next bushes, get our bomb drops from there and shoot the Takkuri from this place. That's one less sliding interruption. I think the biggest question now is: could we get away with doing PF, GBT and SHT in one go, without Chu refilling? That would be really huge, since refilling alone takes about a minute and then you have to have the money to do it... Let's see the number of Chus we minimaly need: - 3c to enter the ranch (though maybe we could substitute one for a bomb if this way turns out to be faster) (17c) - 2c to enter PF twice. I don't think we really need Chus in there (15c) - 5c to do the GBT bosskey skip. Do we need any before in GBT? Well azorae has 7c for GBT, so let's take this number (8c) - FFWW to SHT (0c) - SHT (-2c) So at the moment we have 2c to little to do this but if we can save those we would be good to go. ^^ Maybe you could save one at the FFWW through a triple staircase and substitute one chu at the ranch entrance for a chu...
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I'm working on a fairy fountain wrong warp with less bombchus if it turns out to be possible, we woul have those 2 chus ;) the minimal number for GBT is 3 bombchus, btw. if we use 3 bombchus, we would have to use 2 bomb hovers, what costs 6 seconds.
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Well if we do it this way let's say we loose 10 seconds in SHT due to missing speedtricks with chus, 10 in PF due missing speedtricks with chus and 6 seconds in GBT due to the bomb hovers, it still comes out far ahead of making a trip to the bomb shop... If you can get us those 2 explosives elsewhere it would be even better, ofcourse ;) Furthermore we now need a lot less moneys. so it's probably faster again to just do one Zora game before doing the FFWW and not killing the Takkuri... Edit: But ofcourse the question is how long does the Takkuri actually take to kill and would the extra money save us time not getting bomb-drops? MrGrunz, if you have some time left today, could you maybe TAS my Takkuri-strat? I would really like to know. Pretty please?
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argh, it sucks to know, that a trick is possible, but you're simply not able to pull it off stupid fairy fountain
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Well you could tell the class what you are trying to do and maybe SL or petrie get it done... Or you could continue to try. :D
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No need for the 5 extra Bombs from the Spider or Stone anymore ;) First Cycle 200 Rupees Second Cycle SoDT when you are 9 and a half in-game hours away from the Ranch houses Hit CT Owl, Withdraw 200R, Buy Bomb Bag + 20 Chus (70R) (20B) (20C) ISG-ISS to Fence, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Hover over Fence with Bomb and Chu, SS to GB (17B) (19C) ISS to Water, Hit Owl, Get Zora Mask, Leaver Slide to South Bay (16B) (19C) Flying Zora to Fountain, Blow up Rock with Chu, New Fairy Fountain Strat (12B) (10C) SS to Owl, Hit Owl, 5 Bombs from Plant, Recoil Flip with Bomb down to River, Swim to Swamp, Go to Lost Woods, Get 10 Rupees, ISS from Bombchu, Get Bottle (15B) (9C) ISS to Octo, Sidehops to Deku Palace, ISG-ISS past Deku Guards, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Use old Zora Jump Strat, Get Sonata + SoS (11B) (9C) Get 3 Deku sticks from Dekus and 1 Deku Stick from pot on the way to Woodfall Temple, Enter Temple Mega Flips past Gap, Kill Lizarfos with Jumpslash Strat, Get Bow (9B) (8C) Recoil Flip to get OoB, 8 Mega Flips, Kill Odolwa (1B) (0C) Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus, Leave to GB (0R) (1B) (20C) ISG-ISS to bush, Get 15 Bombs, Jump down ledge, ISS to other Bush, Get 10 Bombs + 20 Rupees, ISG-ISS to Rock, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, 3 Bombchu Hovers, SS to Epona, Get Bottle (20R) (17B) (17C) Warp to GB, Swim to Pirate's Fortress, Mega Flip past Gap, Get Hookshot, Zora Egg, Recoil Flip with Bomb to second Zora Egg, Deposit Eggs (14B) (16C) Back to Pirate's Fortress, Skip Pirate Battle with 4 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flips, Skip second Pirate Battle with Recoil Flip from Bomb, Deposit Eggs, Get rest of Zora Eggs, Learn NWBN (7B) (15C) Play Zora Pots Game one time and get 5 Bombs from Stone, Go to South Bay Owl, Get 5 Bombs, Enter GBT (110R) (17B) (15C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip with Bomb Staircase + 2 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flip, Kill Gyorg, Get 5 Bombs from pot (14B) (12C) Warp to Woodfall, Get 1 deku Stick from pot + 1 Deku Stick from Deku, Fairy Fountain Wrong Warp with new Strat, ISG-ISS up to Snowhead Temple (10B) (4C) Block Skip, Azorae's Bridge Room Strat, Scarecrow Song Skip, Beat Wizrobe with 2 Arrows and 2 Deku Sticks, Get Fire Arrows, Hookshot to Torch (8B) (4C) 3 Bomb Hover + 1 Bombchu Hover to Snowballs, Bomb + Fire Arrow Strategy to Blow Up Snowballs (5B) (3C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip, Kill Goth (3B) (0C) Get 5 Bombs from plant, Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus + 10 Bombs, Warp to Ikana, ISS to Stone Tower (17B) (20C) Climb Stone Tower with Mega Flips, enter ST (7B) (13C) I'll finish the route later should be the optional route now ;)
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Looks beautiful so far. One problem I spotted though is that you marked the FFWW to Snowhead and ISG-ISSing up to the temple as 4 bombs, when it takes 5 (2 for the staircase, 2 for the superflips, 1 for the ISG-ISS) That means we're a bomb short for STT, but doesn't matter since if we're getting a bomb drop after Snowhead, we can just get a second one as well. This would also allow us to superslide into position for the Goht fight, which should save a lot of time since it's quite a long walk otherwise. Then we have an extra bomb, which I'm sure can be used somewhere.
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Here's the finished route: First Cycle 200 Rupees Second Cycle SoDT when you are 9 and a half in-game hours away from the Ranch houses Hit CT Owl, Withdraw 200R, Buy Bomb Bag + 20 Chus (70R) (20B) (20C) ISG-ISS to Fence, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Hover over Fence with Bomb and Chu, SS to GB (17B) (19C) ISS to Water, Hit Owl, Get Zora Mask, Leaver Slide to South Bay (16B) (19C) Flying Zora to Fountain, Blow up Rock with Chu, New Fairy Fountain Strat (12B) (10C) SS to Owl, Hit Owl, 5 Bombs from Plant, Recoil Flip with Bomb down to River, Swim to Swamp, Go to Lost Woods, Get 10 Rupees, ISS from Bombchu, Get Bottle (15B) (9C) ISS to Octo, Sidehops to Deku Palace, ISG-ISS past Deku Guards, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Use old Zora Jump Strat, Get Sonata + SoS (11B) (9C) Get 3 Deku sticks from Dekus and 1 Deku Stick from pot on the way to Woodfall Temple, Enter Temple Mega Flips past Gap, Kill Lizarfos with Jumpslash Strat, Get Bow (9B) (8C) Recoil Flip to get OoB, 8 Mega Flips, Kill Odolwa (1B) (0C) Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus, Leave to GB (0R) (1B) (20C) ISG-ISS to bush, Get 15 Bombs, Jump down ledge, ISS to other Bush, Get 10 Bombs + 20 Rupees, ISG-ISS to Rock, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, 3 Bombchu Hovers, SS to Epona, Get Bottle (20R) (17B) (17C) Warp to GB, Swim to Pirate's Fortress, Mega Flip past Gap, Get Hookshot, Zora Egg, Recoil Flip with Bomb to second Zora Egg, Deposit Eggs (14B) (16C) Back to Pirate's Fortress, Skip Pirate Battle with 4 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flips, Skip second Pirate Battle with Recoil Flip from Bomb, Deposit Eggs, Get rest of Zora Eggs, Learn NWBN (7B) (15C) Play Zora Pots Game one time and get 5 Bombs from Stone, Go to South Bay Owl, Get 5 Bombs, Enter GBT (110R) (17B) (15C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip with Bomb Staircase + 2 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flip, Kill Gyorg, Get 5 Bombs from pot (14B) (12C) Warp to Woodfall, Get 1 deku Stick from pot + 1 Deku Stick from Deku, Fairy Fountain Wrong Warp with new Strat, ISG-ISS up to Snowhead Temple (9B) (4C) Block Skip, Azorae's Bridge Room Strat, Scarecrow Song Skip, Beat Wizrobe with 2 Arrows and 2 Deku Sticks, Get Fire Arrows, Hookshot to Torch (7B) (4C) 3 Bomb Hover + 1 Bombchu Hover to Snowballs, Bomb + Fire Arrow Strategy to Blow Up Snowballs (3B) (3C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip, Kill Goth by ISS over to perfect shoot position (0B) (0C) Get 5 Bombs from plant, Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus + 10 Bombs, Warp to Ikana, Pull out Bomb while walking to plant, Get 5 Bombs, ISS up to Stone Tower (19B) (20C) Climb Stone Tower with Mega Flips, enter ST (9B) (13C) Bomb Staircase + Sidehop strategy past Sun Block, Get small key and minimize Magic Meter, so you can only use 4 Fire Arrows anymore (7B) (9C) Bomb Staircase + Zora Grab Trick past Sun Block, Get 10 Bombs from enemys, Recoil Flips in Updraft Room, Kill Garo's Master with 4 Deku Sticks (13B) (6C) Play SoS, Inverted Stone Tower with Mega Flip, Bomb Long Jump past first room, Boss Key Skip, Kill Twimmold with Fire Arrow Strat (6B) (1C) Warp to CT, Use new strat for Clock Tower early, SS to Kid, Kick ass of Majora's Mask, EPIC WIN (2B) (0C) So only 2 things left to test: 1. ISS > SS? 2. Death Warp out of ST
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ok, for a normal SS you roll 37 frames before the explosion and for a ISS you roll 36 frames before the explosion, so ISing adds 1 frame more backwalking, so it is faster. But ISSing changes your camera angle, so this one frame should be saved by the advantage of SS, that it keeps your camera angle. That means, that normal Superslide are your best friend for sliding in a direct line ;) So if you want to slide in a direct line: Superslide > Hyper Infinite Superslide
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Here's the final route with a Death Warp out of Stone Tower: First Cycle 200 Rupees Second Cycle SoDT when you are 9 and a half in-game hours away from the Ranch houses Hit CT Owl, Withdraw 200R, Buy Bomb Bag + 20 Chus (70R) (20B) (20C) ISG-ISS to Fence, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Hover over Fence with Bomb and Chu, SS to GB (17B) (19C) ISS to Water, Hit Owl, Get Zora Mask, Leaver Slide to South Bay (16B) (19C) Flying Zora to Fountain, Blow up Rock with Chu, New Fairy Fountain Strat (12B) (10C) SS to Owl, Hit Owl, 5 Bombs from Plant, Recoil Flip with Bomb down to River, Swim to Swamp, Go to Lost Woods, Get 10 Rupees, ISS from Bombchu, Get Bottle (15B) (9C) ISS to Octo, Sidehops to Deku Palace, ISG-ISS past Deku Guards, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, Use old Zora Jump Strat, Get Sonata + SoS (11B) (9C) Get 3 Deku sticks from Dekus and 1 Deku Stick from pot on the way to Woodfall Temple, Enter Temple Mega Flips past Gap, Kill Lizarfos with Jumpslash Strat, Get Bow (9B) (8C) Recoil Flip to get OoB, 8 Mega Flips, Kill Odolwa (1B) (0C) Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus, Leave to GB (0R) (1B) (20C) ISG-ISS to bush, Get 15 Bombs, Jump down ledge, ISS to other Bush, Get 10 Bombs + 20 Rupees, ISG-ISS to Rock, Pull out Bomb while Sliding, 3 Bombchu Hovers, SS to Epona, Get Bottle (20R) (17B) (17C) Warp to GB, Swim to Pirate's Fortress, Mega Flip past Gap, Get Hookshot, Zora Egg, Recoil Flip with Bomb to second Zora Egg, Deposit Eggs (14B) (16C) Back to Pirate's Fortress, Skip Pirate Battle with 4 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flips, Skip second Pirate Battle with Recoil Flip from Bomb, Deposit Eggs, Get rest of Zora Eggs, Learn NWBN (7B) (15C) Play Zora Pots Game one time + get 5 Bombs from Stone + get 1/4 heart damage from leaves, Go to South Bay Owl, Get 5 Bombs, Enter GBT (110R) (17B) (15C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip with Bomb Staircase + 2 Bomb Hovers + 2 Mega Flip, Kill Gyorg + 1 Heart damage from Gyorg, Get 5 Bombs from pot (14B) (12C) Warp to Woodfall, Get 1 deku Stick from pot + 1 Deku Stick from Deku, Fairy Fountain Wrong Warp with new Strat, ISG-ISS up to Snowhead Temple (9B) (4C) Block Skip, Azorae's Bridge Room Strat, Scarecrow Song Skip, Beat Wizrobe with 2 Arrows and 2 Deku Sticks, Get Fire Arrows, Hookshot to Torch (7B) (4C) 3 Bomb Hover + 1 Bombchu Hover to Snowballs, Bomb + Fire Arrow + 1/2 damage from Bomb, Strategy to Blow Up Snowballs (3B) (3C) Mega Flip past Gap, Boss Key Skip, Kill Goth by ISS over to perfect shoot position (0B) (0C) Get 5 Bombs from plant, Warp to CT, Buy 20 Chus + 10 Bombs, Warp to Ikana, Pull out Bomb while walking to plant, Get 5 Bombs, ISS up to Stone Tower (19B) (20C) Climb Stone Tower with Mega Flips, enter ST (9B) (13C) Bomb Staircase + Sidehop strategy past Sun Block, Get small key and minimize Magic Meter, so you can only use 4 Fire Arrows anymore (7B) (9C) Bomb Staircase + Zora Grab Trick past Sun Block, Get 10 Bombs from enemys + 3/4 Heart Damage from enemy, Recoil Flips in Updraft Room, Kill Garo's Master with 4 Deku Sticks, Death Warp (12B) (6C) Play SoS, Inverted Stone Tower with Mega Flip, Bomb Long Jump past first room, Boss Key Skip, Kill Twimmold with Fire Arrow Strat (5B) (1C) Warp to CT, Use new strat for Clock Tower early, SS to Kid, Kick ass of Majora's Mask, EPIC WIN (1B) (0C) Now get da shit started, SL =D