Post subject: Classic game achievements
Active player (329)
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Imagine if we rigged up an arcade system, using modified emulators, to record achievements of classic games to an online database... kinda like Steam/XBox Live Arcade/what have you. What kind of achievements for which popular games would be implemented? (Keep in mind that all tool-assisted features would probably be turned off for said modified emulators, limiting them to behaving just about like a console.) I think that most achievements nowadays fall under the following categories. 1) Beat the various levels of the game. ("Cleared World 1", "Saved the Princess") 2) Beat the game, or various parts of it, with self-imposed limitations. ("Beat the game without eating a mushroom.", "Beat the game in less than 7 minutes") 3) Achieve high counts for arbitrary values. ("Stomped 500 goombas", "Collected 1000 coins", "Collected 99 lives") 4) Do silly situation-specific things. ("Jumped over the flagpole", "Got a 1-up by kicking a koopa shell", "Grabbed all coins in cloud world") With this in mind, what would be some good classic game achievements, specifically from the 2 - 4 categories? Here are some I've done / attempted before while playing normally: The Legend of Zelda: Swordless: Entered Ganon's room with no sword. Key Master: Entered Ganon's room without having collected the Skeleton Key, and with 0 keys. Harassing the Dead: For each of the 6 screens in the graveyard, woke every ghost, then killed them all without taking damage. Demolition Expert: Destroyed every bomb-able dungeon wall in the game. Explorer: Uncovered every secret overworld cave or staircase. Owl Vision: Beat Level 4, 5, 7, or 9 without ever lighting a dark room. Crazy Prepared: Attained the Arrows, Candle, Meat, Blue Ring, Shield, Bombs, 3 heart containers, and the White Sword before ever entering a dungeon. Tough Luck: Lost over 800 rupees in the Money Making Game. Vegas Superstar: Won over 500 rupees in the Money Making Game. Chuck Norris: Cleared a room of at least 6 blue Iron Knuckles in less than 60 seconds. Xena: Killed 7 or more Keese with a single throw of the boomerang. Zelda II: Extreme Lancer: Leveled attack to max while keeping other stats at 1. Extreme Mage: Leveled magic to max while keeping other stats at 1. Biggest Heart: Leveled HP to max while keeping other stats at 1. No Preference: Leveled all stats to max, never skipping an upgrade. End of the Tunnel: Reached the Island Palace without collecting the Candle. Expert Infiltrator: Cleared the Hidden Palace without the Master Key. Disturbed Soul: Reached the Great Palace without collecting the cross. Sonofa: Lost over 1000 points from EXP-sapping enemies. Formidable Opponent: Beat every boss fight in the game without casting a spell (except for Reflect and Thunder)
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Hmm... what an interesting idea. Popcorn - Defeat every enemy on a stage using only Fire Bubbles. Swept Away - Defeat evert enemy on a stage using only Water Bubbles. Chain Reaction - Pop 7 enemies at the same time. Wrong Way - Achieve a Bad End. No Friend to Help You - Defeat the Super Drunk with 2 players without the second player moving. Spelling Bee Champ - Spell EXTEND twice without using a continue. Ninja - Evade Baron von Blubba for 20 seconds. Blame Level 57 - Use 30 continues. Of course, complete Bubble Bobble (or Super Bubble Bobble) and complete each without a continue would be obvious possibilities, two of them very difficult.
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I wrote a small hacking-tool-style program that would monitor memory for DOS games and such and award achievements that way, once. It's not the most accurate thing in the world, but it works for a surprising amount of things. :)
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Imagine if we rigged up an arcade system, using modified emulators, to record achievements of classic games to an online database...
It looks like there's growing interest in superplays that aren't speed-based. Using Lua, I tried to measure entertainment in River City Ransom by various metrics, like airtime, damage inflicted, and the means thereof. In other words, it's not even necessary to modify the emulators to do what you're suggesting- the hard part is wrangling the right memory addresses so that things can be measured properly. IIRC, Lua can also upload the statistics using one of its standard libraries. Edit: I think the EmuLua API has functions (registerload and speedmode) that could invalidate accomplishments if the user loads a state, as well as prevent the use of slowdown and frameadvance. Nothing foolproof, of course, but this seems very doable. Here are some awards I just thought of: Moonjump: jump the maximum number of units past the top of the screen (using another player, buildings, weapons, boots, momentum, etc) Leap of faith: (gold) jump over the river and past the other side of the screen; (silver) clear the gap in the 3rd wheel factory; (bronze) clear the gap outside the warehouse, or in the first area of the factory BARF: take 100 points of damage with 0 stamina/willpower, and without being killed Literati: own every book Demigod: max every stat God: on Advanced difficulty, beat the game without powering up or being hit Garbage man: beat the game using a garbage can exclusive to all other weapons Totem pole: stand on a guy holding a crate, who is in turn standing on another guy holding a crate OHKO: kill someone in one hit. Deus Ex: (We'll have PS2+Lua eventually...) Ninja: complete the game unseen. Gentle fist: knock out/disable all opponents. Drunken fist: score 5 of kills/KOs (on non-civilians) while completely smashed. All kills, no skills: kill all the characters who lack plot immunity, and without allocating any skillpoints. Sequence breaker: keep an objective active after the end of a mission. Stairway to Heaven: touch the sky in one of the outdoor missions. Explorer of the Forbidden City: jump over the canal partition in Hong Kong that leads to the incomplete area, and leave through the walkway tunnel. (Alternately, get into the airstrip portion of mission 3) Spiderman: use grenades to climb UNATCO HQ, a skyscraper, etc. Demolition Man: fight using nothing but LAMs, LAWs, the GEP gun, TNT and incendiary barrels.
Post subject: Re: Classic game achievements
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
(Keep in mind that all tool-assisted features would probably be turned off for said modified emulators, limiting them to behaving just about like a console.)
How would you make sure nobody cheats? I don't think it's possible. As for an idea: Complete FF1 with a party of four white mages. (Ok, it's not an original idea, but sounds cool.)
Player (68)
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Yay, nice. I must however take offense to
CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
Chuck Norris: Cleared a room of at least 6 blue Iron Knuckles in less than 60 seconds.
I can't blame you for not hearing the news. Let me correct that for you. Because, you see, after this Chuck Norris meme had taken hold, it was discovered that in real life, Chuck Norris is actually a stupid idiot douchebag, and he has officially been replaced by Jack Bauer, who has a much more badass name anyway. So the correction goes; Jack Bauer: Cleared a room of at least 6 blue Iron Knuckles in less than 60 seconds. (although personally, I would prefer "Terminator".)
Player (109)
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you need a number 24 in there for it to be jack bauer, and chuck norris probably belongs to a game with roundhouse kicks
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Oh, blast. I suppose I can't use my Pokemon joke anymore. Namely, "They're going to have a hard time trying to top Arceus for Generation 5, they'll probably have to resort to Chuck Norris" I couldn't think of a good name for that one anyway. I imagined one of those cheesy movie fight scenes where the hero quickly takes out a dozen mooks all by himself. Jackie Chan was also considered. I think modifying the emulator itself would be needed for a few reasons. For one thing, you'd need to modify the SRAM format to save some extra values, like counters, needed by the lua scripts. That's so you wouldn't have to beat the game in a single sitting to get an achievement, or even do something like stomp 500 goombas in a single sitting. For another thing, if this were linked to an online database, the emulator itself could serve as the client which automatically logs you in with username and password. And for another thing, while it wouldn't completely circumvent cheating, it would help. If you were to cheat using this emulator, you're kinda missing the point - the point is to measure your accomplishments, not lie about them. So it would be like crossing out the numbers on a yardstick just to say something is taller than it really is. If you want to cheat, go use the default TAS emulator. Or, if you REALLY wanted to get technical and wanted to make sure that nobody cheats at all, have the emulator silently upload movie files to the server, and the server plays them, and records your achievements based on what it sees. (Also, there are other ways to cheat besides savestates and frame advance, such as game genie codes, memory watch, and just about every tool-assistance feature, so it would be best to disable them all.)
Healblade wrote:
Popcorn - Defeat every enemy on a stage using only Fire Bubbles. Swept Away - Defeat evert enemy on a stage using only Water Bubbles. Chain Reaction - Pop 7 enemies at the same time. Wrong Way - Achieve a Bad End. No Friend to Help You - Defeat the Super Drunk with 2 players without the second player moving. Spelling Bee Champ - Spell EXTEND twice without using a continue. Ninja - Evade Baron von Blubba for 20 seconds. Blame Level 57 - Use 30 continues.
Glutton: Pop 7 enemies at the same time, then eat all the fruit. Spelling Bee Regional Champ: Spell EXTEND from scratch on level 50 or greater. Get A Life: Obtain 10 lives. Drunken Master: Defeat Red Grumple Gromit.
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Punchout: one hand tied behind my back: Beat Tyson using only left handed punches. Sting like a bee: Have every takedown be the result of a super punch. Destroyer: win every fight by KO. Beat the spread: win every fight within the first round. Bear the bull: Defeat bald bull without landing a single hit except to stop bull charge. Take it on the chin:Win all fights in the minor circuit without dodging, blocking or ducking, except when exhausted.
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I don't like much predefined achievements for some reason- maybe I prefer setting my own crazy goals when I feel like it. I'll bend "classic" a little to include 3rd-gen I feel like, since my mind's just rolling with it. Mega Man 2: Trusty Buster: Defeat all bosses (save last, impossible) with Mega Buster only. Quick Enough: Beat Quick Man's level without getting hit from lightbeam, nor using Flash Stopper. Tanked: Get more energy tanks than you can hold. Super Tanked: Get all energy tanks. Any series sequel game: Old Dog: Do not use moves introduced in this game except where absolutely necessary to advance. (Sliding under 1-gap block in a later Megaman, for instance, but only then) Really Old Dog: ...introduced in games other than first SMB2USA: GeoMod: Manage to throw Mushroom Block such that it disrupts existing scenery. SMB2j: Tastes Fine to Me:Eat all poison mushrooms in game. Tastes Great to Me: ...without dying from any of them. SMB3: ...You're Not Lakitu: Be intercepted on map while clouded (by hammer bro, piranha, tanks...) Cheapskate: Attack a ToadMushroom Retainer in a ToadMushroom Retainer House. Dress In Layers: Attempt to get in a GoombaShoe while already in another. Lost Vikings: Nyuk Nyuk: Have Erik damage the other two, as with Baleog, and complete level. (Perhaps on a per-world basis, else too easy). Zelda: A Link to the Past Make A Wish: Defeat Agahnim with the Bug Net alone. Zelda: Ocarina of Time Natural Time Traveller: After opening the Door of Time, as a child, allow 2555 days(7 years) to pass, by Sun's Song or otherwise. Ganon Lies: Then, visit Hyrule Castle. Lies! All lies!: Visit all maps as child after completing all adult dungeons (and having passed that much time). Mario Kart (Any) High-Powered Engine:Use only Mushrooms and their like (triples, golds). For more pun-flavored fun, throw in Feathers. Zombies Ate My Neighbors Super Soaker: Defeat enemies with no weapons other than your squirt guns. (Not sure if this is possible, it would be rather difficult anyway.) Metroid series (where applicable) Ma'am? You forgot your suit. Ma'am? Ma'am..?Complete game without picking up Varia suit. Fusion: Shinesparker Deluxe: Escape lower AQA with shinespark after L4 unlock to reach briefing room sans Diffusion missile for easter egg. (This one drives me nuts, since I've gotten through the last needed door with charge twice) Shinesparker Ultra: Defeat the x-blocker with a shinespark to skip Bob the unskippable missile tank, enabling... Peaceful Research Facility: Pick up none of those energy, missile or power bomb tanks, earning 0% item completion. CastleVania series: Legendary Whip: Do not use sub-weapons. Complete Game. Perhaps enable subweapon from start for following: Complete Game... Legendary Whip?: ...without using whip. Thirsty Work: ...using only Holy Water. I'm a Lumberjack and That's OK: Using only Axes. Ripper: ...only Knives Holy Man: ...only Crosses Ghouls'n'Ghosts: Defeat Game... Devisut by Satan: "once" (fake end) Congraturation:"twice" (real ending) Courageour Knight: twice really, in a row. Strongth Welling: thrice " " " Challenge Again: Four times. Donkey Kong Country: Use only Donkey Kong. Avoid breaking Partner Barrels. DKC2: Diddy Kong Country: As above, but Diddy in DKC2 DKC3: Dixie Kong Country: As above, but Dixie in DKC3 Final Fantasy Series Fluff v. Crunch: Attempt to use reviving item/spell (Fenix Down/Life, Soft/GoldNeedle when applicable) where seemingly applicable to plot-dead characters (Palom/Porom, Tellah, Gen. Leo, Rachel, Aerith, Red XIII's father, for 4,6, 7, I'm sure many others are there) Other games may also have this achievement. Blast Corps: Got a Mean Kick: Destroy a building segment with the J-bomb from the side using its attack. Driver Side Demolition: Destroy a building segment using the exit-vehicle command. Poor Accounting: Complete a mission with something still in the nuclear carrier's path. (TNT boxes and vehicles, for instance.) Anger Management: Shoot the nuclear carrier with a missile. Unknown Man: Stand in front of the nuclear carrier and do not move. Budget Cuts: Complete a (demolition) mission using either of the ammo-requiring vehicles without using ammunition. Wario Land series: Ascetic: Complete game with no coins or treasures. Illusion of Gaia: Band Camp: Beat bosses up through Pyramid using only Will and his flute.
Player (68)
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Damn it. I typed these in and then I accidentally closed the tab. Oh well, I'll try again. Solar Jetman Ultra Greedy: Complete the game by collecting ALL the treasure but without buying ANYTHING in the store. Donkey Kong Super Jumpman: Jump 3 barrels at once. Ultra Jumpman: Jump 4 barrels or more. Tetris Lucky: Get 2 tetrises in a row. Super Lucky!: Get 3 tetrises in a row. OMG! H4X: Get 4 tetrises or more in a row.
Editor, Player (91)
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Solomon's Key: Feng Shui: Using the magic blocks, spell out Dana's name on the field. Feng Shui 2: Change all magic blocks into air and all air into magic blocks in some room. (I don't know whether this is possible.) Don Juan: Collect four or more fairies in a single room, bonus rooms excluded. (As far as I know, this is only possible with the acquisition of an extra bell from an enemy.) Fairy Harem: Collect 50 or more fairies. Fairy Kingdom: Collect 100 or more fairies. (This also nets you 10 extra lifes.) Royal Pleasure: Rescue the princess. Chauvinist: Torch a fairy into dust. Psychopath: Torch 5 fairies. Masochist: Die 10 times without a game over. (Does not need to be in a single room.) Chrono Master: Finish a room with 45000 or more remaining on the timer. (Tweak the number to adjust the difficulty level.) Savor the Moment: Finish a room with 10 or less remaining on the timer. Scorched Earth: Cast six or more fireballs (any size) in the same room. Scribe of Doom: Prepare a scroll with eight fireballs (of any size). Blowtorch Man: Blow up 6 or more enemies with a single fireball. Pest Killer: Blow up 7 or more enemies with a single fireball. (Hint: Transmutate orange diamonds to acquire super fireballs.) Pest Cleanser: Blow up 8 or more enemies with a single fireball. (Hint: Collect many crystals, especially the orange ones, which you can acquire by transmutating a blue diamond thrice.) Ultimate Exterminator: Blow up 10 or more enemies with a single fireball. (I don't know if this is possible.) Three of these are accomplished in the TAS. Bigfoot: The Shredder: Disintegrate the opponent's vehicle three or more times in a single race. Will Not Be Back: Bankrupt Terminator. Financial Crash: Bankrupt all computer players: The Growler, The Charger, The Crusher, Terminator, The Smasher and The Viper. (I don't know whether this is possible!) Gyro Gearloose: Climb a mountain (and win) without blowing an engine. Simon's Quest: Hacker: Defeat Dracula at day 0, passwords allowed. Perserverer: Defeat Dracula at day 99, no passwords. Unholy Priest: Defeat Dracula using the holy water only. EDIT: I went ahead and created a TAS that beats the third achievement -- that is, defeating Dracula with holy water only. It uses a password. I optimized the password for the time it takes to enter it, with the following traits: required items, 8 garlics, day 0, level 6, smallest whip, some laurels, no other special weapons. Castlevania: Molotov Master: Defeat the giant bat with the bottle weapon only. Axe Master: Defeat Frankenstein and his pet with the axe weapon only. Boomerang Master: Defeat the Grim Reaper with the boomerang weapon only. Dagger Master: Defeat Medusa with the dagger weapon only. Chrono Master: Pick up the III item while holding the stopwatch. Spawn of Darkness: Destroy every reachable candelabra in the game. Man of Big Heart: Finish a level with 99 hearts. Master of Minimalism: Finish the game without ever upgrading the whip or equipping a special weapon. Legend of Kage: Night of Massacre: Collect the scroll that makes enemies die around you. Egao Expert: Collect the grey, the blue and the red egao (flying bonus monsters). Master of Minimalism: Defeat all four seasons without ever upgrading the shirt colour. Masochist: Survive a hit from a grenade thrown by the red shinobi. More Than a Scratch: Get scorched by yōbō (and die). (Trivial, but included to give a hint on the means to achieve the following:) Just a Scratch: Survive a hit from the yōbō's fire. (This is possible.) Goonies: Straight Guy: Defeat the game without using the warp zone. The Hoarder: Collect all the equipment and all the diamonds. Arkanoid: Magic Initiative: Finish a stage by never touching the ball after the launch. Clean Field: Finish a stage with one ball and nary an enemy in sight. Ultra Lucky: Collect five 1-ups. Score bonuses don't count. This TAS achieves one of these (twice). (Or two, if the final boss is counted.) Gradius: Faster Than a Lightning: Maximize the speed upgrades. The current TAS achieves this.
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eternaljwh wrote:
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Super Soaker: Defeat enemies with no weapons other than your squirt guns. (Not sure if this is possible, it would be rather difficult anyway.)
So it counts until you beat every enemy type just with it? With the addition of fire extinguisher or clowns only the giant spider remains(really) hard. without it Tonguestein, Dracula and the spider would be the hard ones (as in they deal a lot of damage).
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Mega Man X Take it Slow: Clear a Robot Master level without dashing. Fully Powered: Collect all upgrades, excluding the Hadouken. Powered Armor: Kill 10 enemies with a Ride Armor. Access Denied: Kill a Ride Armor pilot before he can jump into his Ride Armor. Crossover Power: Collect the Hadouken.
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Earthbound: King of Kings: Outfit Poo with all four 'of Kings' items simultaneously. 1/128: Get every 1/128 chance drop in the game at least once. Natural-Born Homeowner: Buy the house in Onett before... (gold) Beating Frank. (silver) Leaving Onett for the first time. T-Rex's Bat: Buy the T-Rex's Bat with Jeff before leaving Winters. Desperation Blow: Defeat a battle with your last party member on 0 hp and thus barely scrape by. Beach Bum: Find and defeat an enemy on the beach of Summers. Gaia Beam: Have Jeff fix a Broken Antennae into a Gaia Beam. Forgetful: Retrieve a key item from the delivery service after leaving it on a party member who's departed for you. Gourmet: Use every type of food in the game along with a compatible condiment. (I'm assuming every food has something it's compatible with) Lucy in the Sky: Get a game over by having all four party members diamondized.
Puzzle gamedev Famitracker musician Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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Secret of Mana: I <3 Rabites: Reach level 6 before leaving Potos Village Weed Picking: Destroy 20 Bramblers durring the Tropicallo boss fight Splitting Headache: Have a Green Drop split 50 times Whipping Boy: Use the whip to cross the same gap 50 times Seasons Change and so do I: Walk the seasons backwards 4 times A Small Threat: Defeat any boss with all 3 characters under the effects of the Midge Mallet Save Me!: Save your game at every Neko outpost Master Magician: Level up all elementals to 8:99 for the Sprite and the Girl Too Much Free Time: Forge all weapons, except the Sword, to level 9 Peek-a-Boo: Find the face hidden in the ocean and attempt to land on it Street Fighter: Kill an enemy with the Hadouken of a level 7 Glove charge
i see...
Player (40)
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Star Fox 64: Sorry Peppy: Beat the game without doing a barrel roll. Dark Ocean Master: Beat Aquas without firing a missile. (Boss battle doesn't count.) Conversation Disruptor: Beat a member of Star Wolf while they're saying something. Slow Targeter: Destroy the 6 missiles at Area Z when it's within 50 meters of Great Fox. And on the platform, you die.: Beat one of the 3 robot bosses in Area Y while they're standing on the ship. Team Killer: Shoot down a member of your team. Team Destroyer: Shoot down all 3 members of your team in the same level. Andross Loves Wings: Lose both of your Wings to Andross inhaling/eating attack. Dot Eater: Until the boss, don't fire a single shot or bomb.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Sir VG wrote:
Sorry Peppy: Beat the game without doing a barrel roll.
Has never colored a dinosaur.
Player (40)
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Super Mario 2 (aka Lost Levels) Green Machine: Beat the game 1-1 through 8-4 as Luigi (one session, warps allowed). Power of 9: Complete World 9 (aka no warps) Alphabet Soup: Complete A1-D4, no warps. Dr. Mario Empty Bottle: Clear all the viruses with no capsules left on screen. Super Mario 3 MFS: Collect Mushroom, Fire Flower, and Star Cards in that order. Super Mario All-Stars Turn the game off already!: Beat Super Mario 1, 2, 3, and Lost Levels w/o resetting or turning off the machine. Phoenix Wright Series Wright, not Wrong: Beat the game without ever making a mistake. Chrono Trigger No time like the Present: Beat Lavos using only characters from 1000 AD, namely Crono, Lucia, and Marle. No time like the Past: Beat Lavos using only characters from prior to 1000 AD, namely Ayla, Magus, and Frog. Vegas Stages Last Dollar: Drain your account to $1. Win any game that has a minimum cost of $1.
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
Active player (329)
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Dr. Mario, you say? PhD: Beat levels 0-20 of Hi Speed in a single sitting without losing. Retirement: Beat Level 24 on any difficulty. Medical Breakthrough: Clear 16 or more viruses in a single combo. Surgeon: Clear 8 or more viruses at exactly the same time. Triple Finish: Clear the last red, blue, and yellow virus at exactly the same time. Time-Release: Beat a level without pressing the down key. Miracle Cure: Cause a buffer overflow that deletes viruses. All Falls Into Place: Destroy all viruses on level 03 in a single combo. Perseverance:Drilled down through at least 10 layers of junk blocks to clear the last virus vertically. Reversed Priority:Beat level 20 by first clearing all viruses below the midpoint line, leaving at least 12 viruses above it. Bringing Down the Tower:Begin a chain of 4 or more, starting with a horizontal clear. Super Mario Bros. 2 (US) Exceptional Aim: Acquire 3 hearts on the same level. Subcon Master: Beat the game, acquiring every mushroom on every level. (Don't know if it's possible to get both on 7-2, though) Evasion Expert: Beat the game warpless without letting go of a key after picking it up, and never getting hit by Phanto. Exclusive Contributor: Beat the game warpless with only a single character. (4 achievements) Cherry Picker: Grab every cherry on every level. Fast Finger: Get 5 or more 1-ups from a slot machine session by getting a cherry in the leftmost slot. Backstabber: Kill Wart by throwing every veggie from behind him. OHKO: Kill a Birdo with a star. Super Mario Bros. 3 What a Drag: Beat an airship in the Hammer Bros. Suit. Oh Me, Oh My: Beat an airship in the Frog Suit. Kind Raccoon: Beat an airship in the Tanooki Suit. Raccoon Rampage: Defeat 25 different kinds of enemies with the Statue Stomp without losing the Tanooki Suit. Hammer Rampage: Defeat 25 different kinds of enemies with hammers without losing the Hammer Bros. Suit. Suspicious Luck: Beat the flip-card game from scratch in one session. Completionist: Clear every level, spade, and mushroom house in the game. Stockpiler: Acquire 99 lives on Level 1-2. Skillful Jumper: Beat the Tank, Battleship, Airship, and Super Tank in World 8 using only small Mario. White Mushroom House: Visit each white mushroom house. (7 achievements) Bolt Roller: Spin a Bolt Lift all the way to the end.
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Color a Dinosaur: Colors a Dinosaur: Color a dinosaur
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Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Active player (267)
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Pokémon Red/Blue: Unlocked Door: Beat Giovanni's gym before any others. Lucky Throw: Catch a Legendary with a Poké Ball. Type Matching: Defeat the Elite Four with no Pokémon above level 50. Gamebreaker: Score a quadruple-effective critical hit. Sucker: Buy a Magikarp for $500. Curbstomp: Defeat a trainer in the Bug Forest with a level 100. Loyal: Defeat the Elite Four using only your starter. Not Mew: Using the surf bug, sneak into the harbour where the S.S. Anne cast off. Surf over to the truck and use STRENGTH on it with a level 100 Mewtwo, then SURF on it with a level 100 Rhydon, then use CUT with a level 100 Bulbasaur, and then don't get a Mew. Cautious: Save just before fighting every Gym Leader and Legendary in the game.
Player (109)
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Zombies Ate My Neighbors: Scavenger Hunt: Obtain the flamethrower. Kings of the Tongue: Beat the game from level 1 (2 players). 56 levels later: Beat the game after 56 levels. The Human That Wouldn't Die: Beat the game without deaths. Deadly Pal: Kill the other player as a zombie. Fear of Clowns: Destroy an inflatable clown. Sole survivor: Be the only one that beats the game on a 2 player game. Scape from the Tongue: Beat level 48 without defeating Dr. Tongue. Dancing with Zombies: Rescue all victims in level 28. Zombiethon: Kill over 2000?? zombies. Love for the dead: Beat the game without killing zombies. The Gate Tresspasser: Open 100 doors without using keys. The Curse of the Scavenger: Open every single cabinet, thrash can, etc. The Curse of the Scavenger II: Pick up every single item on the game. Nine Dead: Beat the game with only one victim. Splat Attack:Get rid of the blob's attack before it hurts you. Child's Play: Beat level 16 unharmed, with the d-pad only. Condemned to Life: Save all (possible) neighbors. Let me In: Enter all bonus levels. Frostbitten: Kill a blob. The Eradicator: Kill all snakeoids.
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Chamale wrote:
Pokémon Red/Blue:
I wouldn't bother playing for that =/ Anyway, I wonder if anyone would like to try create LUA script for those, or even online "sign in account" and show leaderboard showing which achievement they've gotten. That would be so cool. It need some sort of anti-cheat first tho. (disable movie playback, check for illegal changing memory, etc)