The sad story is, after he encoded the video, he lost the SMV due to tas-movie-editor's mess. So he cannot prove how the trick is achieved for now. Currently, he and some anonymous guys in 2ch are trying to reproduce the glitch, but no one has made it yet.
Sounds like someone should just bruteforce it with Lua. With a rough idea of how Samus is to be positioned and what inputs are reasonable, it wouldn't take that long to test all possibilities.
(I'd try, but as I am on Linux, it's not really feasible.)
Sounds like someone should just bruteforce it with Lua. With a rough idea of how Samus is to be positioned and what inputs are reasonable, it wouldn't take that long to test all possibilities.
I am not for brute forcing it. Me and Taco just spat out all the numbers, TBH if this trick is real, I would be pissed.
Gunna take a look at that AVI, thanks Gocha for doing that. And btw, if this trick IS real, yes, it will bring something brand new to the general route.
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.
Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once
Current Project(s):
1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
The more I look at it and think about it, the more impossible it seems. And the movie isn't suggesting anything that makes sense.
The super missile is passing below the gate, and assumably disappearing as it goes off screen and leaving the explosion behind. I did some tests, and if I counted right, the gate is triggered the frame the super missile passes through the gate (1121, the frame the screen shakes). The front super missile can't be hitting it because it goes farther. The back super missile must be hitting it that frame because later frames it will be an exploded super missile (projectile type 8, and the gate requires super missile (projectile type 2) to open) so it can't open the gate anytime later.
The collision for the back-half works by moving forward A pixels (10 if you like decimal) from where the front half (the main part) was last frame (it only happens if the front-half is moving at least B pixels a frame if you're curious). Because of this the only block it should be hitting is the top gate block, which the front-half just passes through.
None of that adds up to opening the gate. I can't even think of any convulated reasons for it to hit the trigger.
I'm done with this unless anyone can come up with something significant. I just see no reason for the gate to be opening.
kwinse wrote:
Kejardon wrote:
Kriole wrote:
Samus is damaged by a Rinka in the opening.
That's a script action; no damage.
... it just dawned on me I know way too much about SM.
I tryied a lot this Maridia stuff and it didn't work, one of the super missiles even openned the door beyond the gate, and other exploded far from the gate but nothing seems to open the damn gate.
It seems that the guy has all the power upps like Screw Attack or Space Jump, but he is not using even the Varia Suit/Gravity Suit. Is it part of the trick???
It seems that the guy has all the power upps like Screw Attack or Space Jump, but he is not using even the Varia Suit/Gravity Suit. Is it part of the trick???
Power-ups such as springball, space jump, screw attack or high-jump boots shouldn't have any effect.
I'm sure this has been suggested, but is it possible he's using a different version of the ROM, in which one of the variables has a property that allows it to open?
maybe he was using a weird ROM, or something else, as people are suggesting, and just forgot about it, making people wrongly associate that you can open it with the normal ROM. maybe.
I've created a lua script where you can 'brute-force' the subx en suby position when flying to the gate.
lua script
just edit the
for magicXvalue = 18350, 18400 do
for magicYvalue = 8191, 8191 do
and load the lua script.
Then it asks for the movie, load this movie, and hope the gate opens ;)
added the check if the gate is open by taking a screenshot. You need to download lua-gd and extract to your snes9x folder.
is 0x7E1AB5 a good memory address to watch if the gate opens?
edited the script to run the tests a bit faster...
also added a file that could be watched with
tail -f --retry wintail.txt
to watch the progress (the retry option is for a version of tail from
Don't forget that the game's subpixel calculation precision is 1/128 of a pixel + 1/128–1 (256 possible values, depending on the last collision with a solid object which determines the –1 part). Can that speed things up?
Woah, it's been a long time since I checked this thread and now there's a mysterious video involving the green gate opened. o_O Kinda funny that the vid shower first jumping around with the Etecoons and next you get a succesfully opened green gate, assuming the vid is legit.
So are people now going to systematically try different patterns with subpixel positioning and shinespark? Also, what is bruteforcing?
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Tonski wrote:
Also, what is bruteforcing?
Tonski wrote:
systematically try different patterns with subpixel positioning and shinespark
That ;) i.e. using the brute force of modern computing capabilities to check every possibility (although humans can probably help out by making it only check reasonable ranges of values)
brute forcing is the trying of every possible combination in order to make something happen that only happens when something is the right number or something is in the right position
example: Project Autodialer by Kyle Vogt
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.
Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once
Current Project(s):
1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
Do you keep your speed when jumping from mockball with the springball and unmorphing? Maybe try to open it with spring ball (I know it would be of no use..) so that you take all the speed you need from the hopper room then mockball into the tunnel and jump->unmorph in air and shoot towards the gate?
Someone has probably tried this already and it wouldn't add anything to the routes anyway. (?) Just a random thought.
<Deign> .dice 1d1999191023443691
<BisqBot> Deign rolls a blackhole and destroys the planet.
Guys, Gromba's screenshot clearly shows that the Super of that video was shot clearly below the switch as well. How can you expect that it can ever trigger it when the vertical position simply doesn't match?
The Super can only hit a block in the direction it was shot, and never something above or below it.
My assumption he used a acceleration cheat to shoot the Super through the upper 2 blocks is herewith wrong as well. Most rational explanation now, if no video editing was used, seems to be that he simply hacked the switch data into the air block just below it.
On another note, here are 2 further tricks I developed/performed long time ago, which are now available as a video for those who are interested :
Lower Norfair Walljump (2007)
Temporary Blue Suit (2006)
Check the descriptions for further detailed information.
*Ahem* Attention please..
I guess I will go ahead and annouce this news that may make you want to commit suicide.
After much discussion and debate between myself and Cpadolf, we have (officially) decided to drop the ingame oriented any% run. The reasons are as follows:
-The realtime route will obtain the same endgame score of 00:23 minutes with only seconds behind the ingame route.
-Below :23 won't happen until something new happens, such as the Maridia/Brinstar GG is opened.
-We just felt like it. Gtfo.
SMV won't be released until the 14% is done, obviously to keep the little 2-5 framers super sekret so the run ownz all!
But the end of chapter 1 is the start of another.. or something. I have decided to create a 14% SpeedBooster TAS utilizing Saturn's original route with a Spoofified modification. After heavy testing, I can now fully back-up Saturn's facts that HBJ-ing over the lake is considerably faster, even for the speed booster route, by several seconds. With that closed, and the route finalized, I am now *past* Phantoon.
The run is fully optimal to known standards, with new optimizations founded by me and Cpadolf during the any% to add more surprising value to it, some of the frames being in Crateria.. Oh yes, that is correct.
Anyways, here is the Phantoon fight as a spoiler for the run. Uhm. Enjoy.
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.
Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once
Current Project(s):
1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!
It should be mentioned that this is a slightly improved version of the 1-pack 1-rounder, starting with only 4 Missiles instead of 5, and still ending up with one Missile left after the last shot.
Probably the most you can pull out refill wise.
Given that every single flame is converted into a missile and you end the fight with no ammo, I can believe that. I don't think you could get more missiles without getting Phantoon to drop more before becoming vulnerable, which (since he drops flames at a fixed speed) would mean delaying the point at which you can shoot him.
In short, holy crap dude!
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Wouldn't have been better to enter the room with all 5 missiles? I could be wrong, but kriole's 1 rounder looks faster due to less movement from phantoon after HP hits zero. Either way, it was a pretty awesome demonstration.
I have to say that I agree with the decision to not work on the any% in-game run. I think the category is on the way out, with the new realtime run anyway. Have you shared your frame improvements with Kriole and Taco? I sure hope so :P
You have called, and I have come.
hero of the day wrote:
Wouldn't have been better to enter the room with all 5 missiles? I could be wrong, but kriole's 1 rounder looks faster due to less movement from phantoon after HP hits zero. Either way, it was a pretty awesome demonstration.
I found a better use for the missle. I spent over 8 hours on the Phantoon fight (in 1 sitting, fuck me right?), starting from each useful pattern to testing all the flames per pattern, and after going to hell and back again, I'm quite satisfied with the fight, especially the drops. All frames have successfully been inserted into doors via equipment switching/shooting. Fuck Phantoon up the ass with a basketball pole with the hoop attached.
hero of the day wrote:
Have you shared your frame improvements with Kriole and Taco? I sure hope so :P
Ofc we did, me and Cp would basically share it the moment we found it, or in my case, when I remembered about it during a conversation with either of those pink&purple powerrangers. They also shared some goodies with us. Too bad they got suckered out of the deal because most of our finds cost more realtime frames to save ingame ones. Haha!
Trained by Cpadolf. Mission: To Perfect.
Hero says: Yeah bro, I almost went super saiyan once
Current Project(s):
1)I don't TAS anymore! Pay me!