In New Super Mario Bros, Mario once again goes from world to world trying to rescue Peach. Now watch as Luigi proves to his brother that anything Mario can do, Luigi can do better and faster.
This run is an improvement of the current published run, completing it faster by about one and a half minutes.
  • Emulator used: DeSmuME version 0.9.4
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck


At first, I thought there was a gameplay difference between Mario and Luigi. But now, I know that there really is no difference between Mario and Luigi in this game.
In an any% speedrun, you take a cannon from world 1 to world 5, another cannon from world 5 to world 8, and complete world 8. This run does that as quickly as possible.
In order to achieve fastest time, I relied a lot on watching the addresses of Luigi's speed. That way, I can be assured that I gained speed for the most possible number of frames and lost speed for the least possible number of frames. This is especially used in levels where you generally go from left to right.
Note: As long as the jump to the flag gives 1000 points or less, there is no time loss. So I used the flag to aid in luck manipulation
The most frustrating part of making this run was the manipulation of the movement of the Item Boxes and Hammer Bros. I actually stopped the run for a few months because I couldn't figure it out. That is, until I learned how to use RAM watch. Using RAM watch, I was able to narrow the addresses down to a few. I used them to see what address values to avoid. If certain combinations of values led to undesirable map movement, I would try to avoid that combination of values as I play the level. Whether these results are just coincidence or not, I cannot be certain. One thing I do know is that it helped me.
I used the following tricks/techniques in this run:
- Corner Boost: By pressing the jump for a certain number of frames at certain times, you would miss the block but get a small boost. Usually this leads to .5-1.5 frame saved
- Super Corner Boost: By ducking, you can jump at a block. If done right, Mario/Luigi would straighten up just as he hits the block, doubling or tripling his speed for 1 to 2 frames. This can lead to 1-3 frames saved per boost
- Shell Jump: Similar to a trick involving Diddy Kong in Donkey Kong Country. When you are in the shell and going off a cliff, you can let go of the dash button and jump. Even though you are not technically touching any solid ground, you can still jump. This was done once in my run.
- Rope Jump/Rope Boost: As Luigi grabs a rope, he gets a small boost in speed to anywhere between low 50 to high 80 depending on where on the rope. However, when the rope is grabbed, Luigi loses most of his speed. So, if you jump just as you are about to grab the rope, you would get the boost and jump off the rope without losing speed.
- Delayed Cliff Hanging: Throwing an item delays Luigi's cliff hanging.
- Second Wall Jump: This is usually possible after a normal wall jump as mini-Mario/Luigi. After this, if you jump at a certain frame to do a second wall jump, you jump upwards. This is useful in gaining vertical ground (especially if you cannot reach it normally with a wall jump). One can tell that a second wall-jump is possible if Mario/Luigi's speed for one frame suddenly becomes a value in the 20s (this is the frame to jump at)
- Ducking Direction Change: When running in one direction, duck, then turn the other way. You can change directions very quickly without sliding

Stage by stage comments


Small number of frames saved from corner boosting.


Focused on trying to minimize speed loss in this level.


Tried to keep speed at 48 while trying to break the blocks as Shell Luigi.


Nothing new here.


I noticed later on that the Luigi's actions kinda went with the level's music, to my amusement. Touched the flag at the exact frame that the timer hit 365.


Tried to stay in the shell for as little time as possible. Also managed to avoid fireworks.


Rather than killing the Snailicorn, I tried to avoid them so that I can avoid the slower "inside the shell" dash.


Stored a Fire Flower. Got the mini-Mushroom. Apparently the Hammer Bro's item depends on the frame it is killed. Mini-Luigi also manages to squeeze past Broozers, saving a bunch of frames.


Because of mini-Luigi's floatiness, I had to get to the cannon in one jump, which involved slowing down for a couple of frames while in midair.


Crowber bouncing. Nothing else to say here.


Mini-Luigi's ability to walk on water and do the second wall jump allowed me to save a bunch of frames.


More use of Mini-Luigi's floatiness and the second wall jump to scale the tower faster. Had to rely on coin collection to manipulate Hammer Bros movement to 8-3 since killing enemies would waste more time. Used the stored Fire Flower at the end to kill Bowser Jr faster.


Water-only levels have been a bane to my gaming for a while. Got a Blue Shell for swimming because 27 speed per frame is much better than 18 speed per frame.


Tossed away the Blue Shell before I arrived at the left-right platforms. Tried to get the highest average speed during that segment.


First use of the Super Corner Boost and Rope Jump/Boost. Movement along the platforms made to try to maximize speed and not spend too much time on a single platform.


More Super Corner Boosts. I tip over the unstable rock things(?) to get tiny speed boosts.


A different and faster route from the currently published run.


Used the delayed cliff hang to gain some frames. When I get the star, I try to be in the air for as little time as possible.


More Super Corner Boosts. When I got the star, I tried to get to the ground as quickly as possible to get the Star Dash boost for as long as possible.


More of a freerun because there isn't much to do to save time overall. I did get a Fire Flower so that the Bowser Jr fight would go by quickly.


Different approach to the flame-throwing things and generally trying from one door to another with as little delay/slowdown as possible. Also, Bowser fails at grabbing ledges (either that or the floor is slippery).

Special Thanks

- All those who helped me understand how RAM watch and RAM search works
- GreenaLink for help in power-up planning
- adelikat for the .wch file that contains some very important addresses
- LightBlueYoshi for some of the cool tricks mentioned in the description of his unfinished any% run.
If I missed anyone, I apologize.
Note: So I've heard that version 0.9.5 is out. I see that it takes away much of the map lag. So if it is possible, I'd appreciate it if someone made a video encode using this new version. Thanks.

adelikat: Accepting as an improvement to the published movie.

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If you mean this post, the most recent build is r2964, and r2872 no longer seems to be available.
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Ok, I feel dumb now. This is what happened. So I cut the Configuration settings from the folder into order to create a new one Configuration file. Just like everyone else, at 1-Cannon, Luigi goes into his shell and bounces off the cannon. So I looked at the Configuration settings and this is what I found at the very bottom [0.9.4+] armFixCycleCount=1 armFastFetchExecute=1 This probably happened when I was fooling around with 0.9.4+ while I was on a break from the run. As it seems, I was doing the run on 0.9.4 with 0.9.4+ configurations inside it. Edit: So, what I think I should do is hex edit the .dsm so that the normal common configurations can properly play it.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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The 0.9.4+ settings are meaningless to plain 0.9.4. Do you still have the configuration you used to record the wmv that's available? EDIT:
TRT wrote:
Edit: So, what I think I should do is hex edit the .dsm so that the normal common configurations can properly play it.
While a fixed run would be appreciated, what I'd most like to know is where the wmv came from given all of the issues - the settings you used for that are obviously capable of playing back the full length of the movie. If you still have the associated ini file, please let us see it.
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sgrunt wrote:
The 0.9.4+ settings are meaningless to plain 0.9.4. Do you still have the configuration you used to record the wmv that's available?
I recorded .avi, then converted it to .wmv to save space on my laptop But yeah, there is something off in my own configuration settings. Here are the contents of my Configuration. [Controls] Left=37 Right=39 Up=38 Down=40 Left_Up=0 Left_Down=0 Right_Up=0 Right_Down=0 Start=13 Select=222 Lid=0 Debug=0 A=88 B=90 X=83 Y=65 L=81 R=87 [3D] Renderer=1 HighResolutionInterpolateColor=1 AlternateFlush=0 [Display] Display Fps=1 Display Input=1 Display Lag Counter=1 FrameCounter=1 ScreenGap=0 [Hotkeys] SaveToSlot0=121 SaveToSlot0 MOD=4 SaveToSlot1=112 SaveToSlot1 MOD=4 SaveToSlot2=113 SaveToSlot2 MOD=4 SaveToSlot3=114 SaveToSlot3 MOD=4 SaveToSlot4=115 SaveToSlot4 MOD=4 SaveToSlot5=116 SaveToSlot5 MOD=4 SaveToSlot6=117 SaveToSlot6 MOD=4 SaveToSlot7=118 SaveToSlot7 MOD=4 SaveToSlot8=119 SaveToSlot8 MOD=4 SaveToSlot9=120 SaveToSlot9 MOD=4 LoadFromSlot0=121 LoadFromSlot0 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot1=112 LoadFromSlot1 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot2=113 LoadFromSlot2 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot3=114 LoadFromSlot3 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot4=115 LoadFromSlot4 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot5=116 LoadFromSlot5 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot6=117 LoadFromSlot6 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot7=118 LoadFromSlot7 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot8=119 LoadFromSlot8 MOD=0 LoadFromSlot9=120 LoadFromSlot9 MOD=0 SelectSlot0=48 SelectSlot0 MOD=0 SelectSlot1=49 SelectSlot1 MOD=0 SelectSlot2=50 SelectSlot2 MOD=0 SelectSlot3=51 SelectSlot3 MOD=0 SelectSlot4=52 SelectSlot4 MOD=0 SelectSlot5=53 SelectSlot5 MOD=0 SelectSlot6=54 SelectSlot6 MOD=0 SelectSlot7=55 SelectSlot7 MOD=0 SelectSlot8=56 SelectSlot8 MOD=0 SelectSlot9=57 SelectSlot9 MOD=0 QuickSave=73 QuickSave MOD=0 QuickLoad=80 QuickLoad MOD=0 OpenROM=73 OpenROM MOD=4 Reset=82 Reset MOD=2 Pause=32 Pause MOD=0 FrameAdvance=78 FrameAdvance MOD=0 FastForward=220 FastForward MOD=0 FastForwardToggle=221 FastForwardToggle MOD=0 IncreaseSpeed=187 IncreaseSpeed MOD=0 DecreaseSpeed=189 DecreaseSpeed MOD=0 Microphone=0 Microphone MOD=0 TurboRight=0 TurboRight MOD=0 TurboLeft=0 TurboLeft MOD=0 TurboDown=0 TurboDown MOD=0 TurboUp=0 TurboUp MOD=0 TurboSelect=0 TurboSelect MOD=0 TurboStart=0 TurboStart MOD=0 TurboB=67 TurboB MOD=0 TurboA=86 TurboA MOD=0 TurboY=68 TurboY MOD=0 TurboX=70 TurboX MOD=0 TurboR=0 TurboR MOD=0 TurboL=0 TurboL MOD=0 AutoHold=27 AutoHold MOD=0 AutoHoldClear=0 AutoHoldClear MOD=0 ToggleRasterizer=109 ToggleRasterizer MOD=0 SaveScreenshotas=123 SaveScreenshotas MOD=0 RecordAVI=27 RecordAVI MOD=0 StopAVI=27 StopAVI MOD=0 ToggleFrameDisplay=190 ToggleFrameDisplay MOD=0 ToggleFPSDisplay=0 ToggleFPSDisplay MOD=0 ToggleInputDisplay=188 ToggleInputDisplay MOD=0 ToggleLagDisplay=0 ToggleLagDisplay MOD=0 ToggleReadOnly=0 ToggleReadOnly MOD=0 NextSaveSlot=0 NextSaveSlot MOD=0 PreviousSaveSlot=0 PreviousSaveSlot MOD=0 PlayMovie=0 PlayMovie MOD=0 RecordMovie=0 RecordMovie MOD=0 StopMovie=0 StopMovie MOD=0 RecordWAV=0 RecordWAV MOD=0 ResetLagCounter=0 ResetLagCounter MOD=0 Rewind=0 Rewind MOD=0 [Video] FrameSkip=0 Window Size=0 Window width=296 Window height=444 WindowPosX=431 WindowPosY=106 Window Rotate=0 Filter=0 Width=256 Height=384 [FrameLimit] FrameLimit=1 [General] Recent Rom 1=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\0434 - New Super Mario Bros (U)(pSyDS).nds Recent Rom 2=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\4162 - Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story (U)(Xenophobia).nds Recent Rom 3=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\0934 - Custom Robo Arena (U)(Xenophobia).nds Recent Rom 4= Recent Rom 5= Recent Rom 6= Recent Rom 7= Recent Rom 8= Recent Rom 9= Recent Rom 10= [Firmware] favColor=10 bMonth=8 bDay=6 Language=1 nickName=yopyop Message= [PathSettings] Roms=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate Battery=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ States=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ Screenshots=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ AviFiles=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ Cheats=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ SoundSamples=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ Firmware=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ Lua=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\ format=%f_%s_%r lastVisit=1 defaultFormat=325 needsSaving=0 [RamWatch] SaveWindowPos=0 RWWindowPosX=735 RWWindowPosY=106 Auto-load=1 [Watches] Recent Watch 1=C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\DS emulate\0434 - New Super Mario Bros (U)(pSyDS).nds.wch Recent Watch 2= Recent Watch 3= Recent Watch 4= Recent Watch 5= [0.9.4+] armFixCycleCount=1 armFastFetchExecute=1 There seems to be 0.9.4+ things blended in the 0.9.4. Hopefully the problem is found somewhere in there.
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Your configuration settings are what I meant by ".ini file"... Surprisingly, your set of settings causes 1-cannon to sync on .9.4. I'm currently running the run and I shall be very interested to see if 8-tower2 syncs as well...
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The funny thing is, even with those configurations, the movie plays properly only 75-80% of the time, messing up at 8-6 or 8-T2. It seems to do even worse when AVI record is activated. I'll probably be working on a modified .dsm that can be played properly on all 0.9.4 versions during the next few days, unless the culprit configuration setting is found.
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I've just passed the problem spot in 8-T2 and it's still synced! If the sync holds up (which it probably should at this point), I will do an encode in the near future.
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sgrunt wrote:
I've just passed the problem spot in 8-T2 and it's still synced! If the sync holds up (which it probably should at this point), I will do an encode in the near future.
Don't worry about the encode. I'll post it on Youtube most likely tomorrow for those who do not want to download/still have problems with the .dsm. Edit: By the way, if anyone knows the extra details I need to include concerning the config. settings in the description, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
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TRT wrote:
Don't worry about the encode. I'll post it on Youtube most likely tomorrow for those who do not want to download/still have problems with the .dsm.
I'll worry about the encode if I want to. We may need something of publishable quality sooner or later, after all. :D
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TRT wrote:
Don't worry about the encode. I'll post it on Youtube most likely tomorrow for those who do not want to download/still have problems with the .dsm.
FYI, if no-one worries about the encode, no-one's publishing it either. ;)
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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moozooh wrote:
TRT wrote:
Don't worry about the encode. I'll post it on Youtube most likely tomorrow for those who do not want to download/still have problems with the .dsm.
FYI, if no-one worries about the encode, no-one's publishing it either. ;)
And I can't be stuffed syncing this. Metal Slug X drove me insane enough as it is.
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OK, found out what the cause was. Turns out that since you had modified your firmware settings, and thus they showed up in the configuration file. Changing the firmware settings or just having them show in the config file was enough to make the movie sync. After finally being able to finish watching the movie, I must say it was pretty good, though I do have one question: Why didn't you get the star coin in 8 Tower 2? It was the only stage in which you could collected them all without wasting any time. Other than that minor part, nice work.
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Go Weege, Go Weege. Yes vote :)
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Looks like we could use a FAQ about configuration settings in DeSmuME to avoid this happening in the future...
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Atma wrote:
OK, found out what the cause was. Turns out that since you had modified your firmware settings, and thus they showed up in the configuration file. Changing the firmware settings or just having them show in the config file was enough to make the movie sync. After finally being able to finish watching the movie, I must say it was pretty good, though I do have one question: Why didn't you get the star coin in 8 Tower 2? It was the only stage in which you could collected them all without wasting any time. Other than that minor part, nice work.
Hmmm...thats a good question. I remember rerecording that section quite a bit. I honestly thought I collected that coin. Oh well. I guess you can call it "heat of the freerun" or something xD. Also, about the firmware settings, I find it odd that something that technically shouldn't even affect the game or even the emulator would have that type of effect. By the way, two encodes on dailymotion? Thats kinda funny.
Joined: 4/23/2009
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TRT wrote:
By the way, two encodes on dailymotion? Thats kinda funny.
Yea, each encoder does our own =).
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A much better and more enjoyable movie, although certain moments (jump height planning, for one) look somewhat rough. Yes vote.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I'm glad my movie was finally improved :) However, I think the use of luigi is not as good as mario :P. Trivial things aside, I give this a yes vote.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
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moozooh wrote:
A much better and more enjoyable movie, although certain moments (jump height planning, for one) look somewhat rough. Yes vote.
I guess I forgot to mention in the description that in some levels, where you try to go from bottom to top like in 8-6 and 8-Tower, I jump higher than needed in order to: a) manipulate some of the above enemies to be in a more favorable position. b) manipulate map movement. Especially in 8-Tower, I agree it looked a little sloppy compared to my WIP version of 8-Tower, but it was to manipulate the Hammer Bros to move to the right instead. Edit: Okay, I'm thinking of a screenshot and I'm thinking of one at frame 89741 near the end. Here is the image. What do you all think? It pretty much sums up the speedrun. Bowser knows that he is in BIG trouble.
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I like the proposed screenshot, though I feel like it would be also good to have a screenshot from the World 5 Boo area where mini-Luigi is double-wall-jumping up the shaft. That part alone was incredible. I'm quite happy to see this run improved, and it seems like all the comments people had from the previous run (turning on the flagpole, not using shell dash too much, getting blown by pipes in the world-8 water level, etc.) were all addressed in this run. Major yes vote.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
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TRT wrote:
I guess I forgot to mention in the description that in some levels, where you try to go from bottom to top like in 8-6 and 8-Tower, I jump higher than needed in order to: a) manipulate some of the above enemies to be in a more favorable position. b) manipulate map movement.
Manipulate map movement? You mean the overworld map? I'm mostly referring to overshooting jumps in horizontally scrolling levels, but if you say it's not a time loss I guess it's alright.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I wish you had used Mario for this. Luigi's end of level voice clip is ridiculously annoying.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.