NOTE: This is mike89 submitting this movie. I completed the last two levels and boss after legoking831 gave up the project. I have not listed myself as co-author since my work was of negligible length.

Run information

This is Donkey Kong Land 2 (the Game Boy knockoff of Donkey Kong Country 2) completed with 102% (all Kremcoins and DK coins) in 57:09.82.

Emulator information

I can't speak for the original runner but I know that the run syncs in VBA v21. L+R is not used.

Run comments

I have very little to say, since I only did three levels myself. All I know is that I was impressed with the quality, particularly in the bonus stages which are more like puzzles than straight platforming. (eg. Collect the Stars)

Potential improvements

I never did any hard statistics, nor do I have the know-how to do RAM watching to check for these things, but there are two potential improvements that I can see based on anecdotal evidence:
  • Jumping is known to be slightly faster than just running, but where you have an area small enough that you can't make a minimum size jump, I'm fairly sure that straight running is faster than using Dixie's glide to slow down. This is implemented inconsistently throughout the run, so I'm not sure.
  • When I did a test run of this myself many years ago, I reached Kleaver's Kiln before I did a test on whether Diddy or Dixie was faster. I found that Diddy was able to, with a perfect roll off a crocodile and jump, skip landing on one crocodile and land on the next one, whereas if Dixie tried it she would fall to her death. I'm not sure if the test was strictly scientific (there could be subpixel things getting in the way for example), but the conclusion I drew is that Diddy is either slightly faster or has a slightly higher jump. Anyone who wants to improve this would do well to look into this closely.
That said, enjoy the run, because I know I did.

adelikat: Accepting for publication.

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Different level layouts is what I would consider a rather significant difference as that results in different gameplay considerations. The difference doesn't have to be extreme to warrant publication. (rulewise, being different enough to entertain the audience is another matter).
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Differences to Donkey Kong Country 2 * Overworld map has been flipped, as have most of the individual world maps. * Crocodile Cauldron and Krem Quay have been joined together to create Krem Cauldron; some of their levels have been transfered to Krazy Kremland. As a result the boss of Krem Quay in DKC2, Kudgel, does not make an appearance in this game. * Lost World is accessed as an entire world from the overworld map, instead of having individual levels accessed from each of the worlds via Klubba's Kiosk. * Removal of Swanky and Cranky, Wrinkly no longer gives out hints * No team-up mechanic present * Characters always transform into Animal buddies and cannot ride them * Dixie's ponytail whirl now allows the player to hit B in the air at any time before hitting the peak of their jump * While stages may have the same name as their SNES console counterparts, the level layout (and sometimes mechanics) are completely different * End of a level is marked by a stand-alone target with no prizes for good timing * Stages with water in them do not have dynamic water which raises and falls anymore * Not all music has been ported over, as such many of the different level archtypes share the same music * Music has been remixed by Grant Kirkhope (composer for Banjo-Kazooie and Viva Pinata) rather than by original composer David Wise * No bonus stages are accessed via cannons with cannon balls, or by breaking through secret walls. All are found in bonus barrels. * Only 47 Bonus or Krem Coins to collect instead of 75 * Cat O' Nine Tails enemy has been removed * Glimmer's Galleon no longer features the angler fish Glimmer; instead you must touch various barrels to light up the stage for you * It's possible to complete the Rattle Battle stage without using Rattly the snake at all * Slime Climb features toxic slime which hurts you upon touching it instead of containing a dangerous piranha (Snapjaw in Donkey Kong Country 2) * Kleaver's Kiln fight utilises Krockheads that the player must use to cross to the other side of the battlefield instead of hooks * Haunted Hall in Gloomy Gulch has been replaced by a regular rollercoaster level called Krazy Koaster * Only need to scale one set of rigging ropes in Kreepy Krow fight * In King Zing Sting fight, King Zing never shoots barbs at you. It doesn't matter where you hit him with Squawks the Parrot's nuts, and he won't make a barricade of Zingers around himself, only leave a trail of them behind him later in the fight instead. * Animal Antics is now entirely a jungle level. * K. Rool Duel is now set in a castle level, whereas Krocodile Kore fight is now set in a lava level A quick google search is never a bad thing :P By the way, how is changing the layouts a SMALL change?
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adelikat wrote:
Different level layouts is what I would consider a rather significant difference as that results in different gameplay considerations
Wockes wrote:
[long list of differences including] * While stages may have the same name as their SNES console counterparts, the level layout (and sometimes mechanics) are completely different
The question then becomes whether these differences are compelling enough to warrant the drop in entertainment the technically inferior platform results in. ...I don't personally think it does, but that may be because I'm not a fan of the SNES version either.
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I didn't really know if this was going to get published, but the fact we have Mega Man I-III for the Game Boy only raises the question, as those were half ports of the NES counterparts while also making it a half-port of the sequel to that. (MMI was 1 and 2, MMII was 2 and 3...) There are also limitations to this game that do not allow tricks that were possible in DKC2 (like falling too far, as going past the camera kills you), but it's also the inverse as well. Squawks can shoot faster (which I probably should've demonstrated more often), Dixie can do the spin-cancel, Bramble Blast has more short-cuts, and Rattle Battle is possible without Rattly unless you need the bonuses. Though I'm not sure if that's enough.
Lego is awesome!
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I voted yes. It's quite entertaining, and a nice add to the DK collection. In my opinion it's better than most of GB-to-SNES adaptations, and should be published.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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I gave it a YES I did not see much of this speedrun, but from what I saw it was very impressive
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Yes vote here, it is a good game and suitable for TAS. It also manages to fill the lifebar, not like that is hard when you don't die. It had not particular wow moments, but it was entertaining.
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I'd say that there are more differences between this and DKC2 for SNES than there are between the two versions of Double Dragon 2 that are currently published. The games are most different at the end, with the bonus stages. I also really noticed the Bramble Blast shortcuts much more in this run, as legoking831 mentions. Although the graphics are somewhat inferior, the lack of celebration dances at the ends of stages is a BIG entertainment boost. I feel that the platforming here is interesting enough to warrant publication along with the SNES game.
Used to be a frequent submissions commenter. My new computer has had some issues running emulators, so I've been here more sporadically. Still haven't gotten around to actually TASing yet... I was going to improve Kid Dracula for GB. It seems I was beaten to it, though, with a recent awesome run by Hetfield90 and StarvinStruthers. ( Thanks to goofydylan8 for running Gargoyle's Quest 2 because I mentioned the game! ( Thanks to feos and MESHUGGAH for taking up runs of Duck Tales 2 because of my old signature! Thanks also to Samsara for finishing a Treasure Master run. From the submission comments:
Shoutouts and thanks to mklip2001 for arguably being the nicest and most supportive person on the forums.
Emulator Coder, Site Developer, Site Owner, Expert player (3565)
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mkflip2001 wins. I'll accept this for publication.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1489] SGB Donkey Kong Land 2 "100%" by legoking831 in 57:09.82
Joined: 3/3/2019
Posts: 1
The submission and publication for this movie states that it achieves "102%" completion. However, the completion percentage listed by the game on the in-game file select menu says 100%, not 102%. You can validate this by playing the movie on emulator and progressing to the file select menu after the credits roll. I realize that the movie is 10 years old, but I thought I'd mention this in case anyone in the present or future cares about it.