Emulator Coder
Joined: 3/9/2004
Posts: 4588
Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
So the big question is, will the site shutdown or will in continue. Is this a joke, or not? The answer is: A little of both. We never had any intention to shut down the site this month, but we also have to face some cold hard facts. On the one hand, TASing capabilities in emulators and for the site have grown significantly in recent times. On the other, we haven't had most really hard core members stick around long term. We have new people coming, but some of the older crowd to some extent seem to be getting fed up and leaving. The idea of TASing is now more well known, but people are no longer fighting for the idea of TASing. In our progression, our activists have grown complacent. Our community survived the hardships of coming into being, and putting up with people who didn't like the idea our site advertised, and felt we had no right to even exist. We survived our founder deciding to throw in the towel. The question is, are we strong enough to survive from ourselves? Can we exist with no pressure driving us on? With our current server subscription running out soon, these are important questions. With the added features we have on the site, and ones we plan on adding soon, our load has gotten heavier. Further, since the addition of streaming video from our site, more people have been coming by than ever before to simply watch videos. I do have some interesting things being developed in my laboratory which is only going to stress these issues further. These factors probably mean a higher server cost for the upcoming year. Is the community still interested in funding the site? The answer: a resounding yes! Thanks to everyone who sent me a message pledging support for the upcoming year, your support will help shape decisions on what features we will be adding to the site in the months to come. As Bisqwit stated, the purpose of April Fools isn't to scare the community and cause heart attacks, but to test drive features that wouldn't go well on other days, and get a good laugh out of people. Now some of you did get a good laugh out of this, and appreciated the elaborate lengths our staff went to fool you with a long winded thread. But some of you were also extremely saddened and even cried. And for the latter of you, I can't thank you enough. Not because I enjoy watching you suffer (quite the opposite in fact), but because seeing so many people truly enjoying and truly appreciating our site, never wanting to see it go, and fight for it to continue is what keeps the staff going. I want to thank everyone who sent me heartfelt messages on what TASing means to them. One user wrote in to tell me that TASVideos cheered him up while he had a death in the family. Others stressed how important our research was to them. And many expressed how we provide unique art that can't really be gotten elsewhere. One user wrote: "It is more than just a website to me, this place has become a good source of friendship, and I would be sad to see this place close down." Those who came out in droves to show their support really means a lot to us. The main staff throughout the entire year gets a lot of grief over the things we do and things we don't do. Every decision or change inevitably has a member start a thread to chew out the staff, with others joining in. We accepted a bad movie. We rejected a good movie. We reworded something. We changed a color. The list goes on and on. We rarely get any thanks for the hard work we do. Then, when we ask for help to advertise the site further, word things better, create some demos, no one seems to have an opinion. This is not about the staff looking for payback, but quite the opposite. Despite it all, do you like the site? Or would it be fine if it goes out quietly in the night? So for this April Fools, we did something Bisqwit would never do: Announce something scary - to get people to give an opinion and a reason why our site is important. Controversial - to spread like wildfire to other gaming sites to get people to check us out again if they haven't in a while. And also attack the heart of the rift in our community - the value of speed vs. entertainment. Some people who left recently told me it's because they're upset we don't fuel every frame war, reject movies which only improve a few frames, or accept movies which are sloppy. Others are upset when we do have minor improvements without large changes, where it only seems people are going for speed records, or reject a sloppy movie which did entertain a lot of people. The thread was carefully crafted around this issue, suggesting records aren't accurate, how about entertainment only - if the site continues. Surprisingly enough, one of this site's most "gung ho - speed above all" members messaged me that he'd want the site to continue anyway. Seems the rift isn't as big as I thought. Seriously, instead of attacking one another, and fighting with the judges over decisions, view all that against the site as a whole. Don't just think about leaving. Consider if your disagreement and disapproval is worth shutting the site down altogether? We rely on our users for content, and if all the good people leave, we won't have much of any. Before you think to yourself that you'll just go off on your own and make TASes as a hobby ignoring out site, remember that our site makes and improves emulators for TASing. If we don't have people here demanding emulators for newer systems, or requesting fixes for older ones, you can't enjoy your hobby elsewhere either. We're also one of the best sources around for documentation of games. So if you feel like leaving, remember all that we also provide. We're not asking you to get along with every member on the site, but please continue to submit your work when you're done. We have our differences, and we can hardly find a pair of members to agree on more than a couple of things, but I think we can all agree on our love of TASing. Speaking of newer systems, the amount of submissions we've gotten so far this year seems to be low. One user suggested it's because all the good games have already been TASed rather well. Perhaps he is right. But that's why we need to start looking more at newer systems. We've added so many new systems to be TASable, and we really haven't seen that effort paid off yet. Come on people, get to it! Another user also wrote to me with a suggestion regarding all the good games being taken already - more and more game hacks are being made all the time! He is quite right. I want to alert everyone that some time back, we changed our rules regarding game hacks. If you find a hack which is really good, and you can make an awesome original TAS with it, then by all means do so! Now of course, there's still the problem of the issues brought up about why TASing isn't the same as playing a game on the actual system. It has been mentioned that emulators have more consistency than systems do. This is true. It has also been mentioned that emulators emulate averages of a system, instead of any exact cases. This is also true. In fact, those who work on emulators here, such as people like myself, have known this for years! Initial state randomness which was brought up in Blades of Steel thread is well known among emulation authors, and is exhibited in many games. While it is a nice pipe dream thinking that perhaps our runs can be considered theoretically possible on a real system, that's hardly what we're about. We're about entertainment. We're about finding something in the game to portray in a movie that will make someone familiar with the game wipe their jaw off the sub basement. We're about art. So if you're about to make a movie to beat the last speed record, remember this: Try to surpass it in entertainment as well, don't just look for the simplest way to progress in a given time interval. So knowing that TASing is more theoretical than what many people previously thought theoretical to mean, is there any point in having a speed record at all made with an emulator? Considering many variations of a particular emulator, and multiple emulators for a system, probably not. But look at the flip side of the equation too. When you go to make a speedrun on a console, start up state is completely random. Timing states in the game vary constantly too. In fact, you can cause the console to time things differently by changing the temperature in your room, or using a different television set. A clever engineer could tweak his console's environment to give a more favorable play through than what his competitor would be facing. Speedrunners on real consoles have a lot of randomness or "luck" that they face, that even alters by restarting the game over and over again, but further, some people could be "cheating" the system without you realizing it! All the points brought up in our thread actually make speedrunning look worse for real consoles than it does for emulators. When you get a video of a console run, you really have no idea what went on in the making of it. A television set with internal scanrates altered could speed up a game ever so slightly, resulting in a run which is a couple of seconds faster than the last by not doing anything else. The case can be akin to two racers supposedly evenly matched on everything but skill, where one racer is secretly packing an invisible turbo engine in his car. With an emulator on the other hand, given a recorded keypress file, and told which publicly available open source emulator you used provides a more honest run. We can verify that what you did beats the game, we can verify you didn't cheat in any way, but did exactly what you stated you did. Our best emulators provide the same challenges every single time you play it, for everyone, so all our members have equal footing if they want to go in for a challenge. Adding on top of that our tools, the competition is no longer defined by your natural inborn physical limits, but merely your time and dedication. We offer the ultimate in equal rights, fair, balanced, and verifiable game play. It doesn't match an actual system to every last detail, but the games are the same - only better. They play back consistently, and without secretly hiding anything. So thanks for showing your support, providing information on why you love TASing and what it means to you - which we'll use to overhaul our information pages. Thanks for coming back to our site, reading this, and hopefully participating (more) in the future. Your ever loving dictator, -Nach
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Editor, Player (91)
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>90 % of what I wrote regarding the happenstances were honest thoughts from my mind, even if not the foremost ones, even if I was intentionally misleading with them. Nach, I congratulate you for the well thought post that is above.
Joined: 11/4/2007
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Okay, despite being the first poster I did actually read the entire rebuttal. Never mind, Bisqwit got first bite. Well... wow... Yeah, I'm pretty speechless. I do confess to not being able to contribute anything directly relevant to TASVideos (Lets face it, encodes don't mean much) and that I probably reacted in a way I shouldn't have last night (What happens when you have a half asleep Flygon seeing some news that induces horror into its heart). I was indeed yes very horrified when the news appeared in that April Fools discussing IRC channel, the fear struck my heart. This can and will sound absolutely ridiculous, but TASVideos probably makes up 30% of my life, the other 70% being splits between school, family, friends and other small commitments. I probably could survive without TASVideos, but I'll sure as hell be dammed if I would mean much at all without it. When I became a publisher last year it was a very large confidence boost, I actually had a meaning somewhere in a community, rather then say, just a lurking guy that would post everysooften. That, and this is far more productive than Ragnarok Online. Anyway, the point here is my life story, the point here is that I do genuinely care about the future of this operation, though probably don't have the best methods of expressing it, and I will full heartedly admit it, I am an ego inflated slob that won't take no for an answer very easily. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to contribute to this community outside of encoding so while I do wish this operation succeeds well... well, lets face it, I have no TASing skills and I don't have a job in order to throw money at the operation... so... yeah. I probably shouldn't be writing this at 10:55PM, especially since I only got 3-4 hours of sleep last night, so you can expect a more logical reply tomorrow.
Joined: 5/3/2008
Posts: 1120
Encoding is serious business, especially the 1080p variants you enjoy making; I remember trying my hand once and it took a long-ass time, and I just stuck with the native resolution on an NES run (which I believe has still not been obsoleted). I happened to get my ego-boost elsewhere, as an admin on a forum that isn't quite safe for work and should not be viewed by minors, and a mod on another similar forum, so no biggie here IMO.
i imgur com/QiCaaH8 png
Emulator Coder
Joined: 10/9/2004
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Location: Norway
I'm really happy to see the activity this (probably harsh) statement got. While many of you considered it an Aprils fools joke, I took it as an attempt at serious look into why Nach and adelikat still do the work with this site. I hope those of you who cared enough to come around on the IRC channel, post in the forums, read the post at the top. This site lives entirely through your submissions, good or bad, accepted or not. I have never attempted to do a TAS run in my life, nor do I plan to do one. I know the amount of work needed to make one, and I appreciate that every time I watch a run. I have tried to encode movies, I know the work put into that. I have made an emulator (NESten), I know the work put into that. I have also made some small sites. I know the work put into that. TLDR; Appreciate the site and its contents. Just remember, there is a lot of work behind everything you see here. Made by people.
Active player (351)
Joined: 3/21/2006
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Nach, you well-intentioned lovable bastard! I don't know whether to kiss you or kick you. I guess I'll go make a TAS instead.
My current project: Something mysterious (oooooh!) My username is all lower-case letters. Please get it right :(
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Kiss him while kicking him. It's what I'd do.
Player (94)
Joined: 5/10/2005
Posts: 1204
oh, it was just an april fool's joke, i see... too bad you didn't say it before i deleted my TASes and formated my hard drive. seriously though, i thought it was serious business at first, but when raiscan started talking about his balls, i started lolling out so loud that i realized that it was a joke.
Experienced player (610)
Joined: 10/23/2004
Posts: 706
Okay, worst April Fools joke EVER! It attempted to undermine the purpose of one of my hobbies and it made me change my opinion of the leadership... in a negative direction. Please do not consider doing such stunts in the future. edit: That post is very well thought-out and I appreciate its content, but I think there was a better way to deliver it. In spite of that, I appreciate all that you guys do and I will work especially hard to get my N64 TAS' (Micro Machines and Mario Kart 64) moving.
Current Project: - Mario Kart 64
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nfq wrote:
oh, it was just an april fool's joke, i see... too bad you didn't say it before i deleted my TASes and formated my hard drive. seriously though, i thought it was serious business at first, but when raiscan started talking about his balls, i started lolling out so loud that i realized that it was a joke.
I wasn't actually aware of the "scheme" until a few hours after everything had started (and I certainly wasn't told by the administration, not directly anyway). I was kind of against the whole thing but once the point was explained I decided that the best thing to do was to indirectly persuade some people who thought it MIGHT be a joke by coming up with a bizarre way of explaining the 'problem' that wouldn't be done in a serious situation. thus my balls were primed and ready to be displayed to all. I AM BALL.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
Joined: 11/9/2008
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Location: New Orleans, LA U.S.A.
wow. that is the best rationale behind an april fool's day joke i've ever heard. if you guys had simply "APRIL FOOLS"d us i'd have been pissed, but, i am forced to admit (however much i may have hated on the prank, which was a teeny bit ovbious) you do bring up a lot of good points. i will be the first to publicly admit that i haven't donated any $$ to the site since i first found it, back when bisqwit was in charge, back in the iki.fi days so next time i am physically able (i suspect i'm not the only one working a shit job in these troubling times), I plan to donate. Thanks guys for scaring the shit out of me and forcing me to own up to supporting something i love a lot and hold dearly. Feel like you've brought out some serious emotion in this diverse and intelligent community and although i lead a pretty busy life, this site and a few albums are basically the only reason i survived my last breakup, to cite just one example of this community's influence outside of geeking out. To all others who say that this site and its community are important to their lives, I UNDERSTAND. It's not just a bunch of movies to watch, it's a group of people who share an aesthetic interest. We are blessed to be able to talk about massive god like speed runs of (mostly) classic video games for hours on end and nobody is going to judge us! I know this is something that most of us could not manage to do in our "real" lives. This is an important outlet for our generation, having been one of the first raised on gaming digital entertainment. I think that we who love this site owe it to those who put real time and money into building this community to give back. To some, this may seem blown out of proportion, but the content found on this site really is one of a kind, and we owe it to ourselves and to the managers to submit content, respond to changes, make changes, donate, edit, encode, TAS, interact, and most importantly to keep in mind that you are most likely spending time on someone else's dime so try not to be to harsh when you don't immediately understand a change or a decision. Trust that the people running this site want the best for it, but not everybody is going to agree all of the time, so concessions sometimes have to be made. Waking up I thought there would be no way I would agree with the pulling of such a chaos-inducing prank, but I have to say, you sadistic fucks really pulled that one out. Cheers. I'd also like to agree with someone who stated that the methods of TASing can be applied to life. I thought that was a seriously bad ass statement.
Player (118)
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I have to say, I'm glad the site is not shutting down. I can die a happy man now. Or at least finish my TAS a happy man!
[19:16] <scrimpy> silly portuguese [19:16] <scrimpy> it's like spanish, only less cool
Experienced player (969)
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I was away for a few days, my interweb was broken, but when i came back i didnt even noticed that topic, tought i saw on adelikat svn log that there was still activity, so it was quite hard to believe, either way, afterward i readed and saw ....
MMBiasman wrote:
If this indeed becomes the route we have to take, I guess I'll have to eat my words and accept Saturn's 14% run, as it was clearly thought of as entertaining, and we don't have speed/frame precision/fastest possible category etc. to worry about when accepting something anymore. I guess I should also formally apologize to Saturn for keeping his movie off the site, even though I still think my decision at the time was correct. If this change is necessary, I think his run would make a good addition to the 'new' TASvideos, as ironic as that sounds.
adelikat: ^ adelikat: that adelikat: come on folks
Player (80)
Joined: 7/7/2008
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I'm just gonna go ahead and say that this is an April Fools joke...because I'm laughing out of relief right now. :D
Skilled player (1835)
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I think I'm with theenglishman here, I'm not sure whether I should just be relieved or mad. I think I'll go with relieved. I'm just so glad that this was an April's fools joke. The more I thought about it, the more strange it seemed; I just couldn't believe that emulator developers that Nach and adelikat didn't know about this issue before. I think Nach had a point in his post, that perhaps a lot of the work the admins do is taken for granted, and many users only tell them what they don't like about the site, rather than what they do like. I'd like to give a thanks to the admins for all the work they invest in this site, I can safely say that it really is appreciated. I will continue contributing with what I do best, that is to say submitting TASes. And just like Flygon, I would say that around 20-25% of my life is about TASing, ever since I started lurking the site at the beginning of 2005. Do the math, and that makes for quite a few hours of TASing and quite a few visits to the forum. Needless to say, the news that this site was shutting down scared me to death, and I had some trouble sleeping last night. Oh, and Flygon, you encoding work is very much appreciated, it really is. Since you started encoding TASes I've been watching a lot more TASes than before. This goes out to Aktan too. Thank you very much for your work, I imagine it takes some time to encode all those runs. PS: Please admins, don't pull off something like this again.
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I'm really happy, I'll be able to submit at least one TAS to TASVideos in my life. I've been hanging around this site for 3 years now and I really appreciate the work everyone put in this. This has grown a lot; I just love the TASing universe and couldn't stand to see it disappear in such a stupid way. You made me cry, Nach, but I understand.
Joined: 4/1/2010
Posts: 96
I figured this was amusing nonsense from the start, but I went with it to see how things developed. I'm sad to hear that there are difficulties. This site is one of my favourites. Though I've never really had the motivation to become involved in the community, I do spend a lot of time watching the wonderful things you guys produce here. There are some truly fantastic feats of engineering that have come about through this site! As a programmer myself (currently interned with IBM, developer of the foo_vorbisstream component for foobar2000, etc.), you all are inspirations to me. Sadly, I am too busy doing what I do to really be able to get involved in yet another web community. The fact that I haven't registered an account on the forums here until now reflects that. I registered to voice my support. I'd rather watch TAS runs than TV-Show-X. As a currently gainfully-employed man, there is one thing that I can give to the community: funding. So expect something like that from me. However, there are a finite number of games, and a theoretical maximum speed for any given game. It stands to reason that eventually all decent games will have perfect speed runs. This point is a long time away, but it is something to consider. As the speed runs become more technically perfect, they will also create significant psychological barriers against those seeking to one-up them as well. I watched Baxter's Tetris run last night and it made me think that perhaps we should allow for more creative, fun runs like these. If the focus is truly enjoyment, that was one of the most amusing things I've seen here in a while! I can only watch so much glitching before it gets a bit boring, but I could probably stomach half-a-dozen different Tetris runs all done creatively. May TASVideos.org live forever. Insofar as I am concerned, I will do my utmost to keep it that way. You guys help me unwind after a long day at work. I'm vaguely disheartened that I can't be more involved here, but in the end, I still value all of your contributions quite greatly, and I am willing to put my money where my mouth is.
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What made me stop TASing was the absurd amount of time required to do frame wars. I don't find that fun at all. Looking at the crucial points brought up recently, I don't think it is a problem. If the only issue is the console's randomness, I don't see why TASes can't be replicated on them. It would only take some attempts, but it can be done, which doesn't invalidate TASes. I do like what you mentioned about fairness, and it's something I've always liked about TASing opposed to "serious" speedrunning. TASing is way more accessible and fair, on its own rules.
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Canar wrote:
I watched Baxter's Tetris run last night and it made me think that perhaps we should allow for more creative, fun runs like these. If the focus is truly enjoyment, that was one of the most amusing things I've seen here in a while!
I just wanted to chime in on this one. His tetris TAS is EXACTLY the kind of things we want submitted; always has and always will. I like impressive tool-assisted gameplay and aiming for a completion time isn't the only means of demonstrating that. I don't want to derail this into an overdone speed vs entertainment debate but I wanted to point out that the TASVideos doors are wide open for creative TASes such as that.
It's hard to look this good. My TAS projects
Joined: 3/31/2010
Posts: 3
nevereverever do something like that again! you ruined my day yesterday! nice to see that it will life on... you will have inactive and just "watching" people in every community. I'm creating an rts with some guys in me spare time (for pc; thats the reason I dont have time to get involed here really), and we are having to much hits and watcher and our team only consists of 7 people. its alway a huge difference between active and inactive people. but as it was already written by Nach, there is quite a mass of people wo dont wanted this site do die. good entertaiment is hard to find these days (;
ccgx.de Dune: War of the Spice - Indie RTS-Games Rockstorm-Games - per aspera ad astra
Emulator Coder
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FODA wrote:
If the only issue is the console's randomness, I don't see why TASes can't be replicated on them. It would only take some attempts, but it can be done, which doesn't invalidate TASes.
If you can't see why, you haven't read what I wrote clearly, or you're having issues grasping the technicalness of it. It can not be done on consoles for most games. Some attempts would be more like several billion if you're lucky. Move to a different environment, and watch that never sync up.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (2172)
Joined: 5/22/2007
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Location: Glitchvania
@Nach: I see. It is this very "Rebuttal" your April Fools joke. And this site will be shut down soon.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Former player
Joined: 8/31/2009
Posts: 242
I figured it was a joke, but I find it both amusing and pleasant how many lurkers and new people the site got in the last couple days, and even Canar in this thread. Submissions definitely have been a little low this year, but there have been a ton joke videos this April at least. I think that by the end of the year though, there will be a lot of gems. Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, possibly Ocarina, the Mega Man games (1-6 excluding 2 I think), and maybe some other surprises. Though the quantity would be low, there are a lot of big game TASes coming along. I personally just can't have fun with perfectly optimizing everything (with the exception of my short TAS), but I hope the community has liked my entertaining TASes and the use of TAS to discover new glitches. I've just been limited to NES games because I like TASing based on input, but I stumbled upon TASEDIT, and I may look into other consoles now. I do agree you guys don't get enough credit, and this is easily one of my favorite communities, though I haven't been casually involved much (say IRC) and the site does generate a ton of entertainment. Artistic works of video games with a touch of some computer science is an amazing combination of a concept, and TASVideos has put it together really well. I don't really intend to have any other TASes published, unless an exception swings by me, but I hope my contributions through my findings and such accepted by the community. You guys are awesome.
Emulator Coder
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Location: In his lab studying psychology to find new ways to torture TASers and forumers
klmz wrote:
@Nach: I see. It is this very "Rebuttal" your April Fools joke. And this site will be shut down soon.
Of course.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
Joined: 2/24/2010
Posts: 153
I actually saw all the new April Fools runs before I saw the big topic so I already had in mind that everything was a joke. I found it highly amusing that the judges would go to the lengths they did just to cruelly convince people of something so patently ludicrous, and that they succeeded. But I guess it wasn't as much a joke as I thought. I've been a lurker for a long time but only started posting recently, and as you can see by my post count, its quickly become a very important time sink of mine. Due to certain problems that don't bear mentioning I live at home without being able to get outside much; this forum right here is 95% of my social life... Its hard to express just what that means to me. It makes me sad to hear these things though, that a lot of the veterans are leaving, that the submission queue has been running so thin and that runs of newer games aren't getting the attention that perhaps they deserve. It really makes me think, what if the site really does just die away like all those geo-cities fan sites in the 90s? God knows I have time on my hands enough to TAS, but I don't think I ever could. Maybe in 2005 when things were simpler, but today it's like a competitive sport; people are deadly critical about optimizing even lengthy, difficult to TAS games. The veterans of today had the benefit of honing themselves against the inferior standards of the past, of being able to push the envelope. But today's newbies have to compare themselves to veritable MASTERS. Even if I started now I know that it could be months, even years before I was good enough to have anything worth showing people, and I just don't have that kind of dedication. Besides, I'm very much so an old-school gamer, and its true that many of the titles I'd like to TAS have already been done. Maybe someday I'll try my hand at TASing, but even so it would probably be all playarounds that I wouldn't even think of submitting or even showing as WIPs.