I was honest at first, but it was too much fun to try.
[22:19] <erokky> jupichan? :<
[22:20] <JixiePoo> nope, JX-Chan
[22:20] <erokky> :<
[22:20] <JixiePoo> sorry :P
[22:22] <JixiePoo> if I happen to see "her" in the future, I'll send it your way
[22:23] <erokky> it?
[22:23] <JixiePoo> sure, that works
[22:25] <erokky> bullshit, you're jupi!
[22:25] <JixiePoo> :3
[22:26] <erokky> yeah!
[22:26] <erokky> yaaaaaaaaay
[22:26] <JixiePoo> what's up
[22:27] <erokky> so um, I guess with the alternate name you don't want anybody knowing?
[22:27] <erokky> that prolly included me but I'm clevah
[22:27] <erokky> clevahhrararar
[22:27] <JixiePoo> Yeah, at least for now I'd prefer to keep it under wraps
[22:27] <JixiePoo> ^^ clevah indeed
[22:28] <erokky> "o/" gave it away
[22:28] <JixiePoo> I have to imagine there are others who do that?
[22:29] <erokky> and I kinda bluffed just now but you responded with ":3", that's jupiesque
[22:29] <erokky> nyah, I'm so happy you're back
[22:30] <JixiePoo> Well, I suppose it's good to check in from time to time
[22:30] <erokky> I don't see a reason why you can't idle here like you used to
[22:31] <erokky> hey hey hey
[22:31] <erokky> get/got GT5?
[22:32] <JixiePoo> No, I haven't got a chance to get it yet ;_;
[22:32] <JixiePoo> Hopefully for Christmas though
[22:33] <erokky> what do you drive now?
[22:33] <JixiePoo> You still talking GT, or is this a sudden segue to real life?
[22:34] <JixiePoo> brb
[22:34] <erokky> do you still have that car?
[22:37] <JixiePoo> back, which car?
[22:37] <erokky> that one you loved
[22:38] <erokky> I forget what it's called
[22:38] <JixiePoo> Not sure which one you mean.. sorry
[22:39] <JixiePoo> (Though you probably are figuring out by now that I'm not jupi)
[22:39] <erokky> aww, you're... yeah
[22:39] <erokky> "you're not jupi, but thanks for trying"
[22:39] <JixiePoo> twas fun though!
[22:39] <erokky> or maybe
[22:39] <JixiePoo> :3?
[22:39] <erokky> maybe you're bluffing, to get rid of me
[22:39] <erokky> !
[22:39] <JixiePoo> !
[22:40] <erokky> wait
[22:40] <JixiePoo> go on
[22:40] <erokky> okay, jupi never said "twas"
[22:41] <erokky> you type exactly like her though :< :< :<
[22:42] <JixiePoo> a little :3 here and a ^^ there
[22:42] <erokky> ( ̄ー ̄)
[22:42] <JixiePoo> I dont have unicode here apparently, but am guessing that's the look of disapproval?
[22:42] <erokky> 日本語できるの?
[22:43] <JixiePoo> no idea what that could be
[22:43] <erokky> oh
[22:43] <JixiePoo> so when did jupi leave? a while ago or just recently?
[22:44] <erokky> yeah you're jupi
[22:44] <erokky> jchan
[22:44] <JixiePoo> If I typed :3, would you believe me?
[22:44] <erokky> lole
[22:44] <JixiePoo> :>
[22:44] <erokky> IT'S SO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:44] <erokky> that's another of your emotes
[22:44] <erokky> omg
[22:45] <erokky> wait what
[22:45] <erokky> sec
[22:45] <erokky> ehh, did I misremember?
[22:45] <JixiePoo> what, which emotes are mine?
[22:46] <erokky> gdi :<
[22:46] <erokky> you're too similar to jupi
[22:46] <JixiePoo> question for you
[22:47] <JixiePoo> Is jupi still pretending to be a girl?
[22:48] <erokky> iono
[22:48] <JixiePoo> you're not really erokky are you?!
[22:48] <erokky> ( ̄ー ̄)
[22:48] <erokky> I don't care either way, lol
[22:48] <erokky> jupi was fun to talk to
[22:49] <JixiePoo> is that unicode the same as -_-?
[22:49] <erokky> I suppose you can be too, so it makes little difference
[22:49] <erokky> more or less
[22:49] <JixiePoo> no idea why unicode is not "installed" or wahtever on this IRC prog
[22:51] <JixiePoo> so what part of this convo do you think would be the best to paste in the "Memorable IRC quotes" thread?
[22:51] <erokky> lol you bitch
[22:51] <JixiePoo> :D
[22:51] <erokky> all of it, shoot
[22:51] <JixiePoo> sounds good