Alright, at end of first tank i'm 46 frames ahead of the current published movie. I think i can get +1 life at the end of the tank but that will require some more testing as i'm losing 2 frames by doing so (therefore losing the whole luck manipulation for the boss).
I had to wait 5 frames to enter the pipe and get better luck. It *MIGHT* be possible that by removing the few frames of lag in the tank (i could only count 2, in reality) one could get the tank done 7 frames faster then.
I also make an annoying flying move at the end, and since i still want to try and get that last +1 life at the end, i will probably remove it or make it more realistic instead of frame-by-frame (like how i did somewhere in the middle of the level, a little dance ^_^)
Btw, this movie is able to "connect" two flying sections that were very hard to connect (to not land between them). Doing so i was able to get more lives, and less score of course. The thing is the best place to get score in this run is at the bob-ombs. I started the level going for score, and then when i got to the section i could connect (which looks better than having to land) i had to go for lives. I will count and see if it might be possible to get 99 lives on the tank (i wont try to, at first, but i will watch the movie looking for the possibility).
Because the bob-ombs you can step on them and "save" them for hitting later before they explode. when you step on an enemy and then swing the tail right after, the game doesnt add +1 to the next step score count (or if 8000 the 1-up). it will repeat the same attack bonus. I was using that as advantage to get +8000 and lower scores too. That is where i could try saving the bob-ombs to get 1-ups instead of score.
edit: hmm ok its not possible to get 99 lives just by adjusting the bob-ombs approach