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Player (105)
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Honestly, I think you could sell all defensive items since you haven't been hit so far and you probably won't ever be. You don't really need these defensive items ... so you could sell them.
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Saturn wrote:
The biggest problem is the money now
Me and my brother been wonder why did you buy defense item and didn't equip them.
Player (207)
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well, I bought only the weakest armors (only temporary available) because the same seller will sell other armors after I have defeated Salabog so if I don't buy them now I never get them again. Because I make a 100% run I have to get all possible armors (defensive items) and all items anyway (at least 1 of each). The Dino Skin I want to sell Is a Armor that I earned after beating the 3 Raptors in a cave and I can buy this Armor later again. I don't equip them because its a waste of time in making a timeattack on 100% I just have to buy them so that I own them now. Don't had much time today but since the Salabog fight costed me very much time to optimize every single bomb and call bead I used on him I update my movie to WIP 3 anyway. www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/snes9xmovies.htm
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I think that most people would prefer an any % run for this, but well, it's up to your discretion. Oh, and while looking at the topic about Super Metroid, I noticed this link, which you may or may not have known about. Just wanted to check to make sure so that you wouldn't have to go back if there's a glitch you didn't know about. http://kontek.net/davidwonn/snesm.html#S
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Thank you CoolBumpy I watched it, nice site but after all the time this is really nothing new for me, I found myself so many glitches and tricks (in the 90's with some buddies before I even had internet) and searched the net later too but don't found anything I didn't know before myself. I stuck. The money is not enough. I have played foreward till Nobilia and there I have about 200 Jewels less than I need. Now I have to buy even less crystals I wanted before, and have to manipulate luck more extremely so that it still should be enough to beat Magmar. A very hard situation for me now. And hey, luckyly in Secret of Evermore is not much time needed to get 100% items since you can get the most on the way foreward and don't have to take long detours, but this game is definitely worth a 100% run since it has a lot of very interesting and hard to find secrets.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
Player (126)
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Why not stop by and kill a few enemies for cash if necessary? And btw are you sure its 100%? it look like you missed some chest / alchemy ingrentents
Joined: 6/4/2004
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Also, I think a good idea (if you still can) is to make a save state after you get blown from the volcano and land on the giant leaf, going to the next land, to be included with your WIP, and do the same for each transition to the next land, so people don't always have to watch the whole thing to see new stuff. Also, is the 99 Spice/Rice secret in the desert worth going after to save money and reveal a secret, or would that take too much time to do?
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ventuz wrote:
Why not stop by and kill a few enemies for cash if necessary? And btw are you sure its 100%? it look like you missed some chest / alchemy ingrentents
I think that 100% in this case means having at least one of each item. So things like ingredients at each spot won't be taken, and the same goes for items in the chests, or gourds in the prehistoric world. Getting ever single ingredient and every single item, like petals when you already are full, would take so much extra time and not really do anything more. And I think that it would usually be faster to just attack the bosses instead of killing enemies to get money for ingredients to do more alchemy, but I may be wrong. As for my suggestion about making it not a one of every item run, I was just thinking that you had to buy all of those armor that you never use, which takes up time, and you seem to be constantly struggling for money. I forgot exactly what the costs of the items are compared to ingredients, and also forgot exactly how many of those armor pieces you'll have to buy, but if it ended up being anything significant that would hurt your run from the lack of money, I was thinking that it would be best just to ignore doing the 100%. But if it doesn't slow down the run too much, and there are interesting things in getting 100%, then that sounds like it should work well. And since you know probably about 5-10 times more about the game than I do (When I played it a long time ago, I got to the final world, but I somehow couldn't turn off the light and the plants would kill me), your decision on that will be better than mine, and better than most people here. Anyway, keep up the good work! And don't get too stressed out if you're forced to take a few swings at bosses once in a while. ;)
Player (207)
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Well I guess I really have to kill some more enemies for cash and if I do it then of course only on the "Mad Monk" since one gives 75 jewels (150 talons) and this is really pretty in this part of the game. I honestly don't want to sell the Dino Skin at all costs since I have to buy it again anyway and selling it takes me some more seconds I could skip. Cool Bumpy is right, I don't take every pot I could because there are items or ingredients that don't help me at all and I own some of them anyway. My 100% run must have at least 1 of all Armors or Collars, all charms/rare items, all formulas of course and also at least 1 of every trade good. Definitely will hold on 100% run since it is a 100% better choice and in the "Rules" or "Guidelines" is written that you never should miss your target only becuase of some problems, If I have decided to do 100% this would be very lame of me to cancell it only because of that, I have to manage the problems at all costs no matter what way. About the 99 rice/spice trick: There is a trick to not waste any second for this secret! I just enter the Nobilia building and exit it again. Once I entered it the countdown of 15 minutes starts to run and even if I have to wait for the 99rice/spice this will be in the countdown that I have to wait anyway so I don't lose time here and I definitely want and have to make it because otherwise I have no chances at all to get everything with the money I have. Even with this trick it's still not enough as I mentioned before. But the problem is the 99 rice/spice trick takes 5 long minutes to me so I have 10 minutes instead of 15 left to get everything in Nobilia and this is the second problem since 10 min will be extremely close to get everything. OK I will include a savestate after every new world, but I still am in prehistoria and still have to decide what exactly to buy in Fire Eyes village for the big fight against Magmar. As I said before I will try to buy even less crystals and manipulate luck to the absolute limit to pass this hard situation with this small amount anyway.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I'm glad your doing this game as it's one of my favorites. I wish that you would do pure speed rather then 100% though. It's your call though, I will watch it anyways.
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The quality of this run is really nice so far, good job. :) I'm looking forward to the next WIP.
Player (207)
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Defeated Magmar! The last round of hits was a very impressed 3 Hard Ball, 2 Flare (the last 2 Call Beads I had), a 100% Boy-attack and a 100% Dog-attack Combo to make exactly 1003 HP damage in total of all attack-rounds (only 3 HP more than Magmar owns, so it was extremely optimized to the limit). Also the big volcano-room costed me very much time to optimize the movements of boy and dog and to set the Vipers in a good position for me to pass them faster. The progress of this run was a little slower last time because I was very busy in the last week. Now clear recording time exactly 26 min at the very beginning of the 2nd world (Antiqua). I also found out that I can save some frames (not many) buy tapping the run button in the correct frame, (turbo won't do) so Tilus you were right about it, I only lose frames if I tap the run button in the wrong frames, I didn't knew that before. Movie updated to WIP4! www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/snes9xmovies.htm PS: Added a savestate right after leaving the swamp (the semi last room of WIP 3)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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I really like the co-ordination between the boy & dog, and at this point I dont really see anything to improve on.
Player (126)
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looking good so far.
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1313)
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Oh, right I forgot to comment on this newest update here. It's looking great, I can't think of any improvements to suggest either, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you manage the next part of the game (not to mention the rest of it).
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nitsuja wrote:
Oh, right I forgot to comment on this newest update here. It's looking great, I can't think of any improvements to suggest either, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how you manage the next part of the game (not to mention the rest of it).
I enjoyed the game alos, but: Slightly OT: I assume you are using Fake Mute Workaround as the video was recorded with it on. At least in linux if Saturn picks up a item (like some oil or ashes) I have the feeling the sound is "longer" then it should be ... Overall sound quality "feels" quite bad under linux, but I have not checked if it would be much better without Fake Mute Workaround... Or is ist just, because I'm using v1 of the Fake-Mute Patch? ... cu Fabian
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Fabianx wrote:
I assume you are using Fake Mute Workaround as the video was recorded with it on. At least in linux if Saturn picks up a item (like some oil or ashes) I have the feeling the sound is "longer" then it should be ... Overall sound quality "feels" quite bad under linux, but I have not checked if it would be much better without Fake Mute Workaround... Or is ist just, because I'm using v1 of the Fake-Mute Patch? ...
Well this game is supposed to sound a little weird. But actually, maybe I'm just imagining it, but I think Fake Mute is causing some sounds to get cut off before they finish, they're actually supposed to be even longer, with a fade-out time at the end. Saturn, you should turn off Fake Mute the next time you play back to re-record and continue working on this video (the change will get saved into the movie when you re-record while the setting is changed), because Fake Mute doesn't affect this game at all except maybe to make it sound a little worse. EDIT: Oops, actually fake mute has nothing to do with it. It's because Volume Envelope Height Reading is off. It sounds a lot better with it on, but it also desyncs with it on so we might just have to live with the weirdness.
Player (105)
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The sound sucks because the Volume Envelope Height Reading is off ... it would sound really better (in fact, just as it would sound on the real SNES) if that option was turned on ... For goodness sake, I'd say it would be better to restart the movie from scratch with volume envelope on. It would really sound a LOT better and less annoying. However, I know it's really not cool to restart from scratch after having worked for quite a long time on a game. The decision's yours.
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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It would be nice if we could fix Volume Envelope Height Reading to not mess up the timing rather than have to turn it off entirely.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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About starting over with VEHR on, it's likely that's not even an option, because a lot of times VEHR behaves unpredictably meaning the movie will randomly desync with it on, even if it was recorded with it on. I wouldn't know how to fix a timing issue as deep as that, but perhaps there's a way to fool it into thinking it's off for timing-critical APU things while leaving it on for sound generation... I'll look into this sometime.
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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It's the Fake Volume Envelope Height Reading Off Fix! I wonder if every fix could be like that...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
Player (207)
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I know the sound fade out a lot longer than on normal playing, the sound is exactly like in ZSNES I recorded a movie of this game. First I was very annoying about this but in the last time I got used to this sound and I began to like it even more than the original sound, best example after every enemy you kill you hear a long explode sound and it sounds very cool I think. Nitsuja, do you mean if I record it on VEHR it will desync in random places after I playback it? If that is so, then it means you can't record this game with this setting for a correct playback at all, or how should I understand that? But I myself have really no problem with the recording sound and I guess I won't record it again from beginning. Its just to much work I spended on this movie already, so I just can't do it. By the way: the most exciting part (IMO) of the game is just ahead in the beginning of Antiqua. I will use a glitch to cross the dessert even faster than driving on the boat, can't do it anyway since I don't own the Amulet (driving ticket), then I have 15 min (after the 99 rice/spice secret only 10 min) to get everything in Nobilia and I will use another glitch who will help me at least for a 1/2 part of the whole game extremely otherwise I would be lost! If you don't know what I mean, be happy to get surprised later :-)
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on http://www.freewebs.com/saturnsmovies/index.htm Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun
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Way back on page 2,
Saturn wrote:
To Tilus: 1st, Im not sure what exactly you mean but I answer to 2 situations: at the very beginning right after talking with fire eyes first time and naming the dog I went to the ingredient seller (he has the most expensive prices in prehistoria on ingredients) to pick up 3 clays. You can't buy clay before you defeat Thraxx - giant bug, so I had to find them as much as I need to have enough hard balls to defeat him, all 18 were needed so it was perfect. Then after Thraxx I took many items from boxes like the very expensive nectar to sell it later and get the needed cash for ingredients and then (guess you mean this) I bought 6 essences for 15 each to sell it for 75 later on this way I win 60 talons for 1 = 360 in total, this is the best way to get many cash fast since the enemies don't give that many in prehistoria.
I guess I didn't explain myself properly. When you go left of Fire Eyes' village after defeating Thraxx, there's a small clearing with some pots and an alchemist which supplies you with the Defend formula. It seems like you just talk to him, pick up the Defend formula, and do nothing else with him besides pick up said formula (you don't buy any ingredients off of him or anything else). Do you plan on using the Defend formula (or the Speed formula, which you pick up in the Volcano in the same way) sometime later in the run?
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Tilus wrote:
Do you plan on using the Defend formula (or the Speed formula, which you pick up in the Volcano in the same way) sometime later in the run?
Saturn already explained that this is supposed to be a 100% completion run of the game, which means every formula must be acquired even if it's useless.
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Posts: 177
Well then, if that's the case, then he missed the Cure formula (you get it just south of Fire Eyes' village then travel far to the west), or is he just picking that up on his trip back to that area near the end of the game?
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