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Player (58)
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Like I told Highness in the messenger chat; I feel that we should stick to Pie's version.. Not change anything at all in act: 1, in other words.. Perhaps play from the very beginning of act: 2, IF Toki is draining one frame or so, from the nice shot at the.. THING above. Deep in my heart I hope that Toki doesn't loose any frame of it, because I found it so beautifully amusing! Well.. I guess I have not so much more to write about now.. Until next time guys; cheers!!
Player (71)
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Working on a new WIP from Random Pie's GMV. Playing stage 2. Trying to find other way over the spike with the annoying beetle, but it seems that we have to kill it off.
Player (58)
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I belive in miracles!!.. I have found a way to kill the beetle, and moving on! You guys will love this one; I guess you dying to know! Check it out NOW. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1372088984/Highness_Diman_RandomPie_IV-Going_Ape_Shit%289%29.gmv Again, this WIP is extremely short.
Player (71)
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Nicely done Diman. Unfortunatly I need to re-make level 2 for my self. Probably overwrote it without keeping a backup. Haha. Not much work is damaged though. On further notice in level 1-3 I think it might be a time saver to crawl aboard the moving platforms. Seems like the platform is triggered to start it's traveling earlier.
Active player (488)
Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 114
Wow! Very nice indeed, that's far better than I thought would be possible for that section. There's no need to worry about the upward shots by the way, we don't loose any frames by doing it.
Player (58)
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Yeah?.. =) That's what I'm talking about!! I may be the first one to tell you guys, that we are doing an AMAZING job on this project! Go! Go! Go! I will play a bit every day of this. Good TRP, that's what I thought; that Toki doesn't loose any frame of that shot. God, what a relief!..
Former player
Joined: 11/13/2005
Posts: 1587
Diman, please refrain from modifying your texts size and colors and such. It makes it just more annoying to read, the default text size and black color is just fine. Also, nice to see you on the forum again :)
Skilled player (1333)
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Woah. Nice WIP from the three of you! Keep it up.
Player (58)
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Diman, please refrain from modifying your texts size and colors and such. It makes it just more annoying to read, the default text size and black color is just fine. Also, nice to see you on the forum again :)
Hehe, all right.. :P I won't to that anymore, then. Aaw, how nice of you. Well, to be honest, it feels nice to me to see all you people again. I will investigate some on the Toki TAS now. =')
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Sorry for my lack of updates and posts. Had some busy days going. Todays work looks soft though, so I will try to grind some Toki again. Laters.
Player (58)
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Sorry for my lack of updates and posts. Had some busy days going.
No problem at all. =) I guess we all have are things to do; get buuuusyyy! :P Heh, that's how it is in a big portion of the world.. However, we will do this. We stick together to make this TAS good. Real good. I am still trying to understand what kind of invisible force, that makes the ape go dead, when trying to jump over a particular spike...>_<
Player (71)
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Best would be if someone could help us to find the hitboxes and write a LUA-script for it. That would help a lot.
Player (58)
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Indeed. Would be X-mas if someone would do that for us. =")
Player (58)
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Yooo!! I'm sorry that I have done a doublepost; normally don't do it, but I need your guys attention. =) I have finally bypassed the spike I had problem with. Be my guest and check it out here: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/221581939/Highness_Diman_RandomPie_IV-Going_Ape_Shit%289%29%282%29.gmv
Active player (488)
Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 114
Nice! I'll be watching this right away. EDIT: Looks great! Now that I can see how you did it I think I'll have another go myself.
Player (58)
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Lovely! =)
Active player (488)
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Posts: 114
I managed to get through that section myself now that I had Diman's run to show me how it's done :) My attempt came up 4 frames faster, though I'm not entierly sure where all of it came from. I certainly don't think I can do any better at any rate. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/947369390/Highness_Diman_RandomPie_IV-Going_Ape_Shit.gmv
Player (58)
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Nice! :) Very nice! Well.. I guess we wait and see what Highness bring up.
Active player (488)
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Posts: 114
Sorry for basically disappearing for the last two weeks, but I made good use of the little free time I had. I finally made some headway on a hitbox script! There still seem to be a few kinks to work out, but it should be ok for now.
Language: lua

address = { X_Speed = 0xFF1CF4, X_Subspeed = 0xFF1CF6, X_Position = 0xFF1CEC, X_Subposition = 0xFF1CEE, Y_Speed = 0xFF1CF8, Y_Subspeed = 0xFF1CFA, Y_Position = 0xFF1CF0, Y_Subposition = 0xFF1CF2, X_Hitbox = 0xFF1CE6, Y_Hitbox = 0xFF1CEA, X_Camera = 0xFF1BC4, Y_Camera = 0xFF1BC8, Boss_HP = 0xFF3601 } enemy_data = { Harmful_Unsure = 0xFF21B4, Health = 0xFF21C0, X_Hitbox = 0xFF21C6, Y_Hitbox = 0xFF21CA, X_Position = 0xFF21CC, X_Subposition = 0xFF21CE, Y_Position = 0xFF21D0, Y_Subposition = 0xFF21D2, X_Speed = 0xFF21D4, X_Subspeed = 0xFF21D6, Y_Speed = 0xFF21D8, Y_Subspeed = 0xFF21DA, Slots = 32, Size = 0x60 } enemy_value = { Harmful_Unsure = 0, Health = 0, X_Hitbox = 0, Y_Hitbox = 0, X_Position = 0, X_Subposition = 0, Y_Position = 0, Y_Subposition = 0, X_Speed = 0, X_Subspeed = 0, Y_Speed = 0, Y_Subspeed = 0 } value = { X_Speed = 0, X_Subspeed = 0, X_Position = 0, X_Subposition = 0, Y_Speed = 0, Y_Subspeed = 0, Y_Position = 0, Y_Subposition = 0, X_Hitbox = 0, Y_Hitbox = 0, Boss_HP = 0, X_Camera = 0, Y_Camera = 0, } lagCount = 0 lagCountY = 0 lastX = 0 lastXS = 0 lastY = 0 lastYS = 0 function LagCounter() XCSpeed = value.X_Speed * 256 + value.X_Subspeed YCSpeed = value.Y_Speed * 256 + value.Y_Subspeed XCPos = value.X_Position * 256 + value.X_Subposition YCPos = value.Y_Position * 256 + value.Y_Subposition if (lastX == XCPos and lastXS ~= 0) then lagCount = lagCount + 1 end if (lastY == YCPos and lastYS ~= 0) then lagCountY = lagCountY + 1 end lastX = XCPos lastY = YCPos lastXS = XCSpeed lastYS = YCSpeed if gens.framecount() == 1 then lagCount = 0 lagCountY = 0 end end function GetInfo() value.X_Speed = memory.readwordsigned(address.X_Speed) value.X_Subspeed = memory.readbyte(address.X_Subspeed) value.X_Position = memory.readwordsigned(address.X_Position) value.X_Subposition = memory.readbyte(address.X_Subposition) value.Y_Speed = memory.readwordsigned(address.Y_Speed) value.Y_Subspeed = memory.readbyte(address.Y_Subspeed) value.Y_Position = memory.readwordsigned(address.Y_Position) value.Y_Subposition = memory.readbyte(address.Y_Subposition) value.X_Hitbox = memory.readwordsigned(address.X_Hitbox) value.Y_Hitbox = memory.readwordsigned(address.Y_Hitbox) value.X_Camera = memory.readwordsigned(address.X_Camera) value.Y_Camera = memory.readwordsigned(address.Y_Camera) end function GetEnemyInfo( Slot ) enemy_value.Harmful_Unsure = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.Harmful_Unsure + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Health = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.Health + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.X_Hitbox = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.X_Hitbox + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Y_Hitbox = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.Y_Hitbox + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.X_Position = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.X_Position + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.X_Subposition = memory.readword(enemy_data.X_Subposition + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Y_Position = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.Y_Position + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Y_Subposition = memory.readword(enemy_data.Y_Subposition + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.X_Speed = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.X_Speed + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.X_Subspeed = memory.readword(enemy_data.X_Subspeed + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Y_Speed = memory.readwordsigned(enemy_data.Y_Speed + enemy_data.Size * Slot) enemy_value.Y_Subspeed = memory.readword(enemy_data.Y_Subspeed + enemy_data.Size * Slot) end function Draw() GetInfo() if value.X_Subspeed == 0 then value.X_Subspeed = "" elseif value.X_Subspeed == 128 then value.X_Subspeed = ".5" else value.X_Subspeed = ": " .. value.X_Subspeed end if value.X_Subposition == 0 then value.X_Subposition = "" elseif value.X_Subposition == 128 then value.X_Subposition = ".5" else value.X_Subposition = ": " .. value.X_Subposition end gui.box(10, 195, 150, 220, 'black', 'black') gui.text( 90, 200,"pos", 'cyan') gui.text( 130, 200,"spd", 'yellow') gui.text( 70, 209,"X") gui.text( 87, 209, value.X_Position .. value.X_Subposition, 'cyan') gui.text( 128, 209, value.X_Speed .. value.X_Subspeed, 'yellow') gui.text( 70, 220,"Y") gui.text( 87, 220, value.Y_Position .. ": " .. value.Y_Subposition, 'cyan') gui.text( 128, 220, value.Y_Speed .. ": " .. value.Y_Subspeed, 'yellow') gui.text(8,32,lagCount,"#00FF00") gui.text(8,40,lagCountY,"#00FF00") gui.box( (value.X_Position - value.X_Camera) - value.X_Hitbox, (value.Y_Position - value.Y_Camera) - value.Y_Hitbox, (value.X_Position - value.X_Camera) + value.X_Hitbox, (value.Y_Position - value.Y_Camera) + value.Y_Hitbox, 'clear', 'green' ) for i=0, enemy_data.Slots do GetEnemyInfo( i ) if enemy_value.X_Hitbox > 0 and enemy_value.Y_Hitbox > 0 and enemy_value.Health > -1 then gui.box( (enemy_value.X_Position - value.X_Camera) - enemy_value.X_Hitbox, (enemy_value.Y_Position - value.Y_Camera) - enemy_value.Y_Hitbox, (enemy_value.X_Position - value.X_Camera) + enemy_value.X_Hitbox, (enemy_value.Y_Position - value.Y_Camera) + enemy_value.Y_Hitbox, 'clear', 'red' ) gui.text(enemy_value.X_Position - value.X_Camera, enemy_value.Y_Position - value.Y_Camera, enemy_value.Health, 'red', 'black') end end end savestate.registersave(function(slotnumber) return lagCount, lastX, lastY, lagCountY, lastXS, lastYS end) savestate.registerload(function(slotnumber) local a, b, c, d, e, f = savestate.loadscriptdata(slotnumber) if a and b and c then lagCount = a lastX = b lastY = c end if d then lagCountY = d end if e and f then lastXS = e lastYS = f else lastXS = 0 lastYS = 0 end end) gui.register ( function() Draw() end) gens.registerafter(function() GetInfo() LagCounter() end)
Player (58)
Joined: 6/15/2005
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Location: Sweden
Aaaw, no need to be sorry; we all here have other things to do in life, beside TAS:ing.. :P Now.. I'm trying to get contact with Highness, but I haven't managed that. Hehe, no problem though. W.. What!??! Random Pie!.. You are the best! :O
Player (71)
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Sorry for disappearing too without notice. Had some problems with my computer for a couple of weeks which I just did not get around to resolve due to lazyness, and curiousity. :) Also I have been traveling a lot the last month, and will continue to do so for a couple of weeks more. My brother is coming here on Wednesday next week to visit me. We're going to go to Macchu Picchu among other things. I'll try to be more active from now on though.
Player (58)
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No problem guys; we will shortly be better at keep in touch, won't we?.. =) Haha, I have made a recording of stage 1-3. Now... It is a bit sloppy, but I just want to give you an idea of how you can play this stage. Enjoy! Finally uploading time. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/424894314/Highness_Diman_RandomPie_IV-Going_Ape_Shit.gmv
Active player (488)
Joined: 2/19/2007
Posts: 114
Ok, so I finally got around to making a bit of an attempt at 1-3 myself, though I didn't get very far http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1577860972/Highness_Diman_RandomPie_IV-Going_Ape_Shit.gmv. It looks like I did the opening part three frames faster than Diman's version but then I did the part around frame 5400 with the two crushing things worse than him so it came out slower overall. Hopefully it will be possible to fix that part to be as fast as Diman's while still keeping the lead from the start. Also I won't have much of an internet connection for the next week or so, though I doubt either of you will notice the difference ;)
Player (58)
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TheRandomPie_IV wrote:
Hopefully it will be possible to fix that part to be as fast as Diman's.
Hehe, I'm flattered. I'm not known to be fast, usually! ;P
TheRandomPie_IV wrote:
Also I won't have much of an internet connection for the next week or so, though I doubt either of you will notice the difference ;)
Aaaw, but we'll fix this so nice, anyway. I will try to make a new recording as you people out here are reading this.
Editor, Experienced player (949)
Joined: 7/20/2011
Posts: 345
For your last test run Diman, it desyncs very early in stage 1 for me, I'm using the (UE) rom and gens11a, what was it recorded on? Edit: Thanks highness, got it working. And I have never played this game but it sure looks impossible without a TAS :p looks good. I might experiment with this game when I get time after my current project (I like hard games).
Current thoughts: Hachiemon (J) for GBA.
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