Call this with 25.0/100; leaving out the parameter will revert to 66:33.
function TASBlend(clip c, float "ratio") {
# reduces framerate to 1/2 but leaves flicker effects partly visible
# blends frame pairs with alternating opacity (default is 2/3+1/3;1/3+2/3)
# optional "ratio" is the opacity of the first frame out of the four
ratio = default(ratio, 2.0 / 3)
opacity1 = round((1 - ratio) * 257)
opacity2 = round(( ratio) * 257)
Interleave(Layer(SelectEvery(4, 0), SelectEvery(4, 1), level=opacity1),
\ Layer(SelectEvery(4, 2), SelectEvery(4, 3), level=opacity2))
Could you change part of the
TASBlend page, please?
"creaothceann suggests using this in the following fashion to select only certain segments of the clip for blending" -> "If only certain segments of the clip are to be blended, creaothceann suggests using this in the following fashion"