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Game Resources wrote:
Kirby will get the power-up back in his mouth, which can't be done without this trick.
Actually, when holding something above head, pressing down will put it back in mouth. Probably slower than using the room transition like that, yes, but stilll. And, when an enemy is held overhead, you can throw it forward or up. Many enemies have interesting functions when pulled out and held overhead, such as shooting projectiles, causing a jump, giving gliding-fall motion (pterodactyl)...I don't recall any being TAS-useful, but I haven't played in a very long time.
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When you hold certain fishes above your head when underwater, you swim faster.
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Right, that. Can't adjust vertical position, but I expect that's faster than using ability-movements. Would need some luck manipulation or just good timing to maximize fish value... Pterogliding is less useful but might be handy on Neo Star 1.
Comicalflop wrote:
Ice+Rock= great for downhill, it will run out of speed so you have to restart the spinning sequence again
indeed, it's faster than running if you dash-jump curl. You can cancel fast enough to still do it repeatedly in, say, the falling platforms level on Neo Star, the only level I think you'd definitely use it in, as you need drill(spike+stone) and can switch to curling stone(ice+stone) after getting that shard without leaving. Jumping into something seems to do a half point. Do any other attack modes vary in terms of damage output? I haven't seen anything else that seems to do less than "kill normal enemy" damage (1). (Not including the inability of vanilla kirbymoves- slide/puff- to damage bosstypes)
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It seems I will re-work on this run. Wish me good luck!
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Good luck, Nahoc! ;) By the way, I believe Survive's latest posted .m64 was 46 frames faster than your last posted .m64 by the end of the first level (after bonus game, first all-black frame). I would recommend downloading Survive's .m64 as a reference.
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I investigated better movement without fire a bit. It's my 2 summaries. Both movements are available in air. 1 (Kirby doesn't have speed up ability, starting X velocity is 0.0) Press A when X velocity is 5.6, release horizontal input when X is more than 6, press again horizontal input 1 frame(in 30 fps) when X is less than 6. Repeat. 2 (Transforming Pitch, starting X velocity is 0.0) Press A and horizontal input at the same time, release horizontal input when X velocity is more than 6.12(?). Mashing A for gain Y velocity doesn't influence X velocity. Rolling negative acceleration is less than air(air is 2.25, rolling is 1.0). But you land X velocity is more than 7.375, this value will be 6 right away.
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Hi. Recently, there isn't new post. How is the production status? I have not been able to proceed with the TAS because of my busy. I will come again when I can TASing. At that time, please let me help.
I am making Kirby64 100%TAS. The testrun of Kirby64 uploaded in nicovideo made me.
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I've pursued the run. I'm currently in 2-4 and have saved 1 minute over Comicalflop's WIP. Progress is coming along!
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Do you think you could post the WIP or at least encode it? I'm excited to see the progress.
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CoolKirby wrote:
Do you think you could post the WIP or at least encode it? I'm excited to see the progress.
Sure. Here it is: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/186428405/Kirby64-allshards-Nahoc.m64
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Thanks! It's fast-paced and entertaining. It's exciting to watch the progress on this game. I especially liked the fast upward floating in 1-3, 2-4, and 3-1 and the fast Whispy battle. When you don't have the Burn ability, is running slower than jumping? In 1-1 and 1-2, you jump through the level until you inhale a fire enemy, but you run through about half of 3-2.
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I'm liking the technical quality so far. it makes my old attempt look downright silly, to be honest. I do have some questions/critiques though. You take damage in some bosses/minobosses for funsies, but then in later bosses you make it seem like taking damage saves time, so wouldn't it be better to save health more for the important bosses where taking damage might be faster? Seems like a waste of a resource. I'm not 100% sold on it being fully entertaining during waiting periods. The moonwalking is funny, but I think you can do more during wait periods. I think if you jump and swing the hammer as Dedede, you won't lose as much speed compared to if you swing while on the ground. Also, maybe you can get blasted by one of those fire guys for an upward boost. I'm noticing that you try to slide off of a ledge whenever possible, but not always? is there any reason for that? Kirby sucks for longer when there's more objects he has to inhale. If you want to inhale just one item but it's grouped near others, wouldnt it be better to try and manipulate/destroy the other things so the sucking time is less? To avoid hitting the ground and doing a little bounce, could you puff up 1 frame before hitting the ground and blow the air out? (in 3-2 when you're invincible) in 3-3, when you run on those logs that try to push you up into spikies, could you not slide off of each of those, rather than just jump off them? In regards to sliding, I noticed that sometimes after ending a fire shot, you spam A to float upwards, and you still maintain a lot of that momentum. Is it possible to slide off a ledge, and spam A in a similar manner and maintain more slide speedm rather than puffing air as soon as possible?
CoolKirby wrote:
When you don't have the Burn ability, is running slower than jumping? In 1-1 and 1-2, you jump through the level until you inhale a fire enemy, but you run through about half of 3-2.
He wants to run on water when it's moving in the same direction he is.
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Comicalflop wrote:
You take damage in some bosses/minobosses for funsies, but then in later bosses you make it seem like taking damage saves time, so wouldn't it be better to save health more for the important bosses where taking damage might be faster? Seems like a waste of a resource.
Not really...
Comicalflop wrote:
I'm not 100% sold on it being fully entertaining during waiting periods. The moonwalking is funny, but I think you can do more during wait periods.
Got any suggestion? There isn't THAT much to do...
Comicalflop wrote:
I think if you jump and swing the hammer as Dedede, you won't lose as much speed compared to if you swing while on the ground. Also, maybe you can get blasted by one of those fire guys for an upward boost.
I tried the upward boost. It ended up slower by 14 frames.
Comicalflop wrote:
I'm noticing that you try to slide off of a ledge whenever possible, but not always? is there any reason for that?
Yes, there is. If I'm doing it from too high, I'll have "5" speed for too long and my average speed will be lower (hard to explain in English).
Comicalflop wrote:
Kirby sucks for longer when there's more objects he has to inhale. If you want to inhale just one item but it's grouped near others, wouldnt it be better to try and manipulate/destroy the other things so the sucking time is less?
Yes, I know. If you're speaking about that part with the "boomrang" dude that I swallow with the box, I didn't have the choice.
Comicalflop wrote:
To avoid hitting the ground and doing a little bounce, could you puff up 1 frame before hitting the ground and blow the air out? (in 3-2 when you're invincible)
Yes, I noticed it just recently. I just won't bother going back for that little trick...
Comicalflop wrote:
in 3-3, when you run on those logs that try to push you up into spikies, could you not slide off of each of those, rather than just jump off them?
The upward motion of the logs are canceling the boost I'm getting from the slide.
Comicalflop wrote:
In regards to sliding, I noticed that sometimes after ending a fire shot, you spam A to float upwards, and you still maintain a lot of that momentum. Is it possible to slide off a ledge, and spam A in a similar manner and maintain more slide speedm rather than puffing air as soon as possible?
Again, average speed will most of the time be lower if I puff too much.
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Comicalflop wrote:
To avoid hitting the ground and doing a little bounce, could you puff up 1 frame before hitting the ground and blow the air out? (in 3-2 when you're invincible)
Yes, I noticed it just recently. I just won't bother going back for that little trick...[/quote] You might as well, since it's like only 1 stage back and you can just hex edit that segment in anyways once you fix it. I can't see it desynching due to luck after that point.
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Nahoc wrote:
Comicalflop wrote:
To avoid hitting the ground and doing a little bounce, could you puff up 1 frame before hitting the ground and blow the air out? (in 3-2 when you're invincible)
Yes, I noticed it just recently. I just won't bother going back for that little trick...
How far are you now? Like Comicalflop said, you may be able to edit the segment and continue working on the rest.
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Wow, even autofiring A doesn't allow you to reach the third shard in 3-3! Looks good so far. I just finished the game 100% myself, and I can't wait to watch you battle Miracle Matter and 02.
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The HR-H (Shiver Star boss) battle desynced both times I played the movie file (with all the right plugins), and in the same spot both times: Kirby fights the boss' first form, then when its second form (HR-E) appears, Kirby runs off of the stage and falls to his death. Please take note of this before continuing your run, as it is easiest to fix now. The rest of it was really good though, especially the Factory.
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CoolKirby wrote:
The HR-H (Shiver Star boss) battle desynced both times I played the movie file (with all the right plugins), and in the same spot both times: Kirby fights the boss' first form, then when its second form (HR-E) appears, Kirby runs off of the stage and falls to his death. Please take note of this before continuing your run, as it is easiest to fix now. The rest of it was really good though, especially the Factory.
You're right. Thanks for pointing that out, CoolKirby!
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No problem. I'm glad you read my comment before you continued your run.
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Would someone be able to encode the WIP so lowly folk like me can view it?
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I've been trying for hours to make an encode, but all of the codecs I have keep making a 4 GB avi, which is invalid (AVI format can only support up to a 2 GB file size) and the resulting file doesn't play back in any movie player. I wish I knew a way to make Mupen split each section of the run at 2 GB, but I have no idea how to do that. I'll keep trying though, since I'm sure Nahoc's busy with making the run.
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CoolKirby wrote:
I've been trying for hours to make an encode, but all of the codecs I have keep making a 4 GB avi, which is invalid (AVI format can only support up to a 2 GB file size) and the resulting file doesn't play back in any movie player. I wish I knew a way to make Mupen split each section of the run at 2 GB, but I have no idea how to do that. I'll keep trying though, since I'm sure Nahoc's busy with making the run.
There is such a thing; it's called Mupen64-rr v8 avisplit: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64-rr/downloads/detail?name=mupen64-rrv8-avisplit-win32.zip&can=2&q= Also, if you're doing an encode, I'd recommend using the latest Glide64 video plugin: http://glide64.emuxhaven.net/files/Glide64_Final.zip
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Nahoc wrote:
There is such a thing; it's called Mupen64-rr v8 avisplit: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64-rr/downloads/detail?name=mupen64-rrv8-avisplit-win32.zip&can=2&q=
Thanks, I didn't know about that!
Nahoc wrote:
Also, if you're doing an encode, I'd recommend using the latest Glide64 video plugin: http://glide64.emuxhaven.net/files/Glide64_Final.zip
I don't think I'll do the official encode, since I don't know much about making publication-worthy encodes, but I can make a YouTube encode of your WIP up to the Shiver Star boss.
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