Post subject: Megaman battle network 3 white/blue
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There is a tas from niconico with Japanese rom (white) in 2:14:54. In fact, this run is good enough and very hard to improve. So I still calculate it, now I find a giltch that can walk through the NPC (I played with the blue version. Emulator must be used VBA-rr23). This glitch can be used of all the mmbn games, but I'm not sure it very useful for tas. Because it still can't through the wall and the story wall. e.g can't through the "?" door and the road be prevented with NPC, because this NPC is not real, it like a wall with the NPC's photo. There are some useful mmbn3's address. 02034040~0203405D (1byte) displays the folder slot number in the battle. 02001410 chipID 02001412 code ~ 02001484 chipID 02001486 code (2byte) displays the first folder’s chips. 02001500 chipID 02001502 code ~ 02001574 chipID 02001576 code (2byte) displays the 2nd folder’s chips. 02001488 chipID 0200148A code ~ 020014FC chipID 020014FE code (2byte) displays the 3rd folder’s chips. 02005778 02005779 0200577A (1byte) megaman’s buster. 02000E60~ 02000E66 (1byte) are guts, custom, team, shield, ground, shadow, bug’s point. This is the J's tas Walkthrough. I hope someone can help me find the way to improve. PART1=> Get 2000Z×2 from ACDC3’s GMD, Longsword E[(for story) from ACDC3’s BMD, 2000Z from ACDC2’s GMD. (6000Z in all)(get a chip from mystery diamond costs 120 frames) Buy atk+10*×2(300Z×2), BambooSword P(5000Z). (400Z inall) Get DashAttack Z(atk90) from ACDC3’s GMD CopyDmg * from ACDC2’s BMD. Roll R(story). Edit chips 1st: BOSS flashman 300HP. BambooSword P + atk10 (atk: 150×2=300, why he shot 4 times first? For the bug style?). Get 1000Z (1400Z all) BOSS Gutsman 700HP. (death) Read mail: Get Dexcode. Round 2 of the N1 preliminaries: mission1 (3 virus battle) Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×3, DashAttack Z + CopyDmg * Battle 2: Bunny(40HP)×2, Canodumb(60HP), widesword L + CopyDmg * Battle 3: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Boomer(70HP), DashAttack Z + CopyDmg * Get RockCube *×2 from SciLab2’s GMD. Mission2: Fishy×3(90HP), DashAttack Z Edit chips 2nd: Mission3: (3 virus battle) Battle 1: Quaker×2(80HP), Canodumb(60HP), DashAttack Z + CopyDmg * Battle 2: Fishy(90HP), Canodumb(60HP), V-gun D + atk10*×2 + CopyDmg * Battle 3: Mettaur2×2(60HP), Hardhead(80HP), widesword L + CopyDmg * Read mail: Customizer edit BOSS BeastMan 500HP. Airshot * + RockCube *×2 + BambooSword P (atk: 200×2+140=540). Get 1500Z(2900Z all) PART2=> Read mail Get VarSword F(atk160×4), StpCross S(atk130×2), Bolt *(atk210, Elec Style), Fountain * (atk240, Aqua Style) from Numberman. (get one chip cost about 220frames) Edit chips 3rd and read the mail: virus battle: to get the story chip Wind * WindBox(100HP), Boomer(70HP), Fountain *(useless chip) + widesword L + CopyDmg * Battle: Swordy(90HP), Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), StpCross S + atk10 * Give the chip Longsword E Mission1: seek out five Navi-costumed people in the real world and defeat them. ==Must use the last folder.== Slimer(90HP)×3, Ratton1(atk80) F + Ratton1 A×2 Ratty(40HP)×3, Spreader(atk30) M + atk10 * Beetle(90HP)×2, WindBox(100HP), Lance(atk130) H Spikey(90HP), Spikey2(140HP), Spikey3(190HP), Lance(atk130) H + Vgun(atk30) * + atk10 * Shrimpy(100HP)×3, SideGun(atk30) Y + SideGun(atk30) * + sword(atk80) Y + Guard(atk40) * Mission2: (3 virus battle) Battle 1: Ratty(40HP)×3, Spreader(atk30) O + atk10 * Battle 2: Mettaur2(60HP), Fishy(90HP), VacuumFan(100HP), DashAttack G Battle 3: Shrimpy2(130HP), Boomer(70HP), Spikey2(140HP), DashAttack G + Guard(atk40) * Get the chip Snake R (story) Give the chip Wind * Get GutsPunch(atk80) F×2 from Yoka2’s GMD, Edit chips 4th Hardhead(80HP)×3, GutsPunch F×2 + CopyDmg * Get 3500Z from Yoka1’s GMD (6400Z all) Customizer edit Pengi(80HP)×2, Penga(100HP). StpCross S, get chip IceWave1 M(for story aqua chip), get elec-bug style Buy Heatshot(800Z) B×3(for story fire chips, 4000all) Pengi(80HP), Penga(100HP)×2. StpCross S, get chip IceWave1 M(for story aqua chip) Buy Yoyo1(3000Z) E(for story, 1000 all) Get 3500Z from Yoka1’s GMD (4500Z all) Read mail Penga(100HP)×3. StpCross S, get chip IceWave2 L(for story aqua chip) BOSS Aquaman 500HP, VarSword F, get 2000Z(6500Z all) Read mail Get the chip GutsStraight(atk100×3) R from Beach2’s GMD Deetle(130HP)×2, Trumpy(90HP), StpCross S Shrimpy2(130HP)×2, Trumpy(90HP), StpCross S Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), Trumpy(90HP), VarSword F PART3=> BOSS Kingman 800HP (death) ==Last folder must be used== BOSS Metalman 800HP, Burner S×3 + atk10 *(130×3×2 + 10×2 = 800) Get 2500Z×2(11500Z all) from Hades’s GMD, BlkBomb1 P(for story fire chip) from Hades’s BMD. ColdHead(120HP)×2, CannonBall(atk160) D×2, get IceBall M (for story) BOSS Gutsman 700HP, Varsword C Change chip folder. BOSS Kingman 800HP, Bolt * + GutsPunch F + VarSword F (210+640=850) BOSS Desertman 800HP, Bolt * + VarSword F (210+640=850, get 2500Z, 14000Z all) Use 10-chip-trader get Varsword F BOSS Metalman 500HP, Varsword F(atk640), get the chip Metalman M BOSS Metalman 800HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×4=800), get the chip MetalmanV2 M Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), Tuby(150HP), Varsword F Spikey2(140HP), Fishy(90HP), and Tuby(150HP), StpCross S + atk10 *×2 Mettaur2(60HP), Canodumb2(90HP), and Tuby(150HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Buy 6 chips from Higsby's Chip Order Price for story, 2 fire chips and 4 aqua chips. BubbleShot D (500Z), HeatShot I (500Z), AquaSword N (5300Z), Burner Q (1600Z), IceWave1 A(2000Z), IceWave2 D(4000Z). Give the chip Yoyo1 E, get the chip SlowGauge * Edit chips 5th, read the mail Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, sword L + CopyDmg * Battle 2: Yort(120HP), Mettaur(40HP), StpCross S Battle 3: Shrimpy(100HP), Mettaur2(60HP), Beetle(90HP), StpCross S Battle 4: Yort(120HP)×2, StpCross S Battle 5: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Fishy(90HP), Varsword F PART4=> Give the chip IceBall M Customizer edit ==Use all the fire chip== Viney(120HP), Varsword F GoofBall(280HP), GutsStraight R BOSS Plantman 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×5 = 1000, get 3000Z) Mettaur3(120HP)×2, StormBox(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Yurt(160HP), StormBox(300HP), HardHead(80HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Mettaur3(120HP), Gloomer(140HP), StormBox(300HP), Varsword F×2 Slimey(150HP), Fishy(90HP), and a StormBox(300HP), Varsword F Deetle(130HP)×2, StormBox(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), StormBox(300HP), Varsword F Get the chip LavaStge T from Match (story) == Use all the aqua chip== --Yoka 1-- Slimer(90HP), WindBox(100HP), StpCross S, get aqua chip MetalGel1 D BublSide F×2 Shrimpy(100HP)×2, Varsword F, get aqua chip BubbleShot C --Yoka 2-- Get nothing, Get 400Z, Get BublSide F×2 --ACDC 1-- Nothing, nothing, BublSide F --ACDC 2-- Battle (run), BublSide F×2, nothing --ACDC 3-- Nothing, nothing, BublSide F×3 --SciLab 1-- Nothing,300Z Fishy(90HP)×2, StpCross S, get chip DashAttack G --SciLab 2-- Get 100Z, nothing, nothing Edit 1st and 2nd folder (6th), take 4 aqua chips from 2nd folder. PART5=> --Beach 2-- Nothing, SnowBlow(100HP), Beetle(90HP), StpCross S, get chip AirStrm1 O SnowBlow(100HP), Mettaur2(60HP), StpCross S, get chip AirStrm1 O --Beach 1-- Nothing, BublSide F x3, SnowBlow(100HP), Swordy2(140HP), StpCross S + atk10 *, get chip Firesword P BOSS Flameman 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×5 = 1000, get 3500Z) BOSS Bass 1000HP(can’t win, death) Customizer edit Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Mettaur Omega(120HP), StpCross S Battle 2: Shrimpy(100HP)×2, Shrimpy Omega(200HP), StpCross S + CopyDmg * Battle 3: Yurt(160HP)×2, Canodumb Omega(180), Varsword F + atk10 *×2 Battle 4: Swordy(90HP)×, Swordy Omega(320HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Canodumb Omega(180HP)×2, Beetle Omega(220HP), Varsword F + atk10 *×2 Spikey3(190HP)×2, Spikey Omega(260HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Ratty(40HP)×2, Ratty Omega(230HP), StpCross S Bunny Omega(220HP)×2, Metrod Omega(300HP), Varsword F Bunny Omegas(220HP)×2, Dominerd Omega(300HP), Varsword F Yort Omega(420HP)×3, Varsword F + CopyDmg * SnowBlow Omega(300HP), Gloomer(140HP), Varsword F Edit chips 7th Battle 1: Spikey3(190HP), Shrimpy3(160HP), Ratty3(160HP), Varsword F Battle 2: Spikey3, Shrimpy3, Ratty3, Varsword F Battle 3: Spikey3, Shrimpy3, Ratty3, Varsword F Battle 4: Fishy3(240HP)×2, Trumpy Omega(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg * Battle 1: BOSS Beastman 900HP, Varsword F×2 Battle 2: Fishy(90HP)×2, Fishy Omega(300HP), Varsword F Read mail He skips the Rank #6 #5 #4, #3. And fight with Mistman to get #2. I don’t know the U rom fix it or not. BOSS Mistman 1000HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 * BOSS Drillman 600HP, Varsword F PART6=> Read mail Get the chip RollV3 R from Mayl (story) ????(AlphaBug, 140HP)×3, StpCross S + atk10 * Read mail BOSS Flashman 500HP, Varsword F + atk10 * BOSS Aquaman 800HP, Varsword F BOSS DesertMan 1200HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 *×2 Edit chip 8th Battle 1: BOSS PlantMan 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 Battle 2: BOSS Flameman 1000HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 * BOSS Drillman 600HP, Varsword F Battle 1: BOSS Bass 1000HP with a LifeAura 100, Varsword F×2 Battle 2: Final Boss ALPHA 2000HP, Varsword F×2 + GutsPunch F + RockCube * + Bolt * (640×2 + 80 + 210×3 = 1990, I’m not sure)
Experienced player (862)
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about the rank skip i will look for a savestate on the internet that is close to that part of the game EDIT: blue ( white ( suit yourself brother! from this beautiful thread:
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
Player (63)
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This is my favourite from the Battle Network series, and I'd love to see it redone. One thing that I do wonder: What are the chances of a '100%' TAS, including all of the post-endgame content? BN3 has a tremendous amount of post-endgame stuff compared to the first two, but it also requires trading between two carts. Would that even be possible to work into a TAS?
Skilled player (1183)
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grassini wrote:
about the rank skip i will look for a savestate on the internet that is close to that part of the game EDIT: blue ( white ( suit yourself brother! from this beautiful thread:
Thanks, I can test easily now.
Drakodan wrote:
One thing that I do wonder: What are the chances of a '100%' TAS, including all of the post-endgame content? BN3 has a tremendous amount of post-endgame stuff compared to the first two, but it also requires trading between two carts.
Mmbn3 only can be got 4 stars without cheat, because of the emulor. Mmbn4 5 6 can be got 7 stars (nearly 100% run). Do you mean the 100% is getting all HP up, MB up, all Standard chips, most megachips and gigachips I can get, complete all jobs and most PA, and get 4 stars? I don't think I can collect all Navi Customizer Programs in 10 hours. =.=
Joined: 7/25/2007
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I couldn't get behind 3. The Bubbleman scenario pretty much killed it for me, and also exemplifies how annoying the net eventually got. So I'm not sure how to react to it potentially being TAS-raped, especially with so much VarSwrd. May as well, though!
Player (63)
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mtvf1 wrote:
Mmbn3 only can be got 4 stars without cheat, because of the emulor. Mmbn4 5 6 can be got 7 stars (nearly 100% run). Do you mean the 100% is getting all HP up, MB up, all Standard chips, most megachips and gigachips I can get, complete all jobs and most PA, and get 4 stars? I don't think I can collect all Navi Customizer Programs in 10 hours. =.=
What I mean is beating Alpha Omega, which, like I originally thought, isn't really possible on a single cart. Still, it would be great to see somehow.
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Drakodan wrote:
mtvf1 wrote:
Mmbn3 only can be got 4 stars without cheat, because of the emulor. Mmbn4 5 6 can be got 7 stars (nearly 100% run). Do you mean the 100% is getting all HP up, MB up, all Standard chips, most megachips and gigachips I can get, complete all jobs and most PA, and get 4 stars? I don't think I can collect all Navi Customizer Programs in 10 hours. =.=
What I mean is beating Alpha Omega, which, like I originally thought, isn't really possible on a single cart. Still, it would be great to see somehow.
I have to agree that it would be interesting but first we gotta have the any%TAS well done before we start going into a hypothetical 100%
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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Glitch, get Virus Breeder without battle(blue version). But this glitch is not useful to the any%TAS. I made some tests about Final Boss ALPHA(blue version). In nico's run, he cost 590 frames all. In my first test, I used prism, icestage and bolt, cost 310 frames. But prism is very hard to got. If use the chip-trader, it will cost about 300 frames. In my 2nd test, I used icestage, varsword, rock and bolt, cost 570 frames. But I need to cost 120 frames to get icestage* first. I have some ideas to improve. In PART3, he can get the chip GutsStraight from hades's GMD. No need to get it from Beach2’s GMD. And then he should get the aqua chip Bub-V (maybe get Yoyo1 E, too) from 3-chip-trader befor buy the aqua chips. Because these chips are very expensive(BubbleShot D (500Z), HeatShot I (500Z), AquaSword N (5300Z), Burner Q (1600Z), IceWave1 A(2000Z), IceWave2 D(4000Z)). If he get Bub-V, he only need to buy BubbleShot D (500Z), Bubble-V F (1000Z), HeatShot I (500Z), Burner Q (1600Z), IceWave1 A(2000Z), no need to take much money from GMDs. Bad news, the U rom maybe fix the skip-rank. I use the Blue rom to test.
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Flashman complete. I haven’t got nico’s replay file, I compare to the video. I have been 258 frames faster than the nico’s run before beat flashman, but in fact, I only improved 49 frames. Different between U and J rom. Title, U is 37 frames faster than J. Jack in, U’s jackin is faster than J’s. Pass R to jack in, U can save 31 frames. But every story’s jackin saved different frames. Dialogue, sometime U’s dialogue is longer than J’s. But at now, It only cost me 10 frames. This game’s GMD(green mystery diamond) is harder to control than mmbn2. When you pass R to jack in, you can make sure the first GMD’s goods which you opened. When you open the first GMD, you can control the next GMD’s goods, but don’t jack out. Before you be in next scene, you can control the next scene’s GMD’s location. For example, I have to wait 12 frames in ACDC2 to control ACDC3’s two GMDs’ location. If I try again and again, I will waste too much time. I find address 0x02000E68(4bytes) control the GMD’s goods. So I write a lua to display what I can get from GMD. First, load the savestates8 like the picture and then run the lua. Afret write the rng to the array, you have 10 seconds to load the savestates9, then lua can read the rng from array and write back to the address 0x02000E68. Last, write the goods to the file. Now I can easily find the chip or money which I want. I want to use the code like ‘savestate.create(9)’, but it don’t work, so I have load the savestates9 by myself.
Language: lua

local j local i local rng1=0x02000E68 local GMD =0x020094B8 local arr1={} file = "mmbn3GMD" mmbn3GMD = file..".dump" io.output(mmbn3GMD) --load savestate from slot8 first slot=savestate.create() for i=0,50 do vba.frameadvance() joypad.set(1,{["R"]=true}) for j=1,350 do vba.frameadvance() --vba.frameadvance() --vba.frameadvance() gui.text(0,0,i) end arr1[i]=memory.readlong(rng1) savestate.load(slot) end for j=0,300 do vba.frameadvance() end --load savestate from slot9 in this 300 frames for i=0,50 do memory.writelong(rng1, arr1[i]) vba.frameadvance() joypad.set(1,{["A"]=true}) vba.frameadvance() vba.frameadvance() vba.frameadvance() io.write(arr1[i]," ") io.write(memory.readshort(GMD)) io.write("\n") savestate.load(slot) end
In nico’s run, he got the elec-bug style. If mmbn3 is similar to mmbn2, I don’t worry about I can’t get elec style, though the element is unknow random for me. But the bug style make me trouble. I have to stop this tas after flashman. These 6 address control the megaman’s style. 02000E60 Guts 02000E61 Custom 02000E62 Team 02000E63 Shield 02000E64 Ground 02000E65 Shadow 02000E66 bug After battles, megaman can get some style point up. Before he got bug style, he has only 4 chance to get the point up. Every battle can raise up 1 point for 1 or more style. 1 Flashman, 2 Beastman, 3 virus battle: WindBox(100HP), Boomer(70HP)(for chip wind*), 4 virus battle: Pengi(80HP)×2, Penga(100HP) Now I’m sure he shot flashman 6 times for get the Guts point-up. Battle 2, get the Custom point-up. Battle 3, get the Ground point-up. Because Fountain* is ground chip. Battle 4, get the bug point-up, because of the bug from Customizer.
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I'm thinking of the Bule versions. This is my test. Except for flashman, Bule versions's boss battle is faster and easier than the white versions. Because I can buy Twister C(3000Z, power 20, hit 8 times) from SciLab Square's shop. But the virus battles are harder than the white versions, I have to face some Momogra virus which always hide under ground. I can use IceBall M, Burner Q(bad choice), Knight U to beat Momogra virus. But every battle with Momogra virus will cost more than 2 seconds(more than 4 battles I know). So it's seemed blue versions is hard to say better than white versions.
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I understand how much the U version can save in faster intro and jack-in but the rankskip should save a lot of time,right?do u have an estimate of how many jack-in are you doing in this run?
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
I understand how much the U version can save in faster intro and jack-in but the rankskip should save a lot of time,right?do u have an estimate of how many jack-in are you doing in this run?
No need to count, because U version must slower than the J's, and I can't believe this game need jack-in more than 100 times. And I can't find anything different between Erope version and U version. The movie file can be sync perfectly to E version.
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i didn't want to just bump for news but are you still working on this TAS,mtvf1? You're my hero.I'm still looking for places to learn programming so i can TAS better. Good luck!
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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grassini wrote:
i didn't want to just bump for news but are you still working on this TAS,mtvf1? You're my hero.I'm still looking for places to learn programming so i can TAS better. Good luck!
Sorry, I didn't work it after last upload. After compare with the J and U version, I found a very big trouble. The reason of U version be faster than J version when Jack in is the less lag frames. Sometime U version's dialogue is longer than J version's, but both of them use the same RNG(RNG stop work when lag frames). It's mains that if I can't find the enough way to improve, I would miss the best luck, specially when can only use the last folder. The nico run's quality is bery very high, and very hard to be improved. In this 10 minutes wip, I only saved very few frames, and saved fewer RNG, because I shoot the more times in teaching bittle, and cost more RNG. So I have to stop now.
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I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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Post #471181
grassini wrote: bn3 complete TAS but it cheats for the only chips it can't receive without linking
You should post here. I still didn't watch all, This tas is good enough, though はにわ's tas has much better luck manipulation. After watch completely, I will post my thought
Joined: 8/7/2011
Posts: 166
Speaking of that run cheating to get the version exclusive chips and go for 100% completion: Would using the Wii U virtual console ROM, which has a feature to unlock version exclusive chips in the opposite game (go the multiplayer screen then leave, they're now all in your pack), be accepted? It's an official release, though never meant to be played outside of one very specific emulator. If it is fine, a run aiming at moons should wait till the very end to do it instead of destroying everything with OP chips early.
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I've been looking into Mega Man Battle Network TASing in general and for this game I've had a thought on a possible chip route change. A few years ago it was discovered that BeastMan's Navi chip's command code input activates for every separate A/B press, so with rapid alternation it hits 14 times. While having 3 Navi+20 chips would work for almost everything up to Alpha, how much time would that realistically save over the current route?
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you do know there's a glitch that uses shaker to kill everything instantly with 2 chips? im not sure that saves time or not, i think it does:
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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I first had to remind myself that S-ranks aren't really needed for a regular game completion since the shake glitch requires getting hit. Survivability isn't a big issue since undershirt comes with the Navi Customizer. The one big concern was the Drill Man fight but the shake chips are breaking, making that less of an issue. Shake can be obtained as soon as the Higsby chip trader is available, which is right after Beast Man. I should research how much damage shake would get from a recovery chip. If it's a super high value, then that means a pretty easy 2 chip kill combo on bosses is available for a majority of the game.
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honestly, you can possibly use the chip trader to get something earlier for the combos, but i do wonder how much time is gained or lost when compared to some of the current strategies with rocku cube air shot
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.