There is a tas from niconico with Japanese rom (white)
in 2:14:54.
In fact, this run is good enough and very hard to improve. So I still calculate it, now I find a giltch that can
walk through the NPC (I played with the blue version.
Emulator must be used VBA-rr23). This glitch can be used of all the mmbn games, but I'm not sure it very useful for tas. Because it still can't through the wall and the story wall. e.g can't through the "?" door and the road be prevented with NPC, because this NPC is not real, it like a wall with the NPC's photo.
There are some useful mmbn3's address.
02034040~0203405D (1byte) displays the folder slot number in the battle.
02001410 chipID 02001412 code ~ 02001484 chipID 02001486 code (2byte) displays the first folder’s chips.
02001500 chipID 02001502 code ~ 02001574 chipID 02001576 code (2byte) displays the 2nd folder’s chips.
02001488 chipID 0200148A code ~ 020014FC chipID 020014FE code (2byte) displays the 3rd folder’s chips.
02005778 02005779 0200577A (1byte) megaman’s buster.
02000E60~ 02000E66 (1byte) are guts, custom, team, shield, ground, shadow, bug’s point.
This is the J's tas Walkthrough. I hope someone can help me find the way to improve.
Get 2000Z×2 from ACDC3’s GMD,
Longsword E[(for story) from ACDC3’s BMD, 2000Z from ACDC2’s GMD. (6000Z in all)(
get a chip from mystery diamond costs 120 frames)
BambooSword P(5000Z). (400Z inall)
DashAttack Z(atk90) from ACDC3’s GMD
CopyDmg * from ACDC2’s BMD.
Roll R(story).
Edit chips 1st:
BOSS flashman 300HP. BambooSword P + atk10 (atk: 150×2=300,
why he shot 4 times first? For the bug style?). Get 1000Z (1400Z all)
BOSS Gutsman 700HP. (death)
Read mail: Get Dexcode.
Round 2 of the N1 preliminaries: mission1 (3 virus battle)
Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×3, DashAttack Z + CopyDmg *
Battle 2: Bunny(40HP)×2, Canodumb(60HP), widesword L + CopyDmg *
Battle 3: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Boomer(70HP), DashAttack Z + CopyDmg *
Get RockCube *×2 from SciLab2’s GMD.
Mission2: Fishy×3(90HP), DashAttack Z
Edit chips 2nd:
Mission3: (3 virus battle)
Battle 1: Quaker×2(80HP), Canodumb(60HP), DashAttack Z + CopyDmg *
Battle 2: Fishy(90HP), Canodumb(60HP), V-gun D + atk10*×2 + CopyDmg *
Battle 3: Mettaur2×2(60HP), Hardhead(80HP), widesword L + CopyDmg *
Read mail: Customizer edit
BOSS BeastMan 500HP. Airshot * + RockCube *×2 + BambooSword P (atk: 200×2+140=540). Get 1500Z(2900Z all)
Read mail
VarSword F(atk160×4),
StpCross S(atk130×2),
Bolt *(atk210, Elec Style),
Fountain * (atk240, Aqua Style) from Numberman. (
get one chip cost about 220frames)
Edit chips 3rd and read the mail:
virus battle: to get the story chip
Wind *
WindBox(100HP), Boomer(70HP), Fountain *(useless chip) + widesword L + CopyDmg *
Battle: Swordy(90HP), Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), StpCross S + atk10 *
Give the chip
Longsword E
Mission1: seek out five Navi-costumed people in the real world and defeat them. ==Must use the last folder.==
Slimer(90HP)×3, Ratton1(atk80) F + Ratton1 A×2
Ratty(40HP)×3, Spreader(atk30) M + atk10 *
Beetle(90HP)×2, WindBox(100HP), Lance(atk130) H
Spikey(90HP), Spikey2(140HP), Spikey3(190HP), Lance(atk130) H + Vgun(atk30) * + atk10 *
Shrimpy(100HP)×3, SideGun(atk30) Y + SideGun(atk30) * + sword(atk80) Y + Guard(atk40) *
Mission2: (3 virus battle)
Battle 1: Ratty(40HP)×3, Spreader(atk30) O + atk10 *
Battle 2: Mettaur2(60HP), Fishy(90HP), VacuumFan(100HP), DashAttack G
Battle 3: Shrimpy2(130HP), Boomer(70HP), Spikey2(140HP), DashAttack G + Guard(atk40) *
Get the chip
Snake R (story)
Give the chip
Wind *
GutsPunch(atk80) F×2 from Yoka2’s GMD,
Edit chips 4th
Hardhead(80HP)×3, GutsPunch F×2 + CopyDmg *
Get 3500Z from Yoka1’s GMD (6400Z all)
Customizer edit
Pengi(80HP)×2, Penga(100HP). StpCross S, get chip
IceWave1 M(for story aqua chip), get elec-bug style
Heatshot(800Z) B×3(for story fire chips, 4000all)
Pengi(80HP), Penga(100HP)×2. StpCross S, get chip
IceWave1 M(for story aqua chip)
Yoyo1(3000Z) E(for story, 1000 all)
Get 3500Z from Yoka1’s GMD (4500Z all)
Read mail
Penga(100HP)×3. StpCross S, get chip
IceWave2 L(for story aqua chip)
BOSS Aquaman 500HP, VarSword F, get 2000Z(6500Z all)
Read mail
Get the chip
GutsStraight(atk100×3) R from Beach2’s GMD
Deetle(130HP)×2, Trumpy(90HP), StpCross S
Shrimpy2(130HP)×2, Trumpy(90HP), StpCross S
Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), Trumpy(90HP), VarSword F
BOSS Kingman 800HP (death)
==Last folder must be used==
BOSS Metalman 800HP, Burner S×3 + atk10 *(130×3×2 + 10×2 = 800)
Get 2500Z×2(11500Z all) from Hades’s GMD,
BlkBomb1 P(for story fire chip) from Hades’s BMD.
ColdHead(120HP)×2, CannonBall(atk160) D×2, get
IceBall M (for story)
BOSS Gutsman 700HP, Varsword C
Change chip folder.
BOSS Kingman 800HP, Bolt * + GutsPunch F + VarSword F (210+640=850)
BOSS Desertman 800HP, Bolt * + VarSword F (210+640=850, get 2500Z, 14000Z all)
Use 10-chip-trader get
Varsword F
BOSS Metalman 500HP, Varsword F(atk640), get the chip
Metalman M
BOSS Metalman 800HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×4=800), get the chip
MetalmanV2 M
Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), Tuby(150HP), Varsword F
Spikey2(140HP), Fishy(90HP), and Tuby(150HP), StpCross S + atk10 *×2
Mettaur2(60HP), Canodumb2(90HP), and Tuby(150HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Buy 6 chips from Higsby's Chip Order Price for story, 2 fire chips and 4 aqua chips.
BubbleShot D (500Z),
HeatShot I (500Z),
AquaSword N (5300Z),
Burner Q (1600Z),
IceWave1 A(2000Z),
IceWave2 D(4000Z).
Give the chip
Yoyo1 E, get the chip
SlowGauge *
Edit chips 5th, read the mail
Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, sword L + CopyDmg *
Battle 2: Yort(120HP), Mettaur(40HP), StpCross S
Battle 3: Shrimpy(100HP), Mettaur2(60HP), Beetle(90HP), StpCross S
Battle 4: Yort(120HP)×2, StpCross S
Battle 5: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Fishy(90HP), Varsword F
Give the chip
IceBall M
Customizer edit
==Use all the fire chip==
Viney(120HP), Varsword F
GoofBall(280HP), GutsStraight R
BOSS Plantman 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×5 = 1000, get 3000Z)
Mettaur3(120HP)×2, StormBox(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Yurt(160HP), StormBox(300HP), HardHead(80HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Mettaur3(120HP), Gloomer(140HP), StormBox(300HP), Varsword F×2
Slimey(150HP), Fishy(90HP), and a StormBox(300HP), Varsword F
Deetle(130HP)×2, StormBox(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Swordy2(140HP), Swordy3(220HP), StormBox(300HP), Varsword F
Get the chip
LavaStge T from Match (story)
== Use all the aqua chip==
--Yoka 1--
Slimer(90HP), WindBox(100HP), StpCross S, get aqua chip
MetalGel1 D
BublSide F×2
Shrimpy(100HP)×2, Varsword F, get aqua chip
BubbleShot C
--Yoka 2--
Get nothing, Get 400Z, Get
BublSide F×2
--ACDC 1--
Nothing, nothing,
BublSide F
--ACDC 2--
Battle (run),
BublSide F×2, nothing
--ACDC 3--
Nothing, nothing,
BublSide F×3
--SciLab 1--
Fishy(90HP)×2, StpCross S, get chip
DashAttack G
--SciLab 2--
Get 100Z, nothing, nothing
Edit 1st and 2nd folder (6th), take 4 aqua chips from 2nd folder.
--Beach 2--
SnowBlow(100HP), Beetle(90HP), StpCross S, get chip
AirStrm1 O
SnowBlow(100HP), Mettaur2(60HP), StpCross S, get chip
AirStrm1 O
--Beach 1--
BublSide F x3,
SnowBlow(100HP), Swordy2(140HP), StpCross S + atk10 *, get chip
Firesword P
BOSS Flameman 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4 (200×5 = 1000, get 3500Z)
BOSS Bass 1000HP(can’t win, death)
Customizer edit
Battle 1: Mettaur2(60HP)×2, Mettaur Omega(120HP), StpCross S
Battle 2: Shrimpy(100HP)×2, Shrimpy Omega(200HP), StpCross S + CopyDmg *
Battle 3: Yurt(160HP)×2, Canodumb Omega(180), Varsword F + atk10 *×2
Battle 4: Swordy(90HP)×, Swordy Omega(320HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Canodumb Omega(180HP)×2, Beetle Omega(220HP), Varsword F + atk10 *×2
Spikey3(190HP)×2, Spikey Omega(260HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Ratty(40HP)×2, Ratty Omega(230HP), StpCross S
Bunny Omega(220HP)×2, Metrod Omega(300HP), Varsword F
Bunny Omegas(220HP)×2, Dominerd Omega(300HP), Varsword F
Yort Omega(420HP)×3, Varsword F + CopyDmg *
SnowBlow Omega(300HP), Gloomer(140HP), Varsword F
Edit chips 7th
Battle 1: Spikey3(190HP), Shrimpy3(160HP), Ratty3(160HP), Varsword F
Battle 2: Spikey3, Shrimpy3, Ratty3, Varsword F
Battle 3: Spikey3, Shrimpy3, Ratty3, Varsword F
Battle 4: Fishy3(240HP)×2, Trumpy Omega(300HP), Varsword F + CopyDmg *
Battle 1: BOSS Beastman 900HP, Varsword F×2
Battle 2: Fishy(90HP)×2, Fishy Omega(300HP), Varsword F
Read mail
He skips the Rank #6 #5 #4, #3. And fight with Mistman to get #2. I don’t know the U rom fix it or not.
BOSS Mistman 1000HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 *
BOSS Drillman 600HP, Varsword F
Read mail
Get the chip RollV3 R from Mayl (story)
????(AlphaBug, 140HP)×3, StpCross S + atk10 *
Read mail
BOSS Flashman 500HP, Varsword F + atk10 *
BOSS Aquaman 800HP, Varsword F
BOSS DesertMan 1200HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 *×2
Edit chip 8th
Battle 1: BOSS PlantMan 1000HP, Varsword F + atk10 *×4
Battle 2: BOSS Flameman 1000HP, Varsword F×2 + atk10 *
BOSS Drillman 600HP, Varsword F
Battle 1: BOSS Bass 1000HP with a LifeAura 100, Varsword F×2
Battle 2: Final Boss ALPHA 2000HP, Varsword F×2 + GutsPunch F + RockCube * + Bolt * (640×2 + 80 + 210×3 = 1990, I’m not sure)