So let's come back to discussing strategies for the actual new run.
I created a route, that would skip all trading items and would be very entertaining to watch. Many problems occured while routing it, though, and each of them added a lot of extra time. I did some detailed timing (haven't timed the very last part of it yet) and it'll probably be around 50 seconds slower than doing traditional RBA and watching the Light Arrow Cutscene.
Light Arrow Cutscene allows you to get Farore's Wind on B without getting rid of shiek to get child again.
I simply share this route with you guys, because maybe someone finds an improvement or comes up with a badass for it. Just some little side note:
When first reading through it, it may seem very very slow. But believe me, it is really close to obsoleting the RBA route and isn't that what we all want?
Anyway, here is it:
Child Section:
- Pick up Sword
- 50 Rupees, buy Shield and Stick
- ESS Escape, Get Ocarina
- Owl Skip, A-Slide to Kakariko
- First Part of Cucco Collection, Cucco Dive into Well
- Get Bombchus (pick up 99 R), Leave the Well
- Finish Cucco Collection, Bottle
- A-Slide to Hyrule Field (9 Chus)
- Owl Skip, Water Slide to Market
- Buy Hylian Shield, To Hyrule Castle (8 Chus)
- Talk to Zelda, Lullaby Cutscene Skip (7 Chus)
- DoT Skip
Adult Part 1:
- A-Slide to Kakariko (6 Chus)
- A-Slide to Graveyard (5 Chus)
- Hookshot, Shadow Early (4 Chus)
- Get Hover Boots, Death Warp out (3 Chus)
- Back to Kakariko, A-Slide to Death Mountain (2 Chus)
- Enter Dodongo's Cavern, blow up wall (1 Chus)
- Chu in Staircase room (0 Chus), Get Bomb Bag
- Open Head, Bottle Switch Trick, Beat King Dodongo (14 B)
- Death Warp out
Adult Part 2:
- Get Magic (9 B)
- Enter Death Mountain Crater, Mega Flip to Goron City (8 B)
- To Lost Woods (6 B)
- Fill up Bombs, To Sacred Forest Meadow (19 B)
- Minuet CS Skip (16B)
- To Zora's River via Warp (11 B)
- Enter Zora's Domain, OoB to Lake Hylia Warp
- Hover to Pond (7 B), Steal Rod
- Warp Forest Temple, Climb Vines to dim the B button
- Poe CS Skip via Bottle Trick, Boss Key Skip
- Beat Phantom Ganon with Stick on B, Medaillon Death Skip (5 B)
- Death Warp to Temple of Time (4 B), Prelude CS Skip with Stick on B
- Get Child, Get Adult again to get Farore's Wind on B
- A-Slide your way to Dodongo's Cavern
- Warp to Credits
There are some controversies, though:
Usually using Deku Stick on B as Adult Link freezes the game on N64. On GCN and Virtual Console you can use Deku Stick on B without any problems. Mupen freezes only using Jabo as the Graphic Plugin, other plugins allow using Stick B as well.
Now there are 2 things to say about this:
1. Jabo allows you to get rid of the Pause delay without using the Mupen version, that has the Pause delay fixed. So without Jabo you can't use the Mupen-Reset-Version without having the Pause delay. That's why for the optimal route we'd need a new Mupen, that can reset and has no Pause delay at the same time. As there are already 2 Mupens and each of them can do one of them 2 things, combining them would do the job.
2. Some people say, that Stick on B as Adult shouldn't be allowed as it doesn't work on the original Ocarina of Time Version on N64. Both the GCN and VC version are official releases of OoT, though, so everybody has a different opinion on this issue. The console players on the one hand use Stick B in their runs, whereas Swordless Link for example said he'd never do a run using Stick B. Would be cool to hear some opinions on this from people here ;)