Ani: "the ghost ship has about 310 rupees next to the ghost ship's triforce shard chest. You can leaf pump over to the ledge w/o killing the enemies. Collect the rupees, save&quit, then reload file and go back to ghost ship. Cafde does it in his J version run and he says it takes about 45 seconds to get 310 rupees, I'm pretty sure that's faster than us doing 101 rupee trick twice for 202 rupees"
^I need to incorporate this.
Early Game:
1: Jump off watchtower.
2: Superswim to Northern Fairy Isle (Get 1000 Rupee Bag)
3: Superswim to Windfall, get
20 rupees, play battleship 8 times (0 + 100 + 150*6 = 1000)(20 rupees + 1000 rupees - 80 total to play - 80 for sail = 860) (Must beat high score every time: Shots = 16 down to 9)
4: Buy Sail (80), There's some silly glitch that will let you fall through the island into the water. I don't have the video handy.
5: Superswim to Dragon Roost, get wind waker, (superswim?), get wind requiem
6: Superswim to Bomb Island, get bottle ( )
7: Superswim to Forest Haven, get FOREST WATER (20 min)
8: Superswim to Greatfish to trigger endless night (required to get bombs)
9: Superswim to Northern Fairy Isle, Enter nearby sub, Lantern Moblin + No Sword sends you to FF1
10: Trigger Tetra text at bottom of FF1 by stairs. Beat Forsaken Fortress 1 (FF1) (You get a sword here) Zombie Hover up to a heart by the sidle ledge (GlitchesAndStuff) (gossip stone -> searchlight -> hover, deku stick + fall damage) You cannot get directly to the sword or a cutscene will occur and you fall and die.
11: At Windfall, (superswim?), Let Tingle Out, Get Bombs (password skip: Klydestorm:
12: Superswim to Forest Haven, wind waker bag dive (Razor: , zombie hover deku leaf
13: DRC deku leaf entry, zombie hover deku leaf bomb drop the teleportation pot, (there's a heart at the opposite door on the 2nd floor in one of the smaller pots),
jump in now open pot, get grapple, Boss key skip (mugg:, clear dungeon (I don't think grapple is skippable yet, but it would be worth looking into)
14: Optional: Superswim to Bird's Peak Rock, grapple glitch, (or maybe superswim clip?) to get triforce chart (Klydestorm:
15: Optional: Place Din's Pearl (Northern Triangle Isle).
16: Forbidden Woods: FOREST WATER Boss Key skip (20 min later) (mugg:
17: Optional: Place pearls (Farore's Eastern).
18: Optional: Get Needle Rock Isle and Islet of Steel Charts.
Late Game:
1: Acquire Jabun's Pearl
2: Superswim drown to get Needle Rock Isle, Get Chart (2)
3: Superswim clip to get Islet of Steel, Get Chart (3)
4: Finish Placing Pearls
5:* Beat Tower of the Gods (mugg:
6:* Hyrule 1: Puzzle skip via Zombie Hover is possible but not viable, then this skip can be done without double magic:
6: Superswim to N. Triangle Isle and get Ballad of Gales (~1:30)
7: Tingle Island Decipher 2 charts from Islet of Steel and Bird's Peak Rock
7:* Superswim to FF2, wind waker dive in?
8:* Fight Phantom Ganon, get Skull Hammer (Skull Hammer skip viability needs investigated.)
9:* Helmrock superswim
and zombie hover skip fight. (mugg:
10:* Hyrule 2
Ballad of Gales Superswim clip into Mother & Child Isles, get Fire and Ice arrows, Exit: abahbob:
Ballad of Gales to Dragon Roost, Superswim drown to Fire Mountain, get Power Bracelet
13:* Superswim drown to Ice Ring Isle, get Iron Boots
14:* Superswim to Headstone, learn song
15: Superswim drown to Stonewatcher Island, Get Shard (1), Get Chart (4), Get 1000 rupees
16: Superswim to Tingle Island, Decipher 2 charts.
17:* Superswim to Dragon Roost, Get Medli
18:* Superswim to Headstone, beat Earth Temple (Boss key skip works without tuner (mugg): (Klydestorm:
19:* Superswim to Gale Isle, learn song (This should be done earlier in the route.) (Abahbob:
20: Superswim drown to Cliff Plateau Isles, Get Shard (2)
21:* Superswim to Forest Haven, WW Dive in (Bag Dive?),
Get FOREST WATER, get Makar
22:* Superswim to Gale Isle, get hookshot, beat Wind Temple (mugg:
23: Superswim drown to Seven-Star Isles, Get Shard (3)
24: Superswim drown to Overlook Island, Get Chart (5), Get 800 or less rupees.
25: HUGE Superswim to Diamond Steppe Island, Get Ghost Ship Chart
26: Superswim to Ghost Ship here I guess? Get Chart (6)
27: Superswim to Tingle Island (Decipher 2 charts)
28: Superswim drown to Outset, Get Shard (4), Savage Labyrinth, Get 600 rupees, Get Chart (7) (mugg: )
29: Superswim drown to Two-Eye Reef, Get Shard (5)
30: Superswim to Link's Oasis,
Forest Water Clip, Get Chart (8) (mugg: (Klydestorm:
31: Superswim drown to Greatfish Isle, Get Shard (6)
32: Superswim to Tingle Island, Decipher 2 charts
33: Superswim drown to Gale Isle, Get shard (7)
34: Superswim drown to S. Triangle Island, Get shard (8)
35:* Superswim to Tower of the Gods, Hyrule 3
36:* Go through warp at TotG to Hyrule. Go downstairs, fight darknuts, break barrier.
37:* Ganon's Tower Trials Skip (get above up left door, bomb clip, deku leaf to loading zone.)
38: Light Arrows Skip? (mugg: Boomerang needs to take less than about 1:30 to acquire, to be determined.) (Also this room: mugg:
38:* Puppet Ganon kill or skip via zombie hover keese heart drop.
39:* Fight Ganon. (mugg:
40:* GG.
Asterisk denotes required plot advancement in fairly rigid order. Things may be sprinkled in between though.
My head hurts. This route may once again have blatant errors, I spent a lot of time with Ani constructing it, but didn't spend a lot of time reviewing. I think Forest Water Light arrows skip may actually not be viable. If you have to get Cabana forest water at any time before traveling to get Makar, the sidetracking has been calculated to be almost definitely slower. If you can get the first forest water during getting Makar, run it down 20 minutes for Cabana, then reget it after Cabana and still run down 20 minutes before Hyrule, it is viable but very difficult.
If you have Needle Rock Isle Chart and Islet of Steel Chart and Bird's Peak Rock Chart, we speculate that tingle will want to decipher the Needle Rock Isle chart LAST, meaning he won't do it on our first trip. This actually causes some minor annoyance.
Superswimming/ Superswim drowning will always be better than Ballad of Gales if you're swimming less than or equal to 3 grid squares away. Drowning takes 30 seconds, so does Ballad of Gales, so does superswimming 3 grid squares. If you drown, you start in the boat at the closest of the 9 points in the grid square you would get if you divided it into a 3x3. I was trying to remove Ballad of Gales when constructing this route, but I'm not sure if it's viable yet. This route should be within 5-10 minutes of optimal under the current knowledge, but the swimming distance can probably be more optimized.
Things that need tested:
1: I need a time estimate for how long it takes to get in M&C without Ballad of Gales. We could very well skip ballad of gales if it's not more than a minute and a half.
2: Similarly how long does it take to get into Diamond Steppe Island without a hookshot by superswimming.
3: Can you actually get Needle Rock Isle and Islet of Steel charts before forest haven forest water timer runs out?
4: Probably more to be added here...