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Trunc: Roger that. Then my childhood pal just wanted to show off. Thanks for the info anyways.
/Walker Boh
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I am very much for dying to shave time off a run. Whatever it takes, eh?
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Hey Bisqwit. I saw you had thoughts about improving this run, so I thought I'd bring it up for discussion. What improvements are you thinking of making?
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DJ_FozzBozz came up with a glitch that can teleport the character from a boss room to another. He created a movie with VirtuaNES. It had room for improvement, so in addition to telling him how to improve it, I started playing it myself.
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My curiosity has been awakened. Tell me more. How, which bosses? Will everything but the first and last boss be cut out? Edit of insight: it has do with dying in the boss room as mentioned before, perhaps?
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FozzBozz's strategy warps from the forest boss into the rocky world boss and from that boss into the last boss. Yes, it involves dying - after you've went through a wall.
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Nice movie Bisqwit, always a great pleasure to look at your work as you can see you aim for perfection.
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Thank you. I am satisfied of the outcome considering the difficulty of the game. The last battle doesn't look that much like an elegant dance, but I really had to concentrate fully on avoiding the projectiles with minimal marginal...
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Fihlvein wrote:
Nice movie Bisqwit, always a great pleasure to look at your work as you can see you aim for perfection.
True, all of his movies are the greatest!
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I have some questions/suggestions (as usual) Isn't it possible to get double stars to beat up the robots faster? At 2:05, you go out of your way to kill two turtles. Isn't their experience very small compared to what you get at the robots anyway? What's that strange bug in the top-view world, where you jump and then immediately stand on the ground again? It happens for instance just after getting the grappling hook. When dying at 5:30, is it possible to jump to get more downward speed after the ledge? Maybe not... At 6:40, it looks like you could have nailed the dragon without losing any time. Although I don't understand it, I'm sure there's a good reason to wait before falling trough the floor on the right at 7:45-ish. I like being hit by the same shot twice at the next boss. :) Perhaps you could have used your only free hit to get pushed closer to the last boss at the very start. Now it looks like it's for nothing. That's all.
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> Isn't it possible to get double stars to beat up the robots faster? The mind points (which you get from the stars) can be used to cast spells. The only one of the spells which might be useful is Power Up, and I consider its only real gain (increased range) neglegtible. > At 2:05, you go out of your way to kill two turtles. > Isn't their experience very small compared to what you get at the robots anyway? 2 tone points. I wanted to have as many tone points as reasonably possible before going to kill the robot. The first kill takes so many hits. The robot gives 15 tone points. Almost all other monsters on my route gives only 1 or 0 points - the 8-hit "bird" gives 2. > What's that strange bug in the top-view world, where you jump and then > immediately stand on the ground again? It happens for instance just after > getting the grappling hook. When pressing left-right at the same time, the game forgets you're in a jumping motion (although it carries the motion to the end), and allows you to jump immediately again. I discovered it as being lethal if done when jumping over a river. Edit: And of course this works in the overhead levels. > When dying at 5:30, is it possible to jump to get more downward speed after the ledge? In the first version, I did that. Jumping pauses Rygar for a fraction of second. I didn't actually measure and compare the speeds, but somehow I got the conclusion that contrary to the usual, just falling is faster. Edit: Forgot to mention - Rygar's falling speed does not accelerate wildly. It's almost constant speed. > At 6:40, it looks like you could have nailed the dragon without losing any time. Only by jumping. You can't walk and shoot at the same time. Jumping pauses you for a fraction of second, so I didn't do it. > Although I don't understand it, I'm sure there's a good reason to wait > before falling trough the floor on the right at 7:45-ish. Yes there is. The key to the glitch was the horizontal motion given by the shot. > Perhaps you could have used your only free hit to get pushed closer > to the last boss at the very start. Now it looks like it's for nothing. Perhaps. I used it at the first instant when avoiding a hit seemed to be too slow. I'm almost certain that there would have been a better timing later, saving more time than that. Edit: However it's worth nothing that because of the hit I took, I didn't have to avoid consequent projectiles for a little while.
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Wow, that movie was great! I've beaten the game a few times, and I never knew such glitches coudl occur, especially to warp you between bosses like that, that is REALLY odd!
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>The only one of the spells which might be useful is Power Up, and I consider its only real gain (increased range) neglegtible. Most FAQs (and I think Warp, too) say that it also makes the diskarmor stronger, meaning that you could do more robots in less time. But perhaps this is not true, and all it does is increase range. Have you tested? >Edit: Forgot to mention - Rygar's falling speed does not accelerate wildly. It's almost constant speed. I understand, and you're probably right, but in this case checking would be so easy, just time the first frame of the game over screen. What if? >Only by jumping. You can't walk and shoot at the same time. Jumping pauses you for a fraction of second, so I didn't do it. I see, but that fraction should be much less time/tone than for example the two turtles earlier.
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Truncated wrote:
Most FAQs (and I think Warp, too) say that it also makes the diskarmor stronger, meaning that you could do more robots in less time. But perhaps this is not true, and all it does is increase range. Have you tested?
I did a brief test at that and so far I think it only increases the speed and range, not strength. I didn't test it thoroughly. > I understand, and you're probably right, but in this case checking would be > so easy, just time the first frame of the game over screen. What if? Indeed. I just didn't test it. >I see, but that fraction should be much less time/tone than for example the two turtles earlier. 1 tone point added to 320 is relatively much less than 1 tonepoint added to 40. In the beginning I valued the small points more because I wanted the robot-killing to go faster.
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Well, I just watched Warp's New run...And I like it better than the the previous version. The boss battles go by SO much faster, and not slow and boring like before. I'm shocked that all teh mind points where skipped, however. I liked how Attack and Assail was taken advatage of for Ligar int eh previous version, since those projectiles are dang hard to dodge, so I'm curious as to why it was skipped this time. I dont think getting the Stars that were left behind would take up too much time, and I think it would cut down on the ligar battle a little, since the first 10 hits wouldn't require dancing around his projectiles. Nice work though.
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What is the correlation between Tone and hits required to kill various enemies/bosses? Anyone with savestate editing knowledge who can perform this study?
someone is out there who will like you. take off your mask so they can find you faster. I support the new Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun.
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I am curious about the 'flying' glitch. Particularly: -how it was discovered -why/how it works -whether it is a Rygar-only trick or a common trick
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?I? ?d?i?s?c?o?v?e?r?e?d? ?i?t? ?b?y? ?a?c?c?i?d?e?n?t? ?w?h?i?l?e? ?i? ?w?a?s? ?t?r?y?i?n?g? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?a?n?o?t?h?e?r? ?t?r?i?c?k? ?w?o?r?k?i?n?g?.? ?I? ?w?a?s? ?s?t?u?c?k? ?i?n? ?a? ?w?a?l?l? ?a?n?d? ?w?a?s? ?t?r?y?i?n?g? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?o?u?t? ?o?f? ?i?t?,? ?u?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y? ?a? ?w?a?l?l? ?b?l?o?c?k?e?d? ?m?e? ?o?f?f? ?b?u?t? ?t?o? ?r?e?a?l?i?z?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?h?a?d? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?i?n? ?p?o?s?i?t?i?o?n?.? ?T?o? ?d?o? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?d?u?c?k?e?d?,? ?m?o?v?e?d? ?1?-?2? ?p?i?x?e?l?s?,? ?d?u?c?k?e?d? ?e?t?c?.?.? ?s?o? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?r?e?a?c?h? ?t?h?e? ?w?a?l?l?.? ?A?f?t?e?r? ?t?h?a?t? ?I? ?r?e?a?l?i?z?e?d? ?I? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?p?e?r?f?o?r?m? ?f?l?y?i?n?g?!?!? ?*?p?r?o?u?d?*? ?;?P? ? ? ? ?I?t? ?w?o?r?k?s? ?l?i?k?e? ?t?h?i?s?:? ?W?h?e?n? ?n?e?a?r? ?a?n? ?e?d?g?e? ?y?o?u? ?c?a?n? ?d?u?c?k? ? ?r?i?g?h?t? ?b?e?f?o?r?e? ?f?a?l?l?i?n?g? ?o?f?f? ?i?t?.? ?T?h?e?n? ?R?y?g?a?r?s? ?p?h?y?s?i?c?s? ?a?r?e? ?s?e?t? ?t?o? ?"?b?e? ?o?n? ?g?r?o?u?n?d?"? ?f?o?r? ?1?-?2? ?p?i?x?e?l?s? ?a?g?a?i?n? ?b?e?f?o?r?e? ?h?e? ?s?t?a?r?t?s? ?f?a?l?l?i?n?g?.? ?S?o? ?t?h?a?t? ?m?e?a?n?s? ?I? ?c?a?n? ?m?o?v?e? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?p?i?x?e?l?s? ?a?n?d? ?t?h?e?n? ?d?u?c?k? ?a?g?a?i?n?.? ?T?h?i?s? ?i?s? ?i?n?s?a?n?e?l?y? ?h?a?r?d? ?t?o? ?p?e?r?f?o?r?m? ?e?v?e?n? ?w?i?t?h? ?s?l?o?w?d?o?w?n? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?R?y?g?a?r? ?c?o?n?t?i?n?u?e?s? ?t?o? ?m?o?v?e? ?i?f? ?a?n?y? ?b?u?t?t?o?n? ?i?s? ?p?r?e?s?s?e?d? ?b?e?s?i?d?e?s? ?d?o?w?n?.? ?E?v?e?n?t?u?a?l?l?y? ?I? ?c?a?n? ?w?r?i?t?e? ?a? ?"?R?y?g?a?r? ?t?r?i?c?k?-?p?a?g?e?"? ?o?r? ?s?o?m?e?t?h?i?n?g? ?;?)? ? ? ? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?i?t??s? ?a? ?R?y?g?a?r?-?o?n?l?y? ?t?r?i?c?k? ?u?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y?.?
/Walker Boh
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I guess the games to check would be other Tecmo games, just in case they re-used the same engine on another game.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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interesting and well done video walker thing you might find of some interest to you...there used to be a site with videogame glitches and such...the rygar flying glitch used to be within a game genie code...i assume almost any game genie code that involves going through walls, flying, etc might be reproduced somehow in normal gameplay with some many of the megaman wall walk ones i originally saw using a game genie countless years ago...but strider has a similar glitch through wall glitch like both rygar and megaman 1 and 2, it definitely is a recurring thing...very kewl how it appeared as if you were suspended in air hitting the robots back and forth...almost like a matrix movie time effect move over...
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Cool. Well, thanks for some feedback anyways.
/Walker Boh
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KMFDManic wrote:
I assume almost any game genie code that involves going through walls, flying, etc might be reproduced somehow in normal gameplay with some patience...
Not true. The game genie codes are patches to the game code. They concretely alter the logic of game. Things they change in the game code can be "what if" to "what if not" or "add 1" to "add 50", for example. So it's not about revealing something that ought to be found eventually anyway.
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Well, not most of the time...
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I just checked Rygar at gamefaqs. It appears that I have discovered a totally NEW glitch!!! Woohoo ;) The flying glitch they talk about appear to be something else and my glitch should be "air walk" or something.
/Walker Boh
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Oh my. Expect a nice version 3 coming up soon ;)
/Walker Boh