Now, I do believe I heard something about being able to hit Ganondorf during his later phase with the Tempered Master Sword without using a Silver Arrow if you use a spin attack. If that's the case, we don't need the Silver Arrow.
I may be mistaken on this, but after checking on Zeldapedia, hitting Ganon with the tempered sword without spinslashing might be a GBA exclusive thing. That being said, that could be implying that you can hit Ganon with the tempered sword by spinslashing.
Possible, but I have no idea if it's GBA exclusive or not, since I never tried doing that whilst fighting Ganondorf.
heldtogetherwithtape wrote:
Depending on what the requirements are to access Ganon's Tower on top of death mountain, you might have to pick up the ice rod in order to beat Trinexx.
*facepalms* How did I forget that? Changed it.
heldtogetherwithtape wrote:
Also, not to sound like I'm going in the opposite direction of a minimalist run, but by turboing the A button with Pegasus Boots, you can "hover" over pits, which might lead to more item skipping.
Well, it depends on how big the pit is which you have to hover over. The bombs can also blast you across small gaps, so we could pick that up as well. Though I suspect the Pegasus Boots save more time, since it makes Link run and all.
heldtogetherwithtape wrote:
EDIT: It would probably be better to go with forging the Tempered Sword, since you have to collect the 3 pendants in order to get the Master Sword.
Should we count the pendants and crystals as items? I thought this was only for actually usable stuff, not stuff you get after a boss. I think we need to first define what can be categorized under items.
What comes to my mind for a minimalist completion would be fewest dungeons completed with the smallest inventory. If we really wanted to be minimal, then I would say that we should allow the staircase glitches for out of bounds travel in order to skip collecting small keys when possible. As for what dungeons are skipable and what items are skipable, I don't know off the top of my head. I think that unless someone who's perhaps disassembled the game could tell us, the only way to find out would be maybe like a bingo type approach where we start out with a full inventory, then go through dungeons and mark what equipment we use throughout it. Some items we can obviously eliminate since we won't have them, so it would mostly be for the later dungeons. Then after that maybe do the same thing with the dungeons themselves to find out if it only takes the last dungeon or two to access Ganon's Tower or if it takes all of them. Without doing anything right now, I would say that it might be possible to only complete Turtle Rock to access it since completing dungeons out of order does not change the script that displays during the pendant/crystal collection.
My user name is rather long, feel free to call me by htwt or tape.
From what I've seen the standard stance on a glitch is to restrict its use at all, not how it's used. The proposed run seems arbitrary enough without stirring the pot with the out of bounds glitch too.
Unless you're doing it for your own fun instead of submission, then knock yourself out.
<Zurreco> if so called professional players cant adapt to every playing field, theyre obviously not that great
Curiously, are you still working on this any% (edit: non-glitched) TAS, Tompa? I'd be interested even in just seeing your farthest WIP if you're not intending to continue. I was really looking forward to it!
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It's still being worked on, yeah. I just had to take a break because of a lot of work and the ESA speedrun marathon. Yuzuhara is currently busy with stuff too.
The current WIP is the following:
That is practically just a test though, as I'm unsure if that route is going to be the quickest or not, still a lot to test.
It's known, and Kryssstal has a very nice real time run of the category, just that no one has remade the TAS yet.
Yeah I figured but I thought I'd point out the low-hanging fruit for anyone who wants an easy publication. It looks a little sloppy for us to have runs up that are slower than real time runs.
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We haven't cared to focus on the glitched runs as they are so short, boring and pointless, despite taking less than an hour to finish.
It should most certainly work on GBA as well, never cared to test.
A general note: The real time runs are using a different timing than ours, starting at file select (6.5 seconds less) and ends when entering the Triforce Chamber (52 seconds).
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I know you can save at least 4, rough test, with a damage boost from the guards. What improvement did you find for it? I imagine the diagonal clip as well, it's a bitch to get into the right position...
Can't get a boost from a left side corner that I know of.
Finished the run. The only thing I improved is the movement at the end, which prevents going a large distance. I am sure it can be improved, but I don't understand the game well yet.
Nice job. Look at the YouTube channel to find a comment I made. (Also something addeheed noticed: you seem to extraneously move to the right as soon as Link's House is exited.) I'm not sure of actual major changes, though.
Would 'beat Ganon, all glitches allowed' be an interesting category for TAS or RTA? You'd have all the power of OoB glitches, but you can't defeat Ganon without some items first.
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Well, the only items you need are: Lamp and Tempered Sword. It's a pretty quick run.
The Ganon No EG is more interesting at least, which is the run I posted at the end of page 60.
So the route would be something like 1) get lamp; 2) glitch to Dark World, temper Lv1 sword into Lv2 sword; 3) glitch to Dark World fairy fountain, upgrade to Lv3 sword; 4) kill Ganon. Or am I missing something? Can you OoB to the fairy fountain or do you still need to beat dungeons 5 and 6 for the super bomb?
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You never get the lvl 1 Sword or Shield. You can temper without having a sword, and it will go direclty to Lvl 3.
Then you fall down into the right pot in Hyrule Castle and fight Ganon. Two items collected, would take like 5 minutes to reach Ganon.
Couldn't you do something like a MST for this game? Because a run that only has the restriction that it must defeat Ganon seems pretty arbitrary to me.
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andypanther wrote:
Couldn't you do something like a MST for this game? Because a run that only has the restriction that it must defeat Ganon seems pretty arbitrary to me.
You could do any% banning glitched doorways/stairs, or can you still get to Ganon that early now? (I might have missed some developments..?)
Then there's also 100%, though no one has made one yet as far as I know.