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ars4326 wrote:
AmaizumiUni wrote:
I can be of XBOX360 Wii and Glitche is possible in any version Collect three or more party members And then select the order of the state to open a command window It may glitche character comes out when you press at certain the C button while pressing the up key I have a variety of tools for INVENTORY is Glitche the character of these However, the game will stop as it is when you select the character NG This is because did not work party members for a four and a three
Ah, I see. So as for the glitch, it is frame dependent when C and Up are pressed? Also, the condition needed for choosing party members is interesting:) In the future, do you plan to TAS the USA version?
It is thought yes, and is dependent on the frame, but there seems to be a well condition other It is not possible for now putting out Glitche character that I aimed You will only be able to take out the tool from the character that appears in order at present There is also a InventoryGlitche with a warehouse of friends as Glitche I could use in other Items you can not use seems to be dependent on the character of LV many here We wanted to create if it may be Valut by transplanting Ver current sometimes is not the plan of the USA version, but it is not posted as TAS
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It is thought yes, and is dependent on the frame, but there seems to be a well condition other It is not possible for now putting out Glitche character that I aimed You will only be able to take out the tool from the character that appears in order at present There is also a InventoryGlitche with a warehouse of friends as Glitche I could use in other Items you can not use seems to be dependent on the character of LV many here We wanted to create if it may be Valut by transplanting Ver current sometimes is not the plan of the USA version, but it is not posted as TAS
The "warehouse of friends" glitch for a future run would be cool to see! As for transplanting the current Ver, I think that would be a good idea. For the Japanese commentary, in English can it be translated?
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
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ars4326 wrote:
The "warehouse of friends" glitch for a future run would be cool to see! As for transplanting the current Ver, I think that would be a good idea. For the Japanese commentary, in English can it be translated?
I'm using google translate I think the meaning has become so as to communicate, but there will be something wrong I think I decided to take to the transplant for the time being
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I'm using google translate I think the meaning has become so as to communicate, but there will be something wrong I think I decided to take to the transplant for the time being
If it would help, I would be happy to help with the English translation.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: New Idea Tas RUNNING WIP
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Location: Japan PASEO ROOM KEEP BAGGER Glitche Use ROLF Inventory Empty KEEP BAGGER SELECT NEI INVENTORY SELECT NEXT Cancel ROLF Inventory Select as Glitched Inventory(stoc 255) Inventory 17 Address 0x00FFC038 NEI EXP Address 0x00FFC04C,4D,4E ROLF Glitche Inventory Select40 as NEI EXP address To draw the Item want to be to a number of specific NEI EXP 124 TEIM (Required to pass through the events of the bridge) NEI EXP 84 NEISHIELD NEI EXP 122 NEISHOT NEI EXP 61 NEIARMOR NEI EXP 62 NEICAPE NEI EXP 85 NEIEMEL NEI Attack 39 NEIMET(LV6 EQP CREM BARx1) NEI Diffence 40 NEICROWN(LV6 EQP SIRRIBBON FIVERCOAT) NEI SWORD and NEI SLASHER Oder Gliched Combat animation number is the number of corner-cutting is beginning to be reduced Whether there to frame other than the start walking I do not know quite satisfactory way to pick the enemy
Post subject: OderGlitche NoUseUSA Ver?
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OderGlicthe modification? WIP STOPPING :-<
Post subject: Re: OderGlitche NoUseUSA Ver?
Experienced player (782)
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AmaizumiUni wrote:
OderGlicthe modification? WIP STOPPING :-<
Can you post the WIP? As for the USA version, maybe there is a different formula?
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Re: OderGlitche NoUseUSA Ver?
Player (136)
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ars4326 wrote:
AmaizumiUni wrote:
OderGlicthe modification? WIP STOPPING :-<
Can you post the WIP? As for the USA version, maybe there is a different formula? It was made ​​as production this
Post subject: Re: OderGlitche NoUseUSA Ver?
Experienced player (782)
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Location: Missouri, USA It was made ​​as production this
Hmmm.... Do you think the BAGGAGE GLITCH is interfering with the ORDER GLITCH? Can you remove BAGGAGE GLITCH somehow before using ORDER GLITCH? EDIT: ROLF's inventory does, indeed, cycle back to the top... ROLF's inventory appears to have every NEI ITEM except the SWORD.
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Re: OderGlitche NoUseUSA Ver?
Player (136)
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Hmmm.... Do you think the BAGGAGE GLITCH is interfering with the ORDER GLITCH? Can you remove BAGGAGE GLITCH somehow before using ORDER GLITCH? EDIT: ROLF's inventory does, indeed, cycle back to the top... ROLF's inventory appears to have every NEI ITEM except the SWORD.
I do not know if or interference, but the BAGGAERGlitche ODEREGlitche did not seem possible even when not fire Wait in the ORDER operation contains more than Japan version Ver any any of that can ORDERGlitche since it is not information that you see on net (Be the effect that you have in VC) that there's no such information may have been wrong I'll try to investigate in JPNVer now. Sorry, post is likely to be JPNVer. ROLF will have the NEI series, but this of NEI This is because of overlap with Inventory address. ROLF InventoryStoc 0x00FFC027 (own number) Address of 0x00FFC028-0x00FFC037 normal time BAGGER Glitche USE 0x00FFC027, FF 0x00FFC028-0x00FFC127 It will be expanded in this way. These addresses has become a primary role following 0x00FFC038-0x00FFC03F character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC040-0x00FFC077 NEI Status Inventory 0x00FFC078-0x00FFC07F character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC080-0x00FFC097 RUDO Status Inventory 0x00FFC098-0x00FFC09F character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC0A0-0x00FFC0B7 AMY Status Inventory 0x00FFC0B8-0x00FFC0BF character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC0C0-0x00FFC0D7 No5Char Status Inventory 0x00FFC0D8-0x00FFC0DF character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC0E0-0x00FFC0F7 No6Char Status Inventory 0x00FFC0F8-0x00FFC0FF character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC100-0x00FFC117 No7Char Status Inventory 0x00FFC118-0x00FFC11F character-delimited numbers 0x00FFC120-0x00FFC137 No8Char Status Inventory It looks like ROLF also have NEI takes ownership of the NEI series for the Items of NEI is passed in fact you pass to the other characters of the NEI series ROLF Column that can not be used for Inventory of NEI will increase one Decrease in the number of tools have been made ​​to address this ROLF Initialization of the tool itself is because sent to the address of the NEI You can not Warp for NEI SWORD can not use if you do not trigger the ORDER Glitche 10:32 postscript I was confirmed in last dungeon JPNVer in BAGGER Glitche and ORDER Glitche
Post subject: Complete NEW TAS RUN JPNVer
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explanation LANGAGE JPN+ENG USE Glitche ROOM BAGGAGE Glitche(JPN/US/EU) Glitcheを発動させたいキャラのInventoryを空にする CentralTower ROOMにいき KEEP BAGGAGEを選択 ITEMを所有しているCharacterを選択 キャンセルしInventoryが空のCharactarを選択 Inventory数が0to255となるそのままBAGGAGEを出ると0に戻るので 255番目のアイテムを預けて254に書き換えることでInventoryGlitche 実際に持てる道具は16個までで16個目のアドレスは0x00FFC037 17個目は0x00FFC038となる これは次のキャラクターとの区切り数値となっている 0x00FFC040がネイのステータス開始アドレスとなっている 敵と戦闘することでEXPを貯め124Pointまで上げる ユーシス(US/EU Ver ROLF)を殺しているのは経験値を増やすため これは2番目の街に行くために通過する橋のイベントを突破するためのアイテム(TEIM)の道具番号となる EXP124でLV6になるためATTACK 26 DEFFENCE 29 MIND 16となるように調整する 橋のイベントをクリアしたら2番目の街で装備を強化する クリアに必要なネイシリーズを集めるためEXP61の敵と数度バトルする Neishield 84(61+23) Neishot 122(61x2) Neiarmor 61 Neiemel 85(61+24) Neicape 62(7+55) 上記を集めたら別のGlitcheを発動するためNeiのMindからMoon Dewを取り出しユーシスを生き返らせる Telepipeで最初の街にもどりRUDOとAMYを仲間に入れる(ユーシスが生きてないと家に入れない) State Oder Glitche(JPN ONLY) Oderを選択した後上を押しながらCを押しそのまま6F待ち また上を押しながらCを押すとGlitche Charactarが出現する 出現順番は決まっている模様 NeiSwordとNeiSlasherを持っているCharacterが出るまで繰り返す 出たらこの2つを取り出し家に入ってGlicheCharacterを消去しAMYを仲間に入れる 部屋の外に出たらNeiSwordを使用するとEsperの館にWarpするのでルツと3回会話 DFとMBは低確率でEscapeできるのでそれを使用しゲームクリア EXPから取り出したNeiシリーズをOder GlicheCharacterから取り出す事も出来るが 取り出すと本来書き換えられないアドレスを0に書き換えるためゲーム進行が止まる確立が高く未採用
Post subject: Re: Complete NEW TAS RUN JPNVer
Experienced player (782)
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AmaizumiUni wrote:
State Oder Glitche(JPN ONLY) Oderを選択した後上を押しながらCを押しそのまま6F待ち
そおですか。 So it is the frame difference that prevents using the ORDER GLITCH in the USA version?
NEIFIRSTもEscapeでしますか。 (すみません。日本語が少しはなすとわかります。) Can the escape method be used on NEIFIRST, also?
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Re: Complete NEW TAS RUN JPNVer
Player (136)
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ars4326 wrote:
AmaizumiUni wrote:
State Oder Glitche(JPN ONLY) Oderを選択した後上を押しながらCを押しそのまま6F待ち
そおですか。 So it is the frame difference that prevents using the ORDER GLITCH in the USA version? このGlitcheはプログラムを書き換えることで修正されているようです フレームタイミングをずらしても変わりませんでした
NEIFIRSTもEscapeでしますか。 (すみません。日本語が少しはなすとわかります。) Can the escape method be used on NEIFIRST, also?
Post subject: Re: Complete NEW TAS RUN JPNVer
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AmaizumiUni wrote:
State Oder Glitche(JPN ONLY) このGlitcheはプログラムを書き換えることで修正されているようです フレームタイミングをずらしても変わりませんでした
おもしろいです。ざんねんですね。 Interesting. That's too bad, huh?
そおですか。でもそのGlitchがしないのでワープはする。 I see. However, since you can't do the STATE ORDER GLITCH in the USA version, how will you be able to warp?
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." - 1 Corinthians 2:9
Post subject: Re: Complete NEW TAS RUN JPNVer
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おもしろいです。ざんねんですね。 Interesting. That's too bad, huh?
現在Yutubeに上がっているVerよりは短くできますがある程度のイベントはこなさないといけません ネイシリーズ生成 ティム生成 キーキューブをBAGGAGEから取り出す ダイナマイト生成(不要?) ダム開放(モタビアに行くため) モタビアにいきさえすればルツのところからラストダンジョンにいけるはずです
前回同様ネイソードでワープしますのでネイファースト戦はありません そおですか。でもそのGlitchがしないのでワープはする。 I see. However, since you can't do the STATE ORDER GLITCH in the USA version, how will you be able to warp?
USA版の場合でもBAGGAGE Glitcheは使えますのでGREEN RED BLUE YELLOW CARDを生成すればアメダスを攻略する必要もなくMUSICAも不要となります ただしこれは検証してません。 JPN Ver VIDEOS Link to video
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Hi there, I've been a long time Phantasy Star 2 RTA speedrunner and created the RTA route for the (J) version based on some of the findings by AmaizumiUni as well as my own experimentation with the game. Seeing the TAS recently made me think about whether or not the RTA route would be faster due to not having to manipulate or even fight any battles on Motavia. I set about creating a TAS over the past week in order to test my theories, and I turned out to be correct. It follows the same principle of using status values to get the Nei items, but focuses mostly on using items to manipulate the consistent attack and defense values present on Nei and Amy. We accomplish this by also performing the inventory overflow glitch on Rudo, which allows us to quickly access Amy's stats. Using the various equipment obtained from the glitched characters, as well as from the values of the characters in both Rolf and Rudo's names, we can get the stat values we need to get all of the Nei items. The rest of the game from using the Neisword to the end is identical to the current run. That's the link to the bk2 file of the run, I'd love some feedback on it. Take note that this is my first TAS attempt, and I actually ended up doing most of Noah by hand - so things might be a little sloppy. I created it using Tastudio in Bizhawk in case it matters. I'll put a youtube link up as well. Link to video
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Posts: 81
I know you are do the fast speedrun possible from this game, but I have an little question, the first speedrun tests are doing in Rev02 instead of Rev01, I didn't find anywhere the change between versions.
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Posts: 4052 Credits warp glitch
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New credit warp set up thanks to hukleburyfinnished. Link to video file: to video