Well it does sound faster, considering how you just destroy everything with a deku stick the instant you get it. Plus the Deku Stick would be on the way anyway, since you need the shield anyway. All it really takes is a few extra rupies, which is a trivial time compared to taking a detour for the sword.
effort on the first draft means less effort on any draft thereafter
- some loser
I have been saying that not getting the sword should be faster since forever, but nobody listens to me. :(
To be precise it was actually spider-waffle who suggested this first (at least in this thread). I am still pretty convinced that the time saved with sword makes up for the detour of getting it though. Until somebody proves otherwise
Mashing B (alternating frames) in water is the fastest method right? I saw an old vid that claimed timing is more optimal, but looking in mupen/mhs it seems like mashing is the fastest.
I think so, except of wess of course
does someone have the speed value in mhs? I can only get a value which is 65 ( normal speed ) and 67 ( hess speed)
Don't know what the address is exactly, but it should be 0x7C8 after Link's Y-velocity. That's easy to search for as when he's standing around, it's always -4. Link's current X and Z velocities are on either side of the Y velocity.
I have been saying that not getting the sword should be faster since forever, but nobody listens to me. :(
To be precise it was actually spider-waffle who suggested this first (at least in this thread). I am still pretty convinced that the time saved with sword makes up for the detour of getting it though. Until somebody proves otherwise
I annoyed Grunz in IRC, so you won't find it here.
Also I never said that I was the first (although could be that I was), but that I've been saying it since forever. :D
It might still not be true for TAS, btw. But I think it should be slightly faster.
Mashing B (alternating frames) in water is the fastest method right? I saw an old vid that claimed timing is more optimal, but looking in mupen/mhs it seems like mashing is the fastest.
Timing is way faster. It's hard to explain how exactly the timing works, but it is mash B for 9 frames, no B for 9 frames. Doing that makes you keep top speed for 9 extra frames each time.
About Sword: Bloob and I were very certain that skipping the sword is slower. The TAS run simply uses it way too often for little timesavers. Just look at the cucco collevtion for example. You are welcome to time it, though. This is so close, that pure speculations and estimations won't help us at all, though. We need real test TASes, that not nescassarily need to be 100% optimized ;)
Would you actually need ISG just because you use a stick, though?
Your frist JS + fall should give you a broken deku stick, which you could then use for the B1 skip and a wess at the end.
Hey asshole, don't ignore me in the MM thread. :p
Spider-Waffle demands that all doubters, libelers, and close minded non-productive people to the community will cease ALL activity related to OoT speedruns and TASes for 10 years.
Swordless is faster :D
I removed the video because it didn't take into account that the TAS B1 skip requires an extra stick and that the optimal B2 entrance requires another. Swordless is probably still slightly faster but it's unlikely I'll be doing an updated comparison.
Sorry for asking this, but how does that actually work?
1. How can Link do a bomb hover (Child) without the slingshot?
2. How can Link change angles without loosing frames in a sidehop?
10;12 - 10;30 perfect exmaple
If I drop the bombchu before backflipping, Link falls instantly down taking damage ( tried every frame)
I removed the video because it didn't take into account that the TAS B1 skip requires an extra stick and that the optimal B2 entrance requires another. Swordless is probably still slightly faster but it's unlikely I'll be doing an updated comparison.
Bloob, you should get a broken deku stick, when you stick recoil after shielding the skulltulla. Did you test that?
If you didn't get a broken deku stick that would be weird.
Since a broken stick never gets used up, you'd only need the one stick for the entire deku tree.
Yep I noticed that :) Decided to do the complete comparison with much better swordless cuccos. Trying to get it uploaded now.
The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSRn5A59ji4
You forgot to include the first jumpslash in Zora's River, which should at least save half a second or a bit more. Did anyone test yet, whether the B1 Skip works the way we are planning using one stick? Just to make sure everything really works the way we are assuming.
Other than that, how exactly do we plan on killing Gohma using ISG? Of course, I know it's possible, but compared to crouch stabbing we should lose a bit more time there as well due to having to lure Gohma a bit more after clipping through the wall.
We can definitely agree that skipping the Sword is faster, though. I'm also pretty sure, that I know a way to skip Mido without losing one of our precious Deku Sticks. I haven't thought about the actual route much yet, but I think we only need 2 sticks then, right? Dunno how much time this will save in the end, depends on how well my idea is going to work out. I barely have any time at the moment, I'll try to upload a video as soon as possible. Give me 2 days ;)
If you are planning to do a new TAS, I would recommend you use bizhawk. It's amazing compared to mupen and since you have to redo everything anyway...
That should also remove the desync problems from the tower escape.
Bloobiebla wrote:
Yep I noticed that :) Decided to do the complete comparison with much better swordless cuccos. Trying to get it uploaded now.
Really nice comparison. :) If only things in MM were this clear cut.
But why didn't you equipp nuts and shield at the same time? That would be a lot faster. You don't need the shield to get ISG with deku sticks, do you?
Edit: Guess you do need it. Even though shield is useless with deku sticks, you still need it to crouch. Bummer.
MrGrunz wrote:
Other than that, how exactly do we plan on killing Gohma using ISG? Of course, I know it's possible, but compared to crouch stabbing we should lose a bit more time there as well due to having to lure Gohma a bit more after clipping through the wall.
I actually think the isg-dekustick-roll should have more range than a sword crouch stab.
MrGrunz wrote:
I'm also pretty sure, that I know a way to skip Mido without losing one of our precious Deku Sticks.
Is it the way I told you about a year ago? Well probably not, because that one was pretty slow. I'm curious to see what you'll come up with.