I used Gens_movie_test9c.exe for this run because of it's awesome feature of frame advance. This help ALOT when making runs like this.
Takes damage to save time
Abuses luck
Aims for fastest time
Uses a glitch when jumping from elavators moving up which causes the character to jump higher.
Pulls of some graphical glitches, (which has no inflicts on the game at all. Just funny.)
Ok. So here it is (finally). After alot of work I managed to shave this baby down alot since current version. This is mainly caused by damage taking and frame-precise movement.
This version is 24 seconds faster than the old version and presents alot more stylish events. Some parts in the game can still look like a goof though. This is because of colision detection and invicible edges. There for I have to jump higher than it resonably looks. I also have to do some waiting at some parts of the game. But still know that at every exact frame such as taking damage, move, shoot etc I'm accurate, as far as I know. Frame advance ONLY in this run.
It was very hard and frustrating at some points, either at bosses or at complicated jumps+enemies events. Jumping through enemies is not a very easy thing to do. Takes alot of re-doing.
Also. When I take damage I jump at the very last frame possible. This is because when the character lands he can walk again. If I just walk into an enemy he will sort of anime style "die and explode for billions of years to come, while strong graphical animations passes by your eyes". Not really that much. But it would add up seconds if it wasn't done right. :)
There are more info to read about my progress at this game. Just follow the link: Forum/Topics/1558
The stars are predicting a revival.
Of the 6:th demon king Ota Nobunaga...
Unless we tell Peacock.
Yeah, the main character's name is Peacock (Kujaku). The name of the game is...
The Peacock King 2
subtitle: The castle of illusion.
So this appears to be a sequel. The first one doesn't appear to have been released for the Genesis though. But if you search for "Kujaku-oh 2 - The peacock king" and download it, you'll see that it is the exact same game as Mystic Defender, but in Japanese only. (MD has both Japanese and English depending on your emulator country setting.)
The intro says:
孔雀よ、 阿修羅をたすけたくば
Peacock, if you want to save Ashura (Alexandra in the English version), come to Azuchi castle.
Ashura can also mean "fighting demon", but I don't think that's relevant in this case.
Also, the stages have names:
六天使 - Use the 6:th sky (?)
安土城 - Azuchi castle
魔獣 - The demon beast
逆十字 - The inverted/wicked cross (see boss)
迷宮 - The labyrinth
信長 - Nobunaga (the evil guy from the intro)
聖獣 - The holy beast
Um, so anyway... I vote yes.
Sort of.
In Mystic Defender: genei = phantom, vision, illusion
In Castle of Illusion: fushigi = wonder, miracle, strange, mystery, marvel, curiosity
Castle of Illusion is Castle of Illusion even in the Japanese version. Fushigi only appears in the text below the title.
Interesting. But are there any more diffrences that clothes, enemy colours, names etc in the japanese version?
Thanks for the comments so far, and of course the YES-votes. ;)
I forgot to answer this question, and Highness reminded me just now.
Except for the clothing of the protagonist (which is consistent for both sprites and cutscenes) I saw no other differences in the japanese and english versions. I cannot say I looked that extensively, though, so I won't be suprised if anyone finds more.
Okey dokey.
Another interesting thing I found while browsing my dictionary:
孔雀妙王 - くじゃくみょうおう - Mayuri Vidya-raja, Holder of the mantras (Budd.)
There is one kanji more in the name of the Buddhist dieity, but this manga links them in some way.
I looked around briefly for more info but didn't find anything interesting... so that's all for now.
The Japanese title is
孔雀王2 - kujaku ou 2
Meaning Peacock king 2. There is also a buddhistic diety called
孔雀妙王 - kujaku myouou
See the connection? There is also a manga, called Kujaku-Ou, with a main character of the same name, who is a monk (with a silly toga, perhasp?) born with the power of Kujaku-myouou. The manga is filled with demons, monsters, and powerful sorcerers/priests. Sounds familiar?
I'm thinking either this is a game from this manga, or that they are both based on the same legend. Here is a scan from the manga. Looks somewhat familiar, right?
After digging some more, I think Kujaku-Oh 1 was released for Master System.
That's it. I'll stop rambling now.