Captain Optimus Maximus (COM), the warmongering leader of The Great Frame War I, The Great Frame War II and The Mother of All Frame Wars.
Run Right for Justice League, a group of superheroes who "run right for justice".
Minimal Input Man, Dr. Wily's latest robot master creation who moves only when absolutely necessary.
Tom of Fscreen or Tom Offscreen.
Tom is never seen! Tom is always offscreen! (Cousin of Tom of Finland.)
Long before we had 3D printers... there was... Item Duplicator Man. He duplicates any item in your 8th inventory slot. It only works if you have four members in your party and at least one of them is dead or poisoned.
Desynch Demon. The Lovecraftian horror beast born in the depths of long forgotten input files.
The April Fool's Man. This guy works everyday, all day, the whole year. Creator of the worst TAS movies.
Dinosaur. Colored.
Don't forget the iconic "batmobile" of our times, the ADVANCEDFRAME CONVERTIBLE!