There is this website I have heard about:
From what I here, it works like this. They have a bunch of hat, sweater, t-shirt, mugs and stuff like that, all with blank templates. Pictures and text, pretty standard stuff. Then what you do, is you send them what text and pictures you want, and they will create the items and send them to you for a reasonable price. Usually you can't get this kind of stuff done when you are ordering in quantities less than 100, but this site will make these for you by the dozens. Which would be much more efficient for a small site. Of course this is what I have heard, I have not seriously looked at it yet. But I must say a mug with a mega-man helmet would interest me greatly... Or an eggplant wizard on a white mug... Mugs I tell! Thats where it's at.
The old fall back: small mario + Mushroom = Large Mario going around a mug would be SOOOOOO retro-shiek.