No thread for this game? Let's change that.
Current Field 00 progress. 81 frames faster than the published run, and it still needs some work.
I don't know how far I'll take this, but it's a very short movie and I'm already pretty familiar with Umihara TASing so I should be able to finish it. The physics between SNES Umihara and Shun are different enough to throw me off, but similar enough that it won't take me long to get used to them.
Apart from just finding new routes/optimizing the current ones, there's a
known improvement on Field 31. Hopefully I can improve every stage by at least a little bit. It'd be awesome if I could match the published run's time even with the BIOS screens, though that's probably a bit too optimistic. EDIT: That is indeed a bit too optimistic, since level loading times are also quite a bit longer. Oh well. Accuracy!