Recently, YoyoGames and HumbleBundle released the source code of Another Perspective, a cool indie game by Shaun Spalding :
Thus, I made a TAS Tool for Another Perspective.
Download :
On first execution, it will write 100 000 .tas files in your computer.
Then, close the game.
You will see in AppData that there are new files named with the frame number.
You have to edit it in a text editor with the following code :
None = 0
Jump = 1
Enter = 2
Reset = 4
Switch = 8
MoveLeft = 16
MoveRight = 32
Escape = 64
MoveUp = 128
Max = 255 = (2^8)-1
Path : AppData\Local\AnotherPerspective_YoYo
If you want to execute multiple inputs, you'll have to add the input code.
Example : You want to play Jump and move to the left on frame 247.
Jump = 1; Left = 16; 1 + 16 = 17
Open the TAS file 247.tas => Insert the number 17
Then launch the game, press New Game and the TAS will play.
The system I made is possible to be done on all the other games released on Humble Bundle such as :
Death Ray Manta
Spoiler Alert
Stealth Bastard Deluxe
Savant - Ascent
10 Second Ninja (oh god that would be so cool if someone wanted to TAS it with my tool)
L'Abbaye des Morts
Spelunky Classic (PC)
FrapZC and Blue_Link are working on AP TAS currently, ask them if you are interested.
As far as I know, this is the first mod of the game; if you are interested or have any question, contact me.