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umm.... you cant make a video because trying to record it causes desynchs. if the input stream isnt spot on, the emulator cant replay the movie correctly, and therefore no movie can be recorded from the emulator. that is how every movie on the site works.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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so I will never see the end of this game I'm not good enough to beat it..sick game :p
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it's not a hard game at all. just waste GP on death scrolls and get the time crest as soon as you can. you can casually beat the whole game 100% in less than 90 minutes.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I just began it (for the second time in 4 years lol) yesterday, and played it for about 10min, and I'm already stuck to a flying boss with scythe like arms
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Zurreco wrote:
until i find out why this desynchs on other peoples' systems and not mine
Sorry if I already asked this, but... What synchronization settings were you using when recording this? I would think that recording with WIP timing + Fake Mute + VHER-OFF + Sync Sound + Snes9x DirectSound Driver would keep it synchronized.
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Just tried it with those settings. It keeps missing a beat somewhere about frame 9200. No idea why. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't right in the middle of fighting the hardest to manipulate miniboss in the game...
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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You mean you started from scratch just now and got to frame 9200, which is... which miniboss? (I'm guessing the flying divebombing one.) Actually, could I see the smv of it? I don't think I have any at the moment that use those settings and still lead to a place of definite desync like this.
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Heh, well. I have my 8th version, which was after I tested all the ROMs out there and retried the 'best' one so many times. Anyways, the smv is http://www.geocities.com/aazurreco/ZDC.zip so have fun with it. If you find a way to fix it... well... I guess I'll start up Demon's Crest again sooner or later.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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which rom I must use to see it ? us ? e ? jp ? I've got a french rom of the game (yeah, it was translated in french and it sux lol)
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Demon's Crest (U).smc
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I don't see what's the problem, it's during the 1st boss/midboss ?
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Zurreco wrote:
Heh, well. I have my 8th version, which was after I tested all the ROMs out there and retried the 'best' one so many times. Anyways, the smv is http://www.geocities.com/aazurreco/ZDC.zip so have fun with it. If you find a way to fix it... well... I guess I'll start up Demon's Crest again sooner or later.
OK, it looks like this game doesn't have any desync problems, except when you don't use WIP timing. With that, I got through that battle without desync (and considerably faster, I think: DemonsCrest-1.smv.zip). Changing settings won't fix an existing movie that was recorded with different settings, because the input itself in the movie is incorrect (because the emulation screwed up while you were recording it), but it should prevent it from happening when recording in the future. So if you redo everything from that miniboss onward with the new setting, you probably won't have any more desync problems. You could also turn on fake mute and sync samples to be even more on the safe side, but I don't think they make a difference in this game.
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We'll see. I'm a bit miffed that people want an any% before a 100%, but whatev. I'll get on it when I do.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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i prefer to see a 100% run ^-^ i like seeing everything collected, more interesting to watch IMO.
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any progress? :)
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Aria of Sorrow comes before Demon's Crest. Sorry. Someone else can do the any% if they wish to. The path is just first level -> wind crest -> phalanx. I would rather do the 100%, as I have it all planned already.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I was thinking about doing a vid of this, but I'm having some trouble rerecording... It's hard for me to stop recording, close the emulator, come back, then continue where I left off. Seems like a bit of a headache. :(
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It's actually a lot simpler than you think. Right before you're done for the day, make a snapshot savestate and then stop recording. Then, when you next want to resume recording, just load the movie and access the snapshot. For anyone that is interested: I may be thinking about trying this again. any% followed quickly enough by 100%, although I doubt the latter would be accepted. Feel free to sway me in any which direction you want.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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It would be great if you tried doing this one again. I know you're much better at this kind of thing than me. Don't hold out on working on this because of me. Even if I do create a run, it won't be that great and will need to be improved. ("Perfect" is continually redefined on this site. :D)
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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Zurreco wrote:
For anyone that is interested: I may be thinking about trying this again. any% followed quickly enough by 100%, although I doubt the latter would be accepted. Feel free to sway me in any which direction you want.
I thus sway you towards 100%
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I wouldn't be that interested in seeing an any% run. It just seems kind of lame to rush to Phalanx and get an incomplete ending. There are 2 runs that I'm interested in... A 100% run, which I'm (slowly) working on, and a run that puts in the password and beats the Dark Demon without getting hit. I believe the Dark Demon password is... QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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Ok, so here is my 100% route plan. Note that the Vellums are the "scrolls" and the Urns are the "vials."
Level 1 - Life Ext, Life Ext, Vellum, (ARMA)
Level 2 - (OVUNUNU)
Level 4 - Urn, Crown Talisman, Vellum, (ARMA)
Level 4 - (FLIER)
Level 5 - Life Ext, (CRAWLER)
Level 5 - Life Ext, Life Ext, (HOLOTHURION), Life Ext
Level 6 - Urn, Life Ext, Armor Talisman, (ARMA)
Level 6 - Vellum, (GREWON)
Level 2 - Urn, Hand Talisman, Vellum, Life Ext
Level 2 - Life Ext, (BELTH), Life Ext
Level 1 - Urn, Life Ext
Level 3 - Vellum, Life Ext, (SCULA), Life Ext
Level 3 - (FLAME LORD)
Level 3 - Urn, Life Ext, Skull Talisman
Lake    - Life Ext
Final L - Life Ext, Fang Talisman, (PHALANX)

Life Exts = 16
Vellums   = 5
Urns      = 5
Talismans = 5
This route seems the fastest to me. So far, the slow parts that I can think of would probably be the updraft room in Level 4 and probably the level bosses. Please post comments about my route. I would like to hear input to see if anybody thinks it could be better or if I made any mistakes in my planning. Also, I would like to hear input on which weapon you think would be best against each boss. In a TAS you could probably use a weapon you couldn't normally use as effectively, more effectively.
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Serj wrote:
Ok, so here is my 100% route plan.
Your route is pretty close to mine, which I listed on the first page (and is revised as of this post): "stage 1 -> statue scroll -> miniboss -> straight to arma completes headbutt minigame in lake (NW of stage 3) stage 2 -> straight to underground area -> straight to ovnunu stage 4 -> straight to whirlwind -> miniboss -> crown relic -> scroll -> arma stage 4 -> uses buster for life piece -> straight to flier boss stage 6 -> uses air crest for vial -> enters fortress -> uses buster for life piece -> uses air/earth crests to get armor relic -> straight to arma stage 6 -> uses earth crest to get scroll -> straight to grewon stage 3 -> straight to flame lord stage 3 -> uses air crest for vial -> uses air crest for life piece -> uses buster for skull relic stage 5 -> straight to crawler stage 5 -> uses earth crest to get two life pieces in temple -> uses water crest to obtain life piece -> straight to holuthurion stage 1 -> collects vial -> uses buster to get life piece stage 2 -> uses water crest to get vial and hand relic -> uses buster to get scroll and life piece in underground area stage 2 -> uses earth crest to get life piece in graveyard -> straight to bone daddy stage 3 -> enter underwater area -> use buster for scroll -> use water crest for life piece -> straight to scula stage 7 -> straight through level, collecting life piece and fang relics -> defeat phalanx " The boss fights aren't so bad as you would think. You use fire shot at first, followed by Buster once you kill Ovnunu. Once you get the Crest of Air, every boss falls fairly quickly. Once you get the Crest of Time from the final Arma fight, the bosses fall way too fast. Therefore, you get the Crest of Air fairly early, and the Crest of Time comes a bit after that.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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So which route do you think is better? My route can play all the levels and beat all the bosses effectively and also spends the least amount of time on the overworld. Also, does which sound driver I use effect the emulation? Because FMOD DirectSound seems to work better for me than Snes9x DirectSound.
Friendly neighborhood Christian: "Ah hell diddly ding dong crap!"
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I'd say my route is faster. The few seconds that you save in the overworld are lost whenever you encounter an enemy or boss, since Time Crest attacks do a huge amount of damage, especially with talismans. Also, your map drawing doesn't show the headbutt minigame. I don't know anything about sound drivers, but nitsuja said that this game should run fine so long as you use WIP timing.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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